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2016/10/14 23:18:22 (permalink)


Forecast looks good...but of course creeks will be too high to fish until October 26th when I start hunting so jus stay home until then!
Soon my fellow steelie chasers soon...WCW

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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/15 10:14:31 (permalink)
    Need more than rain, Brother
    need more fish  than anglers
    I'm not so sure that will happen .
    most everyone thinks rain events trigger  major runs .
    I don't think that holds true...but most do...and as a result, it  also triggers "major runs" of anglers
    It's always hoards of anglers and mayhem after a  good rain
    me personally, I've always enjoyed fishing low n clear conditions .
    even though the bite is generally tougher
    (with the occasional exception of happening to have just the right color, action or flavor they turn on to)
    but in "general", low n clear is usually a tougher bite
    Reason I like the low 'n clear?
    Most anglers will wait for/prefer  better conditions ...so it's generally less crowed
    second...you can closely observe  the fish and their  behavior.
      That allows one to adjust tactics and/or offerings til you get positive reactions ..no sense in continually tossing the same  junk  the same way over and over if not getting any positive reactions like looks or chases
    don't be afraid to try crazy "out of the box" offerings either
    I once put on a giant soft plastic bass bait and tossed into a pool of lethargic/uninterested   fish  I couldn't get a reaction from after an hour or more  of trying all the "normal" flies n stuff .
    as soon as it the water, I had  fish chasing it
    I've learned the most about steel by fishing low n clear...simply because it allows close observation of fish
    I learned they can see surprising far upstream, as  I've observed fish from 30-40 ft immediately react as soon as my junk  hit the water and move up to chase/investigate and/or take my offering .
    I've learned they might have eyes in the back of their head too...as I've observed similar in reverse  ...where they peeled from the pack to chase down stream  an offering that went by them..and was 25-30 feet behind them before they made a move 
    Fishing low n clear has always been enjoyable to me
    Even when/if the bite is slow ..(which is far more common than not for me)
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/15 12:32:19 (permalink)
    I don't mind clear conditions as long as you can still tickle their predatory instincts.
    But living so near the tribs and having the fish all stacked up in a ball with their noses down because they're surrounded by fisherpeople, that got old for me in the late 2000's.
    I still do the bobber/drift thing when the water is up and it's going to be a numbers day. But, I find the streamer swing or retrieve or jigging type approach more exciting and you do seem to get the hard fighting alpha males and bad attitude hens. 
      That's why I also prefer fishing the bottom 1/3 of the streams as it seems the farther up the fish swim, the less aggressive they are. 
     I'm sure that If I lived farther away and didn't have as many fishing opportunities, my whole attitude would be different. 
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/15 13:15:42 (permalink)
    I'm with you on the low clear fishing G man ,very challenging but you learn the secrets by watching fish in high spooked clear conditions. Always was my favorite time too.
    Not only love seeing the strike, but get to watch how easy and quick fish spit back your offering for a miss ! You learn how to micro tune your fishing.
    Catching these big Trout in these small ditches is fun but the bigger the river the more you really get to see the true power of fiery fighting Steelhead. Give that 10lb. Steelie a nice strong river current and 50 yard wide river and see how many double digit days you have !        
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/15 18:38:42 (permalink)
    Yes low clear water is best stay home when the streams rise...WCW
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/16 02:50:14 (permalink)
    would you rather walk 25 miles in desert conditions or 25 miles in cooler more comfortable weather. I don't believe the whole rain triggers runs thing fully.. but **** does a cool rain feel good after a day of being in the summer sun.

    Rain is "associated" with low pressure. Low pressure is associated with animal activity of some sort, But that window is small and if you can learn it and capatilize on it it is some of the best time you can spend on the water. So low pressure brings cooler temps, accumulation of sort, and brings their movements to a peak window.
    So.. in my opinion rain, really is only a result of low pressure that is a necessity to ease over populated fishing areas.. if you had Erie tribs to your self with very little to no pressure year after year.. I think you will be finding your self not asking for rain as much!!

    That being said the fish would be stacked up ( "stuck" )in the lower reaches and you'd most likely be able to go in there with any fly, live bait or lure and have a blast on un pressured, unmolested fish.. rain would be unwelcome if it wasn't for the over crowding thAt is Erie... it is needed to "spread" the fish that run not "trigger a run" to the lower reaches where they are trapped and the onslaught begins.

    Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/16 08:43:55 (permalink)
    Its Black....now I will wait for everyone to tell why it is actually white.
    Fish move better and hit better in high water I understand there are a lot of sight fisherman I prefer not to see them- to each their own...WCW
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/16 11:42:37 (permalink)
    Fish move better and hit better in high wateR

    Better conditions makes more of them willing to bite
    In prime conditions, it not uncommon to see fish being hooked up and down the creeks by all level (experienced and non) anglers
    But when the water clears and one can actually count fish, more often than not, it's not due to mass waves  of new fish.
    It's due mostly  to the fish  being less finicky
    there are exceptions.
    I recall some years ago (Fall '99 or 2000 maybe?)
    we had two weeks of steady rain in late Sept/early Oct
    Racoon got FULL of fish like I've never seen it
    for the creeks with plenty water to enter (like Elk) been my observations over the years, they come in regardless of rain events in numbers great and small.
    Til a a good rain, they simply continue to stack up down low.
    with a heavy rain, then  most will skedaddle upstream
    only a couple seasons I can recall where we had a wet Fall.
    Those were the seasons the fish were truly spread out all Fall .
    Many complained there weren't  many fish....that wasn't so...it was more due to them not being trapped in the  major holes.
    There were pockets of 5-6 to 10-12 fish all over...you just couldn't see 'em and had to chuck your junk in "fishy looking" water to find them
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/16 16:45:02 (permalink)
    I remember one year I caught fish all the way up by I-79 jumped in my ride and headed to the Elk Access and caught fish there . Now that's a good run and spread of fish !
    Not like the past few years where they pile up in the basic holes and the guys surround them like the kids at the Trout Pool at SeaWorld !
    I'm not knocking high water conditions that's always great fishing too not knowing where the fish are is also a good challenge. Nothing better then a strike of a fish out of nowhere but the angler has the advantage of higher colored water. Once that water is gin clear and fish are on high alert it's a different ballgame for the angler.....like you said each their own.
    I enjoy both but just favor the clear water challenge.
    Nobody here but the 3 kids with me all had fun that day !

    First run on a popular creek a few years back. Actually not as easy as it looks !   
    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/10/16 16:57:42
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/16 17:09:35 (permalink)

    First run on a popular creek a few years back. Actually not as easy as it looks !   

    LOL....no doubt in my mind
    when fish in a pool are facing lots of different directions ... figure you're gonna have to work the bag of tricks to make something happen
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/16 17:10:55 (permalink)
    Remember the days when you walked the creeks and seen several holes like this and hardly anyone around !
    I would walk past several runs with 20-25 fish just heading to my favorite hole because I knew it would probably hold even more fish!
    Talk about spoiled on Erie fishin !        Absolutely .......I won't lie !    lol......
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/16 18:23:01 (permalink)
    Remember the days when you walked the creeks and seen several holes like this and hardly anyone around !

    yep...especially in low n gin clear/no flow conditions
    more than a few times over the years I walked to the big hole down stream at Struesion to have the whole hole and hundreds of fish to myself
    same for the old bridge abutment hole there
    fished the Conrail tubes in Oct with hundreds of fish all to myself as well
    On a weekday, it wasn't unusual for the tubes to get light pressure
    yessir...spoiled indeed
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/16 18:38:30 (permalink)
    Oh yea... I'm not afraid to admit I LOVED easy fishing like in the ole days
    Nothing better than having 100 fish 50 ft from the parking lot...
    If I couldn't find any dumb ones, walk a few hundred ft, see if there were dumb enough to bite my junk
    I like to fish, but love catching bedder...
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/16 20:36:09 (permalink)
    I seen a school at the RR tubes one year that was just unbelievable ! It started at the end of the far left tube and went almost to the fast water tailout. Remember that was when that hole was like a small lake at least 4-5 ft. deep or more in the center ! If I say 3 to 4 hundred fish I would not be exaggerating. It use to be hard to wade out to the tubes back then. You had to go way up to the top of the hole and you just barely could make it out!
    Use to be able to drive up there from RT.5 and park there.  
    Fished in those tubes too long a few times and when you came out your eyes hurt from the sun ! LOL...
    Seen lots of rod tips broke or damaged in there from guys swinging on fish and hitting the wall !

    That run out below the tubes is so filled in and shallow as compared back then. Wish I took some pictures to show how it looked then.
    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/10/16 20:55:43
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/16 21:58:58 (permalink)
    Doesn't look like they are calling for all that much rain from what I see.
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    Re: RAIN RAIN RAIN... 2016/10/17 08:14:18 (permalink)
    I seen a school at the RR tubes one year that was just unbelievable ! It started at the end of the far left tube and went almost to the fast water tailout. Remember that was when that hole was like a small lake at least 4-5 ft. deep or more in the center ! If I say 3 to 4 hundred fish I would not be exaggerating. It use to be hard to wade out to the tubes back then. You had to go way up to the top of the hole and you just barely could make it out!
    Use to be able to drive up there from RT.5 and park there.  
    Fished in those tubes too long a few times and when you came out your eyes hurt from the sun ! LOL...
    Seen lots of rod tips broke or damaged in there from guys swinging on fish and hitting the wall !

    That run out below the tubes is so filled in and shallow as compared back then. Wish I took some pictures to show how it looked then.

    Yes Hook, that was my go to spot for YEARS!  ill have to dig up some old pics.  Started fishing Erie about 1992.  I bet I caught a few 1000 fish out of that hole.   I am sure we fished that hole together many times...  95% of my trips started right there and finished there..  My best memory was a trip from Indiana that took us 6 hours instead of 2 because of the snow, had to change under the RR bridge at the top of the hill because of snow.  Close to 4 ft of fresh snow fell during 2-1/2 days and didn't see another person.  Squalls were so hard that we couldn't see each other fishing both sides of stream at times.. Couldn't even begin to guess how many fish we caught.  A bad crowd back then was 4-5 guys fishing during the week, now, its not even enjoyable to me now.   Spend most of my time in Michigan for salmon and steelhead in the fall..  Nothing better than catching Kings on crank baits!!!
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