Helpful Replywhich year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?

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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/17 10:21:52 (permalink)
Mid/late 90's-early 2000's were the best for me, as some said not really fishing, just catching. Mid/late 90's was the best though, almost no crowds and chances are you knew most of the ones you ran into. Remember times we'd be fishing the mouths at night for eyes early in the season, wouldn't be uncommon to catch some with 2 or 3 and sometimes more smolts in them. Buddy of mine caught one with 6 in it, wonder how that thing was still hungry? 

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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/17 10:35:34 (permalink)
I remember being annoyed when 1 or 2 guys would show up at the RR trestle at Elk around 9 am.  During the week I wouldn't see anyone for the 1st 2 hours.  My how the times changed....
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/17 21:10:02 (permalink)
Hey Smitty. Glad to see you still around. Still keeping honey bees?
I remember fishing the Legion Area many times in the late 80's and seeing no one after the end of October. Weekdays, weekends, it didn't matter. Granted there were not nearly the numbers of fish, but **** it was peaceful.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/17 21:28:47 (permalink)
PT, lost some bee's still got some and just got a small swarm a month ago, gotta give them some extra feed and hope to keep them for the winter. We need to find time to fish, here or there always liked being with ya and its be to long! 
Old Dog, I remember ya, just not your old name, sorry. Veggeies were a right off this year, lost almost all of it. Not much else to tell you on that end. But we'll still eat good.

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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/17 22:57:29 (permalink)
Smitty I would love to wet a line some day soon. Sadly I haven't fished the tribs in 3 or 4 years.  Just not me cup of tea these days I suppose. Do miss fishing with the friends I made back in those days.  It was blast!
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/18 04:07:11 (permalink)
Funny to see all the support on the forum over the last two years on how crappy the runs now are. We seen this coming years ago and got nothing from the "fisherman" on this forum but a bunch of mocking and know it all b.s.
-2 harsh winters in a row killing baitifsh and steam rolling stream beds. Water is up for a day then drops. Fish have no where to hang out. Lots of good holes flattened.
-PFBC not stocking as many for years now. Because PI bay is so important to stock with smolt. IDIOTS.
-PFBC not knowing what is going on. (Sorry PFBC driving up to the walnut parking lot and looking at people fishing is not observing the fishery. Oh our fish ladders work on the mile creeks. "WE SEEN 3 FISH THAT MADE IT UP THE LADDER - PFBC LEGEND who obviously knows what good fishing is.) 
-People not wanting to put 1 or 2 back for anyone else to catch and enjoy. (despite a massive lack of fish and low water conditions.)
So many reasons why PFBC has mismanaged a money making beast and have turned it mediocre.
"just being out on the water" is good enough. We do not need to hook 100 fish all the time.
We should all just steelhead fish with no fish
"just being out on the water is good enough for me" - People who encourage crap fishing and are part of the problem.
post edited by mike55 - 2016/10/18 04:20:43
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/18 06:41:12 (permalink)
Funny to see all the support on the forum over the last two years on how crappy the runs now are.

i'm confused....what  "support" are  you referring to, Mike?
We seen this coming years ago and got nothing from the "fisherman" on this forum but a bunch of mocking and know it all b.s.

refresh my memory,Mike.....what were you suggesting the "fix" was?
do you think C&R would have any effect on the  runs of the last few years?
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/18 06:44:48 (permalink)
 We should all just steelhead fish with no fish BECAUSE "just being out on the water is good enough for me" - People who encourage crap fishing and are part of the problem.  

tell us how you really feel lol keep preaching to the choir.........however, Some people were raised to make the most of every opportunity. I do not feel one ounce of regret that being on the water is the only thing that keeps me from losing my mind. It IS good enough for me, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
I don't need 10048362947 fish, I don't need ideal conditions.. truthfully, the way it is now it can stay this way, so people lose interest in it.. too many people leave "sportsmanship" behind once they get to the tribs. Erie stillllhead fishing needs a huge douchin to separate the sportsman from the slobs.

I agree with a lot of your points. Just when you chose to start slandering people over a Internet forum is when i lost you. The pbfc would rather give out traffic violations than fishing violations. They Pay more attention to useless BS than snaggers and limit violators.

It is only going to get worse before it gets better.. that Obama care really hit them fish hard. They just don't have the funding to return to the tribs every fall, budget cuts and cost of living in the lake strains their livelihoods. Btw I'll be on the tribs chasing them ZERO stillies leaf fall its allllll good! And I will gladly drive 4 hours to do it.. because, I just love the sport..always have... always will..

Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/18 06:51:07 (permalink)
PT 2 That Legion area was great in it's day. Held lots of fish from the main hole on up.
Use to park there and maybe see 6-8 cars all day.....last time there (a few years ago ) looked like a Wal-Mart parking lot on Black Friday !
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/18 09:45:52 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby old dog 2016/10/18 10:03:29
Old dog, quit trying to put things in true perspective...we want more fish!!! More is betterer!!!

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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/18 12:54:25 (permalink)
im gonna get my bucket and tackle box and head over to the access area and fish all day and night because i aint got no job and i might even bring my fat wife.

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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/18 15:35:50 (permalink)
Make sure it's a white bucket !
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/18 16:00:45 (permalink)
im gonna get my bucket and tackle box and head over to the access area and fish all day and night because i aint got no job and i might even bring my fat wife.   

The nights are chilly make sure she sits on you duUD

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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/19 15:43:10 (permalink)
theres A LOT of factors that play in too a good "run" of fish ... weather, water conditions, people, predatory fish.... thats why you dont see me complaining..... wish i was around for the "glory days" tho

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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/19 15:45:38 (permalink)
"truthfully, the way it is now it can stay this way, so people lose interest in it."
im praying poolfinger

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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/19 17:39:34 (permalink)
The "new" opened section of walnut already looked like a hurricane hit... didn't take long for the slobs to start making a mess.
The officers noticed and started to walk around and watching people. I've never been checked 4 times in a day till this past weekend. Good for them, hope they keep up the pressure on people.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/20 22:10:15 (permalink)
PT, haven't fished for slimers or greasers in atleast 3-4 years myself. Went back to the old days, when I do get to get out.
Rap, from talking to many growers, location was the key to growing this year.

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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/20 22:34:57 (permalink)
Rap, from talking to many growers, location was the key to growing this year.

I must of been in the right spot ...even though it was dry summer , the rain we did get was just right at the right times apparently .
cause my garden EXPLODED...i never had such a good garden .
Even my peppers did great (one thing that's never  done really well for me)
My farmer neighbor's fields kicked butt.
bumper crop of soy beans and corn
he just got a good  third cutting from his hay fields this year too
It's rare he gets a  "good" third cutting  like this one
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall? 2016/10/20 22:55:29 (permalink)
old dog
i'll probably have my soil tested as my garden location isn't the best.  it seemed as though everything struggled.  i know guys to the southeast that had incredible years.  i also had some lousy plants from a local greenhouse.  mislabled and sterile plants at that.  i think next year i will go buy my plants from big tuna.
i did get my first seed catalog in the mail this week.

I'm right next to West Branch, Rap.
a mile from the marina
guess that would be 25-30 miles west of you
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