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which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
I go back a pretty good ways I used to keep notes, but quit doing that by the early '90s from recollection, I'm thinking the best run years were from 2000 to 2003 (both Ohio and Pa) what's your recollection it 30+ years chasing steel or 3 years all comments welcome ..L.T.A.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/12 07:23:24
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2016/10/14 22:41:27
I would concur with 2000 to 2003.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/12 12:33:12
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2016/10/14 22:41:43
You guys nailed it ! I favor 2003 a tad more. 94 was also a top five on my list .
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/12 13:15:27
CAPTAIN HOOK You guys nailed it ! I favor 2003 a tad more. 94 was also a top five on my list .
There was also a year that the overall numbers declined a bit from the previous season, but the fish were much larger than average. I caught more 10-12 pounders that one year than the previous 5 years combined That year I landed my largest ever steelie Didn't have have a scale, but that fat football shaped hen full of eggs went went every bit of 15 plus pounds I'd bet. Maybe Fall of '05 or '06???? Not sure what year, but it sure was the year of the big'uns LTA
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/12 13:35:17
2003 for me. I was fishing a stretch on upper elk and there weren't that many people. Fish were stacked in some of the holes. We had holes with 300 or more fish to ourselves. Many days with over 20 landed. Never had that since although I was gone for 11 years in South Carolina. The hurricane came through the next year and filled in all of those holes, numbers declined and the people increased up there. Went to Edinboro from 91 to 95 and was able to go weekdays. Used to walk from the gas well down to the dirt parking lot and see a handful of people. Miss those days, this work thing destroyed my fishing.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/12 19:20:15
2000-2003 than the decline to what we have today. 50 fish days are now just a dream. Waves of fish passing through, dream. Fishing tomorrow a nightmare.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/12 20:18:18
2003 flashback.......My son's 15 lb. 34" upper Elk Steelhead. Still remains the biggest in our fishing group. Had it certified at Elk Sports. Not a great fresh picture we were apart for hours and I had the camera. Lots of fish that year !
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/12 21:41:54
Never kept records, the mid 90's were pretty dam good. The early 2000's were superfantabulous. There days it was plain silly. By no means fishing, pure and simple catching. PT2
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/13 09:52:26
I would say 2008 was the last good year for decent runs.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/13 10:31:42
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/13 10:34:01
post edited by Mikastorm - 2016/10/13 10:37:08
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/13 10:46:25
2009 was the last big run and good flows that I can remember. I know there were good years before then but there were fish everywhere and the flows were up through most of the prime season. I remember being at Follys and there being people along the whole wall just around the bend downstream of the camp. Tons of fish and tons of fishermen. Now it's not unusual to see just a few fish here and there in the past few years in that stretch.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/13 18:09:06
2011 was the second time I took my son for steelhead (he was 8) and the last time I can recall that there were stupid numbers of fresh, hard fighting fish in some of my favorite spots after a big blow out in early November. 2012 was still pretty good in that regard too. I didn't start fishing the tribs till 2003, but had some great days in the first couple years, even as I was still learning the ropes. 2006-2008 were my best seasons for numbers. The last two years have definitely been different.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/13 20:01:18
95 was good because of few fishermen, 2003 & 2005 were good years too. My biggest fish was in 2003 31.25 inch. The earlier years 80's had fewer fish but there was a mixture of fish. Caught two browns in 2005. Biggest problem now is too many meat fishermen. Nothing you can do about that.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/13 20:05:21
I took a laxitive 2 years ago and had a pretty good run.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/13 20:56:07
Mountian Man I took a laxitive 2 years ago and had a pretty good run. werd....Natural Psyllium Fiber (ok, so it's three werds) ..L.T.A.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 06:09:44
I started fishing Erie in 2006. The first few years were amazing but anymore it's a sad shadow of what it was then. I fished Monday. Found a few fish much higher on Elk than I expected given the conditions, but I've learned never to underestimate these fish. Actually watched several fish on the move Monday in no more than an inch and a half of water and up into the next pool. Is there any sort of a plan to identify and address the depleted runs, short of speculation that the fish are running to other states or increased smolt predation?
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 06:10:53
If the runs get much worse I will probably spend more time in NY.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 09:48:14
Screamin Steel Is there any sort of a plan to identify and address the depleted runs, short of speculation that the fish are running to other states or increased smolt predation?
I'm not aware of much and would think if there was a plan we would have heard about it by now. I do recall a couple of years ago that the PFBC did kind of a half hearted look at Walnut and some other tribs to see if there were natural barriers preventing fish from getting upstream in historical abundance. I think anybody who used to fish middle and upper Walnut knows that a very very small fraction of fish that used to make it over the falls above the Manchester Hole are making it further than that since the big summer blow out of 2009 that changed a lot on that stream including the stream bed at the falls. Kind of a shame as there are many very nice stretches on Upper Walnut that are open to fishing and have some really nice water and could relieve a lot of pressure on lower stretches. But short of dynamite or a fish ladder I'm not really sure there's a solution there other than letting nature take it's course on making another big change to the falls that lets fish make it past there in good numbers. I've also seen quite a bit of speculation that recent smolt stocking numbers are nowhere near what's been advertised. But that is all just speculation and the PFBC maintains that the numbers are accurate. There could very well be big changes that have happened in the lake too. The numbers of fish being roped and harassed with lower returns certainly doesn't help but there are other factors out there causing significantly diminished returns compared to the past. As long as the PFBC keeps making boatloads of money from the hordes that flock to Erie, in my opinion they have very little incentive to address the significantly reduced numbers of returning steelhead in a transparent and pro active way.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 13:59:51
I had heard rumors they were considering a return to the old coho program. I think this would be cool but I'm afraid it's probably just a rumor. Something about poor imprinting and cohos having a stronger imprinting instinct as well as something about adding to the balance in the lake. But like I said, prob just a pipe dream. I'll go back to new york and watch the snaggers.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 14:22:56
Mountian Man I took a laxitive 2 years ago and had a pretty good run. werd....Natural Psyllium Fiber (ok, so it's three werds) ..L.T.A.
That's a little metamucil right there. Now, it seems that there is less and less holding water on the tribs, and I'm pretty sure this at least plays a part in it. Back in the day, in addition to the bigger holes that held plenty of fish for all, there were plenty of smaller holes that held a handful of, say 5-10 fish that you could cast to if you weren't in the mood to fish in the crowds. These holes are getting more and more filled in each year, I can name countless instances of it, and the fish will often congregate in the bigger holes, and get pounded to death. Heck, the beach at 16 mile, where I hooked my first ever steelhead when I was a kid back in 1996, is about a third as wide back then, and not nearly as deep as it once was. That entire stretch used to have nice little pockets and holes for fish to hold in, now it's mostly frog water with tons of leaves on the bottom.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 16:31:48
The decline isn't a "PA"'s a Lake Erie thing as I see it The numbers decline in Ohio mirrors the PA tribs decline year for year And most of Ohio's tribs aren't tiny . Some are full blown rivers with plenty water year 'round Anyone here fish the lake Ontario tribs regular,? Curious if m theory is correct.... That this upset is particular to lake Erie I know the numbers decline isn't particular to PA, as mentioned, the decline in Ohio mirrors PA John, an Rsquare. I'm not so sure it's the changes in the creeks why we don't see more upstream and plenty in pocket water here and there like previous boom years I think it simply due to such a drastic decline in returns in the last 6-7 years give or take There's hasn't been as many fish in major holes down low either. In boom years, the Man hole was literally black with fish All the major holes were up and down ...'least on Elk anyway ,(the PA creek I'm intimately familiar with top to bottom) LTA
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 18:03:45
Well I know the salmon runs are declining on Lake O as well. This year seems better so far than the last 3 years though for numbers. A strong run of cohos on the SR this year. I think creel limits could be reduced to 2 in PA and that minimum size increased to 24". That would help some but I still believe it's a lake issue. Upswing in the walleye population perhaps or maybe something else causing smolt mortality.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 19:27:18
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2016/10/14 22:13:58
Screamin Steel . Upswing in the walleye population perhaps or maybe something else causing smolt mortality.
i was pretty sure of that in the beginning of the slide . The big decline seemed to coincide with the record walleye hatch Two years after that record hatch was old enough to chew their own food, the bottom dropped out of the runs what I don't know (and the "'eye guys" that have been boating them for years can help) has walleye fishing remained as great as it was in early/mid 2000s? I "think" '03 to '06 seasons were boom times for charters? If i recall, many of the better charter boats were limiting out and back in before noon?? ..L.T.A.
post edited by genieman77 - 2016/10/14 19:28:29
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 20:40:20
2016 run is epic so far. Best one I've seen in the past couples years.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 21:02:47
NYDEC has the annual NYDEC Lake Erie Report that is available online. I believe the 2013 report is when they started their study on smolt mortality for NY. Each year after, there are smolt study results. BTW, NY's Lake Erie tribs have the worst return rate for all of Lake Erie. Also, Nagy has a seasonal blog that sometimes has good information on stocking. By Far, early-Mid 2000's had the largest runs as it was the result of increased stockings of steelhead that replaced the king and coho stockings. As for PA, No one knows for sure why numbers are down. It's more likely that it's a combination of things. I do think it is a waste of resources to stock the bay with so many fingerlings. Not many people that fish the bay are targeting steelhead. Sooo, remember way back (late 2000?) when the crowds were getting out of hand. We had discussions on this site about cutting back on the number of fish stocked as a solution to crowd control. It was a to be a remedy for the "stock it and they will come" believers. Most people seemed to want to dismiss the thought that it was the Internets fault. It ended up not being the internets fault. It was the users. (kinda like "guns don't kill people".
post edited by dano - 2016/10/14 21:07:21
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 21:53:02
there's def something to the notion that the poor runs aren't just a PA problem. Sure seems like its even more than a lake erie problem, too. the salmon fishery totally collapsed on huron, salmon are hurting on Michigan, steel are down on erie, and they are cutting stockings for kings on Ontario (albeit because of 2 lost years of alewives due to the polar vortex). Now as for the walleyes, that 2003 class dominated the lake up until a about 2 years ago. since then, overall size has decreased, starting last year where i'd pick up a 18"er here or there (prior it was almost everything 23" or bigger). Now this year was really a transition year. TONS of 14-15"ers, and if you were jigging for perch you could count on catching a bunch of little 6"ers. i know i saw a pic on another site that covers a neighboring state, a big girl walleye puked up a half dozen smolts . Ohio is saying the last 2 years were both solid hatches, that combined may surpass the freak hatch of 2003. so, if walleyes are the culprits, its probably not gonna get any better any time soon.
post edited by ShenangoEyes - 2016/10/14 22:05:37
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/14 22:39:51
☄ Helpfulby genieman77 2016/10/15 08:25:23
On the east side, 2003 was the last year I saw what I would actually call a run, and there were many, even in the little creeks, 4, 7, 12, for example. I remember so many fish coming into seven mile, that you had to be very careful not to throw in front of the steelhead. I would throw streamers to the side and hook up almost every cast. And many days I had the entire seven mile creek all to myself, and caught fish from the mouth all the to Rt. 5 and beyond.
I don't know what happened, but after the 2004 spring season, I never saw what I would call a run in four or seven mile, and hardly ever fish those two creeks at all anymore. (Or even in the other bigger eastside creeks) They were both devastated by the rains of 2004, and washed right down to slate, and the only good holes filled in. But even though there's no holding areas, they don't even come in, in the numbers they did back in the early 2000's. I fished Elk more than four and seven put together last year, and I live between those two, on Rt. 5. I'm blaming the Walleye. Or lampreys? If the same numbers are being stocked, why have the returns on the East side been reduced to about a tenth of what they were? If they aren't going into 4, 7, 12, then 16 and 20 should have phenomenal numbers, but they don't. And now.....back to my hibernation. Keep on keepin on, all.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/15 09:54:09
I agree it's a combo of situations in both Ohio and Pa. waters. Numbers are way down especially after the first Fall run. You just don't see the in coming runs after. Regardless of water conditions they will show up and find holding areas along creeks somewhere. Like G man said Ohio creeks are deep and hold good water as compared to where are the schools of Steel. To switch to a Coho program would be worse. No.1 they all die after spawning no sense for catch and release. Next , they are near impossible to catch in the clear creeks unlike the aggressive Steelhead Trout. Salmon once in full spawn have the strongest lock jaw I've seen. Most in N.Y. are line runners and lifted, some do strike out of aggravation, their stomachs are always empty. I fished in the past Erie years for Coho, and many on average were snagged or foul hooked. All these reasons I've stated is why the program switched to Steelhead and it was the absolute best decision ! I believe the low numbers in Pa. are mainly due to low stocking numbers or as I call it crowd control. Ohio Steel I'm not sure I'll say the cash flow crunch has slowed up stocking.
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Re: which year(s) were the largest runs you can recall?
2016/10/16 21:54:08
For me, 2008 was a very, very good year.....had an absolute blast that year, and, going into the first two weeks of December had several fun and productive days. Had my long time fishing buddy come up for a day around December 12 - we knocked fish all morning on Elk & even better, had the stream practically to ourselves. Had a wintry mix come in mid-afternoon that made it all the more exciting and challenging, yet just as productive. Just a fun, fun day - except for the white knuckle-trip home at duskas the roads were very treacherous. 2003 was a great year as well for me, but probably 'cause that was the last year the upper stretch of Elk by Folly's remained unposted..... turning every bend in that stretch as I'd walk and walk, fishing those runs and pools, without seeing more than 5 guys in December - really would like to see & fish that stretch now just for old times sake.....