Helpful ReplyHabitat improvements...PFBC
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Habitat improvements...PFBC
I know there is major project on Walnut and this 20 mile pier anything else being done I have not heard of? Really like to see some work done on lower Elk(rt 20 down to mouth). And spent some time casting from lil piers jus east of Walnuts mouth for walleye this spring would be nice to see more of this along the shores of Lake Erie maybe just expand what is at Walnut BIGGER scale! Watched video of PFBC guy saying they were considering such projects...would love to see some work done on the TUBES on Elk to make more holding water but keep parking the same so people actually have to WALK. Jus thinking -wondering-BORED need rain so steel start swimming up ditches...probably jus start chasing deer soon -WCW
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 13:13:06
I personally would love to see more access areas at stream mouths, but those **** ice jams are insane big at the mouths...i see a wooden pier lasting less than 5 years before its over taken. In March 2015, I took a walk around some mouths, standing sometimes 15 feet in the air over top of lake erie on ice. Now, imagine the pressure that would be put on a pier or access structure of some sort in that situation. I personally think their best option would be to communicate better, and give certain areas a clear cut designation. We need dhalo sections, FFO sections, C&R sections, and so fourth. It will add some variety, as well as address the many social clashes on the streams. Now i know the fish commish will have to be more active (god forbid) but i feel it will do good. C&R stretches have proven to be effective for long lasting fishing opportunities, I have seen it first hand. It will improve spring time fishing, (be careful with the smolts) creating more income, opportunity and so forth. Access areas need to be labeled, again, with handicap designation on a map or description, with heavy fine implications.
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 14:05:51
Won't we dredge all the tribes 6' deep and put a laid brick path the whole way along side.
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 15:01:32
Mountian Man Won't we dredge all the tribes 6' deep and put a laid brick path the whole way along side.
i would like to be able to drive my truck to the crick to listen to jon bon jovi live uncut while fishin. I'll even have a bumper dumper on the hitch for on the go dookies. We can sit on the tailgate and slay some steel
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 16:50:59
How about keeping the mouth of elk dredged so you can actually use the launch? Or maybe fish cleaning stations at the major launches like they have in NY??
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 18:53:00
Can I have the exact GPS coordinates so I can put them on my new Striker 7?
Mountian Man
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 19:25:29
ShenangoEyes How about keeping the mouth of elk dredged so you can actually use the launch? Or maybe fish cleaning stations at the major launches like they have in NY??
Poor Richards has monopoly on fish cleaning.
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 19:37:03
fishfashfush C&R stretches have proven to be effective for long lasting fishing opportunities, I have seen it first hand. It will improve spring time fishing,
Pa steelie tribs specifically , how? by having some moldy Fall holdovers left that survived harvest and ice break-up? I personally have no problems with C&R sections...purely for selfish reasons I'm only good at catching dUmb ones ....and they're the first to get roped ...AND...there's not enough smoke, seasonings or marinade elixirs to bury the foul taste of the flesh for me, so there's NO interest in me keeping any C&R sections/delayed harvest would be good to keep numbers up in the Fall and before ice over for sure . But don't know if there'd be much advantage to Spring numbers . even during the "epic" run numbers years, the Spring pickings were pretty slim and fish in very poor condition . (save for the few Ohio strays and jacks) as far a FFO...even though that's 99.9999937% of my steel fishing, I'm not at all in favor of FFO. It's too discriminatory and not fair to the less evolved,, inferior, knuckle dragging spin and pin anglerz C&R would be fine though...cause I'm selfish and want (need) LOTS dumb fish to feel like a trout gawd. 'cides, anyone that eats these foul things, must have some kind of chemical imbalance and ain't right in the hED. they can't be trusted to love their mom and puppy i don't want them around me ..L.T.A.
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 20:13:40
Genie, its funny you emphasized "spring time" as i was a little hesitant to put that in. These sections, would work.. especially DHALO. Giving pods of fish some time to spread out, and even the cards. As for your personal uncertainty of certain ones, we are talking small sections, not whole streams, of these regulations. The yough river has many sections of different regulations and it is a tremendous fishery. Many of the finer trout streams in PA, again, follow the same suit. I am not familiar with NY, and OH tribs and their regulations. By no means am i implying they are superior fisheries,(NY or OH) but when I read into them i will forward my findings, and peoples opinions. I live near a DHALO keystone select program, and it is a relief to have some where to go catch nice fish year round. They lift the c&r regulation and raise the size limit in that section though after July I believe. These small regulations sections would literally wipe out 90% of the Lake Erie trib butthurt giving everyone with their respected beliefs a place to go.
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Mountian Man
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 20:29:55
I eat steelhead. Taste like skank ;)
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 20:39:40
fishfashfush Genie, its funny you emphasized "spring time" as i was a little hesitant to put that in. These sections, would work.. especially DHALO. Giving pods of fish some time to spread out, and even the cards. As for your personal uncertainty of certain ones, we are talking small sections, not whole streams, of these regulations. The yough river has many sections of different regulations and it is a tremendous fishery. Many of the finer trout streams in PA, again, follow the same suit. I am not familiar with NY, and OH tribs and their regulations. By no means am i implying they are superior fisheries,(NY or OH) but when I read into them i will forward my findings, and peoples opinions. I live near a DHALO keystone select program, and it is a relief to have some where to go catch nice fish year round. They lift the c&r regulation and raise the size limit in that section though after July I believe. These small regulations sections would literally wipe out 90% of the Lake Erie trib butthurt giving everyone with their respected beliefs a place to go.
I know nothing of inland trout waters Brother Poo No reason for me not to take your word for it...I believe you Steelie tribs (Ohio and Pa) I know a little about. C&R would surely help keep fish numbers up in the Fall. In years past, it didn't much matter.. there were SOOOO many fish in Pa, holes didn't get "fished out" . and you could find fish top to bottom on Elk . With Pa fish being a Fall run, by Spring ice out , what was left were/are really in bad shape ...after a season of being ripped on fair and foul, along with the rigors of trying to spawn on sharp shale gravel, then add the devastation of ice flows grinding many up.....all that was left were scared, beat, half dead, moldy fish that fought like dishrags Having said that, with the greatly reduced run numbers in recent years, it may be time to seriously think about C&R sections. It just might be time now But i don't know if it will have much if any effect on the Spring steel fishing...cause it's never been "all that" in Pa ..L.T.A.
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 20:50:05
All said and done anything that promotes the movement of what little runs of fish we get im all on board with. I understand rain, rain, rain..but thats out of our control. There has got to be an answer that someone could propose an idea to get rid of this "Bath tub" fishing scenario. I would rather have 1000 fish spread out over 20 miles than 1000 in a 1/2 mile stretch getting hammered on 24/7 with nothing being done about it. Its not fair game, and it questions alot of peoples true sportsmanship.
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 22:13:45
fishfashfush There has got to be an answer that someone could propose an idea to get rid of this "Bath tub" fishing scenario.
fish the Grand in Ohio, or Cat in NY?? I donno, Pard'ner...i go back to the mid '80s with my first forays on rivers like the Grand, Chagrin and Conny The first year I crossed the boarder ('90-'91?) and saw Elk and Walnut for the first time...I was surprised at how small, shallow and CLEAR the water was . You pretty much knew you were on fish ..cause you could see 'em . Guess what I'm saying's always been "bath tub, carnival/fare trout pool fishing in Pa dry seasons are far more common than wet ones too. The biggest difference in the last 6-8 seasons are the numbers . I'd estimate there's only a third of the fish compared to 95 to 07 years. Not sure what year the bottom fell out ...'07? '08?? hasn't recovered since ..if anything , it's gotten worse It's not so much the fish can't spread out (we've had several good rains) It's that the holes/areas that hold fish can get fished out due to run numbers not being able to make up for attrition rates (like in the boom time years ) ..L.T.A.
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/09 23:09:47
I can already tell that this year is atleast 2 weeks behind last years current situation,as i have looked through some of my pictures at different spots that ive CPR'd and there arent even fish currently. I usually have friends come in from out of town this week/next week in Oct and we hit it hard for a 4 day trip, that trip was already cut early this year.. it consisted of friday night -Saturday morning. We did a lot of driving, a lot of walking and a lot of hard fishing. Trying different flurocarbons, smaller sized presentations, spinning reels,every color, fly reels, every bug i had, every presentation, for one fish. My only fish was ironically the biggest buck ive ever caught. As of right now id truthfully put money on a 3 fish to every 5 fisherman ratio say 12 hours a day, 7 days a week... that makes for a solid argument in favor of your less fish idea.. as for those regulations i was going to look up, NY is out of this world with regulations on their tributaries. 3 in any combination not to include more than 1 rainbow trout (or steelhead) in the tributaries on lake ontario and tribs, so no more than 1 steelhead at 21" minimum size on a rope. They also have fly sections, "seasonal" sections and catch and release sections. All described in great detail. PA just seems to throw fish in and leave anglers fend for them selves, i dont know how many times i get asked on the creek how many someone is allowed to keep, and what size. I am amazed at how many people dont know the regulations at trout run. For such a "world class fishery" i blame a lot of this on the commission. They could bring in so much money in fines if they actually did their jobs and not just sit in the parking lot. I was told that some idiot was fishing in the staging pool at trout run the other night. I was there a litttle while ago, waiting for 5 a.m. and most guys showing up were absolutely clueless that they had to wait until 5 am.. they seen us standing there so they came down and got ready to cast their lines until we informed them. So in a nutshell, i personally think cleaning up the rule book, and upping the morale would far outweigh habitat improvement. One way to easily do this is every year when you get your erie stamp is to have them have a list of topics to be addressed, and as your getting your stamp you choose one. They handle one concern at a time as voted on by the anglers, every year to the best of their abilities. *edited* BTW, i am on a phone and it just mashes together lol.
post edited by fishfashfush - 2016/10/10 06:43:57
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/10 06:37:51
fishfashfush I can already tell that this year is atleast 2 weeks behind last years current situation,as i have looked through some of my pictures at different spots that ive CPR'd and there arent even fish currently. I usually have friends come in from out of town this week/next week in Oct and we hit it hard for a 4 day trip, that trip was already cut early this year.. it consisted of friday night -Saturday morning. We did a lot of driving, a lot of walking and a lot of hard fishing. Trying different flurocarbons, smaller sized presentations, spinning reels,every color, fly reels, every bug i had, every presentation, for one fish. My only fish was ironically the biggest buck ive ever caught. As of right now id truthfully put money on a 3 fish to every 5 fisherman ratio say 12 hours a day, 7 days a week... that makes for a solid argument in favor of your less fish for those regulations i was going to look up, NY is out of this world with regulations on their tributaries. 3 in any combination not to include more than 1 rainbow trout (or steelhead) in the tributaries on lake ontario and tribs, so no more than 1 steelhead at 21" minimum size on a rope. They also have fly sections, "seasonal" sections and catch and release sections. All described in great detail. PA just seems to throw fish in and leave anglers fend for them selves, i dont know how many times i get asked on the creek how many someone is allowed to keep, and what size. I am amazed at how many people dont know the regulations at trout run. For such a "world class fishery" i blame a lot of this on the commission. They could bring in so much money in fines if they actually did their jobs and not just sit in the parking lot. I was told that some idiot was fishing in the staging pool at trout run the other night. I was there a litttle while ago, waiting for 5 a.m. and most guys showing up were absolutely clueless that they had to wait until 5 am.. they seen us standing there so they came down and got ready to cast their lines until we informed them. So in a nutshell, i personally think cleaning up the rule book, and upping the morale would far outweigh habitat improvement. One way to easily do this is every year when you get your erie stamp is to have them have a list of topics to be addressed, and as your getting your stamp you choose one. They handle one concern at a time as voted on by the anglers, every year to the best of their abilities.
OUCH... I promise, I'm not a school marm ....don't give a whit about speling or gramer. don't much care about capitol leterz or punk-u-a-shun either but do you know how hard a wall of text is to read? couple that with a dy5lexic dysfunction I was borned with....and it's nearly impossible for me to reed you might be on a fone...I can dig it...but help a brother out and mash the "return" buh'un once in awhile for some semblance of paragrafz thankz ..L.T.A.
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/10 10:40:07
Ell ohh elll
Jeanee I'm glad you don't like the tayste...more four me! I'm a knuckle draggin, egg drippin, jiggin spinnin meat hunter (keep 1 or 2 a month).
I've always been against catch an release in a put and take fishery. But maybe for the first 100 yards (or whatever measurement) it could be c&r to give em a chance to get upstream a bit. I'm getting tired of less fish every year. I like when it's easy. I like more fish. I've never been ahht west. I dont care if its nt an authentic steelie in a ditch. I'm spoiled. It's fun I catch more fish.
I will agree that springtime in PA is mostly beat up wet boot fighters. They look haggard!
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/10 15:21:17
The Yough has steel head. Was talking to a guy at Sportsman's Warehouse. He helped stock them. Hope this helps.
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/10 15:33:53
Porktown The Yough has steel head. Was talking to a guy at Sportsman's Warehouse. He helped stock them. Hope this helps.
i got my info from walmart sport section. Great steelhead fishery.
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/10 16:29:12
I've always been against catch an release in a put and take fishery.
Yes sir...I'm more with you than not. Thing is.... Pa is all about "fishing in a bucket" Small, clear, shallow creeks with more fish per cubic ft of water than anywhere east of the Mississippi = easy fishing and big numbers Anyone that fishes Pa and says they're not there for easy fishing in a bucket is full of beans.. With the numbers decline in recent years, (and don't expect it will change) if they hope to continue feeding the local economy, some "out of the box" for Erie thinking may be needed . Delayed harvest would help Maybe even odd/even days for C & R/harvest Something that would prolong the "fishing in a bucket" numbers game till ice over LTA
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/10 19:03:59
If they put a couple more portolets at the Elk creek access parking lot, that would be a major improvement.
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/10 19:23:05
☄ Helpfulby workcanwait.... 2016/10/10 19:52:05
chartist If they put a couple more portolets at the Elk creek access parking lot, that would be a major improvement.
How many do they got up there at the DSR? Because, it sounds to me like there aren't enough portolets in the world to handle all the crap that comes out of you.
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/10 19:33:45
chartistIf they put a couple more portolets at the Elk creek access parking lot, that would be a major improvement.
How many do they got up there at the DSR? Because, it sounds to me like there aren't enough portolets in the world to handle all the crap that comes out of you.
BOOM!!!! (Johnthefisherman drops da mic)
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/10 19:36:51
Porktown The Yough has steel head. Was talking to a guy at Sportsman's Warehouse. He helped stock them. Hope this helps.
News flash bro...Sportsmanship wear Hahhs is closing next weak!
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
Mountian Man
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/11 06:37:56
Porktown The Yough has steel head. Was talking to a guy at Sportsman's Warehouse. He helped stock them. Hope this helps.
Don't tell the fayettekong
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/11 14:02:26
Mountian Man Won't we dredge all the tribes 6' deep and put a laid brick path the whole way along side.
i would like to be able to drive my truck to the crick to listen to jon bon jovi live uncut while fishin. I'll even have a bumper dumper on the hitch for on the go dookies. We can sit on the tailgate and slay some steel
These guys know how to party!
Mountian Man
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/11 20:04:18
Mountian Man Won't we dredge all the tribes 6' deep and put a laid brick path the whole way along side.
i would like to be able to drive my truck to the crick to listen to jon bon jovi live uncut while fishin. I'll even have a bumper dumper on the hitch for on the go dookies. We can sit on the tailgate and slay some steel
These guys know how to party!
Bring your kayak, float fish walnut the falls to the lake.
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/11 23:04:31
Anyone wanna go in on a drift boat service? I Was thinkin of startin one up on cascade!
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/13 20:40:47
Well that was informative...WCW
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Re: Habitat improvements...PFBC
2016/10/14 14:23:57
Say goodbye to your lower unit