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Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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As I stated, JUST A BUNCH OF GREEDY PEOPLE!!! ALL FULL OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND INDIGNATION AND CHIT!!! AND YEAH, ENTITLEMENT ALSO BECAUSE THEY CONSIDER THEMSELVES ABOVE OTHERS SO THEY SHOULD BE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO FISH THE TRIBS. There are people ( myself included ) who have a handicap that might not be severe but bad enough that they can't walk miles of creeks looking for fish. It helps to have a little heads up on whether there are fish in the creeks. I HAVEN'T HEARD ANYONE asking for gps coordinates or specific spot info. Just asking if there are fish in the creeks. And yet the ones who believe that they own the creeks are against them asking. AND YOU SAY YOU ARE NOT GREEDY? I haven't fished Erie for years because of the greed and the unwillingness to share info to a"newbie" AND THE SEVERE RUDENESS FROM THE SO CALLED "GOOD GUYS" who say they are the only ones who do anything to benefit the area. THEY HAVE AND STILL DO BELIEVE THEY HAVE FIRST DIBS ON ANY/ALL FISHING IN THE TRIBS. That's fine, you can have it. And not all the people who fish in the Erie area are chitting on the banks or being vulgar. As with anywhere else, there are always going to be "those people"!!! And even thought they won't admit it or even acknowledge it, THERE ARE NUMEROUS PEOPLE WHO ARE THOSE SAME SLOBS RESPONDING TO MY ORIGINAL POST AND Acting like they are special. Yeah, they sure are. AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED, YOU CAN SHOVE ERIE TRIB FISHING RIGHT UP YOUR OBAMAS, YOU GREEDY BASTARDS!!!!
post edited by SLACKER - 2016/10/05 18:44:27
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SLACKER As I stated, JUST A BUNCH OF GREEDY PEOPLE!!! ALL FULL OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND INDIGNATION AND CHIT!!! AND YEAH, ENTITLEMENT ALSO BECAUSE THEY CONSIDER THEM ABOVE OTHERS. There are people ( myself included ) who have a handicap that might not be severe but bad enough that they can't walk miles of creeks looking for fish. It helps to have a little heads up on whether there are fish in the creeks. I'm not asking for gps coordinates or specific spot info. I haven't fished Erie for years because of the greed and the unwillingness to share info to a"newbie" AND THE SEVERE RUDENESS FROM THE SO CALLED "GOOD GUYS" who say they are the only ones who do anything to benefit the area. THEY HAVE AND STILL DO BELIEVE THEY HAVE FIRST DIBS ON ANY/ALL FISHING IN THE TRIBS. That's fine, you can have it. And not all the people who fish in the Erie area are chitting on the banks or being vulgar. As with anywhere else, there are always going to be "those people"!!! And even thought they won't admit it or even acknowledge it, THERE ARE NUMEROUS PEOPLE WHO ARE THOSE SAME SLOBS RESPONDING TO MY ORIGINAL POST AND Acting like they are special. Yeah, they sure are. AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED, YOU CAN SHOVE ERIE TRIB FISHING RIGHT UP YOUR OBAMAS, YOU GREEDY BASTARDS!!!!
lucky for you sir, this greedy son of a **** right here has been pushing for handicap access and access for children, senior citizens and veterans through the fish and boat commission i have got the emails and proposal to prove it would you like me to PM you them??? And the response of the commission and the future steps i need to take????!! So again thank you for the unnecessary hostility not trying to be special or above anyone either you just neeed to realize theres more than meets the eye on your rants. Have a good day.. oh and btw you have never been beside me on a stream then just ask the fellow who I fished with Friday.. his 1st time up clueless as i was my first time until an old dude took me under his wing.. i was just paying it forward as i will continue to do i re did his setup (with my own gear) gave him some basic pointers 3rd cast had him hooked up and im pretty **** sure these guys on the forum would do just the same that your talking down on
post edited by fishfashfush - 2016/10/05 18:53:28
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Yes if people didn't take such an offensive approach about topics it wouldnt have to be a ****ing contest forum what gives brother
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Yes if people didn't take such an offensive approach about topics it wouldnt have to be a ****ing contest forum what gives brother
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
Mountian Man
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old dog everything i have learned about fishing for steelhead was taught by someone on this site. i learned from posts, pms and streamside. all it took was a humble approach and a kind attitude. i'm so grateful to so many here.
I learned from the Russians.
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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SLACKER As I stated, JUST A BUNCH OF GREEDY PEOPLE!!! ALL FULL OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND INDIGNATION AND CHIT!!! AND YEAH, ENTITLEMENT ALSO BECAUSE THEY CONSIDER THEMSELVES ABOVE OTHERS SO THEY SHOULD BE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO FISH THE TRIBS. There are people ( myself included ) who have a handicap that might not be severe but bad enough that they can't walk miles of creeks looking for fish. It helps to have a little heads up on whether there are fish in the creeks. lemmie help you as long they continue to stock fish, and the sun comes up in the east, there will always be some fish in the creeks at this time of year. since you can't walk far, here's all you have to do.. Drive around the public access points ..where you see cars and anglers..guaranteed there are fish there . it really IS that simple I haven't fished Erie for years because of the greed and the unwillingness to share info to a"newbie" AND THE SEVERE RUDENESS FROM THE SO CALLED "GOOD GUYS" who say they are the only ones who do anything to benefit the area. THEY HAVE AND STILL DO BELIEVE THEY HAVE FIRST DIBS ON ANY/ALL FISHING IN THE TRIBS. that's just plain silly talk. what "unwillingness" are you talking about? There has been a wealth of knowledge shared here as far as "first dibs" ..that means fishing very early in the season..like the first two weeks of Sept It means getting up at 3am, driving 2 hours to maybe ONLY find a few fish . that's "greedy" to you??? or is it just not "worth it" to you to take a chance like some of us do ?? AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED, YOU CAN SHOVE ERIE TRIB FISHING RIGHT UP YOUR OBAMAS, YOU GREEDY BASTARDS!!!!
you sound a little bitter over what, I don't know . Maybe if YOU took ride to do some fishing, you'll feel better ..L.T.A.
Mountian Man
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genieman77 .Maybe if YOU took ride to do some fishing, you'll feel better ..L.T.A.
BUT is it worth it.
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
Wild Willies Flies
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I have been up twice this year and only had 2 hook ups and I am 0 for 2. I like fishing at night in the Manchester but with the new regulations I find it hard to do. So I arrive at 6 and leave at 10. because I can close the shop early on Mondays. I am 52 so can only fish for 3 hours It is great fun. Good luck All.
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I have been able to fish twice this year so far and i am 6/18 definitely gotta keep the rust knocked off! Hope your able to get out more. Good luck
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Slacker, poor richards, fisherie and east end give reports. otherwise, I don't blame fishermen at all for not sharing. They are the ones who were out there doing the work and taking the gamble to find out for themselves. If this was your backyard, would you do the same? I've seen the consequences of sharing/bragging. Best way to learn is to be sincere and make friends with those who are in the know.
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SLACKER As I stated, JUST A BUNCH OF GREEDY PEOPLE!!! ALL FULL OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND INDIGNATION AND CHIT!!! AND YEAH, ENTITLEMENT ALSO BECAUSE THEY CONSIDER THEMSELVES ABOVE OTHERS SO THEY SHOULD BE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO FISH THE TRIBS. There are people ( myself included ) who have a handicap that might not be severe but bad enough that they can't walk miles of creeks looking for fish. It helps to have a little heads up on whether there are fish in the creeks. I HAVEN'T HEARD ANYONE asking for gps coordinates or specific spot info. Just asking if there are fish in the creeks. And yet the ones who believe that they own the creeks are against them asking. AND YOU SAY YOU ARE NOT GREEDY? I haven't fished Erie for years because of the greed and the unwillingness to share info to a"newbie" AND THE SEVERE RUDENESS FROM THE SO CALLED "GOOD GUYS" who say they are the only ones who do anything to benefit the area. THEY HAVE AND STILL DO BELIEVE THEY HAVE FIRST DIBS ON ANY/ALL FISHING IN THE TRIBS. That's fine, you can have it. And not all the people who fish in the Erie area are chitting on the banks or being vulgar. As with anywhere else, there are always going to be "those people"!!! And even thought they won't admit it or even acknowledge it, THERE ARE NUMEROUS PEOPLE WHO ARE THOSE SAME SLOBS RESPONDING TO MY ORIGINAL POST AND Acting like they are special. Yeah, they sure are. AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED, YOU CAN SHOVE ERIE TRIB FISHING RIGHT UP YOUR OBAMAS, YOU GREEDY BASTARDS!!!!
I don't think many people here are entitled or greedy at all, they just don't want to be posting information publicly on these forums where thousands can see it, and be bringing hundreds of people to specific areas. There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying "fished so and so a trib today, and caught (this many), saw (this many), conditions were this, etc," without giving away a specific spot. Also, most of the joking on here is in good fun, you just have to have a thick skin. Years ago, there were many trolls on here, and every single post seemed to turn into bashing of somebody, and god help you if you put up a picture. I actually stopped posting for awhile, and came back with a new username, and they have cleaned things up a great deal. All that said, I am so sorry to hear about your disability. I have had some success on the tribs in two trips this year, and if you would like to PM me on here, I would be more than willing to share some info.
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I went out to the crik yesterday...some fish but very low water. Only fish I saw hooked we foul hooked...it was nice to get out but doing rain dance now WCW