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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 19:52:36 (permalink)

Stupid Deer....

Congrats Pike and I hear you on the dragging with no snow.😂

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 19:57:54 (permalink)
It was on fire in 2A where I was at this morning. I was doe hunting but saw 7 different bucks cruising around all morning till I pulled out at 11:30. One was a huge 8 point. I saw 8 does but the only one that came close enough for a shot ran past my stand at 10 yards with a scrub buck on her heels. Hunted 2B in the evening and did not see a deer. Yesterday evening I saw 4 bucks from the same stand. 

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 22:26:40 (permalink)

Crossbow.... This is an archery forum

I don't know about that. When the call "Archers to the wall" came; longbowman and crossbowman alike responded, to protect the Kings Castle.

I know this because I been watching that documentary program thingy called "Game of Thrones". 😉
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/11/12 22:28:27

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/13 00:59:36 (permalink)
I was sort of limited this year and probably shouldn't have hunted but I told my doctor I'm only walking a logging road about 100 yards and sitting in a ground blind. I had my son with me every time, I hunted the last week  8 sits 9 doe 1 shooter buck walking out. Saturday afternoon should have been a day to kill a buck but none were sighted. Couldn't have been a more beautiful afternoon,but no deer. Oh well I'm off to Ohio for a couple of weeks. I'm really not going to enjoy gun hunting. It's been a while I'm spoiled bow hunting. Although it not been a eventful season I am happy just to be alive to enjoy my passion.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/13 06:46:49 (permalink)
Congrats to all of you who were successful. As for me it's been and up and down season. Put a bid on a new place on Labor Day and spent most of the season packing and moving. I got out a handful of times saw deer, a couple were even legal. The ups are that the new place seems to be pretty good travel corridor. The downs were not my usual amount of time spent in the woods.
A lesson for the rest of you is don't by a house in Sept./Oct. 😀
Good luck in gun season

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/13 10:13:23 (permalink)
That's the end of my slowest archery season...never even had a shot at an adult doe no legal bucks seen here in swamp.End of October one of the many 8 points I have on cam stood in front of my stand TWICE but I was not there my dad was in hospital for 10 days used my time to visit him and take care of things at his house for him.Oh well sit a few days with my .o6 and see what happens ...WCW
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/13 10:19:18 (permalink)
I closed out the season with some hearty ha ha's along with some disgruntlement.

With exception of two hours spent allowing two dogs potty time and me a cat nap, I spent the entire day sitting first in my ground blind then in my center field tree stand. No need to mention, by days end my train of deep thought, centered around why I was sitting all day in a tree.

Of course spending a day bonding with nature is never a total loss. But I must admit, it becomes a challenge when one is sitting 20 ft. above the ground in a tree and, nature calls.

All-in-all I did see a total of six deer with five of those being just past sunset.

The first to appear came from the neighbors field to my north and there was no doubt this would be my last chance so I took my crossbow off of safety, and placed the butt of the stock against my shoulder.

All that be needed was the deer entering my shooting zone and I would be looking through the scope putting the cross hairs just behind its shoulder.

Step by step and now at the 30 yd. mark the deer stopped, my eye to scope with finger on he trigger when I slowly raise my head and turn to my left to see what this deer was alerted by.

Coming 150 yds to my south is a second deer high stepping it toward the first deer stopping only to turn and look behind.

Standing, still in the wood line, a very dark heavy bodied deer. Seconds later the deer steps to the outer edge of the trees, head down and back highly arched then heads East along the southern boarder of the field quickly disappearing into the edge of the woods edge where I happen to sit, with two doe still in shooting range.

Worse case scenario will be for this third deer, with out doubt a buck, is to come in behind me and present a shot in one of my shooting lanes. No way can I stand and turn with four eyes, now fixed on the third deer, standing close enough I could hit either of them by throwing a arrow like a dart.

Now close enough I can hear it grunting and it doesn't sound happy and of course coming through the under brush to my left and behind me.

Daylight is fading, two doe standing so close I can smell back strap cooking and my heart pounding so hard, the earthquake center is sensing tremors with the epicenter, located beneath my tree stand.

Back highly humped and nose still to the ground, like a bull dozer, the deer burst from the tree line and circles the doe. At the same time, cross bow still at my shoulder, finger on the trigger and now the cross hairs of the scope just behind the shoulder of very dark, large bodied, fork horn.

Without hesitation I swing the crossbow toward the doe only to find the once occupied space now vacated . Lowering the bow I see two tails high in the air, bounding into the last rays of daylight.

Promptly resetting the crossbow safety and removing the bolt, I leaned back against the tree, now knowing why I spent all day sitting in a tree.

Just think, little over two weeks and I'll be back..... at it again. OH BOY.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/11/13 10:34:34

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/13 11:40:03 (permalink)
Nice buck. Congrats.  

The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/13 15:40:35 (permalink)

Promptly resetting the crossbow safety and removing the bolt, I leaned back against the tree, now knowing why I spent all day sitting in a tree.

Just think, little over two weeks and I'll be back..... at it again. OH BOY.
wow I need some more popcorn .... heck of a story bud .... I just knew ya got it done but hey I'll be out there with ya bud in 2 weeks.... hell my heart was pumping 😜

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/13 18:31:45 (permalink)
wow I need some more popcorn .... heck of a story bud ....

No doubt. Sounds like a fun day BTDT.

Went out scouting with my buddy and the dog today. Found a couple new spots I'm gonna try to get into with the climber. Big excitement for the day was after an hour my buddy yells hey, check yourself for ticks. Haven't had one on me all fall, and between him, myself, and the dog pulled over 5 dzn off today.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/13 18:52:51 (permalink)
You got it right BTDT -it  aint about  dragging stuff out.
One of my most memorable seasons was hunting ONE buck and at the end of the season my muzzle blaster cap went 'pop-----no
He looked over and hopped off. Was HUGE.
Gotta love it.
post edited by r3g3 - 2016/11/13 18:55:04
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/13 21:39:16 (permalink)
In 55 years of hunting and just as many fishing I have many trophies on the wall, though they are not of animal, fish or, fowl and can never be seen, except through the vision of the mind's eye.

But when it comes to smelling and tasting a freshly cooked deer burger, there just ain't nooo amount of imagination.😋

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/14 19:50:11 (permalink)
Took a walk Sunday on a new piece of property I got permission to hunt in 2B. Lots of acreage, close to the city, but very rugged and steep. Good thing is it is all downhill from the access. The bad thing is if one were to kill something, it would be hell getting it out of there. Man, some of the buck sign I saw in there is ridiculous. 

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/15 08:37:36 (permalink)
Let me know if you need help dragging....and if you need a partner scouting and hunting it!  :-)
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/15 12:27:40 (permalink)
DP do you find yourself having harder problem getting permission because you use a crossbow? I have access to many farms and one of the first questions I get from the landowner.. "Compound or Crossbow" especially this year. Just curious?
Btw my hunting season has sucked. Rutting started a few days ago at camp (2F) and season went out. 2b home turf time from here til season ends
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/16 11:57:47 (permalink)
DP do you find yourself having harder problem getting permission because you use a crossbow? I have access to many farms and one of the first questions I get from the landowner.. "Compound or Crossbow" especially this year. Just curious?

I have never been asked what equipment I use. I just approach folks and inquire about archery hunting. On this property I can also gun hunt it if I wish. I did find some evidence of other hunters so not sure how it will all pan out. 

My rifle is a black rifle
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/16 12:57:42 (permalink)
In my findings any land huntable with or without permission close the city or suburbs is heavily hunted,a lot of stands on all properties. I guess that's why I shy away from them. I was invited to hunt of a deck in one of my customers back yard in My. Lebanon, I thought about it but really me killing a half tame deer no matter how big it was under those circumstances would do little for me. I'm not saying there all that way in all the suburbs but it is sort of like a high fence deer farm.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2016/11/16 13:00:28
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/17 07:40:37 (permalink)
Thinking more about not being asked about my equipment, I mostly hunt very small, urban to highly residential areas. Most of the landowners I deal with don't hunt and don't know much about the tools we use. If I ventured out into the outskirts of 2B, I am sure the landowners are much more schooled and aware of the different weapon choices we have.

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/17 07:47:36 (permalink)
Big Tuna
In my findings any land huntable with or without permission close the city or suburbs is heavily hunted,a lot of stands on all properties.

Yep. If it can be snuck into, there are probably folks in there with no clue who owns it. Trespass is a big issue in these areas. Not just hunting either. Fishing. Biking, Partying etc.......
post edited by dpms - 2016/11/17 07:49:13

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/17 18:47:04 (permalink)
                    Well took my camera's down Tuesday , figured they have been up for 8 weeks wasn't taking any chances, never had a camera stolen but I have had ladder stands. Of course now. I chain them to the trees but that doesn't always work....OK , I didn't bow hunt Saturday the last day ,Friday afternoon with the wind and cold that was enough for me. So found these pictures on the camera from Friday through Tuesday ,there was 5 bucks all together but one was ,4pt and not sure about the other one....Now I think they are just messing with me     Hopefully in rifle season but if not it's been fun !!!
post edited by mopars0 - 2016/11/17 19:00:03


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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/17 18:58:03 (permalink)
   Here's the last picture not sure if it's the same big one....might be .....ok good luck everyone in rifle season hope I can post a picture of this big one...
post edited by mopars0 - 2016/11/17 19:00:56


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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/17 22:10:50 (permalink)
Cool Mopars those are good shots with a camera, hope you can get the same in gun season.

I haven't had my cameras out since the beginning of archery. I'll put them back out second week of firesarm to see if anything is lefty for late season archery.

I'm seeing deer in the, used to be a bean field but now a, wheat field and I have not seen deer in that field this late in the season for several years.

I been hitting Pymie to kill time til firearms but I keep reading those stories from Crappie_Slayer and I'm thinking fishing can wait til the ice is thick enough, I'm gonna go get some pheasant. Crappie sounds like he is having wayyyyy toooo much fun.

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/18 09:12:43 (permalink)
Slow morning so far. Surprised. Was 31 this am. Not a breath of wind. Had first deer, a five pt, just go by at 9am at 25 yds. After he went through, saw a fawn out front about 80 yds. That's it so far. Last Friday, this stand, saw 4 bucks with two being shooters, and a lot of doe and fawns. Hmmmmmmmm
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/18 12:18:48 (permalink)
I would usually be holding down the waters of pymy right now BTDT, but the newfound joy of phesant hunting has taken over. The dog thinks it's more fun than fishing that's for sure.

As for archery, wish I would've had another week. Have seen more bucks chasing this week than the previous ones.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/18 13:15:24 (permalink)
I should have been hunting in my mom's backyard.


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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/18 13:17:02 (permalink)
And then there was this guy....not sure if old and way past prime or just weird....
I put the camera out on Nov. 5th and pulled the card last night.  2318 pictures with over 1800 of them of deer.


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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/18 13:31:31 (permalink)
I hear you Crappie and I think you should know it's all your fault that just this morning I researched pheasant stocking location and schedules for my little piece of Penn's Woods....... thank you very much. lol.

Next week ain't lookin' tooooo good for a fair weather early afternoon angler like myself so I'm thinkin' about taking my gun-shy Shorthaired Pointer for a walk. If you happen to see a old guy stumbling around with a birddog running in the fields wearing ear protection...... that will be me. lol

I know, that doesn't sound like a pretty picture, seeing the likes of me with a real gun in my hands.

Keep the stories and pictures coming Crappie, they are very inspiring and bring back a lot of memories for us old duffers.

Besides, l am well stocked with several flavors of popcorn, which I enjoy while reading. Not fond of the fruity flavor but the buttered popcorn flavor is wonderful. Or wait..... is that the flavor of those new Jelly Beans.... damed oldtimers!!!!

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/18 13:43:32 (permalink)
And then there was this guy....not sure if old and way past prime or just weird.... 

Eyes those antlers are picture perfect example, after fishing or hunting, of me getting out of bed the next morning.... err, afternoon. I'd say that old boy is suffering from oldtimers too.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/18 15:30:30 (permalink)
Prime example of great genetics and good a ton of beauties like that in the Pa. woods. Speaking of beauties had a small 4 pts in Ohio at 10 yards out of my ground blind,then half hour later a B.B they both looked about the same size. This year my Ohio woods is full of scrub bucks, I think there's 8 bucks and the best is and 8 pts with a maybe 16 spread. Oh well I 'll be there till gun season.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/18 20:30:35 (permalink)
Some real nice bucks there e&g.
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