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Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/09 20:12:32 (permalink)
nice dpms,congrats.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/09 20:23:26 (permalink)
Way to go dpms.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/09 20:57:45 (permalink)
Count me in on the kudos DPMS, maybe not a wallhanger but still a trophy nonetheless.

As for me, today I pulled one over on the deer. I didn't go out in that stupid cold rainey wind.

I did however this afternoon lend hand to my eastern neighbor doing some brushhogging and clearing.

Returned home around 5:30 PM to a great dinner and a story about deer running and romping around my, now a wheatfield, treestand.

Ohhhh well.... there is always tomorrow.

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/09 22:33:41 (permalink)
Congrats DPMS ..... BTDT didn't go out today either , things to do in morning so will hit it tomorrow afternoon....

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/09 23:02:54 (permalink)
Good luck Steve; I am not seeing signs of a active rut yet. Hoping it fires up over the next few days. I got a terrific headache banging my head against a tree since I passed that scrub buck.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/09 23:45:41 (permalink)
Buddy from work headed towards greenville on rt 58 from mercer saw a nice buck out running at 2:00 this afternoon just before Fredonia tire. He said he's been seeing a lot of small bucks up and moving but nothing he wanted to shoot at. He did however take a turkey at 43 yards with a grim reaper broadhead with his crossbow on opening day.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/10 11:12:24 (permalink)
Congrats DPMS!
Got blanked this AM. Did hear one coming an and move past me as it was breaking dawn.  Just too dark and too thick to see what it was.  
Had to get down out of the stand at 8:30am to be at work for a 9 am meeting.  Back out at 2 and sit to 4:50 but then need to hit the road to make it to the kids dek hockey championship game.   
Off tomorrow and hopefully I can sit it out all day but, it will be chilly and windy so who knows.....
Can't hunt Saturday morning.   Maybe I'll get a sit in on Sat. afternoon.  Depends on how well my son does in his NFL flag football playoffs....
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/10 18:59:03 (permalink)
I'm  tired,I may have over done it today. Hunting 6am till 10:30 am. Then 2 pm till dark.0 buck 6 doe. Not much rutting activity in my neck of the woods.  I could have drilled three different doe today,but my mission is a buck. Two more days. Good luck gents.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/10 19:38:58 (permalink)
After a few long days making good times at the fun factory this week, today was a short day and I managed to get out and in the stand at 2. Sat in a stand I've only been in one other time this year. Was hopeful to catch some action as I saw multiple new rubs on my way in. Sat till dark and Even the normally abundant squirrels were scarce. Think the standing corn across the road is not helping me much. Usually it's cut by now, which always seems to help the deer movement around me. Off tomorrow so I'm gonna hit it hard on another property. Congrats again to those that have scored, and good luck to those still in search. Tuna, glad to see you've been able to get out after your surgery.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/10 20:03:40 (permalink)
Good luck Steve; I am not seeing signs of a active rut yet. Hoping it fires up over the next few days. I got a terrific headache banging my head against a tree since I passed that scrub buck.
sit in stand again this afternoon 2:30 till dark... have 2 scrapes near me been hitting them with doe scent. Now I have a story for you my friend , no deer but exciting , just got done texting the wife , put phone back in pocket. Turned around to see a nice buck trotting behind stand . Last year had almost same thing happen only it was looking up at me when I noticed it๐Ÿ˜ก... Anyhow grunted but nothing he was headed to the one scrape , glassed him , he stood in crab apples , I rattled nothing. Lost him then about 5 minutes later he is walking the tree line near the field stand is in a thicket that covers 2 fields kinda L Shaped ... I have a shanty that I hunt rifle season out if with stove which covers both the fields. I drive right down to it and park . Now it is about 175 yds from my stand. He walked up to the shanty stood behind my Sorento (Kia) about 15 yds behind broadside all along I'm watching him in the glasses , I could have sit in the back with the hatch open and got him ....๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿบ. All this time I'm calling & rattling and he has the nerve to walk across the field the other way and into the woods ya can't make this crap up ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ‘

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/10 20:44:15 (permalink)
Nice buck DPMS!  Man, you always seem to get it done.  Know you put in your time.  
'bout the only fun activity my son can do with two pins in the middle finger on his dominant hand is shoot a crossbow for now. No sports for 6 weeks.  Fishing is iffy, as he absolutely cannot get that hand wet with the pins in it and a spill in lake or crick water would be really bad for infection control.  
So we've hunted the past two evenings from the ground blind.  His trigger finger and thumb are free, and off the shooting sticks with the x bow, he's good.  
Yesterday we settled in around 4:15 and at 4:35 a parade of skippers and does starts.  8 of 'em into the field from 20 to 45 yards, but they came quick and we were pinned down.  An 8 point - skinny, not very thick rack or body, thinking a really good 1.5 year old - brought up the rear.  4th different buck we've seen on that 30 acre property this season.  As soon as he walked into the field, he harassed a few and they left, but he didn't chase.  He fed for a few minutes, with a button buck nearby.  Broadside at 45 yards for 4 or 5 minutes, just out of my son's range.  Never looked at us, but the neighbors let out their yappy waste of oxygen dog 150 yards away and that was enough for him.  
Only had about 30 minutes to hunt this evening, and that spot is 1 mile down the road.  Rarely hunt it more than once a week, but with his condition and time constraints, we hit the blind again which we left set up over night.  Only a doe with two fawns this evening, right before dark.  The wind shifted and a few minutes after mama started feeding, and she knew something wasn't right.  Saw 4 others in different fields as we walked back to the car.  
We'll hunt tomorrow on another small property where we've got 3 different 8 points on trail camera and haven't hunted in 2 weeks.  We're the only ones hunting it, and the deer seem to be pretty moving thorough pretty regularly there.  Saturday probably back in the ground blind where we were the past two evenings.  Not afraid to burn it up this week.  
We've got 3 places to hunt in 2B and we haven't even touched yet this season because these two spots have been so good.  So if tomorrow or Saturday don't work out, we've got a few weeks in those spots.
In a definite switch from the past couple of years, we've seen at least 3 deer, and up to 12, on each hunt so far this year.  Tough to hunt these field edges with a kid as things can happen fast and it's easy to get pinned down, but on the property we hunted the last two nights, it's really the only option.  
He doesn't get his pins out till the first Wednesday of gun season, so if he doesn't seal the deal in archery season, he'll have to spend the first few days of gun season with the crossbow.  Although the two bucks he's shot with the rifle would've both been chip shots with a crossbow.  Kinda funny how that works.  
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/10 22:24:55 (permalink)
Steve what a great story, man-o-man I was waiting to see a picture. Keep the hope, we got two more days and the full moon is about to be upon us.

Would you say your buck was in full rut. Any sign of a swollen neck etc?

I got a story too but it's about some guy buying a Mopar today and that's boring......... except for meeeee!

Good luck Steve and, to all still seeking.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/10 22:40:08 (permalink)
Steve what a great story, man-o-man I was waiting to see a picture. Keep the hope, we got two more days and the full moon is about to be upon us.

Would you say your buck was in full rut. Any sign of a swollen neck etc?

I got a story too but it's about some guy buying a Mopar today and that's boring......... except for meeeee!

Good luck Steve and, to all still seeking.
. Yeah , swollen neck , looked that way .....anyways like I said he was trotting but don't think he knew I was there. Wasn't on a doe but had something on his mind...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿบ..... only deer I saw ..... had a buck on camera .. not a giant but a shooter I think ....9:30 last night though... lol

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/10 22:48:03 (permalink)
Go get em buddy I can taste that deer burger layered wit bacon, lettuce, tomatoe, onion (thickly sliced) and smokey BB sauce.

All hell.... now I gotta get to Granthams Landing tomorrow and get me a Bison Burger.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/11 15:55:48 (permalink)
Quick update for 11/11................

Stupid wind๐Ÿ˜ž
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/11/11 15:57:23

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/11 17:04:08 (permalink)
Brother smacked a real nice 8 this morning. Wasnt real swollen yet but did have 5000 ticks on him!
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/11 19:11:06 (permalink)
Congrats to your brother Dave.

Tonight I would have smacked either of two bucks if the smart aszes would of come close enough.

Let's add a little salt to the wound by having two doe browsing in shooting range. Do I shoot a doe or do I hope the doe attract the buck and one comes in for a shot?

Ask me how that turned out๐Ÿ˜ญ

With either buck I can't say I saw any strong sign these critters were in full rut. But the moon and clear sky tell me some bad Boyz will be out late tonight.

And I hope, too damed tired to see me sitting in a tree, at dawn.

Tomorrow will be.... my last day trying to kill errr.. harvest a deer with a stick until late season. My how time fly's when your having fun.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/11 20:14:47 (permalink)
Spent most of the day in a stand. The morning sit from 6:15-10 was uneventful except for one blowing at me in the dark as I got to the top of the stand.

Got something to eat, regrouped, and took the climber out to a new area at noon. Sat in a nice funnel over a scrape 15 yds to my NW and another 20 to my SW. At 3:15 a doe with fawn still in tow came trotting by and disappeared into a thick area in the creek bottom. Came back at 4 and fed through slowly for half an hour then were on their way. No other action the rest of the day . Haven't seen much lately, so at least those two kept it interesting.

Think I'm gonna switch it up a little tomorrow and wait until 9 to go out. Hoping to see some midday movement.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/11 22:52:40 (permalink)
Crappie good luck tomorrow.

I just checked the weather for my area in the morning. 28 degrees with a NNW wind at 12 MPH gusting to 20.

Wind is suppose to change direction and settle down with the temp. moderating by mid morning.

First few hours will be creating the same problem I had to deal with today. Stupid wind blowing right into the bedding area and limiting my choice of stand.

Stupid wind. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 08:25:23 (permalink)
One last crack at it this afternoon. My archery season has been plagued by disappointment and up to now, huge lack of confidence. Beginning of the season I stuck a big doe in the back. Put the 38 yard pin on her and she was only 29 yds. My buddy gets in my stand on the food plot on the day we all went to the farm for junior/senior hunt. We get back and hes got a beautiful 8 pt. in his truck. Another buddy gets into my stand on a different food plot and smokes a monster doe 2 weeks ago. I finally start using the plot stands, on the one property some young kid blows the deer off comin down the neighbors line. Get up into the other stand and the land owner kicks them deer out on accident. Finally, Tuesday night, I have a spike comin up behind me and appears he's not heading for the food plot, Brutus sounds the alarm than comes runnin to confront the spike. After stickin one in the back earlier in the season, I decided to put the 38 yd. pin on him. NOPE, he was 43, put the bolt at his feet. Here's what I've learned about this years archery season. I need a Lazer Range finder baaaaad......................
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 09:49:16 (permalink)
Well I sit in stand yesterday 2:30 until dark ... AGAIN !! I should say I held on to the tree so I didn't get blown out of my stand. Man it was hard on this 65 year old body... lol. Anyhow saw nothing so the season ends today .... well my season ended last night .... HAVE HAD ENOUGH !!!! Good luck to you all .....I need a break until rifle season ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 10:47:49 (permalink)
Hey young man if I gotta do it, so do you. Things are about to happen so get back out there.๐Ÿ˜‹

So far this morning, three wood chucks, two gray squirrels and, a frozen old guy in a Maple tree.

Have also seen one deer about two hundred yards into the neighbors pasture.

Stay tuned... details at 11.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/11/12 10:49:09

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 11:48:30 (permalink)
Gettin ready to head out. Taking the decoy. Hope to **** off Brutus. Good luck !!!
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 11:58:45 (permalink)
One last crack at it this afternoon. My archery season has been plagued by disappointment and up to now, huge lack of confidence. Beginning of the season I stuck a big doe in the back. Put the 38 yard pin on her and she was only 29 yds. My buddy gets in my stand on the food plot on the day we all went to the farm for junior/senior hunt. We get back and hes got a beautiful 8 pt. in his truck. Another buddy gets into my stand on a different food plot and smokes a monster doe 2 weeks ago. I finally start using the plot stands, on the one property some young kid blows the deer off comin down the neighbors line. Get up into the other stand and the land owner kicks them deer out on accident. Finally, Tuesday night, I have a spike comin up behind me and appears he's not heading for the food plot, Brutus sounds the alarm than comes runnin to confront the spike. After stickin one in the back earlier in the season, I decided to put the 38 yd. pin on him. NOPE, he was 43, put the bolt at his feet. Here's what I've learned about this years archery season. I need a Lazer Range finder baaaaad......................ย BH

Crossbow.... This is an archery forum
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 12:44:13 (permalink)
Hey young man if I gotta do it, so do you. Things are about to happen so get back out there.๐Ÿ˜‹

So far this morning, three wood chucks, two gray squirrels and, a frozen old guy in a Maple tree.

Have also seen one deer about two hundred yards into the neighbors pasture.

Stay tuned... details at 11.
. Lol .... nope sorry ๐Ÿ˜œ... wife is washing my clothes as I type ... we raked some leaves this morning ..neighbor has filled his 2 doe tags and brought me down a big bag of hot sticks and some hot pepper cheese / bologna so I''m good until rifle season gets here.... ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿบ..... good luck guys !!

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 13:22:12 (permalink)
Sat from 9-12:30. Was cold and calm this morning, but still no deer moving around me. Only entertainment was watching a red squirrel aggressively defend his territory against any of the greys brave enough to get too

Came home to let the dog out and get some lunch, then back at it one more time until dark. Still hopeful as they finally started cutting the huge cornfield across the road this afternoon.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 17:19:51 (permalink)
first year archery hunting and popped a nice doe with the crossbow today.  woohoo.  Too old to be dragging without snow though.  
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 17:33:26 (permalink)
first year archery hunting and popped a nice doe with the crossbow today. ย woohoo. ย Too old to be dragging without snow though. ย 
congrats pike....., good deal !

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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 18:49:04 (permalink)
Good job pike!

The regular season ends without a deer for my son, but we've got some spots in 2B for the next few weeks.

On the plus side he saw deer on every hunt in 2D this year. Prob were out 15 or so times.
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Re: 2016 archery season 2016/11/12 19:16:15 (permalink)
Way to go pike. Enjoy that tenderloin dinner ๐Ÿ˜€.

Afternoon sit was the most eventful one I've had in a while, which isn't saying much. Watched 2 doe at 4:00 pick their way through the beech saplings and multifloral rose for a while. Shortly after they were out of sight I heard some slow movement in the leaves to my right. Waited, waited, then sloooooowly turned to see a raccoon digging away at the base if a small maple tree. Must have been something good there because he hung out until I got out of the stand. Right before dark heard some footsteps come up slowly behind me. Had a doe and fawn go right underneath the stand.

I'm thankful for getting a doe early in the season, but disappointed in the amount of deer I've seen in the past 3 weeks. Only buck I saw all season was a 7pt the first day, and saw him briefly once again after that. Gonna go bushwhacking tomorrow and do some post season scouting. Might try to cut some lanes so I can get the climber back in during the late season. Good luck to you guys that have the extended season still.
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