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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/06 07:05:14
Good story Crappie_Slayer, I could feel the thumping as you watched the action. Sat at ground level from 2:30 PM til dark yesterday. Heard coyotes firing up, just at sunset, followed by answers from neighboring dogs. Earlier in the day I set more yard markers at my other stands, now that most of the ground foilage has fallen. 20 yds in the woods sure do look different than 20 yds on the shooting range. Never saw as much as a tail from the ground blind and with the buck becoming careless in the coming days I'm thinking it's time to stow the blind for now. Besides, inquiring minds begin to wonder when spending too much time, dressed like a tree so I've been wondering why, I have been sitting in a flimsy nylon thingy on the ground when I could be (should be) sitting high off the ground (8 ft(<>)) in a cozy wood structure. Mind you, this is not my fault but the fault of my better half. She is the one who bought me that stupid "metric" adjustable wrench. Everyone knows, when a guy gets a new tool, something is gonna get built. Now when the next honey-do list comes out, I need to tell my wife I need a left handed...... hammer. I'd love to be a "mouse in the corner" when my better half ask the dude at Home Depot....... for that one.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/11/06 07:38:02
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/06 10:58:38
Haven't been seeing much as usual ha 2 does came through at 3pm yesterday no bucks ,think someone bumped them Idk how this week is gonna turn out probably only gonna able to hunt mornings since the time change all hope is not lost just 90%
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/06 11:05:23
It's still pre rut. Last year according to my notes it was November 14 when the deer went crazy where I'm hunting. November 9 the year before and on the 3rd 3 years ago. I spent 8 hours in my tree yesterday for 0 deer. Father in law all day for 1 spotted and our buddy 4 hours for 8 seen.
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/06 12:37:44
My son hunted Ohio till 11:00 AM saw a big 8 pts and a little 6pt run a doe ragged but stayed out of range.
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/06 13:46:22
Big Tuna My son hunted Ohio till 11:00 AM saw a big 8 pts and a little 6pt run a doe ragged but stayed out of range.
Been chasing in Ohio for about a week. Not seeing it everyday, but the monsters are showing themselves now. Have a 200"+ that the neighbor of the property I hunt took a pic of late morning and texted to **** me off 😂😂. Almost 70 and sunny now. Will play 18 holes instead of packing the climber and **** a mile to only have heat stroke.
post edited by Indiana_Bob - 2016/11/07 14:49:58
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/06 16:37:36
Had a small forkhorn dog a doe across the road while driving around early this afternoon
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/06 17:24:07
Started all day sits last Wednesday. Seen two shooters cruising around noon but could not coax them in close enough. Passed a 7, 8, and a 9 up so far. No chasing at all that I have seen but the boys are starting to move. I thought Saturday would have been great but I only saw two dinks all day.
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/06 17:41:52
Cleared some shooting lanes today and spotted a nice rub on a 2" sapling along a trail passing a ladder stand then past my ground blind. Seeing the rub certainly changed my mind about stowing the blind but also tells me maybe I should spend more time in the ladder stand. The rub is midway between the two with niether close enough for a shot should a buck stop, to work the tree.
Looking out the backdoor about 5:00 PM I see three nice doe standing in the use to be bean, but now is a winter wheat, field. Also a combine now working a bean field 200 yds to my east bordering the logging project with both areas being across the beaver pond.
I'm soooo happy!!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/07 12:49:48
Beautiful morning. Passed up an 8 point this morning (really a 7, 1/2" left of his G3 base). Will try to get a picture up when I can get my camcorder working right. Did get video of him at 15 yds. Saw a bunch of doe/fawns and did see some chasing off in the distance in a field but was looking through trees and never could make out a rack. No sightings or movement started until around 8 AM today.
post edited by eyesandgillz - 2016/11/07 14:34:29
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/07 16:49:16
Just had a large 6 pt go by, under and around me. 16" spread but no brows and small tines. Hope no one whacks him by mistake this year unless it's a junior.
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/07 19:31:47
Sit in stand 2:30 until dark tonight saw 1 deer and a few Nice sunny day to be in the stand though, the deer was a buck at 5:10 looked hard and couldn't put more then 4 pts on it .... believe me I tried 😜🍺..oh well it was fun anyways !!!
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/07 21:20:21
You wanna hear funny...... OK I'll tel yinz FUNNY!!!!! I hit my center field, tree stand at 2:00 PM enjoying a beautiful afternoon overdressed and roasting in a gorgeous sun filled sky while listening to the moans of diesel powered log skidders working just a few short yards to my east. But at last, at 4:30 PM it was blissful peace as the engines died one by one including the stupid chainsaws. Another hour passes when I am treated to a wonderful sunset along with what seemed like a sudden drop in temperature causing the need to re-dress, while 20 feet off the ground, on a platform barely big enough to stand on. Continued to watch as another day came to a end then decided, while there was still enough light to see, I would call it a day. All that time in my stand and never saw as much as a squirrel and, the chipmunks seemed to have disappeared too. I assume, like me, those animals have had enough of the noise pollution taking place to our east and they got the hell out of Dodge a/k/a Mopar. Hi Steve, don't give up buddy, it gets worse. Tied my bow to my drop cord and lowered it away, turning to position myself for my decent to the ground and..... the rest of the story is but a har-har- and a bag of chyts and giggles to last for years to come. My apologies, at this time, for the quality of pictures but we all know a picture is worth a thousand words.  I turn........ Then look down......... I sat in that stupid stand and watched these stupid deer, that came out of the stupid nowhere, for 15 minutes until they walked their stupid aszes into the stupid woods. I didn't want to spook the little darlings. Ask me if I'm having fun????
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/11/07 21:27:40
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/07 21:30:55
☄ Helpfulby pikepredator2 2016/11/11 17:50:39
eyesandgillz Just had a large 6 pt go by, under and around me. 16" spread but no brows and small tines. Hope no one whacks him by mistake this year unless it's a junior.
Umm...wouldn't a 6 with no brows still be a legal deer for anyone?
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/07 21:31:09
Even though I probably should not be doing this,I hunted out of my ground blind the last 3 evening,more scrapes appear daily and have been kept open,a baseball bat size tree just got rubbed about 15 yards from the blind the rub starts about three foot off the ground. Don't worry my son been sitting with me. I'm aloud to So I guess that means a quad It just so nice to get out,the last 3 evening sets where just gorgeous.
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/07 21:37:58
Good story BTDT. Never fail to make me laugh. Went spotting for a little over an hour tonight in my area of 1B. Saw 91 deer, only 5 buck. None of the buck I saw were hell bent on chasing any of the does that were around. Good luck this last week everyone. Won't be out till thursday afternoon or Friday. I need to remember to save some vacation time next year.
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/07 23:19:50
Big Tuna it sure is good to hear you are up and about. Leave the heavy work to the young guys and you just supervise. lol
Crappie Slayer I enjoy talking about my excursions be they fishing or hunting. I enjoy our Pennsylvania Wilds and all that it provides. I've seen some crazy stuff and done some goofy things in Penn's Woods over many years and it is one place where I have learned I can laugh at myself.
In fact, I have to laugh by myself, nobody is crazy enough to go in the wilds with me.
Good luck, still plenty of time.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/08 07:47:48
I agree Crappie ...had same thought about 6pt Neighbors got a 8pt yesterday...I was working. Voting working today but tomorrow I hunt most of day! GOOD LUCK! WCW
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/08 10:15:11
workcanwait.... I agree Crappie ...had same thought about 6pt Neighbors got a 8pt yesterday...I was working. Voting working today but tomorrow I hunt most of day! GOOD LUCK! WCW
Yeah, you guys are right. I never worry about it but still thinking 4 to a side, which is wrong. He does look legal from a 3-up standpoint. Hopefully he makes it though....might be a funky, bigger rack when he gets older. Wished I was out there today. Daughter wasn't feeling well so I am at work on hot standby in case I have to run to school and pick her up. Maybe I'll get out this evening if she can stick it out. Should have been another awesome morning.
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/08 12:19:50
In my blind at 5:50 am,while sneaking in hear deer running away. At 8 am had a large mature doe at 25 yards,that was it. At 10:30 I'd had enough,got out of blind walk about 50 yards and heard a stick snap looked down the valley to my left and saw a real nice buck sneaking away. Oh well it was just a magnificent morning. I'm happy to be alive and still do this thing called hunting. Still time never give up,all it takes is 5 seconds. Good luck guys.Oh almost forgot, I thought I was spring turkey hunting. I must have heard 10-12 gobblers pounding on the limb.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2016/11/08 12:59:43
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/08 12:58:12
Tuna forgive me for snickering over your plight this morning but there ain't no better memories than the ones we can laugh at.
Take care, keeping in mind during your recovery, you gotta walk before you can run.
Eyes sorry to hear of your daughter becoming ill in school. Hope she gets feeling better real soon. Good luck if you make it out this afternoon.
Me.... I made it out to vote this morning and now I sit awaiting a phone call from a salesman. I also bought a car this morning.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/08 13:21:58
Well, my 13 year old son had to have surgery this morning to put a couple of pins in a finger he broke Saturday playing basketball. Middle finger on his left - dominant/shooting - hand. But he wanted to hunt yesterday evening, so I thought we'd give it a shot. He took a few clumsy practice shots before we left, and despite the clumsiness shot it well enough at 30 yards to go for it. With about 30 minutes of shooting light left, we saw a BIG bodied half rack - 4 or 5 points on that side - that we had a close encounter with last week. But he was 367 yards away, walking through the middle of a field that we had been hunting, but decided to rest last night  Honestly, had we just sat on top of where I parked my car, he may have had a 40 yard shot at that buck. Shortly before shooting light ended, another half rack - a spike with a brow tine on one side - made his way right towards us but was nearly on top of us and had us pinned down, as we were sitting on the ground in the fencerow. He stopped at 32 yards quartering away, and with one hand mostly useless he sort of clumsily clicked off the safety just loud enough for the buck to hear and he walked off. Fortunately the doc this morning left his thumb and trigger finger on his left hand unencumbered following the surgery. He said it was so that he could write at school, but we know that trigger finger has a more important job to do over the next 3 weeks while the middle, ring and pinky fingers remain splinted and wrapped  . He was feeling good enough that when he got home he asked if we could hunt this evening.
post edited by rsquared - 2016/11/08 13:23:23
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/08 13:28:44
Oh forgot this . . . Doc cringed when I mentioned crossbow shooting. Said he has fixed up 4 or 5 fingers a year for the past couple of years, from shooters who leave their fingers in the path of the strings and cables. Said that generally, whatever gets hit, gets amputated. Fortunately, he's only seen finger tips so far, but did say that he had to fix up a 9 year old girl a few weeks ago, whose dad took her out without mom's approval. So for all the x bow guys out there, keep those fingers outta the way!
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/08 20:13:26
Why they do not have shields I will never understand. It is like the lawyers are missing some potential here.
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/08 20:26:17
rsquared sorry to here about your boy's mishap.
Sure sounds like he ain't gonna let it slow him down. Kudos to him and I hope he takes a wall hanger.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/08 20:33:32
I was able to make it out this afternoon and sat at the corner of the, use to be bean but now a, wheat field.
Stupid deer!!!
I'm thinking about taking up fishing!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/09 00:39:34
I hear ya BTDT.... sit in stand again from 2:30 until dark ..... saw nothing , yep stupid deer 😜
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/09 06:57:03
big tuna go get um I know you will you always do.
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/09 07:10:59
Little, legal 6 I saw on Monday evening at 5 yards or so. He was prowling but not real serious. Was still munching leaves as he had his nose to the ground sniffing away.
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/09 16:30:34
Whacked a buck this morning in the rain. Grunted him in in the misty pre dawn light. Thought it was a nice 8 I have seen several times from this stand. Didn't realize till I walked up on him that it is a big 6 point with no brow tines. Autopilot got the best of me. Saw the three nice points up and thought for sure it was one of the bucks I was after.
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Re: 2016 archery season
2016/11/09 16:34:40
Here he is. WMU 2A.
post edited by dpms - 2016/11/09 16:38:22
My rifle is a black rifle