Arthur report 9/24/16

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2016/09/24 22:13:11 (permalink)

Arthur report 9/24/16

Hit up the "dead sea" today.  Pool seems a bit low, but not scientifically... that's just me eyeballing it.  Water was 75 and change at 8am and 76 or so by the time we left around 4pm.  Not quite green pea soup, but still Arthur.  TL;DR version of the trip, fishing was pretty slow.  
Let's talk:
- Weeds - wow.  I loves me some weedbeds, but they are getting pretty thick.  In fact, we got jammed up in two of them.  Some fish in them, but scattered.
- Engines - 80 horse pushes my 19' boat @30mph, 18 horse maxes around 7.5mph.  Kickers can suck it.  At least it ran good.  
- Bait - the alewives are babies right now.  Well, medium babies.  Like 4" or so.  Big old swarms of them.  
- Kayakers - &*^#@  &*%%@# &*(#@*( of *(&^@#&* who can )(*(#@ *&%@&^  )(#&&^@ and &*^@#(&^*#@*( themselves.  Also, (&*^@*(@
- Launches - not a single idiot or selfish db to be found.  Which is completely crazy on a beautiful late summer Saturday
So we motored out under the 422 bridge and stopped in 6 fow to get rigged up.  Launching went fine, but hooking up the kicker steering arm took me a bit of extra effort since I forgot a wrench.  And then pulling out of the launch I realized I didn't have reverse.  Kind of hard to back out without it.  But whatever, we pushed off and just went forward.  As we killed the engine and dropped anchors we heard one of the wing nuts fall off the steering connecting rod.  Yeah, need to fix those as they rattle off far too fast.  At this point I see that the shift lever seems wonky, and changed the capture point of the shift cable.  Boom, reverse!  Every once in a while things go your way.  
At that first spot, early morning there were clouds of bait on the lowrance.  Just for grins I threw the new cast net (1.5lb/foot 6' net) and pancaked it.  Figured I might get a bait or two... pulled up a full net.  Hundreds of alewives.  Used them alive, used them dead, used them cut up.  The only thing we caught was a 9" striper that couldn't even swallow the bait.  Also, while alewives are a challenge to keep alive under normal conditions when the water is 75 degrees forget it.  
Something I've never seen before in person... we're anchored up so I can log into my work laptop and do an IT fix for someone (on call, yay) and this boat drives past somewhat close to us.  He's going very slow, and at one point hucks something out behind him.  My fishing buddy and I figure it is one of those plastic spot marker deals.  A few minutes later he comes back and drops a second one near the first, then finally he swings back around and anchors parallel to both markers.  Almost immediately they started catching fish, alternating with hanging up on whatever structure they had marked.  Gotta say I was a bit impressed.  
That's about it for the day.  Species caught: crappy, perch, bluegill, largemouth, striper, alewives.  One keeper cat and maybe 3 or 4 crappie/perch over 9" hit the box. 


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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/09/24 23:22:05 (permalink)
    So that's what a 'stripper' looks like... I'll be dammed. To bad it wasn't a tad bigger you could have smathered it with mayo and throwed it on the grill.

    7.5 MPH with a kicker ain't bad and it will work great for them 1.5 MPH trolling speeds.

    Congrats on the catching.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/09/25 12:03:58 (permalink)
    I hit the lake too. Didn't get the early start and got maybe 4 hours on the lake. We started on some wood and weeds in shallow, way to warm for that. Cove we started at was 83 degrees. Moved to deeper water and did ok. Fished some structure ranging from 20 fow to 10 fow. We'd get bites on almost every drift, wind had us moving about 1mph. When we anchored, almost nothing? Got two nice channels, a few crappie, perch and a baby wiper too. Enjoyable day on the water, will be much more enjoyable when the temps fall and move the fish in shallow. Had enough bites to keep it interesting, and somehow none were gills???
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/09/28 15:02:33 (permalink)
    Will the hybrids turn on in the fall like they do in the spring?  Tried a couple times last fall with zero success at night.  In south Carolina the fall bite was awesome.  Lots of topwater action when the water cooled enough for the fish to come out of the deep.
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/09/28 17:02:10 (permalink)
    If it does, I haven't figured it out!  I have heard that they come in shallower to feed, but don't know when or where or what to use...  I'm sure if you can figure out where the alewives will be, you will find out where the wipers are.  The alewives definitely don't do their thing like they do in late spring.
    Fall bite at Arthur for me is about pan fish.  A few cats and large mouth mixed in.  On occasion a pike or stray wiper will show up (usually small).  The bite is usually pretty good for the smaller fish.  I have caught wipers in early fall, using the same summer time techniques (deeper water trolling/jigging).  I haven't done in a while, as from my understanding, catching them in 80 degree water is a death sentence to them.  I'm guessing it will cool off enough this week to be less stress.  My summer techniques aren't nearly as good as some.  I'm lucky to get 1-2 in 4-5 hours of targeting them, many times getting a skunk.  I find the bite every few minutes the pan fish will give, a bit more entertaining.  I'd rather eat crappie and perch too.
    If you have the patience, I am sure you can get into some.  
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/09/30 07:03:32 (permalink)
    Headed up Sunday, as long as the kiddos cooperate. Hoping "Perchtober" is here. I think the cooler nights and rain this week will help with pushing em shallow. We shall see. 

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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/09/30 08:34:22 (permalink)
    If this week's weather doesn't push them in, the long term forecast looks great.  Can only imagine what the lake was like yesterday with those winds...  Can add about 10-15 mph to the forecasted winds for Portersville, if the winds funnel down some of those valleys.  I'm sure that helps mixing the water and cooling that surface temp faster, especially if they got some of the heavy rains.  If any of you happen to get a surface temp this weekend, please post.  I couldn't believe how warm that cove we were in was, although I am sure it is down about 10-15 degrees from this week alone in the cove, since there is a small creek feeding it.  I am pretty sure my main lake temp reading was the same as Sam mentioned.  Hopefully under 70 this weekend for the main lake, and in the 60s before too long.
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/09/30 08:43:24 (permalink)
    Heavy rains stayed west ov the lake. Light rain over night.
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/09/30 08:50:23 (permalink)
     Daylight--- Arthur eve is good in fall. Way up S/R can get swarmed with 'em at times.
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/09/30 08:59:41 (permalink)
    Look at that BS weather forecast for tonight.  And now Sunday is ruined also.  Need to buy some rain gear...
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/09/30 09:06:09 (permalink)
    Good night to stock up on crawlers.
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/01 00:23:41 (permalink)
     Hey CM.
     I'd hit it soon, got into a flock ov Byrds this Arthur eve., fish on cast after cast with a large rainbow  going across the lake while the bite was on. Prob. 'round 20 landed.
     The Perch bite was a bust with all the Byrds 'round, only 2 caught with some L/M & couple Gills. The Paper Mouths were on the slow side with the on/off, on/off lightning & winds I only bucketed 29 with nothing over 13". Very slugish light takes. 'Round 10 or so tried flippin' under over hanging tree branches next to shore, had 3 very big fish get off, thinkin' Large Eyes or Cats. Started rainin' 11:30 again so packed it up for the trip home.
    First time out in the lake since Ice out Byrds. Should start to pick up in a week or so.
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/01 01:47:59 (permalink)
    I never fish LA only because I dont know much about the coves & spots to start, But would love to start. I live 2 miles from there and i always haul my boat to Pyme or Erie. Can anyone out there help lead mre in the right direction. I am very close to RTe 528 ramps.
    Thanks. Fish-ON
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/01 12:13:26 (permalink)
    I never fish LA only because I dont know much about the coves & spots to start, But would love to start. I live 2 miles from there and i always haul my boat to Pyme or Erie. Can anyone out there help lead mre in the right direction. I am very close to RTe 528 ramps.
    Thanks. Fish-ON

    It can be a humbling place to fish when you're starting out.  People don't call it the Dead Sea for nothing.  I'm by no means an expert, but have been fishing there a couple times a month for the last couple years, either from shore or wading, mostly in the 528 ramp area/side of the lake.  A boat gives you a big advantage, especially if you've got some good electronics which I'd guess you have if you go to Pymie and Erie.  
    One of the best things you can do is just do a search for Lake Arthur with the search feature at the top.  Pages and pages of reading, which will give you a general feel for what's happening at different times of the year.  Checking out the weekly reports for the Northwest on the PFBC website can be somewhat helpful as well.  
    A lot of it depends on what you want to catch too.  Small panfish are abundant and easy to catch from shore.  Slab crappies are pretty elusive for me so far.  Channel cats and largemouth are a pretty good target species there and not too hard to figure out.  Stripers take some work and knowledge of their seasonal patterns, and I couldn't even begin to tell you how to catch walleye there.  
    If you can find structure, especially submerged structure - old road beds, old railroads, brush piles, etc - you'll find fish.  The Navionics web app, even the free version, is helpful in that regard.  
    And, if you can learn to decipher a little bit of crappiefisher's secret code on here, that's a very helpful thing too.  That guy knows the lake as well as anybody on here.  
    A couple of guys on here who often post about Arthur are very willing to share some general info through private message as well, and they've helped me and my boys a ton.  
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/01 12:44:38 (permalink)
    U should post a photo ov your sons 1st Pike he caught a few weeks back. Hope you get one soon  Tryin' to get my son to take me out on his boat today but he said it's gonna rain. Kids these days 
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/01 22:29:01 (permalink)
    If you would like sometime when I can go over with by boat to the 528 ramp and you would like to go out for a couple hours on a afternoon I would love to have the company and maybe you can teach me a little about the lake. Bring the boys if you like. I live right of 488 in Prospect. Fish-On 
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/01 23:21:34 (permalink)
      Thank you,
     I'll be living up Linesville mostly 'till Christmas. I live near Lake Arthur Family Campground.  Mostly waded 80% the 30 plus yrs that lived here. Been fishin' it since the 1st yr. it opened in 69 or 70??  Had a old farmhouse since the early 60's near the lake we used for weekends.  Can't believe you don't fish it. It is a beautiful lake & Oct. is like having your own private fishing waters & the fishing is easiest this time of yr.
     Don't have the Internet hooked (so nice) up at Pymy so don't visit here much.
     Pork Town might not catch much but he has very good info. on the lake & likes talkin' fishin'.
     Best advice is go wet a line close to home & enjoy her beauty.
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/02 09:16:17 (permalink)
    Hey now... I catch a few, but even my best day hasn't come close to 30 wipers... I've had a few about half that number, never outside of the night bite though. Now until ice on, is good times. Once buck season is open, it gets a little sketchy though. Guys right up along the shoreline with rifles, definitely wear bright orange if heading out.
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/02 14:21:48 (permalink)
    Hit the lake this morning, launched out of porters cove on the yak, pretty slow morning, only thing hitting were small gills and a few dink perch with one jumbo mixed in, tried getting some large mouth but only managed 1 dink...o well,better luck next time i hope
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/03 09:14:09 (permalink)
    Sunday- Launched at Porters Cove around 7:30 mainly because 528 bait guy was closed but that's another story. Water Temp was 64-66* all over the lake. Fished my usual spots in Porters cove caught 3 wiper (small), a large mouth, a few dink perch and 2 keepers 11" in 3 hours, in a couple different spots along the shore line. Not the perch bite I was looking for.
    Attempted to troll from 422 bridge up past the island along the road bed with only a decent cat to show.
    Sped down the 528 side and fished numerous spots- The bite was better, but the wind was unbearable at points. The perch wanted meat and the gills were hammering fatheads go figure, toothy critters, crappie and LM no where to be found. Abundance of fish today just mostly smaller. Kept 14 perch most were 9-10 inches with a couple 11" mixed in. Threw back a lot of dinks.
    Couldn't stick around for the crappie nite bite.
    post edited by TheBlueLagoon - 2016/10/05 07:09:36

    Got Walleye???
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/04 22:32:39 (permalink)
    My 12 year old son got this this evening on the fly. He was pretty pumped, even though he was trying to catch a pike.

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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/05 10:49:39 (permalink)
    Nice Fish! I bet that was a blast on the fly. 

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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/05 13:34:30 (permalink)
    rsquared great story and congratulations to your son for his dedication of mastering the fly rod.
    I had a similar catch on Shenango yesterday, though not in the same fashion and welll I did have some help.
    While sitting in my boat, to my surprise, a bobber goes swimming by....................
    And of course a chase pursued which led to many misses as the bobber would dive under water and pop up elsewhere.  However all ended well as I finally captured the elusive red and yellow floaty object and was able to show the people on shore, why I was making soooooo many circles and going back and forth, leaning over the gunwales.                       

    Unfortunately, as you can see, the fish was hooked deep so I cut the line and set the fish free which did not reappear, to the surface, as a severely injured fish will.  Hopefully it will live to play another day, maybe on a young anglers, fly rod.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/10/05 13:40:00

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/05 14:36:06 (permalink)
    For a minute there I thought you were using minnows under a bobber BTDT.  So disappointed.  
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    Re: Arthur report 9/24/16 2016/10/05 21:31:11 (permalink)
    Hey Zelie I got a red and yellow bobber thingy for sale and I'll throw in some green string for free.  Oh... and some dried-up old fatheads I found under a tackle box that's been sitting on the floor. lol
    I was hoping to see "The Nymph" zipping around on the reservoir, maybe next time.
    The docks are still in.....  so far.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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