Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP

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2016/09/20 16:03:35 (permalink)

Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP

So I recently moved to Pittsburgh with my family and I've tried many different local lakes. They all seem over fished. I've also tried the river by the point and I donated a good $40 to the river. Anyone know some places for Muskie fishing? I saw a topic talking about Keystone Power Dam? Where's that located at?

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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/20 16:25:37 (permalink)
    KPD is off of Rt 422 between Kittanning and Indiana. Never fished it so can't help ya there. And I don't fish for muskies so can't help ya there, but guys I know that do fish muskies hit the Middle to upper Allegheny quite a bit.

    Are you looking for muskies mainly, or a place to take your family and catch panfish, bass or cats? What lakes have you tried? What are you looking for other than muskies?
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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/20 16:29:53 (permalink)
    Mainly bass, I've hit Canonsburg, Peters lake and another I can't remember. I've been to Indian lake many times as my cousin has a cabin up there. But it's shut down for now they're doing repairs on it.
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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/20 17:08:54 (permalink)
    Sounds like you're in the South Hills, and I'm not real familiar with what's down that way.  
    You looking for places to fish from a boat, or are you shore bound?
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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/20 17:42:35 (permalink)
    From what I understand Dunkard has rebounded since the big fish kill. You may want to poke around down there.
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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/20 21:23:27 (permalink)
     some places for Muskie fishing?  

    If you have a boat, try Tionesta Lake........or if on foot - fish the Outflow Area or the Allegehny R. where Tio. Creek dumps in.
    You can also try the Allegheny River in Tionesta - but you'd be limited in your coverage area unless you have a jet drive. Not saying you won't find any fishable water, but a jet drive will give you full access.
    Tionesta Creek from Nebraska bridge on up can yield muskie as well.
    It's a short 2 hr drive from Pgh.......
    hope this helps.

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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/21 03:04:19 (permalink)
    I fished KPD in June, a friend and I.. on a Saturday, Sunday, and about 2 weeks after that on a monday... from shore. Lost 3 muskies due to no steel leader, rigged up and caught 2 tigers,and a respectable largemouth.. werent really fishing for anything in particular, using chubs and suckers. Many will claim it to be the dead sea, many people swear by the lake. Fish commish told me there were numerous 50"ers in there. Just cross your t's and dot your i's on your boat, trailer, and any other legalities they patrol it heavy due to amish not obeying laws. Its a very nice lake but i believe it gets drained down lower in the summer for cooling the plant. When i went on june 20th it was about 3 feet lower than 2 weeks before. Another good place is kinzua. Not quite close but its worth a camping trip.

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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/22 08:57:11 (permalink)
    For Smallmouth Bass....Any shore spots you can access on the Youghagheny River or the Allegheny...
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/22 09:31:26 (permalink)
    There's😊 always Cross Creek.
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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/22 09:32:00 (permalink)
    There are a lot of smallmouths in Chartiers Creek if you don't have a lot of time, assuming you are in the south hills.  I live in the south hills and mostly fish the ohio river.  Right now it's 95% catfish but the walleye and bass should be picking up very soon.  creek mouths and whatever dam you can access will be good.  We have been fishing from my boat all summer, but I do good from shore too.  This is our biggest cat this summer but we caught quite a few in the 10-15 pound range.  Lots of 15" to 20" channel cats.

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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/22 09:38:08 (permalink)
    I think most of the "overfished" lakes that you have checked out, will surprise you, if you go in the spring or fall.  That seems to be the case with most waters in the area.  Most are pretty hard going during the heat of the summer, especially really hot summers like this one was.  That said, Cannonsburg and Peters are about the only two lakes in the South Hills, so they probably do take a pounding.  Head a little further out of town, and the lakes still get some pressure.  Many more fishermen per capita in the rural areas, and a lot of Pghers will travel an hour or two, so likely getting almost as much pressure.  If you go beyond that 2 hour mark, pressure will lighten a little (with exception to Erie).
    The 3 main rivers fish great during the fall, Yough does as well.  At this time of the year, try around sundown, and fish will turn on even more.  Once the days get shorter and water cools, mid day is the time to be out.  SWPA is filled with "dead seas", as most only fish them during the summer.  If they'd fish them in spring and fall only, they'd never call them that.  Next week the temps look to rebound to where they should be.  Give 1-2 more weeks, then grab a bucket of minnows, and just about any lake/river you fish will likely give up some fish.  If you are a lure fisherman, the cheap lead head jig with curly tail is a river favorite.  Most lakes, I have done great with Gulp minnows (many times out fishing live minnows, other times they require live).  If a fly fisherman, clousers and buggers have always done well for me, but I never really got hooked on it and expanded my arsenal.  Things should be turning on soon, and should last until ice starts forming.
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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/22 09:39:14 (permalink)
    Awesome catch Crawlerman.
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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/22 16:05:55 (permalink)
    Thanks Pork, just waiting on the walleye and bass to start hitting.  I caught one walleye and one sauger since june.  Been fishing random holes/points and creek mouths.  Tried going up to the dam on the back channel but came into 2' of water and got spooked.  Going to try the lock on the other side of the island tomorrow night.  Another odd thing, I catch my bait with a hook and worm.  Been catching trout all summer long.  Never thought they would have lived in the local stream this long into a hot summer.  Mostly browns, but I caught a rainbow about 3 weeks ago.
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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/23 08:17:40 (permalink)
    No surprise about the lack of walleye and sauger during the summer.  I'm sure someone knows a pattern to get them, but I never cracked it.  Really early morning, after a long cool night might help, or a stretch of below normal temps? 
    I have heard of guys crushing trout in the summer on the Yough, in certain spots where cold water springs are located.  I guess just about every trout in the river ends up finding these cold water spots and holds there over the summer.  I would imagine the same could be where you are?  I'd imagine with a smaller body of water than the Yough, you'd only need 1-2 nice sized springs and could cool a large portion of a creek enough to keep trout comfortable.  That, and the smaller creeks get a good bit more shade, to keep water cooler.
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    Re: Looking for some new places to go!! PLEASE HELP 2016/09/23 09:26:44 (permalink)
    There is a spring fed creek that flows into the clarion river.  Ive been there in the summer and the trout are lined up like steelhead.  Lots of big ones too
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