Worst day of fishing I have ever had

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2016/09/17 00:33:42 (permalink)

Worst day of fishing I have ever had

I Went to Conemaugh dam and did not get one bite for 3 hours. I stopped fishing at around 10:20pm and decided I would spot deer along the way home. Then to make my day worst I get pulled over by the game commission at 11:06pm for spotting. I explained to the guy I was just spotting deer along the ride home from fishing since it is a long drive and did not realize it was already 11:00pm(which is the curfew for spotting). Then i went on to explain how bad fishing was and how I do not have a lot of money ($200 and bills to pay at the moment that are overdue) and cannot afford any fines and I do not have any criminal background and am not a bad person and asked if he could just give me a warning and I would not let it happen again. But none of what I said made any difference to him and he acted like I was some criminal and gave me and my uncle a citation.
post edited by zdub7 - 2016/09/17 00:44:13

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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/09/17 00:49:58 (permalink)
    Neighbor that super super sucks.  Ask for a hearing and hope the Judge feels your pain and reduces the fine or tosses the citation.  Might be worth the cost of the hearing.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/09/24 16:43:23 (permalink)
    Yeah i am probably going to fight it. Its taking forever for the citation to come in the mail its been stressing me out i just want to go and get everything dealt with. The more I am around law enforcement the more I lose respect for them. There is so much they could be doing and so little that gets done then on top of things they sometimes just hand out fines and citations just to make peoples lives miserable.
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/21 14:34:21 (permalink)
    sucks.  Just be glad you weren't carrying too.  That's about the only thing that could have made your situation worse!
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/24 10:12:15 (permalink)
    so you broke the law.  now you're complaining that they don't do enough, while they're doing something... did your vehicle not have a clock in it?  
    ya, it sucks you got a ticket.  but the officer was doing HIS job, as you claim they don't do.  c'mon man.
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/24 22:55:24 (permalink)
    gilliganjr i said he pulled me over at 11:06 that was taken from my clock from inside my vehicle which is the correct time. i am pretty sure the full reason they are to hired is to keep bad people from doing bad horrible things like poaching, litering, tresspassing, baiting, hunting to close to houses or using unsafe hunting procedures making it dangerous to them or others.

    I personally do not beleave EVERY person that makes a little mistake by going 6mph over the speed limit or 6inches on to someones unmarked property line that they was completely unaware of or shows up one day to work 6 minutes late should be heavily punished by law and be considered a criminal.
    post edited by zdub7 - 2016/10/24 23:32:40
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/24 23:18:10 (permalink)
    so you broke the law.  now you're complaining that they don't do enough, while they're doing something... did your vehicle not have a clock in it?   ya, it sucks you got a ticket.  but the officer was doing HIS job, as you claim they don't do.  c'mon man.

    l would hate to be related to you... what do you do when a family member shows up 6 minutes late for a family get together beat them with a baseball bat and take $200 from them as a penalty?
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/25 12:19:21 (permalink)
    Its not illegal to show up for a family get together.  
    did you get hit with a bat as well as a fine?  that i'd consider being upset about.  
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/25 14:42:57 (permalink)
    i didnt get hit with a bat but them robbing me of $200 from me and my uncle is a big enough hit! (had guns pointed at me my 60 y/o disabled uncle and my 2 nephews that are 13 and 16 years old)....
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/25 14:50:33 (permalink)
    well.  they didnt rob you of anything.  they levied a fine for something you did illegally.  thats a fact.
    as far as them pointing guns at you, that seems a bit overkill.  but they also have families they need to get back to after every shift.  they dont know who they're walking up to at 11:06pm on a dark road.  
    I'd like to think you taught your nephews the lessons of spotting past curfew.  However, it would seem you taught them about the perceived malfeasance of a game warden.  what dicks they must be, enforcing the law...  
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/25 15:55:31 (permalink)
    gilliganjr i said he pulled me over at 11:06 that was taken from my clock from inside my vehicle which is the correct time. i am pretty sure the full reason they are to hired is to keep bad people from doing bad horrible things like poaching, litering, tresspassing, baiting, hunting to close to houses or using unsafe hunting procedures making it dangerous to them or others.

    I personally do not beleave EVERY person that makes a little mistake by going 6mph over the speed limit or 6inches on to someones unmarked property line that they was completely unaware of or shows up one day to work 6 minutes late should be heavily punished by law and be considered a criminal.

    Quit making excuses.  You broke the law & got caught, suck it up.
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/25 19:03:16 (permalink)
    D-nymph & gilligan what is the harm in spotting deer? Can you tell me what you have against it?

    I have no criminal records of any kind i never got any warnings or anything from game wardens most of the game wardens i have met were pretty nice but these three that night was all about punishing anyone they could in the biggest way possible.
    post edited by zdub7 - 2016/10/25 19:39:03
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/25 19:07:38 (permalink)
    Nothing wrong with spotting deer during legal hours.
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/25 19:22:41 (permalink)
    They pulled their guns ? That would of been in my first sentence . Are you sure they pulled there guns on you ?
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/25 19:32:07 (permalink)
    yes they did but thats just standard procedure i assume? because it is dangerous appraoching a potentional poacher at night that could have been armed(but that wasnt the case) BUT i dont understand why with being held at gun point and scaring the hell out of us that wasnt enough and still wrote a citation just the expereince of that was enough to make me not want to spot again all together
    post edited by zdub7 - 2016/10/25 19:38:05
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/25 21:37:01 (permalink)
    Still say, if you haven't paid the fine, it may be worth a hearing before a magistrate.   If you have no past record(s) you may just get lucky and get off with a warning.  If you plead guilty and  pay the fine, you might want to check and see if your name goes on a multi state "game violation" advisory list.
    I'd be scared too if I was approached by a person from the game commission with a drawn firearm but the PA boys do have the arresting powers of the State Police.  In fact at one time they didn't need search warrants for their line of work.
    I'm thinkin' some people see it as  "over reacting",  especially over such a thing like spotlighting, but very few people are aware of the following incident.
    Good luck if you choose to go for a hearing.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/25 22:29:20 (permalink)
    thanks for all the advice and for wishing me luck ill need it. i just went to the judges office yesterday and plead not guilty. I just hope it will not get put on my record and i dont get the full penalty of $200 + the $50 costs of trail.
    post edited by zdub7 - 2016/10/25 22:38:02
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/26 09:51:29 (permalink)
    D-nymph & gilligan what is the harm in spotting deer? Can you tell me what you have against it?

    I have no criminal records of any kind i never got any warnings or anything from game wardens most of the game wardens i have met were pretty nice but these three that night was all about punishing anyone they could in the biggest way possible.

    There is nothing wrong with spotting deer, during legal hours.  Here's what you refuse to recognize & continue to make excuses for:  You, by your own admission, were doing it after 11:00, your truck clock, which you said is correct, read 11:06.  You were after hours, that's illegal, you took that risk, now pay your fine.  End of story.  If the warden pulled you over at 10:45 pm you'd have a beef, but he did not, according to your story.
    I'd probably fight it too, but would expect to lose.  If you give the magistrate the same excuses you're giving us, you will lose.  If you tell him you just lost track of time & it was an honest mistake, you're sorry etc. you may win, or may not.
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/26 10:15:46 (permalink)
    the title of this thread should really be: I broke the law and want some sympathy.  
    like dnymph said, if you go in there and give some sob story they're gonna toss you out.  submit humbly and apologize, and you lost track of time, you may get some leniency.  but i expect you'll give your sob story.  
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/26 15:56:45 (permalink)
    well gilligan i just feel i wasnt putting anyone in harms way or damaging anything by spotting on a back road away from houses it wasnt being disruptive in any way. the only reason i can understand why there is a curefew for spotting is because it might upset people if they are trying to sleep and people are spotting all through their yard or making noise and causing a disturbance while spotting. If that was the case i would take full responsibility and accept it as tell doing their job.

    D-nymph and giligan thanks for the advice. i plan on going in and show respect to the judge tell him im sorry and tell him i understand what i did was wrong. Even though thats not really how i feel.
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/26 19:10:15 (permalink)
    With that attitude I hope you get what you deserve wounder what attitude you had with wardens probably why the didn't cut you a break
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/26 19:14:29 (permalink)
    post edited by musky hunter906 - 2016/10/26 19:46:17
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/26 19:34:43 (permalink)
    i just needed somewhere to vent my anger over 2 **** game wardens the other guy they was with wasan old guy i talked with him for about 30 minutes and was nice as can be
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/26 19:39:22 (permalink)
    since you guys feel strongly about the law and no law should ever go unpunished ill mention the fact that they had 1 headlight out on their truck and i followed behind them on the road i was doing the speed limit and they was going atleast 20 mph over the speed i was going.

    should gamewardens follow the law or do they not have to?
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/26 22:33:08 (permalink)
    Relax and heed the advice from the positve suggestions and let the negatve comment go for what it is.

    One way for a law officer to prove thier worth is to "write tickets". Apparently you are a "victim of circumstance" in that your arresting officer has little to show for his time, he is absolutely zero tolerance, or possibly he had a bad day at home.

    Regardless, you provided the officer the opportunity to pull you over.

    I'd like to suggest you speak with someone of knowledge who you trust and ask thier opinion, as to how you should present your case. Assuming on my part, that you are not being represented by a attorney.

    Keep in mind an attitude by any other name is still an attitude.

    Stay to the point and keep it simple. You broke the law by spot lighting 6 minutes past the deadline, you have no prior arrest (I hope), you didn't' intend on breaking the law and will certainly be more aware of the law in the future. You ask for the hearing in hope the court will reduce the charge to a warning and a reduction in the fine.

    Keep eye contact with the judge, stand still including not flailing your hands about and DO NOT blame the arresting officer for the problem you created.

    Also remember that you will be speaking to; "Your Honor", unless the judge finds you guilty and your hearing is over then he and the arresting officer is an aszhat. lol

    With any luck at all, the arresting officer's supervisor will see there is a good chance you will win the case and the PGC won't appear.

    However, should you have my luck, the arresting officer is the supervisor and I'd be calling for bail.

    Only kidding, be cool, get some advice from persons you respect and good luck.

    Spot lighting happens at my residence with crop fields to my south and pastures to my north. It is not uncommon to have a dozen lights shining in the fields during one night.

    Not only do I see motor vehicles but I see Dutch buggies and two carts spotlighting.

    Only one incident where a spotlight was played up my driveway for two nights. The third night I greeted the spotters with a light show of my own.

    For some chyts and giggles I'll place one of my 3D in my field... sometimes two. 🎃

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/27 09:31:08 (permalink)
    since you guys feel strongly about the law and no law should ever go unpunished ill mention the fact that they had 1 headlight out on their truck and i followed behind them on the road i was doing the speed limit and they was going atleast 20 mph over the speed i was going.

    should gamewardens follow the law or do they not have to?

    make sure you bring this up in the hearing.  see how that goes.
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/27 11:23:26 (permalink)
    One way for a law officer to prove thier worth is to "write tickets". Apparently you are a "victim of circumstance" in that your arresting officer has little to show for his time, he is absolutely zero tolerance, or possibly he had a bad day at home.

    yeah i feel you might be right about that. and once again thank you for all your advice!
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/27 12:30:55 (permalink)
    This whole story is questionable. Fining someone who is only six minutes past hours is allowable, but not  usually the case. Usually a warning would be given for six minutes. And I have a real problem believing that guns were drawn and pointed at anyone for a spotlighting violation. The only way that would have happened is if there is more to the story than we are hearing. If someone is stopped and cops an attitude or makes threats then I can see a fine instead of a warning. If there was shooting in the area and they felt your vehicle may be the suspect vehicle they may have drawn their handguns while approaching your vehicle, but pointing it at you is unlikely. If this all went down exactly like you said then you need to be reporting it to the PGC regional office these officers are out of. Pointing guns at someone for a spotlighting violation is not SOP. I am leaning toward calling BS on this story.
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/28 15:21:08 (permalink)
    This whole story is questionable. Fining someone who is only six minutes past hours is allowable, but not  usually the case. Usually a warning would be given for six minutes. And I have a real problem believing that guns were drawn and pointed at anyone for a spotlighting violation. The only way that would have happened is if there is more to the story than we are hearing. If someone is stopped and cops an attitude or makes threats then I can see a fine instead of a warning. If there was shooting in the area and they felt your vehicle may be the suspect vehicle they may have drawn their handguns while approaching your vehicle, but pointing it at you is unlikely. If this all went down exactly like you said then you need to be reporting it to the PGC regional office these officers are out of. Pointing guns at someone for a spotlighting violation is not SOP. I am leaning toward calling BS on this story.

    zdubs must be from the everybody wins in T-ball generation....you know its not his fault !!!!
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    Re: Worst day of fishing I have ever had 2016/10/30 08:55:43 (permalink)
    zdubs & others: 1st, that nice old guy was probly the superviser for the 2 others, and either training or evaluating them. 2nd, you have told us your side concerning the guns, but ,til we hear from them, we don,t know what they face on dark roads at nite. google LEO  DEATHS WHILE ON DUTY and try to put yourself in their place. not something I,d want to do. 3rd, win, lose or draw, afterwards thank the judge, shake the wardens hands, and apologize and promise to be more careful in the future. this advise from a guy arrested MANY yrs. ago by a N.Y. warden who came out of the bushes gun first ( over 50 yrs. ago ,n, i still remember how warm that pee was goin down my legs, lol wire   
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