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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/14 20:54:02 (permalink)
  They don't stock the Perch that are allowed to be harvested in the U.S. The eyes are not stocked & can't be commercially  harvested in L.E. in the U.S. & the baby trout they do stock (not allowed to harvest) the lake does the work for us. No gill nets in the U.S.A. for L.E.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2016/08/14 21:30:45
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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/14 21:22:41 (permalink)
 Here is some info on the canada commericial fishermen
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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/14 23:32:40 (permalink)
This is a better read ...............
Bureaucrats will argue in favor of the commercial fishers, that by net placement, and size of mesh, that non target species catches can BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM!  This is simply a 'bunch of bunk' - misinformation slanted in favor of the commercial fishery, perpetrated by governments, and the commercial fishing industry. 
Another  sad fact that needs to be known and understood, is that many AMERICAN STOCKED fish are swimming over into Canadian waters on the Ontario side of the lake, and being caught in commercial nets. We as sports anglers will catch a few of these fish also, but bearing in mind that sport fishing being inefficient, the overall is scant, when compared to the harvest being taken by commercial fisher-folk.  MANY OF THESE AMERICAN STOCKED FISH TAKEN IN  COMMERCIAL NETS - ARE THROWN AWAY - THIS IS A SLAP IN THE FACE OF ANYONE WHO CARES ABOUT OUR GREAT LAKES FISHERY! The reason they are thrown away is because the government doesn't allow the sale of trout in Canada as the only reason - so these dead fish get tossed overboard.  They usually will piece the swim bladder so they sink readily - never to be seen again
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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/15 10:47:01 (permalink)
    I fished gill nets in Canadian Waters in the 70's and I can say that mesh size matters. It is not 100% but it affects the harvest. We caught non targeted species and were instructed to throw back dead or alive. Well very few non target species were thrown back as we ate most and gave away most of the rest which was not much. We targeted fish. If we were after Whitefish we fished where the Whitefish were at the time. Did we catch other fish? Yes however not as much as others might think. At that time we would catch two or three Trout -Salmon per year. Now this was in Georgian Bay not Erie, and I am sure at that time the fisheries differed from present. We also caught tons of carp and suckers which we mostly threw back. We actually ate some and smoked some. The local Commercial fishermen wanted to establish a processing plant for rough fish. Feed,fertilizer, or whatever. The powers that ruled would not allow it due to the area was designated a tourist area and new industrial activities were not allowed.
   I learned a lot off those fellas I worked with and it was a wonderful time of my life. I guided with one of the crew and he also had the local trapping concession. They were all the kind of guys you would want with you stranded in the wilderness.
   A friend of mine who now lives in MN and is now a retired visited for awhile in the fall. WE ate delicious meals every day and never the same. Fish of many species and cooked many ways and other wild game duck, moose, beaver, muskrat, and the best whitefish livers fried. He claimed he never ate so well.
  Getting off track with my rambling.  
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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/15 15:36:14 (permalink)
Ts, interesting read on Whitefish. Your right fisheries are somewhat different today with the introduction of the Steelhead stockings. In the 70's Erie Steelhead were very low numbers but Coho Salmon along the Pa. shores were of good numbers. Today with 3 states stocking Steelhead into Lake Erie the numbers have highly increased, I'm sure way above the past Salmon stockings. 
As a sport fisherman only, one has to wonder how effective and destructive are nets on todays Steelhead species. Trap nets target deeper species such as Walleye, and we know where there are Walleye there are Steelhead. I'm not sure how well Steelhead school when roaming the wide open lake but we know they school heavy in Fall near creek mouths, and off shore. This would also include Canadian waters.
 Not fully blaming the netting factor, but Steelhead return numbers have dropped fairly dramatic over the past five years in all 3 states. When you read articles as above all factors must be looked into.  
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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/16 08:23:11 (permalink)
   I wonder how many of the Salmon Species are caught in the nets today in Georgian Bay. A friend and fella I commercial fished with is still fishing and when I next talk to him I will ask. Although he now only fishes the Whitefish. The Chub (Remember Smoked Chubs) have for some reason disappeared, and there are no more commercial catchable population of Perch. There have never been any Commercial fishing there of Perch and few went out for Chub. They simply disappeared. My friend in Fisheries in Mn once told me of the amount of invasive species arriving in the Great Lakes each year and it was huge. Not all are large like Gobies and the Mussels we received.
   The fisheries biologists held conferences with the Gov? and shipping companies trying to get ballasts treated however the companies said that it would be a burden and our Gov? I believe still allows dumping of untreated ballast.
   It did not surprise me as a Forester we are plagued with invasive species. I told a horticulturist that his profession has caused more damage to our forests than all the cutting and poor Silva culture practices of the last 200 years.  He agreed with me.
    Wait till the true ramifications of introduced honeysuckle sp  becomes known. I think 10 more years will show the ecological damage.
   What is with allowing people in this country to possess Gabon Vipers and Multiple Sp. of Cobras, have we learned nothing. History is a teacher only to those with brains.
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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/16 08:58:56 (permalink)
Got to agree ! We have invasive species owned by people who think they are cool because they are different. Wait till the Asian (Silver Carp) start multiplying in the Great Lakes ! You just know they are already in there. They showed people in Canada releasing small fish in bowls as a jester of good luck into the local rivers and lakes.....guess what type of Carp they were !  
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/08/16 09:00:50
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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/16 21:40:57 (permalink)
the nets have been around for years and always will be..... in pa waters they are trap nets not gill nets...the last gill nets were confiscated a few years ago when a commercial fisherman was caught using them..i agree that something may be changing in the lake. ....... BUT....last year was just like this year.... spring was good summers sucked ... lots of marks few fish... we finally lit them up in sept... the fishing was super and the fish were on the bigger size... so i quess patience is the word  for now ...the bite will come lets just hope the weather holds .....and we can all benefit the mean time do like the rest of us move around find the small schools and pick away at them..... heard little tip the other day dont be afraid to look shallow  ... as shallow as 32 ft might be a good starting place
        " i fish because the voices in my head tell me to"  

i fish because the voices in my head tell me to
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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/18 12:20:30 (permalink) there are good reports of nice catches,and depths are given.Maybe start looking at some of these for an idea where to start looking in Pa. waters.
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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/21 08:33:28 (permalink)
Did well yesterday off Conneaut,Oh. 53' . Started at 55' and moved 4 times till we found fish that were hitting . Good schools of fish all through the area we were in . Switched from crappie rigs to splitters with blades, tipped with half emerald shiner( Game On )
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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/29 11:27:53 (permalink)
out on perch pirate sun morn trip , not to good at all
  me only 4, son 4, buddy 6 , very few on boat did any good.
reading reports out of ohio they are doing very good in 55 fow
 altho not so good out of Geneva
 what is our problem here?  no one seems to have a answer
  hot weather, netting, over fished, also note bait fish hard to
get here and ohio.
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Re: perch fishing 2016/08/29 20:58:43 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2016/08/30 00:20:03
Those of us greybearded ones will remember perch used to be a spring and fall bite, when the lake cleared, perch populations went off the chart, maybe nature is finding a balance with the forage available, as for not catching them, fish smarter and change methods when needed, Im docked in Conneaut and have had 3 trips all season when we didn't get our limit, AVOID the pack and find fish away from others, it works, lose the pack mentality, also try different methods, I use spreaders, crappie rigs, sabikis, jigging raps, and small leadheads with twister tails,  somedays one will be the only thing the fish want. I also use fresh dead cut fathead minnows , you don't need Emeralds to catch perch. find fish away from the pack, don't setup until you find good marks, try different methods and I think you will find the fish are still there, just in a different mood the weve become accustomed to
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