Arthur 7.16

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2016/07/18 10:02:30 (permalink)

Arthur 7.16

The bass were slow and no wipers. The catfish were on though! Anybody else have any luck?

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    Re: Arthur 7.16 2016/07/22 19:43:04 (permalink)
    Fished the outflow - muddy creek - couple times over the last month or so.  Caught a muskie and son caught a lg mouth - separate outings.  Muskie was young - about 26 inches
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    Re: Arthur 7.16 2016/08/08 08:46:38 (permalink)
    Summer doldrums for me.  Nothing in the depths, but didn't fish them long with kids anxious to catch something.  Moved onto a brush pile and caught 10 small crappie.  Biggest was 8".  I hate seeing summer roll out, but don't mind seeing the fall fishing patterns roll in.
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    Re: Arthur 7.16 2016/08/08 11:25:20 (permalink)
    Summer at Arthur isn't for the impatient.  The really good fish hide, and the normally good spots tend to give up dinks.  This leads to people swearing that Arthur is a dead zone.  
    I know that Pork knows better, but it is amusing how the lake gets such a bad rep.  I could give lots of advice about how to work around the dead of summer, but for the majority of folks out there none of it would work or they wouldn't enjoy it.  
    My job and boat project kept me off the lake so far this year, but I'll be out there after we get back from the beach.  Loves me some Arthur.
    Again, just for the record... none of that is directed at Porktown.  He knows how to fish Arthur.  But he also knows his kids and what methods he can get away with on a day trip. 
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    Re: Arthur 7.16 2016/08/08 14:33:07 (permalink)
    I'll be expecting to see that 'yacht' of yinz on the water come soon Sam.  I got lots of dates penciled in to do some exploring around Arthur, although I will not be pulling a boat each time, I will have a ultra light along for the ride.  
    Not knowing the lake that well, I'll need to check each launch sight or parking lot on a regular bases until I find just the right spot I'm looking for.  
    Saw your pics on your other thread and it's looking good buddy.  Congratulations.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Arthur 7.16 2016/08/08 15:22:37 (permalink)
    If you are launching something large (larger than 17'), the Watts Bay public launch was extremely low this past weekend.  Not sure if the lake itself was low.  I don't think it was?  I had the tailpipe pushing water, to get mine on and off of the bunks.  The ramp closer to the beach, away from the sailboat marina was a little deeper.
    I am pretty sure McDaniel's and Davis Hollow public are the two deepest launches.  It will require a little run to certain spots though.  I think the 528 bridge launch is also relatively deep too.  Although, you can't go too far back into 528 with a deeper sitting hull.  The veggies get pretty thick back there at this time of the year.
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    Re: Arthur 7.16 2016/08/08 16:08:55 (permalink)
    BTDT - I'll be up on Shenango this weekend for a test run!  (fingers crossed)  If everything goes well you'll get your Arthur guided run middle September.  :)  I'll put you on my "secret" spots for fish... pretty exciting stuff!  Really though, Arthur just gets better and better in the fall.  We'll definitely get out there.  
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