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2016/06/07 23:10:01 (permalink)


County Treasurers will start issuing "antlerless"(doe) licenses on Monday JULY 11,2016...

I recommend mailing your application on Friday July 8th..


Resident hunters only have one week of exclusive license sales this year ..

For 2016 the price for doe licenses has been
increased to $6.90 ..please make sure your check is correct ..

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    Re: ATTENTION ALL DOE HUNTERS == 2016/06/09 08:38:08 (permalink)
    Thanks Doc.  I called Gander yesterday and they told me 2016 licenses go on sale June 20th.  Is that later than normal?  Always thought they went on sale the 1st of June.
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    Re: ATTENTION ALL DOE HUNTERS == 2016/06/09 10:25:57 (permalink)
    Me too, thanks Doc and Pike I tried renewing on 6/1 using the internet thingy and found out, no 2016 but, I could still buy last years license.

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    Walleye jigs
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    Re: ATTENTION ALL DOE HUNTERS == 2016/06/09 14:45:07 (permalink)
    Did you?
    Dr. Trout
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    Re: ATTENTION ALL DOE HUNTERS == 2016/06/11 17:52:09 (permalink)
    JUNE 20TH FOR 2016-17 REGULAR LICENSES .....
    Big Tuna
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    Re: ATTENTION ALL DOE HUNTERS == 2016/06/23 21:26:52 (permalink)
    Yea I've been going very easy on the doe herd in my neck of the woods. My son and I buy three tags every year and throw at least 5 in the trash can every year. We have been extremely fortunate to harvest 2 bucks each in Pa. and Ohio for the last several years. Might be the year put some flat heads in the freezer. It will totally depend on my buck harvest every year I say I'm going to shoot them but end up not doing it. My son and I saved a ton of doe by not shooting them only to have last day gun gang hunters drive and kill everything brown is down. I'm to old to worry about the future of Pa. deer herd. If the PGC not worried why should I.
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    Re: ATTENTION ALL DOE HUNTERS == 2016/06/29 14:40:29 (permalink)
    I would suggest that you also throw away last years regular license when you get the new one. Also if you have any copies of last years doe apps. throw them away so as to eliminate any confusion about the new cost of tags. Since it seems that a lot of guys have their wives write the checks & they may go with the price that was on the old ones. Would not make for marital harmony if a app. was returned for insufficient funds being sent.    sam
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    Re: ATTENTION ALL DOE HUNTERS == 2016/06/29 14:48:05 (permalink)
    Big tuna, I also throw away on average 4 doe tags a year. I get that many because I hunt in at least 4 different WMU, but I don't want more than 1 deer & although it seems like the PGC isn't interested in what is left for the future & I am also too old too worry about it for my self I would like to see some deer left for my kids & grandkids.   sam 
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    Re: ATTENTION ALL DOE HUNTERS == 2016/08/01 09:16:59 (permalink)
    I am still attempting to purchase a second DMA2 permit. Today is the first day of the second round.

    I started over an hour and a half ago. It took over 30 minutes for the application page to load -- this permit is not on the normal outdoor shop page. I completed the application and hit submit. Ten minutes later I get a routing error message and am told to go back and submit again. This happens three times.

    Just for giggles, I try using my phone instead of my desktop. The permit application page won't even open and it doesn't matter if I am connected via wi-fi or using data.

    So back to the desktop I go and I am now on my 12th page can't be displayed message. I tried going to other portions of the outdoor shop, like tree stand ID and shooting range permits to see if they would open. Nada.

    One would think that the PGC license vendor would have it more together than getting so overloaded as to become unresponsive.

    Good thing I didn't have anything else I needed to do today (yeah, right) other than hang around trying to get through to the PGC.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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