How to keep line tight? Jig for trout

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2016/05/11 15:31:36 (permalink)

How to keep line tight? Jig for trout

Hi all, new to the forums but read them a lot in the past.
I want to try jigging for trout as I've seen a lot of guys having success (Brady's run and Zelie).
What setup do I need? Specifically, how do I keep my line tight?
Most of they guys I see have the line very tight and can just slightly twitch their rod to get action. My line stays very slack, and to get any type of action, I need to "pull" my rod harder than just the twitching I see.
Do I have the wrong weight line? I'm using 6lb mono.
Also, I'm curious as to how the guys seem to cast so far. I can only get that far if I use a lot of weight, but it seems they only have a jig.
Also, I'm open to suggestions on how to fish for trout on topwater. I don't know much about trout fishing. I seem to just be lucky fishing on the bottom with power bait or getting them with rooster tails when they are active. But I'm not killing them like the other guys.

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    Re: How to keep line tight? Jig for trout 2016/05/11 20:03:51 (permalink)
    Fishing lakes or streams? It's a reeling very slow while jigging your rod tip in one motion that keeps the line tight.. also drop down to 4 lb line soon to be 2 lb.. most guys use a longer rod I use an 8'6 ultralight and have seen guys using rods longer than that if I'm not fly fishing I'm using jigs and almost always have high success rates.. most lakes you don't need to get out extremely far ive never found a need to cast further then where my e-z float and jig take me to

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    solitario lupo
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    Re: How to keep line tight? Jig for trout 2016/05/13 14:04:41 (permalink)
    First off what kind of jig are you using. As for top water flies. For casting out far depends on ur jig and set up. If using a styrofoam bobbin maybe take it off and use a hard plastic. or just add weight to were it is needed.
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    Re: How to keep line tight? Jig for trout 2016/05/13 18:03:40 (permalink)
    Are you interested in fishing the jig under a float? Or just a jig? Assuming you're trying to cast a light payload a long distance, my preference is a rod over 7' ul l or ml depending on the amount of weight you want to throw. I highly recommend 4-6lb braid for its long casting, low memory, and floating properties. Just tie a 1-3' piece of flouro or mono for a leader using a micro swivel or uni-uni knot. For floats, I'd suggest a slip float for maximum distance. Especially if you want to fish deeper than 2-3'. Any of the painted wooden slip floats from thill are nice, as far as slip floats go. Just keep in mind, long ul rods don't like to cast all that weight of the float, shot, snd jig. Id suggest a l, ml, or even m action rod, depending on the weight of the floats you wanna throw. Bigger heavier floats go farther.
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    Re: How to keep line tight? Jig for trout 2016/05/14 19:35:41 (permalink)
    It has been years since I have fished live bait for trout. Jig fishing is almost all I do. I use a 7' ultra light rod and 4 lb line. I also throw a lot of jigs for crappie fishing so this year I upgraded my gear with a  St. Croix 7' ultra light that has an extra fast tip. Its the cats meow for fishing like this.
    I commonly throw marabou jigs that are 1/80 to 1/32 of an ounce for trout and up to 1/4 oz for pan fish. I highly recommend Tectan Mono. It is a yellow-green color which is great for seeing strikes and it is super super soft. Its the best stuff Ive found so far. Too many headaches for me using super lines to fish like this, although if your dead set on it 2-3-4 lb fireline would be a good choice also like mentioned above.
    You can drift jigs for trout and do well, but I prefer to actively jig them and work them. I normally hold my rod high, because I like to quiver or quickly bounce my jig in holes and in front of fish I can see.
    I just try to copy what I see guys with Centerpins doing on the Tribs. The key word is Finesse
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    Re: How to keep line tight? Jig for trout 2016/05/14 21:29:24 (permalink)
    It has been years since I have fished live bait for trout. jig fishing is almost all I do. I use a 7' ultra light rod and 4 lb line. I also throw a lot of jigs for crappie fishing so this year I upgraded my gear with a  St. Croix 7' ultra light that has an extra fast tip. Its the cats meow for fishing like this.
    I commonly throw marabou jigs that are 1/80 to 1/32 of an ounce for trout and up to 1/4 oz for pan fish. I highly recommend Tectan Mono. It is a yellow-green color which is great for seeing strikes and it is super super soft. Its the best stuff Ive found so far. Too many headaches for me using super lines to fish like this, although if your dead set on it 2-3-4 lb fireline would be a good choice also like mentioned above.
    You can drift jigs for trout and do well, but I prefer to actively jig them and work them. I normally hold my rod high, because I like to quiver or quickly bounce my jig in holes and in front of fish I can see.
    I just try to copy what I see guys with Centerpins doing on the Tribs. The key word is Finesse

    I know not of this line, Tectan Mono, tell me more.  Please.

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    Re: How to keep line tight? Jig for trout 2016/05/15 10:26:06 (permalink)
    DAM tectan mono. European made. Super limp, soft, small diameter for its size line. Breaks real close to its breaking strength like an IGFA line so u gotta watch it but it's an awesome mono. DAM makes all kinds of styles of line.Fish USA is the only place I've found it easily.
    Big Tuna
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    Re: How to keep line tight? Jig for trout 2016/05/15 17:08:36 (permalink)
    Long rods 7 ft UL- 10 ft noodle, thinnest diameter 4 lb test, a jigging bobber Styrofoam with a lead pin. Cast out pinch the line between your thumb in pointer finger on your rod hand while reeling your line ( this helps it lay tight on the reel less wind knots) Twitch reel in slack twitch and repeat. Easy bobber goes down set the hook. Been doing it that way for 30 plus years,works on slabs,bulls,trout. Water bobber and a wet fly does good on trout in lakes also. Hope this helps.
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    Re: How to keep line tight? Jig for trout 2016/05/16 14:53:22 (permalink)
    If not using braid, change your line every season.  Most mono develops memory.  If you let line out of your reel onto the ground, and it is "curling", then you need to respool.  Braid will not have this.  You will struggle keeping your line tight if there is memory built up.
    Keeping your line tight is about as important as casting while fishing.  No matter if using a jig, live bait, under a float, live lining or on the bottom.
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