Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat

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2016/04/25 21:51:59 (permalink)

Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat

Took the little boat out today around 3pm after spending the morning wrenching.  Figured I'd be more testing out the boat than actual fishing, which is just about right.  Lake is cold (I'd guess low 60's, no gauge though), murky and high.  I'd say at least a foot above normal pool.  Mix of muddy brown and pea green near the shore, so typical Arthur.  Only caught three small fish, one being a 6" striper that pretty much chased down the boat and jumped in while I was moving spots.  He was so small it took him three swipes at a small fathead.  
So I'm pulling the boat out of the water and I notice that the winch... isn't right.  Yeah, some idiot forgot to re-bolt it after he removed the rusty safety chain.  SIGH.  Didn't have a fix on hand so I used two ratchet strap dealies to get the boat home.  What a moroon.  Sometimes I hate that guy.  
Now the bad news: I'll be selling this boat.  It is WAY too small for me.  Or perhaps I should say that I'm WAY too big for it.  Either way.  If I'm not dead center the thing tips like a weeble.  This thing is a really nice rig for someone normal sized, heck even two normal sized guys.  But not this guy.  Need to fix the winch and get some pics and then out she goes.  Which is a real shame, since I spent all that time installing that sweet swing arm on the trailer.  Oh well.  Should be able to put the 18 on my big boat, though I'll need new controls.  

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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/26 10:04:48 (permalink)
    Sounds like my trip to Arthur last weekend.  Minus the 6" striper and add a 6 year old and 70 year old complaining in stereo...  Good to hear the young stripers getting their feed on though.  I'm about ready to pull in some of his bigger brothers and sisters!
    I hear you on the smaller boats.  Once you get a larger stable boat, the movement of the smaller ones are just hard to get used to again.  I can't stand my smaller boat, although I am sure mine is much less stable (minus 2').  Going to see if my boy takes onto fishing before trying to sell.  It is nice to get onto some smaller water with.  Pop that 18 on your bigger boat, and you should be good for Arthur.  Hopefully too many perch and walleye on the big lake to even want to mess with Arthur though.  18 for trolling and emergency on the big boat is a good idea for Erie (and Pamlico).
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/26 11:01:56 (permalink)
    Fished Arthur on Sunday with wife.
    Went to 528 ramp first. Parking lots full, ramps jammed with boats and trucks.
    Went to ramp close to the dam (Mc something?)
    Still crowded but not as bad. Two waterway's patrolmen / women busting kayakers at the launch. Easy targets.
    Got launched without incident.
    Water temp between 59 and 62 depending on depth.
    Managed about a dozen small bluegill and perch. No keepers.
    There were so many boats on the lake that it was almost unfishable.
    Boats running WOT in 2.5 fow.
    Played around a while following the channels looking for walleye but only marked a few fish?
    Used to live up that way and fished Arthur a lot in the early 90s. Lake has changed a lot.
    Back then it was fishing boats vs sail boats.
    Now it's fishing boats vs sail boats vs kayaks vs paddle boarders.
    Saw a lady out on a paddle board with very young daughter (about 7 ). Water temps in the 50s to low 60s kid would be in trouble if tipped over.
    Not sure if / when I'll go back.
    Glad a lot of people are enjoying it, just not for me.
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/26 13:08:18 (permalink)
    Funny story there... on the way to pick up our dog Sunday morning I bet I passed 30 boats just between Zelie and North Cranberry heading to Arthur.  At least most of them were based on the kind of boats.  And that was 8am.  I thought to myself that it would be a serious zoo up there.  Also the 528 launch had one of those local tournaments going on and that's a real nightmare in its own right.  
    Back in the day the problem with sailboaters (and maybe still, though there are far less of them) is that they acted like the lake was FOR sailing, and F everyone else.  Especially the grubby redneck fishermen and their loud engines always in the way.  And yeah, we hated them pretty thoroughly.  Arthur was (and still is for me) a working man's lake.  A place you take your kids to learn to catch bluegills and a place to fish up a meal or two when dad wasn't working in the mill.  There was no place in my young world for rich snobs in fancy boats that didn't even have fishing rods.  That was nonsense.  
    The problem with kayakers and SUPers is different.  And pre-rant, I will admit that there are plenty of both that are decent folk, just like there are too many fishermen that act like they own the place.  That said, the MAJORITY of these paddling clowns act like YOU are screwing up THEIR lake.  I've had them paddle through my lines, paddle between me and shore that we were actively fishing, I even had one idiot almost hit my 20 foot pontoon boat as if she didn't see us.  There are too many times to count where two or three kayakers paddle by screaming at the top of their lungs to each other as if they weren't feet away.  But maybe worst of all, they park their **** vehicles RIGHT IN THE APPROACH TO THE LAUNCHES to load and unload.  And I mean RIGHT  ON  THE  ROAD.  When they could pull out of the way so easily.  And had them glare at me when I had to drive past them in the grass.  It's as if someone told them that not having a motor means that they can't possibly be wrong.  And they are teaching their ahole kids that each trip out.  So the next generation of entitled spawn will be even worse.  
    Anyway... even with all that I still enjoy Arthur.  Though we do tend to avoid weekends when possible.  
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/26 13:37:01 (permalink)
    Thats why I fish either very early or at night. I have little patience for launch ramp shenanigans. I've been launching at 528 recently but am thinking of going back to launching at Porter's Cove--I would rather have a leisurely steam across the lake to Muddy Creek than fight it out with two hyndred kayakers.
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/26 14:25:35 (permalink)
    Yinz would certainly be doing muuperes a ton of favor by keeping all that turmoil down there at Arthur.  Although, Pymatuning does have the potential, so far, we are only dealing with the doorknobs in boats, blasting by wide  open, past other anglers.
    God bless the Corp Of Engineers for putting Shenango under five different bridges.  While there's a need to contend with old fat, hairy, shirtless dudes buzzing around with their big load motors pulling screaming kids on replicas of a rubber Loch-Ness Monster,  the bridges do quash urges, by sail boaters, wishing to try their luck.
    Rob and Sam, I'm looking forward to some good times on the lakes this coming season, til then........  tight lines.

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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/26 14:54:09 (permalink)
    All of these reasons and more are why the ONLY reasons to go to Arthur is when you have a couple of hours to kill, weather is bad North of us, or its ice fishing season. Its a shame, I only live 10 miles away from McDanels. The best I saw last year was a school of kayakers paddling in the middle of the lake in the dark, not a light between them.
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/26 15:21:13 (permalink)
    All of these reasons and more are why the ONLY reasons to go to Arthur is when you have a couple of hours to kill, weather is bad North of us, or its ice fishing season. Its a shame, I only live 10 miles away from McDanels. The best I saw last year was a school of kayakers paddling in the middle of the lake in the dark, not a light between them.

    Yeah, McDanels that's the name of the place I launched.
    Waterways patrol people were busting kayakers Sunday.
    Checking for launch permits, whistles, etc.
    Most of the kayaks I saw didn't have any stickers on the side.
    It is a beautiful lake and I am happy for the people who enjoy it.
    They need to make the fingers no wake zones. They're too narrow and shallow for boats to run WOT.
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/26 15:49:16 (permalink)
    ShenangoEyesThe best I saw last year was a school of kayakers

    That's actually a murder.  A murder of kayakers.  Like crows.  
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/26 16:46:43 (permalink)
      What a difference a day makes, didn't see a boat anywhere near the 528 launch, M/C, S/R or Shannon today 

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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/27 10:25:46 (permalink)
    I kept my fishing boat at the Cresson Bay Marina one year.  That is the "Moraine Sailing Club".  At least 5-6 times, while launching, I was approached by "members", that I wasn't allowed to launch there.  The first few times, we explained that is where the park put us.  After I arrived at my boat and a bunch of trash that wasn't mine, was stuffed all through my boat, the calm explanations were over.  I thought my father in law was going to get into a fist fight with one of these wanna be fools.  Needless to say, we had a mutual agreement that I shouldn't keep my boat at that marina any longer.
    You think it is bad now.  Whoever is having that fishing tournament on Memorial Day weekend???  I really hope your contestants know what they are getting into.  I'm betting biggest catch goes to whoever hooks into either a 12' kayak or a 20' rental pontoon.  Surprised no one has mentioned these clowns.  Talk about the need to pass a common sense course before allowing some of these morons to rent a boat...  Pretty sure some of them don't realize there is a steering wheel.  They are going straight, regardless if you are sitting there fishing or see you trolling in that area from a mile away.  If it says rental on the side, they obviously have the right of way.
    "Arthur was (and still is for me) a working man's lake.  A place you take your kids to learn to catch bluegills and a place to fish up a meal or two when dad wasn't working in the mill.  There was no place in my young world for rich snobs in fancy boats that didn't even have fishing rods.  That was nonsense."
    That was pretty much what that Arthur was to me growing, although we didn't keep many fish.  Not sure why?  My Dad was under some sort of PFBC brainwashing that trout were the only fish "clean" enough to eat...  I still feel the same about Arthur now, although there are less than 1/2 of the blue collar jobs in WPA.  Not that I'd consider most of us that sit behind computer screens most of the day "white collar".  I know most of the t-shirts that I wear to work every day, usually aren't white...  
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/27 11:39:39 (permalink)
     After I arrived at my boat and a bunch of trash that wasn't mine, was stuffed all through my boat, the calm explanations were over.  

    That's really messed up.  So many pigs out there.
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/27 13:02:54 (permalink)
    Porktown I know where you are coming from and I feel your  passion for fishing.  My money is on the winner catching the largest sailboarder.
    D-nymph,  like it or not I agree with you, there is "So many pigs out there".   So sorry it's not like the good old days of fishing when referring to "a pig",  meant a "bucket mouth" bass. 
    Tight lines 

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/27 15:06:40 (permalink)
    At least the sail boarders generally stay in one area. These paddle boarders go anywhere. "sure, lets go paddleboard through the channel near the dam." 
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/28 11:37:57 (permalink)
    PorktownI kept my fishing boat at the Cresson Bay Marina one year.  That is the "Moraine Sailing Club".  At least 5-6 times, while launching, I was approached by "members", that I wasn't allowed to launch there.  The first few times, we explained that is where the park put us.  After I arrived at my boat and a bunch of trash that wasn't mine, was stuffed all through my boat, the calm explanations were over.  I thought my father in law was going to get into a fist fight with one of these wanna be fools.  Needless to say, we had a mutual agreement that I shouldn't keep my boat at that marina any longer.

    I wish I didn't believe that happened, but yeah.  That totally happened.  And if that had happened to me I'd have gone all desert storm on that place.  I'm talking ghillie suits and sniper rifles, claymores on the docks, the whole lake on fire.  I'm sitting here all angry and that happened years ago to someone I didn't even know then.    We used to launch over there in the "sailboat bay" and even fishing in water too shallow for their dumb boats they gave us dirty looks.  I still blame those jerks for killing off all the beautiful weedbeds in the lake.  
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/28 13:21:55 (permalink)
    Just to be clear, the trash was mostly stuffed in/on my trailer and all around my spot.  I would have been fuming if they stuffed it inside my cover & boat itself, I think there was a wrapper stuffed in my cover, but I didn't open up the cover to a trash can worth of trash inside my boat.  It was a fast food trash, with part of a burger smeared on my trailer, near my hitch.  Clearly a shot at me by someone in that marina.  I probably should have written that better.  Not sure if I would have went postal like Sam, but that definitely would have made me even more furious if in my boat, or if they smeared the burger on my cover.  Regardless, it was a clear "FU" to my crappy old motor boat, and had me furious.  It turned my response from "sorry, but the park assigned me a space in this marina" to a simple "F%$# off" when questioned about using the launch.  Not exactly sure what set off my Father in law the one day.  Pretty sure it was one of those, under the breath responses from some old pompous "sailor".  My Father in law walked up to him and kept asking "what did you say, I couldn't hear you, why don't you repeat it".  Ended with the "better than thou" fool walking away with his tail tucked between his legs.  My Father in law is also 6'-3" and an ex-collegiate football player and in great shape for his age.  Pretty sure it was the same day as the trash or could have been after.  After about 2-3 months into the season, we took the boat out ready for confrontation.
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/29 09:19:32 (permalink)
    We went out this past Sunday as well and launched at the 528 launch around 8:30 in the morning and there was about a dozen or so trucks parked or launching. Caught a few Largemouth in the Swamp Run cove with the largest being around 15". By around 10:30, there were boats everywhere so we went by the Muddy Creek cove and just couldn't find a spot and left. Waited a good 10-15 minutes so we could dock and the parking lot was FULL. Never seen it that full before. Kayakers taking their good ole time launching right by the launch, people parked right next to it sitting in their trunk fishing. Never seen so many turtles before though. Every log sticking out had about 2-3 on it and seen a big snapper playing around in the weeds by the old 528 launch. Definitely not worth the trip from Pittsburgh on the weekends anymore
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/29 13:03:39 (permalink)
    Need weather like today.  Chance of showers and gloomy.  Fishing always seems better, and a lot less of the circus.  Nice sunny days, the fishing usually is slow, and every kayaker and paddle boarder in WPA flocks to the lake.  This weekend should be good if you don't mind a few showers.  Next weekend looks to be one to avoid.
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/29 14:34:27 (permalink)
    Good luck Pork, if the fishin' is slow and ya want some excitement, trek on up to Pymie this weekend, lots-O-competition including some botor moaters competing for the coveted "Pymie Doorknob"  award.
    On your way, swing by and pick up Sam, sounds like he could use some fun in the sun.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/29 14:45:51 (permalink)

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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/29 15:44:51 (permalink)
    The next wiper I catch is getting taunted Trump style!  Too funny Crappy!
    Sam is a night fisher.  He knows the trick to Arthur.  I definitely need to hook up with him and taunt some fish this year..
    If I fished with Sam, there would be a lot of catching.  So much catching, we wouldn't know what to do.  Fishing in the daytime is a total disaster.  Trust me, I know about fishing the day time.  Low energy.  It's just a bad deal...
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/29 17:08:48 (permalink)
    If you look closely at that fish you'll notice it has a lot in common with Hillary! A big mouth and no azz to back it!
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/29 19:55:44 (permalink)
    There really isn't a better time to be on the lake than maybe two hours before sunset on.  Wind dies down, most idiots flee, nice and peaceful.  Good times to be had.  Another couple weeks and the evening will be perfect.  Not necessarily for the fish, but for the fishermen.  
    And if I can find a Nissan motor guy to rig that 18hp up on my 19FS... maybe Pork and I will teach BTDT how to Arthur. 
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/29 21:55:40 (permalink)
    There happens to be a good boat mechanic in Orangeville if ya can't find someone closer Sam.  

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/29 22:20:57 (permalink)
    Walleye jigs
    If you look closely at that fish you'll notice it has a lot in common with Hillary! A big mouth and no azz to back it!

    I find that to be a degrading, derogatory, demeaning remark and, it is not nice at all Jigs......... why would you insult that fish?? 

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/29 23:44:40 (permalink)
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/04/30 19:48:31 (permalink)
    If I fished with Sam, there would be a lot of catching.  So much catching, we wouldn't know what to do.  Fishing in the daytime is a total disaster.  Trust me, I know about fishing the day time.  Low energy.  It's just a bad deal...

    No lie Pork, every time I heard Trump's radio ad in the run up to the PA primary, I thought of you doing this.  The first couple times I heard it, I had to stop and think, "Wait is this really Trump or Porktown doing a parody?"  
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/05/01 15:06:39 (permalink)
    Well, now I know not to hit Arthur or Pymie during the spring/summer period. The oldest son and I had actually thought about entering the walleye tournament at Pymie, but have reconsidered. (Ya know, if you're already goin' fishin', what's another $45)? Most of my fishin' is done on the Allegheny, and over the years, I've had to contend with Jet Skis and monster cruisers comin' up from Pittsburgh and Oakmont. There were times I swore I was gonna carry a 12ga. shotgun and put a punkin' ball right through the motors on the skis that were "wake jumpin" around and behind me. Some people!!!
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    Re: Arthur 4/25/16 with 14' boat 2016/05/01 17:51:13 (permalink)
    What EMitch, With all the info on here with exact places,Times,lures,live baits. You would think only a few NICE PEOPLE would show up and not bother you HUH   LOL  You can thank all the NICE people who give it all up,  Trying to BE NICE !!!!!!!!!!
    post edited by BIGHEAD_1 - 2016/05/01 17:53:24
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