Leadcore Rigging

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2016/04/22 08:37:20 (permalink)

Leadcore Rigging

Apparently I didn't do enough research on leadcore before I got reels spooled up with them because I'm just now learning that you can't clip the leadcore directly on to the board and you have to get all of it out first then clip the backing to the board. We'll be trolling in Presque Isle Bay and the shallower parts of the lake this weekend and two of our six setups are leadcore based. This doesn't sound like a problem to someone with just a few colors but both of our leadcore reels are currently spooled with 10 colors (300') of leadcore after 50' of fluoro leader. That's a lot of line and a lot of depth for lures and the areas we're fishing this time of year. My question for you guys is: Is there any way to fish reels with 10 colors of leadcore using inline planer boards without having to put out all of the leadcore? I've heard some guys use rubber bands but not sure that would work with inlines since they are actually attached to your line. I'm still not aware why one can't clip the leadcore directly to the boards either, considering I'm using 27# test. If there is no solution to using boards with only part of the leadcore then I suppose we could just flatline when we're to shallow to have all of the lead out (I assume it's fine to flatline with as much leadcore out as you want).
post edited by Divemaster - 2016/04/22 08:39:04

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    Re: Leadcore Rigging 2016/04/22 09:20:44 (permalink)
    My understanding is that the board can eventually damage the sheathing on the leadcore so that's one of the reasons they advise against attaching it to the line. Another problem is the weight of the leadcore bogging down the board but some types of boards have an adjustable weight to counter that. The rubber band method works but I've only done it when replacing the back clip on the board with a ring and swivel so that it can be clipped to that and not the clip in the back.
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    Re: Leadcore Rigging 2016/04/22 09:47:39 (permalink)
    Some guys segment their lc by adding 24" of 20# mono in between some of the colors. That way you can clip the board on. You will also need mono backing after the 10 colors to clip on the board.

    I tried this and really don't like it. The lead core is very heavy. From your rod tip to the boat you will have a few once of lead. This will cause the lc from the rod tip to the board to drop in the water and drag your whole set up back.

    Your better off buying a cheaper trolling combos and setting up multiple rods. 2 rods per color.

    Just run a little deeper bait of mono for the bay. Just don't run into the shallower areas than your lure depth.

    P.s. 10 colors of lead is for the birds....time you let out the 50 plus 300 of lead, hook it on the board then let the board out....500 easy. Dipsys at that point..

    4 and 6 colors of suffix advanced 832 lead dives alot deeper than standard lc. Less line out. Each color is 30' long.

    The 4 and 6 have been killer in the summer with deep and shallow cranks.
    post edited by eyedreamn - 2016/04/22 09:51:11
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    Re: Leadcore Rigging 2016/04/22 10:11:31 (permalink)
    Sell them and buy braid rods. LOL
    Then you can cover the whole column.  10 colors of standard LC is like 45' down about. That's 350' with leader to wind.  I can set a tru trip 40 back 140' and hit 45'.  Then set it back 20' in the bay and get 7' down. Very versitile.
    By the way that 6-color of sufix 832LC eyedreamn is talking about...I've ticked bottom in 47' with a spoon and cowbells at 1.9.  That's pretty deep for a 6 color rig. It feels closer to braid and less "clunky" like traditional core. 
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    Re: Leadcore Rigging 2016/04/22 10:26:10 (permalink)
    Sell them and buy braid rods. LOLThen you can cover the whole column.  10 colors of standard LC is like 45' down about. That's 350' with leader to wind.  I can set a tru trip 40 back 140' and hit 45'.  Then set it back 20' in the bay and get 7' down. Very versitile. By the way that 6-color of sufix 832LC eyedreamn is talking about...I've ticked bottom in 47' with a spoon and cowbells at 1.9.  That's pretty deep for a 6 color rig. It feels closer to braid and less "clunky" like traditional core.  

    They're brand new so I'm going to get by with them for this year (perhaps I could just cut a few colors off? Or would there not be enough backing to keep the reel full at that point?), but next year I'll probably either put braid with mono backing on both or put 3 colors of lead on one and 7 colors on the other. So with all 10 colors of lead out and that 50' of fluoro leader, can I guess that the average crankbait or plug like Reef Runners and Flatfish would be down 50-55' at that point? Also, what if I just ran flutter spoons or work harnesses on the 10 colors, that should only put it down 45-47' I think which is perfect for summer when we troll 50-130'.
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    Re: Leadcore Rigging 2016/04/22 23:06:45 (permalink)
    Just held a conversation regarding the use of braided lines vs mono when using boards and the general agreement was mono holds better on the boards.  It was discussed, when using braided line for boards, the use of the rubber band will assist with keeping the board fixed to the line.
    Caution must be exercised when using lead core to avoid breaking the sensitive lead wire within the braided sheath.  It is recommended when retrieving line, "not to" pump the rod to help prevent any kinking of the line which in turn, will break the wire as well as cause a slack line and possible loss of fish. 
    Because of the required configuration, clamping a planer board to lead core would greatly increase the chance of breaking the wire.   You will know, from the ends of the wire protruding through the sheath when and where a break has occurred and if your reel spool looks like a porcupine, it sucks to be you!!  Not good.
    Industry standard calls for each color to be 30 feet (10 yards) regardless the number of colors on a spool.    When trolling at a speed of 1 to 1.5 MPH each color is said to sink 5 foot.  Old-schoolers will spool every reel with the exact same line, setting each rod at a different color til they catch fish then, all rods are adjusted accordingly.  
    Line counting reels can be used to estimate the length of line out but you may want to compare, your counter numbers with the amount of colors payed out.  Sometimes those line counters ain't exactly right.
    The exception of the rule is the Suffix 832 which uses a thinner line (18 lb/0.027 dia.) allowing the line to sink deeper (7 to 8 '/10 yds) and faster.  There, you will need to follow the instructions provided with the line.
    Now, that all being said, where there is a will there is a way so, I've included the following video that may provide you with information you may find useful.  Go to Youtube and search "Planer Board" then click on the same title in the list of videos.   I had the link but part of it was censored because the letters g a YH is part of the address.   
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/04/24 08:22:13

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Leadcore Rigging 2016/04/23 07:16:02 (permalink)
    my mind exploded trying to take all that in!  I will just stick to plain trolling if I ever can get back to lake.  BTDT....taking this kinda serious I see!!!
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    Re: Leadcore Rigging 2016/04/23 08:31:07 (permalink)
    my mind exploded trying to take all that in!  I will just stick to plain trolling if I ever can get back to lake.  BTDT....taking this kinda serious I see!!!

    WELLLLLL....... dab-nab-it Marco, it's ALL your fault annnnnd I thank you for it.   It's a real learning experience for me and I'm enjoying every minute of it.  Trolling with lead core and/or planer boards opens up a lot of new opportunities to go fishing, plus I cover a lot of water which increases my chance of snagging.......  errrrrr (),  catching a fish or, a sunken boat!
    The only draw back was buying four 8.5 trolling rods, 2 line counting reels for lead core, 2 line counting reels for regular mono type line, 2 planner boards, two spools of ten color core  and enough mono to fill and/or use as backing for the reels.
    Of course, the war drums began to sound but soon became quiet, when I told my better half, you said I would need the stuff.
    I should like to thank you because the same excuse just made it possible for me, to buy 10 new fishing lures from FishUSA.
    Hope to see you and your lovely wife on the lake real soon buddy, after all, you owe me a rematch. 
    Take care I gotta get, the war drums are sounding, I think my FishUSA order just arrived.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/04/23 08:33:54

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Leadcore Rigging 2016/04/23 12:01:13 (permalink)
    I use to run a reel filled with lead. Now I have 2 with 4 color and 2 with 6 color. Let it out past the lead then clip on the board. Remember the faster you go the shallower lead gets. I would unspool some lead and run a lesser amount of lead. No need for 10 colors.
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    Re: Leadcore Rigging 2016/04/23 16:40:46 (permalink)
    Honestly, I keep things easy for myself and don't even think about walleye trolling til well into July, too busy stocking the freezer with perch.  I went with 2 heavy duty Church Tackle TX-44 inlines for eyes last year and put the big boards and mast in the shed.  They handle my 10 color just fine but I did put tattle flags on them both.  Can't believe they didn't come with one for what they charge.  Also replaced the spring on the tattle flags with a heavier one.  I keep it simple too and run 5, maybe 6 rods, any more and you're constantly up and down, checking this one, changing that one, all the while trying to keep them from tangling.  I have 2 with lead core on the boards, 2 with 65lb braid on the dipsies, and a flat line with LC off the back.  If I'm so inclined, I'll drop a down rigger in but I hate farting around with them.  I also have 2 rods with 7 color lead core (started out as 10, lol) if I'm running shallower. 
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