Helpful ReplyCan you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16?

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2016/03/16 18:06:17 (permalink)

Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16?

I tried to find information on this, but I could not find any info. Basically if only one section of a stream is marked for stocking trout can I fish the parts that aren't marked for stocking from March 1 - April 16 (first day)?
solitario lupo
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/16 18:59:29 (permalink)
Yes you can fish it. You have to be a hundred yards away from where it is marked approved trout waters.
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/16 19:25:25 (permalink)
Do you have a link to where is says this on the PA Fish and Boat site or is it not one there?
Big Steve
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/16 20:51:01 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby ZelieSam 2016/03/16 21:27:23
Many streams, lakes, ponds and reservoirs are officially classified as “stocked trout waters” (PFBC GIS data at PASDA). This means that these waters contain significant portions that are open to public fishing and are stocked with trout. These waters are open to trout harvest during the “extended season” (see Commonwealth Inland Waters). Unlisted tributary streams (those not included in this list of “stocked trout waters”) are not open to harvest of trout during the “extended season.” Only stocked trout waters and all waters downstream of stocked trout waters are open during this period. Spearing fish is not permitted in any of these waters at any time of the year.

These waters are closed to all fishing (including taking of minnows) from March 1 to 8 a.m. on the opening day of the trout season. , under "stocked trout water".

It is my understanding that you cannot fish below a stocked section, but can above. I contact the PFBC (include coordinates) if I have a question about a water. I have received quick responses via the online inquiry form, and it creates an e-paper trail.
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/16 21:35:53 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Metal Bob 2018/03/24 20:08:52
That ^ was a really helpful post.  A+  And now that the question is properly answered, I can complain about this BS trout closure nonsense.  One of my local lakes (if you can even call the tiny thing that) is full of stunted bluegills.  While they aren't my favorite bait, they will do in a pinch while I fish for what I want.  So I roll down there quite a bit the day before fishing trips to get a dozen or two stunts for the livewell.  Helps me out, helps out the lake.  Hell, helps out the clueless troutheads that don't know why they can't hook anything with their way-too-large hooks getting picked clean before the trout get to them.  
But I can't use the lake early season because they dump six trucks of dead-by-may pelletmunchers in there.  SUPER annoying.  
Anyway, just some random trout_hate.  Carry on.
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/16 21:45:43 (permalink)
I have to agree the lakes should be open to other fishing like all the large lakes. I like to fish for bass in the small lakes early as the get the warmest first. But no fishing because of trout stockings eliminates that option.
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/16 22:03:11 (permalink)
You should see all the trouty-folk staring at my wife and I when we carry a bait well down there and proceed to catch 30-40 fish in 10 minutes.  While they can't catch anything.  And it isn't a big deal... not like we're Jane and Johhny Fishermen, just that we take ultralights rigged with fly hooks and some worms.  
Which, as an aside... I'd say the majority of people use too big of a hook for just about anything they are doing.  Small hooks are the ticket for a LOT of fishing until you get dialed in.  
solitario lupo
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/17 15:19:06 (permalink)
This is a touchy subject, I dont even really understand it and im not really goin to push anything but the best thing to do is to call the fish and boat comm and ask. From what it seems most lakes are stocked with trout but are open to fishing because they opened it up to fish for other species. Just cant keep the trout. As for fishing below or above trout waters, when i called the warden said you just have to be a hundred yards away from any marked approved trout waters. pretty much sounds to me cant fish where they start stocking them to where they end stocking them.
post edited by solitario lupo - 2016/03/17 15:21:03
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/18 00:49:28 (permalink)
Yes you can below or above approved trout waters. I called last week. A stream has a stocked portion....but below it runs into a river. They cant close all the water below it that only gets warmwater fish. The stocked section is miles up from where i want to fish. Call if you must, but you are good as long as you dont keep a trout. Closed in all inland waters except where listed in special reg areas.
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/18 04:54:22 (permalink)
  The thing is without permission from land owners u r trespassing, no different than hunting on some ones property.
Seems the FC could care less about it. They seem to trespass while stocking as it is. They (FC) have been told to stay off property for stocking in the past but ignored property owners wishes. Charges should be pressed in these situations.
 Spring is almost here, enjoy the great outdoors 
solitario lupo
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/18 13:27:19 (permalink)
depends on who owns the land. a lot of logging companies are buying the creeks out. Have to agree if the owners dont wont it, they shouldnt do it. Just like the creek im talking about they stop stocking it cause it turns to private property. The guy lets you fish it.
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/18 17:28:10 (permalink)
 I was talking 'bout actually the big white truck going on/through private property to get to the crick on the peoples property & screwing up the grass when they have been warned to stay out. They can be total wack jobs at times. They don't own all the streams/creeks in PA & are a main problem with trespassing this time ov yr. Guess they are just very greedy for $$$.
Have a good one,
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/19 16:42:41 (permalink)
"But I can't use the lake early season because they dump six trucks of dead-by-may pelletmunchers in there. SUPER annoying.

Anyway, just some random trout_hate. Carry on."

^this is hilarious! And true.

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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/23 13:40:34 (permalink)
I just called and asked and was told I could not fish any water that was stocked with trout, even if it's not in the section that is stocked. I think that's BS.
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/23 19:07:01 (permalink)
I was told the exact opposite. Plenty of people fish 10 mile creek. Stocked trout section is miles upstream. You spoke to a moron of an officer.
solitario lupo
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Re: Can you fish a section of a stream that is not stocked from March 1 - April 16? 2016/03/24 14:55:38 (permalink)
Im starting to wonder if anyone who works at the fish comm even now their own rules. Some wardens say this and some say that. Its not right. The rules have changed big time. If that was me i would have asked to speak to someone else. Then i would have said so the approved trout waters that are opened year round cant be fished either.
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