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Crazy Raccoon
This morning my young Lab quickly treed a Raccoon. It went up the tree about 8-10 ft then came screaming down and chased him 40-50 yards back to me. I mean in a frenzy, and I was even preparing for the encounter. It stopped 10 ft from from us and scurried back. I have been in the woods all my life and never encountered that behavior in a Raccoon. I called the Northwest Office and the dispatcher told me that was "normal defensive behavior". I asked to talk to a Warden, and he asked if it was about the Raccoon, to which I replied yes. He then refused to have WCO call me. My wife walks down there every day. We have only had two confirmed rabid animals in Venango County this month. I get one acting like that again I will kill it. They shouldn't be with young yet should they? Any thoughts
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/15 23:27:47
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/16 06:16:27
Walleye jigs
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/16 06:24:00
When I use to coon hound I've had coon come down a tree like and whip or at least to whip my dogs, a few had even been shot. They will definitely fight if cornered! Might be why the native Americans called them the little bears.As long as it was not foaming at the mouth, falling over when walking or walking in circles he was basically acting normal.
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/16 08:16:42
Foaming at the mouth........... falling over when walking.............. walking in circles????? Man does that bring back memories of weekends in years gone by; BTDT........ 10-4???  Held on to the grass to keep from falling off the world too..... How 'bout it??
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/16 10:12:24
BTDT, I could add plenty more now embarrassing antics to my historical youth. I am only fortunate that I was not subjected to the scrutiny the youth are held to today. In my youth I may have been just fortunate in the "boys will be boys" attitude of the law years ago. Wj & BTDT, I guess I was over reacting to the unexpected behavior of the Raccoon. I went back down without the pup however I carried a shotgun. I figured if it was still there and acting aggressive I would fix that. No sign of the bandit. I have grand children and my wife who spend lots of time down there. btdt
Walleye jigs
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/16 10:14:57
Your never over reacting when you're protecting your family!
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/16 22:50:18
Sparrow in no way were you over reacting, If my memory serves me right, the PSGC was dropping packets of food containing rabies vaccinations in areas having known rabid wild animals and, raccoon's were the prime target. Stories of people being bitten by rabid beaver have been reported and not too long ago a angler fishing at the mouth of French Creek and the Allegheny in Franklin was bitten by a Otter. So a Raccoon suddenly turning from fleeing to attacking, you can rest assured, I'd be reacting too.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/03/17 07:49:24
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/17 07:04:34
Raccoons sometimes behave aggressive, at least those I met... I remember the one I've seen the day I first tried my new ATN NVG7-3P night vision gooles, these:  I think it was just terrified and showed its "normal defensive behavior")))
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/17 11:14:25
BeenThereDoneThat. Sparrow in no way were you over reacting, If my memory serves me right, the PSGC was dropping packets of food containing rabies vaccinations in areas having known rabid wild animals and, raccoon's were the prime target.
15 years ago when we lived with my in-laws, a cargo plane was flying low over the valley behind their house doing this. Had no idea what was going on. Couple of 'em landed in the driveway. The dogs found a couple in the driveway - basically fish meal patties with the vaccine in a capsule inside of it. There was a phone # printed on 'em which I called and they said "Don't let your dogs eat them!" Well then don't drop them in our driveway you dum****es!
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/17 12:54:23
I live in Franklin BTDT and the Otter attack was kind of interesting. As told to me. It was a Franklin Police Officer who was wade fishing in French Creek just up from where it enters Allegheny River. The Otter approached close acting menacing, at which the fella swatted at it with his fishing rod. That Otter went nuts biting him up badly. I am not sure there is a lesson to be learned or not. It was perhaps two years prior to the Otter attack I had a much milder experience under the 322 bridge, very close to where that attack happened. I was also wade fishing warm weather with shorts and tennis shoes. I was about half way across the river,getting dark, and **** deep when some kind of animal tries crawling up on me. I couldn't tell what kind of critter it was but I was dancing and screaming, and mighty glad there were no witnesses. I thought it was a muskrat or mink could have been an Otter. I am perhaps fortunate that I entertained it and didn't think to try to hit it with my rod.
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/17 13:27:58
rsquared , I have heard of them doing that. My Lab would have surely overdosed on them. He does not have an appetite he has the Black Hole. PS. Update on Raccoon. The first time I went back down about hour after our encounter I left the pup ( 5 month old Lab) at home. I did take a shotgun and rooted around trying to find the bandit, fully intending to kill it if it acted aggressive with just me there. Kind of glad he moved on and we have not seen him again. I have had many close encounters with Bear and only one with cubs showed aggression. She came at me twice as close as 5' with the hair up on her back , blowing , and stomping down on her front paws. I was frozen with that encounter, and believe me after it turned from the second time it came at me I turned and went directly away. I was in an odd situation, as it was a Blackberry jungle with the skid road I was on the only sane way to get through it. When she came at me there was deep swamp 50 ft one way on the skid road and the cuds were the other direction. She came at me the first time I froze and she swatted ends and went back in the jungle. I hesitated with the impenetrable black berries behind me the swamp the other way and moma and cubs the other. I must have hesitated to long (3-5 seconds) and she came at me again. She then swatted ends again and so did I right through those brambles. I have never felt so good entering and closing the door on a vehicle.
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/17 20:28:45
I lived in Franklin Sparrow, left there 20 years ago and never looked back. Wellllll, maybe once in a while to visit family buttttt, just for a little while. Happy to hear your Raccoon moved on without incident.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/18 12:18:43
BTDT, I was not born and raised in Franklin however I have grown fond of the area. It is an expensive County tax wise. I believe the Commissioners squander tons of money on ridiculous and wasteful projects. I lived in Mercer County, Sandy Lake and have property in a few other Counties, all cheaper tax wise. That said, I find the area is great for an outdoorsman. Also I can fairly easily hit many other places.
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/18 17:25:22
Loved the Allegheny(still do) and the hunting, second to none til the PSGC divided Venango County into four sections. (Stupid stupids) Bought 30 acres just north of Hannaville living there for ten years but, a change in career called for moving closer to work. I now have 17 acres nestled between pastures and crop lands, with my closet neighbor being 1/4 of a mile away. Most of my neighbors walk/ bicycle or drive buggies to work and town, even have a ole country style mill and hardware store, within walkin distance of my place. Not likely I'll be moving back to Franklin anytime soon.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/18 20:28:29
We were almost neighbors for a while. I live in Wyattville now. I lived for 25 years in a place like you live now and had to move to nurse in-laws. Love to get back to solitude however we are now taking care of Grandchildren. The dedicated river fishermen on Allegheny are telling me the Smallmouths are way way down much like the clarion Juniata and Susquehanna. Wonder what's up. I fish the rivers however the last couple years high water and my opportunities did not mesh.
post edited by treesparrow - 2016/03/18 20:30:47
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/18 20:50:23
I or should say, we visit Wyattville quite frequently in the spring and early summer, the wife just loves the "Wyattville Gardens" and of course we sneak a bit farther east, can't pass up stopping at "Polley's". While on the subject of fishing, do you fish French Creek?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/20 07:50:37
BTDT, The gardens get some of our money every spring. I do not fish French Creek as often as I should. I always intend to float it and something comes up. My Brother comes from State College every year and floats it.
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/20 11:02:22
Be happy to give directions to a few spots I fished twenty years a go, however, given the time span there will be no guarantees.  These spots were excellent when fishing time was limited.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/22 07:32:02
Will have to share some yarns sometime . I fish Pymy about once a week. Was out last Saturday and Sunday chasing eyes in that wind. With the forecast of only 5-8 mile/hr winds they sure fooled me. Managed 7 eyes but truly worked for them.
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Re: Crazy Raccoon
2016/03/22 08:50:36
Good for you Sparrow that makes for a good day. I don't play well in the wind especially on Pymie, that lake can turn on ya in heart beat. I'll be looking forward to some good fishin' stories unless, it gets real windy on the Pymie. Umm, fishin stories and windy, could that be a oxymoron?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 