I fished it the past two days and here are my observations:
Elk: Fish here and there, you have to walk to find some, but it's quite possible to catch some.
Walnut: Smolts everywhere in lower pools, and some fish up in Manchester hole. Had a nice one on here today but some chinese guy crossed my line, I had tried bringing the fish in with his line tangled, but it snapped off.
4 mile: Did not see a fish in lower pool or up to route 5 bridge.
Did not stop at 12 or 7
16 mile: There were some fish near the falls, not much seen in between.
20 mile: Walked the entire lower section before heading home, did not see a fish, a few guys trying it.
Still a good weekend to get away, caught a few, and weather was better than expected. Black woolybuggers and black stoneflies were the hot patterns.
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