Re: NE Marina
2016/03/28 12:40:57
Right now the water is a bit too cold yet for them to be really active and being the feeding before laying eggs. They drop their eggs around 50 degrees (10-12 Celsius). Right now the lake is around 41 degrees.
Watch for that magic 42 degrees. For a laker, 40 is the low limit tolerance, 42 is optimum, and 55 is about all they can stand. Once they lay their eggs they will drop back. Steelies are bit more tolerable with the low preferred temp of 42, 45 optimal and 62 is the warmest they like. This all comes from my Fish-hawk temp charts. They have never let me down. As with all salmon and trout species, find the right temp and they will be there.
Walleye are 50 for lower, 67 optimal and 76 is as warm as they like.