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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/12 22:10:00 (permalink)
This just my opinion have no facts but I think there is some truth here, then again maybe I'm way off base, maybe all this downturn is just Mother Nature's doing................
Let's face some serious facts on Erie Steelhead fishing. Between 2000 - 2008 Erie Steelhead numbers were off the charts. Fantastic numbers of fish were being caught at all creeks feeding Lake Erie. Along with these fantastic amounts of fish came unreal numbers of fishermen especially from 2005 on up. The internet was lit up with reports of huge numbers of fish being caught on" Steelhead Alley." Guides were popping up everywhere, local businesses were advertising heavy , bait shops were booming. It was as we all witnessed, OUT OF CONTROL ! Litter everywhere, parking anywhere, trespassing , you name it and it was going on 24/7 . No fish cleaning stations , no restrooms , limited parking areas, this was disaster waiting to happen....and it did happen! Land owners finally getting tired of all the abuse , local residents sick and tired of trespassing , noise , lights , cars parked blocking areas, people using yards for restrooms, coffee cups everywhere the list is endless. So here comes the posted signs along with more warnings to the Fish Commission...."Fix this soon or else it's done" ! What can the Fish Commission do to stop this Tsunami of fishermen and preserve some fishing along these tributaries? Buy leases ? That would help but money is tight. Put in some restrooms and parking lots ? Would help but something else has to happen soon. Only one thing would help slow the flood of fishermen and these mounting problems..........stock less fish !                Less fish will = less fishermen in time.      Welcome to 2016

That, sir, was a great post

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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/12 22:25:45 (permalink)
There is less fish people need to adapt and think outside their 1999 honey holes. These creeks change weekly these fish cant be patterned if you really enjoy fishing and being outdoors then these changes arent that big of a deal if your a meat hunting roper then your days of world class bathtub fishing are diminishing I'm in it for the experience the challenge and the thrill of over coming the circumstances less fish less fisherman I'm all for it. I can and will adapt I had my best season this year numerous double digit days over spooked thinned out pods of the meantime perfect the craft and hope mother nature works things out this fall

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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/12 22:56:15 (permalink)
Lower the limits and the crowds will drop. 1 fish is all you need.
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/13 04:49:28 (permalink)
post edited by ShenangoSteel - 2016/03/13 06:19:54
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/13 10:37:37 (permalink)
The issue will always be people dont want to admit there is an issue. And the people that say its good have no idea what good steelhead fishing is. I have been fishing erie every weekend for years and years.. This year is absolutely scary. Just go look at trout run nursery. Nothing but old dark fish and no chromers showing up for the last 4 months. Fish size is lacking. I almost forgot what it was like to catch an adult sized steelhead until i hit the ohio tribs this year. On average each fish must have weighed 3 to 4lbs more than all the fish i caught in erie.
post edited by Thedrift - 2016/03/13 11:09:20
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/13 10:53:23 (permalink)
I used to think the "not as many fish as there used to be" theory was just a cop out for those who couldn't catch them.

Most of the people who complain are the guys that know how to catch them the best. Wiping out holes in 15 minutes is common anymore. Each hole that used to hold 25 to 50 fish seems to hold 5 or 6 fish at best. Regardless of fishing skill polarized glasses and a few miles of walking reveal the truth. You can see the bottom pretty well throughout the tribs. Numbers are not there. Have not been all year.

Everything pfbc says is b.s. They barely put any smolt in elk last year. They are a bunch of uneducated "fisherman" that have college educations. There is no passion for fishing involved in pfbc. They are simply powerpoint presentations with false data.

Stock more, bring the fisherman back, hire another officer who actually patrols for once. Make it great again. The bottom has to fallout before pfbc fixes. That is how they have always worked. Man we are close to that point are we not?
post edited by Thedrift - 2016/03/13 11:16:39
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/13 11:15:16 (permalink)
I used to think the "not as many fish as there used to be" theory was just a cop out for those who couldn't catch them.

Most of the people who complain are the guys that know how to catch them the best. Wiping out holes in 15 minutes is common anymore. Each hole that used to hold 25 to 50 fish seems to hold 5 or 6 fish at best. Regardless of fishing skill polarized glasses and a few miles of walking reveal the truth. You can see the bottom pretty well throughout the tribs. Fish are not there. Havnt been all year. Walnut in late sept after blowouts and no one catching anything? Something is wrong. You should be seeing fish pushing up. You dont see that anymore.

Everything pfbc says is b.s.. They barely put any smolt in elk last year. Bunch of uneducated fisherman invloved with pfbc that have college educations. There is no passion for fishing involved in pfbc. Pfbc wants to dig out more holding areas for the fish. Whats the point if theres no fish? Stock more.

Walnut use to have pods of fishing going up and down the mouth to the stop sign hole. They would just all get confused on what way to go. Didn't see anywhere near the amount that previous years had during the early runs.
Its obvious something is going on. Sure fishing may have been great at the mouths. But the numbers in the streams are way off.
What is the issue however, we may not find out till its too late when the PFBC speaks up.
Hopefully this mild winter will tell us if the past couple harsh winters were the issue.
I'll still fish for them, but what use to be a 6 month season is becoming a 2-3 month season with less and less trips.
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/13 11:24:29 (permalink)

Walnut use to have pods of fishing going up and down the mouth to the stop sign hole. They would just all get confused on what way to go. Didn't see anywhere near the amount that previous years had during the early runs. Its obvious something is going on. Sure fishing may have been great at the mouths. But the numbers in the streams are way off. What is the issue however, we may not find out till its too late when the PFBC speaks up. Hopefully this mild winter will tell us if the past couple harsh winters were the issue. I'll still fish for them, but what use to be a 6 month season is becoming a 2-3 month season with less and less trips.

I myself am skipping perfect water flow days. Elk had perfect flows yesterday but i heard report of 2 fish caught all morning. And both were dark. Not a chance in the past. I would never miss a good flow. Its just terrible anymore.
post edited by Thedrift - 2016/03/13 11:29:52
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/13 16:35:42 (permalink)
Give this a read there is 3 parts. Part 3 is very interesting. We were catching 36-38" walleye on the troll in 2015.
post edited by chrisrowboat - 2016/03/13 19:39:34

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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/13 16:50:26 (permalink)
Give this a read there is 3 parts. Part 3 is very interesting. We were catching 36-38" walleye on the troll in 2015.

No link. 38" walleye, we need pics! I thought my 12 pounder from last year was big and it was only 30"!
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/16 00:01:08 (permalink)
Yesterday I was on elk above foleys for 3 hours. Smolts everywhere, not many bigguns. We started by the field. My buddy got 2 in a nice run nearby. I got the skunk. I'm sure there were a few mixed in there, but I kept moving after hooking smolts. I walked all the way up to the pine tree hole at the flats, not really fishing but just checking. The water was fairly low and clear and when in doubt I walked directly into the hole to chase fish out. I chased out 1 fish in over at least a mile, maybe two miles. And not all the water was flat-some nice runs. I was amazed.
Good news-the downed tree at that hole near the flats has been moved to the bank instead of stuck midstream.

It was a beautiful day and my first time ahht in 3 months so I enjoyed it regardless of catching. But what the heck??!!! It was dead water.
post edited by fisherofmen376 - 2016/03/16 08:17:49

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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/16 07:23:53 (permalink)
There is a severe problem with eastern Europeans overharvesting/butchering the fishery.   I've made numerous calls to PFBC wardens, but there are a limited number to cover the waterways.  Spoke with PFBC Commissioners who also recognize the problem.  I've confronted them while fishing and made the calls...Until more people stand up and say they've had enough and until there are more severe fines, this will continue to happen....
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/16 11:05:59 (permalink)
I used to think the "not as many fish as there used to be" theory was just a cop out for those who couldn't catch them.

Most of the people who complain are the guys that know how to catch them the best. Wiping out holes in 15 minutes is common anymore. Each hole that used to hold 25 to 50 fish seems to hold 5 or 6 fish at best. Regardless of fishing skill polarized glasses and a few miles of walking reveal the truth. You can see the bottom pretty well throughout the tribs. Fish are not there. Havnt been all year. Walnut in late sept after blowouts and no one catching anything? Something is wrong. You should be seeing fish pushing up. You dont see that anymore.

Everything pfbc says is b.s.. They barely put any smolt in elk last year. Bunch of uneducated fisherman invloved with pfbc that have college educations. There is no passion for fishing involved in pfbc. Pfbc wants to dig out more holding areas for the fish. Whats the point if theres no fish? Stock more.

Walnut use to have pods of fishing going up and down the mouth to the stop sign hole. They would just all get confused on what way to go. Didn't see anywhere near the amount that previous years had during the early runs.
Its obvious something is going on. Sure fishing may have been great at the mouths. But the numbers in the streams are way off.
What is the issue however, we may not find out till its too late when the PFBC speaks up.
Hopefully this mild winter will tell us if the past couple harsh winters were the issue.
I'll still fish for them, but what use to be a 6 month season is becoming a 2-3 month season with less and less trips.

Been coming up to Erie to fish for steelhead since 1995, when I was 6 and my father took me for the first time. Ive experienced everything from near triple digit days where I thought catching fish was too easy, to skunkings, as well as days where I got up there, found everything dangerously blown out, so I turned around and went home the same day. While I'm certainly not at the top of the pack in the steelhead fishing game, I do feel I'm knowledgeable and experienced enough to find and catch some fish on any given day, and I'm generally content with that, plus the fish are just added excitement to my trips to Erie. Do I enjoy observing the fall foliage along I 80 and 79/ my scenic route (80 to 36 north)? Absolutely. Do I enjoy food from some great places after a long day of fishing? You better believe it. Do I enjoy staying in a hotel for a few days, and getting away from it all at home and work? Definitely. Actually headed up this weekend, expectations are very low, really going just to get away, and this is one of the few weekends I have open for a spring trip.

Now, back in the days that my "cop out" quote referred to, I never really took much heed in the people complaining about fish numbers, since I've had great days when the reports said "no fish, dont even bother comin mup," and I've struggled on days where reports said it would be a great. Not to mention I've actually overheard physical conversations on the tribs in which people admit to posting reports understating the numbers of fish in the creeks, in order to discourage out of towners from going up. 

However, over the past few seasons, the decreased numbers are much more noticeable. Strangely, my best trips of the past two seasons, were the very first ones (usually last weekend of September), whereas, in the past, the best trips seemed to be sometime in the last weeks of October- Early November. Seems the season has shortened, we get the initial run or two early on with the meat of the numbers, then its a trickle. In 2014 and 2015, I can recall several times where I've timed it perfectly to get up a couple days after heavy rain, right when things were clearing up, only to say something like "thats all the fish all that rain brought in?" in areas that would previously have "clouds" of fish stacked up, along with a few fish spread out in other small runs and riffles.

These are the historical stocking records provided by the PFBC, and according to this, stocking numbers are down in certain areas from where they were in the early-mid 2000s. This is in addition to the factors that I'm sure make a difference (ie Lamprey, pollution, walleye, brutal winters, fish kept, etc.). We really need to get someone in charge of something to study this here and figure out what's going on.

post edited by johnthefisherman - 2016/03/16 11:10:50

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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/16 12:23:19 (permalink)
That's a good post john I feel about the same A bunch of us get together 2 to 3 times a year spend a good sum of money and go up to erie just for the good time and relax. Yes we catch fish sometimes we don't weve had up years with citation fish and down years with just a few.We enjoy staying in hotels having a few brews eating wings and just plain getting away for awhile!!! The number of fish stocked in 1995 or 2001 or 2015  doesn't even matter to us,.Its the fact that we are fishing.
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/16 12:46:34 (permalink)

These are the historical stocking records provided by the PFBC, and according to this, stocking numbers are down in certain areas from where they were in the early-mid 2000s. 

Elk from 244,000 last year to 105,000 in 2016
20 Mile from 110,00 to 26,000
Walnut from 185,000 to 83,000
No increase anywhere else?  
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/16 13:34:16 (permalink)
2016 stockings are still occurring.  Elk, Twentymile, Walnut AND Twelvemile Creeks have not received their full 2016 allotment of yearling steelhead yet.  2016 numbers will be very similar to 2015 numbers.
post edited by CKM - 2016/03/16 13:44:42
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/16 13:41:06 (permalink)
Great news for the land owners 
opps spoke to soon
post edited by crappiefisher - 2016/03/16 13:42:18
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/17 12:53:06 (permalink)
Dive master, they already stock about 100k steel/browns in presque isle bay.

I wonder if anyone even targets them in the bay. I caught one last September drift fishing for perch and was surprised as heck to see one. I'm curious how many we'll catch when we're trolling for Pike in the spring as some of the lures we'll be using like flutter spoons produce pelagic Steelhead all summer long in the bluewater.
I've caught them trolling the bay and have caught them jigging for perch on the ice as well. Here's a decent read on bay steelhead...
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/18 14:36:46 (permalink)
That's an old article and back in the day it was good, just like the creeks.
Like I said in my previous posts, less fished stocked = less people fishing (in time). The Fish Commission is in control of this numbers game. They are trying to regulate the number of fishermen to keep this fishery open without more future problems. They are slowly succeeding in that direction with cutbacks of stocking numbers the past 5 years. They will never admit that's why but, I'd say they had no choice. It's good but yet it's bad. The good is, it still keeps most public Steelhead fishing open on most creeks, and hopefully no more land posted. Less people make for less litter and trespassing problems too. The bad is, there are less fish to be caught overall, and less revenue for local businesses . I personally don't see much changing on into the future here, so it is what it is.

This was taken by me years ago.....this is open to public fishing ....who want's it this easy?    LOL..
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/03/19 08:32:22
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/18 16:53:05 (permalink)
Yea, that's why I said it's decent, not good, based on the fact it's quite dated. I'm with you 100% on stocking cuts being the major reason for the poor returns we are seeing
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/18 17:02:24 (permalink)
2016 stockings are still occurring.  Elk, Twentymile, Walnut AND Twelvemile Creeks have not received their full 2016 allotment of yearling steelhead yet.  2016 numbers will be very similar to 2015 numbers.

Thanks for clearing that up.  I see there's a bump in the numbers today.  
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/19 16:56:26 (permalink)
I am sure most will disagree but the problem is overharvest.The fishery is at a tipping point. Way too many fisherman for small clear streams. Once fish enter and the water drops,there is no escape for fish.They are over pressured every day.Getting hammered nonstop until eventually they get roped.Add to that local fisherman that take a limit in the morning, then come back and take another limit in the afternoon.This leads to less fish and smaller fish.Witness the pics from Poor Richards.Everyone proudly displaying their limit of jacks.While there may be other issues at hand, the main issue is over harvest. 1 fish is more than enough.I don't care about the businesses in Erie.I didn't know it was the responsibility of the fish commission to drive the Erie economy.I would go as far as saying there should be a steelhead stamp. 20 dollars to fish for steelhead.All of this money would be used to fund studies about steelhead and smolt mortality.Please don't tell me back in the day there were a lot of people keeping fish.I have been fishing for steel since 1990. There wasn't a fraction of the people back then.Sadly I don't often fish Pa tribs anymore.I choose to travel to other states as there steelhead programs are much better.I don't care about 50 fish in one run.However watching every fish get roped,just because, is kind of annoying.People don't realize that if you handle the fish properly,and let it go , it will come back next year.Additionally, stocking more fish isn't the answer.Pa has the least amount of water and stocks more fish than Ohio and NY combined.In the end maybe the low returns are a good thing.Less fish equals less people.The fishery will have a chance to rebound, and everything can level out.
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/19 18:10:35 (permalink)
Fished the Erie tributaries 3/18 and 3/19 and not in PA, was able to catch plenty of quality fish the point is after my great fishing trip I went to Trout run and counted 20 fish at dam and 30 or so in lower area.  Thousands in one state and a handful in another.  There has been no spring take and milking of steelhead for 10 years and today the hatcheries are empty and dry, with no spring take and a constant supply the spring runs will not change and will only continue to get worse. My money is going to other states that do a good service to there fisherman.  Erie stamp is a joke, in the surrounding states it is one fee between 40 and 50 dollars for the license period.
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/19 18:24:57 (permalink)
Dive master, they already stock about 100k steel/browns in presque isle bay.

I wonder if anyone even targets them in the bay. I caught one last September drift fishing for perch and was surprised as heck to see one. I'm curious how many we'll catch when we're trolling for Pike in the spring as some of the lures we'll be using like flutter spoons produce pelagic Steelhead all summer long in the bluewater.
I've caught them trolling the bay and have caught them jigging for perch on the ice as well. Here's a decent read on bay steelhead...

I've had that article bookmarked for a while now haha. I just wasn't sure if it was a common thing or if just a few people had perfected the tactic of it. Ever catch Browns in the bay as well? I assume they'd be as common as steelhead if they stock the same number.
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/19 18:53:54 (permalink)
I use to fish Elk in 2007...Gave up when I discovered Pulaski, NY.  I don't miss Erie at all.
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/19 20:03:15 (permalink)
I use to fish Elk in 2007...Gave up when I discovered Pulaski, NY.  I don't miss Erie at all.

And Erie doesn't miss you either. Yer just a drop in the bucket. 
post edited by johnthefisherman - 2016/03/19 20:17:17

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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/19 23:06:14 (permalink)
"I don't miss Erie at all."
But you still care enough to tell us about it...every year!

I'm taking my 6 year old son to a cavaliers game Monday. Got the day off Tuesday so if the weather cooperates this will be his first time steelheading. And after my 2 plus mile walk on elk last week and what I saw (or DIDNT see), sadly it won't be in pa for his first trip. I'll get him there eventually, but I feel we've got a better chance in Ohio on Tuesday.

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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/21 07:15:03 (permalink)
 I don't fish the creeks much anymore, but I can say one thing about Erie.......I catch more of them trolling for walleye that I ever have in the past. You may not see an increase in the streams, but I can certainly see a 200% improvement in the open water. We got some nice silver last year about every time we were out. Once went 12#'s, which was a hog when they have time to fight.
 It is honestly a little sad when I think about them trying to run the streams and have 100 people throwing jewelry at them. I used to enjoy it back before I went "anti-social" I need my space.
 They say that Steelhead always return to the creek they were released in....maybe that is not as true as we are lead to believe.
Why are we seeing such great steelhead fishing in open water, but not in the streams ??
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/21 09:58:24 (permalink)
 It is honestly a little sad when I think about them trying to run the streams and have 100 people throwing jewelry at them.
Why are we seeing such great steelhead fishing in open water, but not in the streams ??

I think you answered your own question.
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Re: Steelhead population on the decline 2016/03/21 20:44:17 (permalink)
 It is honestly a little sad when I think about them trying to run the streams and have 100 people throwing jewelry at them.
Why are we seeing such great steelhead fishing in open water, but not in the streams ??

I think you answered your own question.

LOL, I knew I did when I wrote it. Tried to be nice about it being everyone on here usually gets the "panties bunched up" over the steelhead in Erie. I am not opposed to it, but find it odd the open water fishing for them has been great the last few years. I can't remember any other years that were close to the last two or three. I can't believe that the pressure doesn't change their instincts. If instincts tell them to do one thing, then their instincts must be able to tell them something different. The streams are crazy.
Also, what year class are in the creeks now ?  That isn't sarcasm, just a general question. Do they stay out in open water until their time, or do they all come in every year ? Maybe they just had a few bad class years, and us open water trolling guys have got to reap the rewards of younger class years ? 
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