Helpful ReplyBowfishing streams
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Re: Bowfishing streams
2016/03/26 18:32:41
dpms There are many people bowfishing in this state at night using lights to illuminate the water in front of the boat. Several guides are even doing it and taking clients. I know one that does guided bowfishing at night and has been stopped and nothing ever came of it.
I think its like anything else with time a few bad apples make it noticed by all whether it be the lights or just an angler in general violating something over and over. Granted some are using lights but as more people use it more complaints happen and then it is looked into. The way it reads it is a violation and the coast guard knows this and agrees it is a violation but like I said the commission allows it even though they should not based on the boating laws. I have had guys that were courteous towards myself and other boats and bank anglers which I do a lot of. On the other hand I have had several idiots that throw safety out the window when it comes to shooting a bow. Guys shooting towards the bank where I am sitting and so on. I think the only thing I ever worry about is the effects over time. I love to fish for carp and a lot of the lakes that are shot up heavily have seen a large population increase on carp as the ones that are targeted most are the biggest fish. A lot of lakes I used to fish used to have some very hefty fish in them and once shot up turned into a heavy small population but it happens over the course of years and years. Blue Marsh is a great example of this as I used to catch 15-20lb fish all day long there now its 4-10lb fish in great numbers. If it was the other way around where guys would shoot smaller fish then it would have a more positive effect on lakes. I do see the point though if you are trophy shooting you would not go after the small ones. It is like any specie of fish, removal of too many big ones leads to greater populations of small ones and since carp can live to be 30-50 years old that greatly increases the odds of higher populations of small fish as it takes quite some time to reach a large fish of say 30lb. Sorry to hijack the thread some, just wanted to list a few things.
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Re: Bowfishing streams
2016/03/27 09:04:36
Talked to a buddy that was stopped by PFBC while bowfishing under lights. Officer said that as long as the boat was at no wake speed, and the front navigation light was still visible, everything was good to go.
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Re: Bowfishing streams
2016/03/27 10:19:08
Yep, judgement call by a level headed member of the PFBC, problem is, ain't a lot em to go around. Which is a problem in itself.... The PSFBC is no longer about enforcement.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Bowfishing streams
2016/03/28 07:49:58
Last I knew, unless you're a Native American Indian, we're ALL invasive species and look how we fu**ed up this country. Comment: I killed a chipmunk once for no reason with my Springfield .22 when I was about 15 years old and it weighed heavily on me for months. I killed my last rabbit hunting with my dad when I was 21, held it up and said what did you do that for as*hole, and never shot another animal. (We didn't and don't need the animals for food, although I kill fish to eat and always thank the "spirits" of the place for the resource.) I can't imagine killing animals for fun. Coyote, rats, birds, carp, american non-native humans, and even Trump supporters. No one said our life is more important than theirs. Imagine your kid out in the yard playing as somebody drives by and shoots him, drives off and leaves him lay. It's not much different for animals. If you think it is, my, you have a high opinion of yourself.
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Re: Bowfishing streams
2016/03/28 09:02:20
You ever use live bait?? Netted 100's of fish fry at home the other day & dumped on the fire. Way less pain for 'em than impaling with hooks so yes thought I did a good deed & was not fun. Although might have nightmares for weeks. Caught a stink bug last night & let it go outside. Then went in the kitchen & cleaned a limit of Crappie/Perch. crappy
post edited by crappiefisher - 2016/03/28 09:09:00
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Re: Bowfishing streams
2016/03/28 11:24:49
Sujie Last I knew, unless you're a Native American Indian, we're ALL invasive species and look how we fu**ed up this country. Comment: I killed a chipmunk once for no reason with my Springfield .22 when I was about 15 years old and it weighed heavily on me for months. I killed my last rabbit hunting with my dad when I was 21, held it up and said what did you do that for as*hole, and never shot another animal. (We didn't and don't need the animals for food, although I kill fish to eat and always thank the "spirits" of the place for the resource.) I can't imagine killing animals for fun. Coyote, rats, birds, carp, american non-native humans, and even Trump supporters. No one said our life is more important than theirs. Imagine your kid out in the yard playing as somebody drives by and shoots him, drives off and leaves him lay. It's not much different for animals. If you think it is, my, you have a high opinion of yourself.
********************************************************************************************** Do the spirits forgive you????
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Bowfishing streams
2016/03/28 13:20:15
I think I forgot to take one of my meds or did they legalize pot without me knowing cause I swear we were talking about shooting fish with a bow! Did I miss something or am I on the wrong page?
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Re: Bowfishing streams
2016/03/28 15:08:59
 .................... Wrong page hell, try wrong book!!! What???? wait.... no really, I'm sorry I just couldn't resist or, the Devil made me do it!!!!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Bowfishing streams
2016/05/10 07:38:03
Been doing well in Chartiers Creek between Bridgeville and Washington. That is when visibility is acceptable. All of this on and off rain has the creek up and murky many times. Carp have to be getting close to the spawn around here. They are full of eggs right now.
My rifle is a black rifle