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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/15 20:54:04 (permalink)
Do you actually know anybody that goes out and shoots 50 cats per day, I haven't even met a person who has shot more than a few fish in a day let a lone 50 catfish.

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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 08:09:29 (permalink)
Do you actually know anybody that goes out and shoots 50 cats per day, I haven't even met a person who has shot more than a few fish in a day let a lone 50 catfish.

I've seen piles of dead bullheads on the bank before, same goes with suckers, carp, sunfish, and crappie. Just the bucket biologists thinking they know more than the limnologists working to preserve the waters.
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 08:23:48 (permalink)
Sometimes wonder what somebody uses to smoke his fish......... 10-4???

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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 09:28:38 (permalink)
dpms,you don't eat,fried groundhogs, marinated crow breast, yote loin,smoked carp like the rest of us?  lol
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 10:19:17 (permalink)
  I love young groundhog in spaghetti sauce. gOT one livin' under the birthin' room at camp in Linesville but it was sprayed by a skunk 
Keep rubbin't in.... If u are up Linesville launch & need a nap or ice cold lemon aide before your drive home stop in I'll give u a gift bag ov fishin' stuff.  When is the big Carp shoot at Pym.? Think they make pet food & fertilizer with 'em.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2016/03/16 10:27:24
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 12:44:58 (permalink)
Do you actually know anybody that goes out and shoots 50 cats per day, I haven't even met a person who has shot more than a few fish in a day let a lone 50 catfish.

I've seen piles of dead bullheads on the bank before, same goes with suckers, carp, sunfish, and crappie. Just the bucket biologists thinking they know more than the limnologists working to preserve the waters.

Were these piles of fish you found shot by a bowfisher?  And I'm not sure how much you know about bowfishing, but the habits of catfish don't exactly make them a very vulnerable target.  For the bowfisherman I know, shooting a catfish is a rarity. 
Can the limnologists (aka aquatic biologists) provide any factual data or evidence to support your claims of how damaging this sport is to our fisheries?       
One last thing regarding the disposition of the fish shot, which is that the law only requires that the fisherman make a reasonable effort to lawfully dispose of the fish.  The fish do not need to be consumed or used for any specific purpose.       
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 13:02:07 (permalink)
I've seen piles of dead bullheads on the bank before, same goes with suckers, carp, sunfish, and crappie. Just the bucket biologists thinking they know more than the limnologists working to preserve the waters.

ummm, pretty sure that even the best shots aren't going to waste time on bullheads, sunfish and crappie.  
pretty sure any of us who have spent much time fishing have seen plenty of examples of wanton waste.  can't say as i've ever seen a pile of fish with arrow holes through 'em though.  
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 13:53:16 (permalink)
I've seen amish shooting carp at wilhelm a few years back. Left piles of 10 to 20 fish in several locations. Only seen it the one year though. Honestly I think it helped the fishing the next few years. Last year the carp numbers seemed to be up again.
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 14:02:35 (permalink)
I've seen piles of dead bullheads on the bank before, same goes with suckers, carp, sunfish, and crappie. Just the bucket biologists thinking they know more than the limnologists working to preserve the waters.

ummm, pretty sure that even the best shots aren't going to waste time on bullheads, sunfish and crappie.   pretty sure any of us who have spent much time fishing have seen plenty of examples of wanton waste.  can't say as i've ever seen a pile of fish with arrow holes through 'em though.  
Where does he say they were bow killed? I think he was just saying he's seen it. Not blaming the bow "fishers".
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 14:13:24 (permalink)
I'd like to see someone shoot a limit of 8" stocked trout with a bow instead of tank carp in 16" or water.  That would take some skill.
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 15:57:01 (permalink)
Do you actually know anybody that goes out and shoots 50 cats per day, I haven't even met a person who has shot more than a few fish in a day let a lone 50 catfish.

I've seen piles of dead bullheads on the bank before, same goes with suckers, carp, sunfish, and crappie. Just the bucket biologists thinking they know more than the limnologists working to preserve the waters.

Were these piles of fish you found shot by a bowfisher?  And I'm not sure how much you know about bowfishing, but the habits of catfish don't exactly make them a very vulnerable target.  For the bowfisherman I know, shooting a catfish is a rarity.  Can the limnologists (aka aquatic biologists) provide any factual data or evidence to support your claims of how damaging this sport is to our fisheries?        One last thing regarding the disposition of the fish shot, which is that the law only requires that the fisherman make a reasonable effort to lawfully dispose of the fish.  The fish do not need to be consumed or used for any specific purpose.       

I'd say least half of them were, most of the suckers and Carp were from bowfishermen, the others like sunfish and crappie and sadly in some cases Pike were just from sadistic conventional fishermen. Maybe not during the day, but shallow prowling catfish are an easy target for bowfishermen at night. Yes, there have been various studies stating the damage that excessive bow fishing and harvest by regular anglers can destroy fisheries. I've also witnessed it first hand at creek mouths on local rivers during the sucker runs when bowfishermen will kill a large chunk of the adult fish ready to spawn. It's disgusting to see that people would actually shoot a native species during its spawning season. You're just making my point with that last statement, it's like the state doesn't even care about why some of these guys are killing them, they just want them gone. I'm not saying all bowfishermen are like this, but I've encountered many who are.
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 16:20:19 (permalink),d.dmo
Read below the photo of the spillway on carp. When I use to do the sucker thing I'd give mine to a old timer that canned & made patties with 'em. The sucker run on M/C should be startin' soon. Was a big thing up here 30 plus yrs. ago but has died out.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2016/03/17 14:02:39
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/16 17:02:32 (permalink)
Crappie fisher, I probably ate more chucks than you. The younger ones are good,parboil,onion and little vinegar. Then bread and fry. I've made a mean ground hog cacciatore. I've eaten plenty of sucker fish cakes my grandmother made,and have even eaten smoked  carp.  I just fred three fox squirrels and made.gravy with rice yesterday. I'll make one trip a year to the spillway just to fish for carp. I know a Asian family that will gladly take a 100 Qt cooler full. In return the women gives me many tasty treats. Well got go fillet a few crappie and gills  from today not a pile but 13 decent fish,enough for Friday fish fry.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2016/03/16 17:04:03
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/17 20:15:23 (permalink)
Yes, there have been various studies stating the damage that excessive bow fishing and harvest by regular anglers can destroy fisheries.
Have any links to credible studies showing the damage bowfisherman are causing in PA?
It's disgusting to see that people would actually shoot a native species during its spawning season. 

First, the primary target for most bowfisherman are carp, which are an invasive species.  They are most certainly not a native species to North America.  Secondly, you do realize that you are posting on a site that only exists because of anglers who take advantage of the spawning habits of a fish to catch and often kill them, right?  
post edited by Esox_Hunter - 2016/03/17 21:10:15
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/17 22:00:24 (permalink)
Yes, there have been various studies stating the damage that excessive bow fishing and harvest by regular anglers can destroy fisheries.
  Have any links to credible studies showing the damage bowfisherman are causing in PA? 
DivemasterIt's disgusting to see that people would actually shoot a native species during its spawning season. 

First, the primary target for most bowfisherman are carp, which are an invasive species.  They are most certainly not a native species to North America.  Secondly, you do realize that you are posting on a site that only exists because of anglers who take advantage of the spawning habits of a fish to catch and often kill them, right?   

Once again, I'm not claiming that all bowfishermen are destroying our waters, it's everyone who doesn't know the basics of conservation of species. What I'm saying is that of all the bowfishermen I've encountered in my personal experience, most shot many more fish that they needed or could even use. I've seen many conventional fishermen do this as well, but proportionally not as many of them have done this, again, in my experience. Overfishing for any species through any type of harvest is bad whether it's conventional fishing, fly fishing, bowfishing, netting, trawling, etc. This is especially true in both small and large bodies of water. In small bodies, the populations are much smaller so it's easier to decimate a population by keeping a much smaller amount of fish. In larger bodies, the populations are obviously larger but often commercial fishing is involved and I don't think I need to explain to anyone how it r**** our aquatic environments. I also realize many bowfishermen target Common Carp, which are an invasive species. But I've also seen many of them shoot dozens of Smallmouth and Bigmouth Buffalo which are native keystone species. By the way, if the concern of bowfishermen is to shoot invasive species then why ignore striped and largemouth bass in California, pacific salmon and steelhead in the Great Lakes, and all the other examples of when humans are purposely introducing non-native species to a new environment because they can all be just as harmful to native species as common carp are?

I hope you all see what I'm getting at here, I'm obviously not saying to go out and kill steelhead and salmon or largemouth and stripers, I'm simply saying that Carp, at least commons, in most cases do not pose anymore of a threat to native species as introduced gamefish do. If humans and sportsmen were truly that concerned with being rid of an invasive species then the best course of action would be to begin a large scale program that could remove mass numbers of them in order to make a significant difference in the ecosystem rather than just killing a carp here or there and hoping that it makes a long term impact. Shooting a common carp in the Allegheny River is almost the equivalent of not putting back a round goby that you keep in Erie, that one fish truly does not make much of a difference.

About that second point you made above, I would hope that most of the people here are conservation minded enough to release most spawning fish. Will I fish for Redhorse on their spawning runs and Brookies on their redds in the fall? Sure! And although I tend to release everything I catch year round anyway, I take extra caution during spawning periods to not excessively harm fish by either using barbless hooks or hooks with crimped barbs, all of which are single Js. I also keep the fish out of the water for as little time as possible and play them as quickly as I can in order to prevent stressing it to death from lactic acid buildup. I'm not saying that everyone here should release all fish year round, even I like to keep a walleye or two in the summer on Lake Erie, but at least try to be more conscientious when targeting fish on the spawn.

I apologize for rambling, I just have strong viewpoints about these things, but you're all entitled to your own thoughts as well, of course.
post edited by Divemaster - 2016/03/17 22:08:17
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/18 06:51:49 (permalink)
I'd like to see someone shoot a limit of 8" stocked trout with a bow instead of tank carp in 16" or water.  That would take some skill.

Always done good at the"cage" on the yough outflow. Piled them up, used a traditional longbow too like the indianz butt, yinzers leave offers of lit jars of blu powrbate for the free bounty of boney pellethead flesh.

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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/18 07:14:21 (permalink)
 Did u take the time to read the article I posted up a few posts on common carp?,d.dmo crappy    

That was a great article, thanks for sharing it! One must wonder, though, how much of an impact that bowfishing had on the general population as every time I'm there the number of Carp is the same. I'd also like to see what sort of impact that stocked walleye are having on watershed native species such as juvenile Quillbacks and Spottail Shiners.
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/18 09:24:18 (permalink)
Ask a simple questions about a legal form of fishing...immediately get bombarded with criticism and nay-saying without getting your original question answered...

"Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women!"
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/18 10:20:15 (permalink)
Ask a simple questions about a legal form of fishing...immediately get bombarded with criticism and nay-saying without getting your original question answered... WELCOME TO THE FISHUSA FORUMS lol

More like welcome to any gamefishing forum! LOL
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/18 14:51:05 (permalink)
Thanks for the tips sent my way. I will be out there in May and June looking to put a dent into those pesky invasive species that I target. 

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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/22 00:08:24 (permalink)
i was fishing at donegal one night pretty late a couple summers ago and these guys showed up with what looked like a small house boat and bright lights all around the boat once i was able too see that the guys were doing i realized they where shooting carp with crossbows. I was horrified at what i saw it did look like alot of fun though. but it is WAY WRONG>
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/22 20:06:41 (permalink)
Yeah, and those boats with those lights are way illegal to operate in pa.
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/22 21:38:38 (permalink)
You can include the Buckeye also FishinGuy.  I know somebodythat learned the hard way about 10:30 PM one night last spring on the magnificent Pymie.  Only received a warning from a nice Ohio Patrol Officer while the officer took his time and conducted a thorough boat inspection by flashlight.  
Anyway for the inquiring minds:
All vessels must show required running lights between the hours of sunset and sunrise and during periods of restricted visibility, such as fog and heavy rain. A sailboat operating under power and sail must display the proper running lights for a powerboat. Navigation lights are restricted to the colors red, green and white. No lights of any type except for the required navigation lights may be displayed. Navigation lights are designed to identify the type of boat and its situation (underway, direction of travel, at anchor, etc.) on the water. Boats underway include drifting boats. Night boaters should carry spare bulbs, fuses, batteries and a flashlight.
The navigation lights required for boats are determined by the boat’s length and whether it is powered by machinery, sail, paddles or oars.
DOCKING LIGHTS: It is illegal to use docking lights, while underway, except when docking and the boat is traveling at slow, no wake speed and is within 100 feet of approaching a dock, a mooring buoy or the shoreline. A docking light is a flood or spotlight type of light permanently installed or permanently mounted on a motorboat that is used to illuminate a boat’s forward course of travel.
Might there be exceptions to the rule and allow for use of lights for bowfishing at night.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/03/22 21:40:25

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/24 23:45:25 (permalink)
What do you do with the fish after you kill them? Bow fishing seems horribly wasteful.

That's what I've seen so far. Shooting and tossing Redhorse and Buffalo is an ethical crime in itself, although somehow still legal. What's more appalling is when I see people in PIB shooting Northern Pike and endangered Spotted Gar, neither of which, especially the latter, is legal to shoot. I can possibly see if you wanted to shoot A carp or TWO to eat for dinner, but to kill the massive quantities that I've seen take place is simply, as you stated, wasteful.

Just for the record. Even though I do not care for the overharvest involved in bowfishing mainly the large fish over and over this guy seems to only be taking a few anyhow and actually uses them from the sounds of it. With that said the above post is one thing that is insanely disregarded in PA. If you look up species on the endangered list both smallmouth and largemouth buffalo are native species to PA and on that list. Anyone bowfishing should not shoot them and if they do expect a very large fine if caught. 
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/24 23:56:23 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Fisherlady2 2016/03/25 11:30:14
You can include the Buckeye also FishinGuy.  I know somebodythat learned the hard way about 10:30 PM one night last spring on the magnificent Pymie.  Only received a warning from a nice Ohio Patrol Officer while the officer took his time and conducted a thorough boat inspection by flashlight.  
Anyway for the inquiring minds:
All vessels must show required running lights between the hours of sunset and sunrise and during periods of restricted visibility, such as fog and heavy rain. A sailboat operating under power and sail must display the proper running lights for a powerboat. Navigation lights are restricted to the colors red, green and white. No lights of any type except for the required navigation lights may be displayed. Navigation lights are designed to identify the type of boat and its situation (underway, direction of travel, at anchor, etc.) on the water. Boats underway include drifting boats. Night boaters should carry spare bulbs, fuses, batteries and a flashlight.
The navigation lights required for boats are determined by the boat’s length and whether it is powered by machinery, sail, paddles or oars.
DOCKING LIGHTS: It is illegal to use docking lights, while underway, except when docking and the boat is traveling at slow, no wake speed and is within 100 feet of approaching a dock, a mooring buoy or the shoreline. A docking light is a flood or spotlight type of light permanently installed or permanently mounted on a motorboat that is used to illuminate a boat’s forward course of travel.
Might there be exceptions to the rule and allow for use of lights for bowfishing at night.

The coast guard creates inland water laws in all 50 states and all 50 states are the same. Each state has a coast guard representative who helps to enforce the coast guard inland water regulations. There are quite a few factors in this that make them illegal to use. Even though the bow guys went and spoke at the commission the coast guard has deemed them a violation and I am sure you will be seeing more enforcement in the future. The reason being, you are in fact allowed to use other lights on a boat but at any time if the required navigation lights can not be seen for any reason that is a violation. The bow lights are so bright all you see is a giant glow. The side lights need to be visible for a mile and the stern or all around light needs to be seen for 2 miles. If at any point those interfere  with the navigation lights that is a violation.
Now the above is a federal regulation which over rides a state regulation. In PA the docking light law is a state reg that is more strict than the federal regulations but it clearly states you can not use flood lights or spotlight type lights unless docking. It was clarified docking is having your boat pointed towards the object that you plan to dock on whether it be a dock,mooring buoy or shoreline as your boat will be pointed towards that object. If you are riding next to the shore you are not point towards the object of docking origin. Also it states they are not allowed to be used while underway. Underway is not at anchor and moving whether under power or drifting. Once you are not anchored and using the lights that is a violation.
The above is not enforced yet as the minutes show the commission made an allowance for them which is basically picking and choosing which laws they want to enforce and which ones they do not want to. 
The other factor just like automobile lights each light has a dot number that shows approval from the department of transportation. The bow lights have to be certified by the coast guard and specs shown on the light or housing. Lets say you were drunk off your****and ran into a bow fishing boat at night and his lights were not approved. You would win in court due to failure to comply with the correct certified lighting.
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/26 09:26:33 (permalink)
BTDT, your post states: permanently mounted, so my Q. is: may you use a handheld spotlite to navigate in fog or on a dark, moonless nite? also, if nite fishing for crappie, may you use a lantern or other lite to see? assuming, of course, you have proper boat lites lit, as per regs.
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/26 09:36:16 (permalink)
My understanding is, spotlight for navigation, no. Light to see in the boat, flashlight, yes, as long as your nav lights are still adequately visible. Do I have a spot light on my boat? You betcha. Do I use it? Only when I feel I need it to safely navigate (Very rarely). Using a bright light while under way really hurts your night vision, meaning you can ONLY see what is in the beam of light. No peripherals.
post edited by FishinGuy - 2016/03/26 09:39:38
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/26 11:41:15 (permalink)
BTDT, your post states: permanently mounted, so my Q. is: may you use a handheld spotlite to navigate in fog or on a dark, moonless nite? also, if nite fishing for crappie, may you use a lantern or other lite to see? assuming, of course, you have proper boat lites lit, as per regs.

Helloooo Wirenut,
Hope as is well buddy and the the lines have been tight.
The info regarding lights was taken directly from the PFBC as printed under Boating Laws.  I question the same thing as you do and I wish there was a good answer.  I know of nobody ever being fined for the use of additional lights at night for the purpose of fishing and until I purchased the GoBee Bow light, have used handheld lights for the purpose of navigating at night and never been stopped.
I'll guarantee, calling the PFBC and asking our question will result in hearing what is written in the book as you see in my post and, we will still be left wondering, on some dark unlit night, if and when we will see the dreaded red and blue strobes coming at us.
Displaying a white light that can be seen 360 degrees while at anchor is required so I can't see why a lantern wouldn't be legal when stationary (so have an anchor handy (he hee)) but that light shall be at the stern end of the boat.
PS.  Know anybody looking for a remote controlled bow light?  It goes up, down and, all around! LOL
Don't be a stranger and let us know what's happening out your way, I've been thinking about Piney this summer and I need some "spot burns" 10-4!!
Have a great Easter and tight lines. 

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Bowfishing streams 2016/03/26 12:11:54 (permalink)
There are many people bowfishing in this state at night using lights to illuminate the water in front of the boat. Several guides are even doing it and taking clients. I know one that does guided bowfishing at night and has been stopped and nothing ever came of it. 

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