Helpful ReplyDo you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ?

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2016/01/18 12:10:52 (permalink)

Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ?

This is why I don't trust or believe the Fish Commission's all about the money ! This quote is from their Inland Walleye Program and why they shut down stocking on certain lakes and rivers....... poor excuses !
"At the same time, it became more important for the PFBC to scrutinize our finances in an effort to squeeze the best ‘bang for the buck’ from all species of fish that we stock. If the fish we stocked weren’t surviving to adulthood or being targeted, caught and harvested by anglers, then stocking would be suspended."
Your lake or species could be next on the chopping block !
solitario lupo
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 14:25:24 (permalink)
Whats not to trust they basically are coming out and saying if its to much money and not worth their time, they dont care to stock it. 
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 14:58:44 (permalink)
I don't see how them wanting to get the most out of the stocking program is a bad thing? Stocking where they get the best returns seems to be a good plan.
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 15:10:35 (permalink)
It's all about the money because $9 million per year will go towards pension and benefits for retirees starting this year, that the state mandated a few years ago.  20% of the budget.  Don't remember the mechanism that prompted this, or who was responsible for the mandate - not looking to start a political debate, just stating facts.  2nd paragraph of the Preamble in this document:
IMO, that significantly handicaps what the PFBC has promised to deliver to anglers in ways of improving fishing around the state, whether through stocking, habitat improvement or law enforcement.  Until they get a significant license increase to offset the ballooning pension and retirement benefit responsibilities, I don't think much is gonna change, and we're likely to see less quality in the programs and services we've come to expect and benefit from from the commission, outside of trout.  And like it or not, stocking pelletheads at the expense of warm water species and/or habitat improvement and enhancement does give them the most bang for the buck at this point, at least in terms of generating license and stamp sales.  The opening day crowd still pays a lot of the bills.  
post edited by rsquared - 2016/01/18 15:11:59
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 16:13:26 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby roygpa 2016/01/21 16:34:54
 If they did not stock another fish in the commonwealth I'd be ok with that.
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 16:21:37 (permalink)
Thanks for asking.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 16:55:07 (permalink)
its a government agency is it not your question has ben answered.  NO No No NO just raise the darn license speaking for myself its the best money spent its a bargain.i can go 365 days a year for what 30 bucks. cant get a beer ,hot dog,or a bag peanuts at a pitts sporting event and your home in 3 hours.  JUST Raise the dang thing then do what the pa anglers are asking for!!!!!!!
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 17:40:15 (permalink)
PA fish and game is the biggest con game in PA. License and fine money goes into the General Fund. Fish and game monies are not dedicated to stocking, but to other cost centers through out the commonwealth. Fish and Game is nothing more than a cash cow. Like a diode, money only travels one way. Only enough comes out to give the appearances of dedicated public service.
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 18:29:00 (permalink)
They stock less than half the fish they used to on every creek statewide and are slowly increasing license sales. Lets get some real fisherman involved please.

Until licenses cost more and they use that money strictly for better fishing experiences they will always be sketchy imo.. New trucks for officers who you rarely see doing their jobs and new buildings do not make better fishing. Money wasted.
post edited by Thedrift - 2016/01/18 18:31:23
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 19:17:27 (permalink)
Won't surprise me to see a report by the "biologist" stating area lakes are capable of sustaining trout for at least 24 hours (or til such time they succumb). The trout cut from the normal stocking program will then be transferred to the lakes at which time, the lakes designated "approved trout waters" and all the non-trout  fishing anglers(100s), wishing to fish these lakes, will be required to purchase a "trout stamp".
It's a conspiracy and the biologist are after me... I tell ya.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 19:49:56 (permalink)
 License and fine money goes into the General Fund. Fish and game monies are not dedicated to stocking, but to other cost centers through out the commonwealth. Fish and Game is nothing more than a cash cow. Like a diode, money only travels one way. Only enough comes out to give the appearances of dedicated public service.

I'm not sure where you heard that, but it is incorrect.  The funds collected by the PA Fish Commission for licensing, penalties, fines, royalties, ect. are required by law to go into either the Fish Fund or the Boat Fund.  Money in these funds is only authorized to be used for certain things as specified in the law.  Refer to 30 PA Consolidated Statute Sections 521 and 531 for more information.  Also, if you go to the PFBC's website you will find annual reports detailing revenue sources and expenditures.    
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 20:36:36 (permalink)
If ya need something to read while your occupying the throne, check out the history of fishing license sales beginning in 1919 til present.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/01/18 20:41:32

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 21:03:24 (permalink)
Won't surprise me to see a report by the "biologist" stating area lakes are capable of sustaining trout for at least 24 hours (or til such time they succumb). The trout cut from the normal stocking program will then be transferred to the lakes at which time, the lakes designated "approved trout waters" and all the non-trout  fishing anglers(100s), wishing to fish these lakes, will be required to purchase a "trout stamp".
It's a conspiracy and the biologist are after me... I tell ya.

 What flavor??
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 21:14:37 (permalink),d.cWw
post edited by crappiefisher - 2016/01/18 21:16:51
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 21:42:25 (permalink)
Won't surprise me to see a report by the "biologist" stating area lakes are capable of sustaining trout for at least 24 hours (or til such time they succumb). The trout cut from the normal stocking program will then be transferred to the lakes at which time, the lakes designated "approved trout waters" and all the non-trout  fishing anglers(100s), wishing to fish these lakes, will be required to purchase a "trout stamp".
It's a conspiracy and the biologist are after me... I tell ya.

This actually happened near me. They cut a stocking at a nearby river(a nice one for trout fishing from October through June) and began stocking a small lake down the road that can only hold trout for about a month before it gets toasty.
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 22:12:50 (permalink)
Did they put special trout restrictions and close it to other fishing from April to June unless, ya had a trout stamp?
Grape if ya don't mind Crappiefisher, it will match the color of my sippy cup.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 22:45:15 (permalink)
Did they put special trout restrictions and close it to other fishing from April to June unless, ya had a trout stamp?

Yep it became an "Approved Trout Water" a trout stamp is needed whether you're fishing for trout in April, or panfish in July. And of course it is now closed to fishing from March 1st until opening day. The river is 500 million times better as a trout fishery. What kind of "trout fishing" occurs at the small lake? The opening day rope 'em up fest........that's it.
The ONLY good thing is the lake is more kid friendly. But still......there are much better places to put those trout, like kids only sections on streams where they have a chance at surviving longer than a month. And why does there have to be trout?? The lake was very nice for crappie and bluegills......two species of fish that are great for the kids to catch. No stocking needed.
post edited by troutguy - 2016/01/18 22:49:35
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 23:52:39 (permalink)
Did they leave the river tagged as trout approved too?  
I rarely mess with trout, but I bought a multi year license a few years back and bought the trout and Erie stamps.  A complete waste of money, per usage.  That said, whoever mentioned it before, fishing license is about the best bang for your buck going.  Adding $10/year or whatever it was, is nothing.  I can't leave McDonald's without spending $10.  Even if I don't get out for trout or Erie once in a year, it's better than a day of heartburn from that toxic sludge they call food.  I would love to find that evil genius that invented the happy meal, and kick him square in the jeans.
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 23:53:24 (permalink)
So if a lake that was being stocked with Walleye every year doesn't meet their set percentages it's no longer to be stocked ! Three or four guys in a boat shocking fish for five or six hours tells them all they need to know about that species in that lake ? If they don't shock enough Walleye that night, or day, that means the program isn't working, so that lake is possibly in jeopardy. Seems backwards to me. If there's not enough Walleye being netted or shocked then that lake needs more help or stocking ! It will work, Pymatuning is proof of that with 4 million eyes stocked every year. Sometimes I wonder where they all go !
I don't want to bash all their programs I think the Hybrid Striper program is a big success on several local lakes but that's because there are some serious numbers stocked yearly. 
 I got to agree with some of you guys raise the license or create some new stamps but don't keep scratching lakes and rivers off the stocking list. Not much of a future for Inland Walleye on a lot of waterways. I guess that Trout cow comes first and foremost.  
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/18 23:57:24 (permalink)
 Close to 50,000 less total senior sales since 1978.
Steady decline in sales since the permits introduced in 91.
Think they left out the castnet permit?
Grape on the rocks?
post edited by crappiefisher - 2016/01/19 00:00:34
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/19 00:17:25 (permalink)
  They only stocked L/A the first few yrs. with Pike. Took a survey & said ain't worth it. Couldn't net any. Here they are  doing just fine on their own. Least they finaly removed the sm. dam last yr. that killed 100,000's ov eggs, Big Mommas' & Daddys' at ice out every yr.for the past several yrs. Not to mention the the Great Redhorse runs for spawning 
 Purdy sure they relied on other states leftovers (GIFT) must feel sorry for us or somethin'??? for the Byrd stockings & still haven't started raising 'em in PA.
 Gas $1.60 gal. other side ov lake from Linesville???
post edited by crappiefisher - 2016/01/19 01:18:41
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/19 06:25:46 (permalink)
Did they put special trout restrictions and close it to other fishing from April to June unless, ya had a trout stamp?

Yep it became an "Approved Trout Water" a trout stamp is needed whether you're fishing for trout in April, or panfish in July. And of course it is now closed to fishing from March 1st until opening day. The river is 500 million times better as a trout fishery. What kind of "trout fishing" occurs at the small lake? The opening day rope 'em up fest........that's it.
The ONLY good thing is the lake is more kid friendly. But still......there are much better places to put those trout, like kids only sections on streams where they have a chance at surviving longer than a month. And why does there have to be trout?? The lake was very nice for crappie and bluegills......two species of fish that are great for the kids to catch. No stocking needed.

Kinda like reverse psychology,  anglers won't buy the trout stamp and waste their time on a trout stream so, the PFBC stocks popular/heavy fished lakes and outlets with trout and forces you to waste your money.  If you want to fish that specific lake or outlet regardless of the species your after, ya gotta buy another fishing license.  OK to catch and release a trout if you have a trout stamp but, that same trout will die (before the 24 hr. life expectancy range) if you don't.
Oh the PFBC thingy of  "IT'S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS" ........... UH-Huh 
However, that being said, and so forth, and so forth, I should like to agree in saying the cost of a general fishing license is not a really bad deal compared to attending a football, hockey, basketball  and, so forth, game.  Free parking too!
Therefore, why not knock off the "dog and pony show"  (a/k/a, trout program), raise the license fees within reason and place the trout stamp near the toilet in case of an emergency.
Crappiefisher may I have Cherry this time, I have a red sippy cup too, won em in a trout fishing contest (at a boat show) when I was a kid. 

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/19 07:09:55 (permalink)
Usually the ones complaining the most about the fishing license
are the guys that walk around with a steeler jacket that cost hundreds of dollars spend thousands for a personal seat lisence just for the rights to buy a hundred dollar ticket to watch a bunch of obese millionaires waddle around for 60 minutes,and that's just after they paid 25 bucks to park their car!!!!! If they need revenue to do things right jack up the feees and stock the darn lakes. Its my passion and I will pay whatever  I fish 12 months a year for every species that swims and its a bargain for me no matter the cost
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/19 07:16:11 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby roygpa 2016/01/21 16:42:28
Here's an idea. Ditch the trout stamp, raise the license fees, but add a walleye stamp! I feel more serious fisherman target walleye than trout, and they (we) would be much more receptive to paying a premium for more walleye stocking. But, then the panfish guys would complain about having to buy the walleye stamp to fish their favorite crappie lake.
fishin coyote
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/19 07:55:51 (permalink)
It's all about the money because $9 million per year will go towards pension and benefits for retirees starting this year, that the state mandated a few years ago.  20% of the budget.  Don't remember the mechanism that prompted this, or who was responsible for the mandate - not looking to start a political debate, just stating facts.  2nd paragraph of the Preamble in this document:
IMO, that significantly handicaps what the PFBC has promised to deliver to anglers in ways of improving fishing around the state, whether through stocking, habitat improvement or law enforcement.  Until they get a significant license increase to offset the ballooning pension and retirement benefit responsibilities, I don't think much is gonna change, and we're likely to see less quality in the programs and services we've come to expect and benefit from from the commission, outside of trout.  And like it or not, stocking pelletheads at the expense of warm water species and/or habitat improvement and enhancement does give them the most bang for the buck at this point, at least in terms of generating license and stamp sales.  The opening day crowd still pays a lot of the bills.  

Most of you can't see the forest because of the trees. It's all about this ^^^^^^^ .
 You can increase the license and raise/implement all the stamps you want but this number above is going to keep going up and eating 20% or more of the budget.
So where do you think the money from an increase is going to go?
Ask the open water fishermen in Erie about stamp money and what they got out of it.
Until there is serious pension reform in the state of Pa. we are all screwed.
post edited by fishin coyote - 2016/01/19 07:56:53

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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/19 07:56:39 (permalink)
"Here's an idea. Ditch the trout stamp, raise the license fees, but add a walleye stamp! "
Now there's an idea, add more fish specific stamps, brilliant!!!   Wonder why the PFBC never thought of that??
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/01/19 08:01:45

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/19 09:39:21 (permalink)
Being one of those who has worked for 30 years under the pension program (public education).  The issue isn't the pension program, its that they have under funded it and taken money from it like it was a piggy bank.  You can't hope to balance ANY budget playing the games that our system does.  If you want to fix the pension problem, start at the top.  You will never see them cut or diminish their own pensions or those of the state police.....but they are very quick to point a finger at those of us who have earned those pensions.

wishin i was fishin
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/19 10:25:42 (permalink),d.cWw
Try gettin' ice crushed up in a blender or if u have one ov them there Frosty the Snowman snow cone makers from when u were a boy even better, get Kool Aid mix with sugar & sprinkle over crushed ice in your sippy cup. Hint, use the clear blue raspberry taste great & u won't walk 'round all day with people staring at ya. Had one last night & hit the spot on a nice winters dawn.
Hope this helpz
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/19 11:20:06 (permalink)
Did you add a little Vodka too ?
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Re: Do you trust the Pa. Fish Commission reports and programs ? 2016/01/19 11:37:03 (permalink)
 Left all the hooch at camp in Linesville. But I suggested for the F&BC years ago to put one ov their guys with the Frosty Snowman hand crank snowcone machine at the Wallnut launch June - Aug. They didn't listen, would ov solved their $$$ problems. What they have now $20 million in savings?
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