Helpful ReplyPA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking

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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/13 22:03:58 (permalink)
I actually enjoy eating walleye. Never could understand the steelhead thing.
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/13 22:11:21 (permalink)
i appreciate everyone chiming in. Lots of respect to those who keep fish but will admit they will still steelhead fish if it were c&r..
I do know that catch and release will not fix the issue. However a lower limit would greatly help a lot of people.
People need to understand there is no water in the tribs anymore. It may stay up for a day or two then drop to a pond. Fresh fish come in, get wiped out. Nothing else comes in for a month.
Some people like to fish even for the old ones.
We have had about 10 days of decent flows this year.
New yorks runs were awful as well. There are still fish in the lake forsure. But not enough are being let go to support low water and the amount of fisherman anymore.
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/13 22:15:29 (permalink)
It'd be cheaper for me to buy 3 packs of salmon fillets at Sam's Club and smoke it, than it would be for me to drive to Erie and catch 3 steelhead when I factor in gas, bait & tackle and food.  

So true.
You cant tell me some guys spend 40 on a license, gas, time, just to go keep 3 fish. They have to enjoy some aspect of fishing other than eating.
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/13 22:34:49 (permalink)
You guys should try for them in August too. That's when we fish them the most and it's a heck of a lot of fun catching big silver bullets in 100 FOW, especially when they're jumping in every known direction every 10 seconds!
 Not that I blame you for doing it or that I really care but a lot of fish are killed before they ever even get to run this way. bringing a steelhead up from 100 feet of depth will probably kill it. Fish get gas embolisms and other related barotrauma if you bring them up to fast from depths that deep. Especially a trout.

You are probably hooking tons of them and most die later after release. 100 feet of water is deep. Humans can get this scuba diving as well.

I'm well aware, I'm an avid diver myself (hence, my screen name) and a good rule in diving is a to rise no more than 1 foot per 1 second to avoid getting "the bends", you also never want to hold your breath coming up or else you risk your lungs popping like balloons from gas expansion as the pressure decreases, but that's not as much a problem in fish outside of swim bladders with Percids. The 1:1 rule, however, is why I try when fishing in water over 30 feet to bring fish up as slow as I can yet still avoid wearing out the fish overly much and creating unnecessary lactic acid buildup to attempt to ease them towards the surface and decreasing water pressure. This works very well for lake trout and drum, which dive vigorously towards the bottom during the majority of the fight and allow me to slowly bring them up (which I theorize is why lakers are so energetic in boats and swim back down much quicker and livlier than steelhead do).

Well, maybe I should keep more steelhead then if they're less likely to survive XD. Kidding, of course, I'll still release most unless they're obviously dying and if by chance it did die after released then either a channel catfish, sucker, burbot, or seagull can eat the fish.
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/13 23:33:04 (permalink)
Wrong info....
post edited by Fisherlady2 - 2016/01/13 23:36:38
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/14 10:58:21 (permalink)
Any news about the meeting? Interested to see what was discussed.
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/14 11:40:21 (permalink)
not much to report
restrictions of LE stamp money funds is in the process of being eased so more cash can go towards open water projects/improvements.
Possibly, the cost of a fish license should double by 2020.
Average smo;t size will be a tad bigger for 2016 averaging about 185mm (7 1/4 inches).
My first meeting in two years. Nice turnout.
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/14 11:54:53 (permalink)
not much to reportrestrictions of LE stamp money funds is in the process of being eased so more cash can go towards open water projects/improvements.

Did they say specifically what projects or improvements?
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/14 12:03:32 (permalink)
old dog
dano, the thought of doubling the license fees may chase a lot of non resident anglers back across the state line.  that is a hefty increase.

If they're using the extra money for projects though, we might see improvements in everything from access and stream habitat to better stocking and bigger fish of all species. Just a thought. Plus trout feed is expensive and the licenses in general haven't gone up significantly in a while now to support hatcheries, salaries, and projects.
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/14 14:02:19 (permalink)
old dog
dano, the thought of doubling the license fees may chase a lot of non resident anglers back across the state line.  that is a hefty increase.

 A decrease last yr. to a double $$ ov 850,000 license sales in a few yrs. 
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/14 14:32:00 (permalink)
Mo Money... Mo Problems.
So no word on the poor fish returns?
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/14 14:52:52 (permalink)
Fish are afraid to come into Walnut.  The Wall of Nuts is being occupied by armed Wing Nuts who are screaming stuff about Obummer coming to take urrr gunnz!
fishin coyote
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/14 15:11:35 (permalink)
If they're using the extra money for projects though, we might see improvements in everything from access and stream habitat to better stocking and bigger fish of all species. Just a thought. Plus trout feed is expensive and the licenses in general haven't gone up significantly in a while now to support hatcheries, salaries, and projects.

That's a nice thought but any increase will go directly to the cofers for their pensions. The cost of business isn't dragging them down it's the Pa public pension system and the Feds with their 1000 year rainfall/ storm regulations.

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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/14 15:24:31 (permalink)
Were any questions about steelhead asked/answered re low numbers?

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Matthew 4:19
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/15 11:43:11 (permalink)
Let Me see! 50% of Elk posted add half again the amount  fishermen on the unposted, cut back who knows how much on the stocking, make the fish on the average smaller and double the license fee. MAKES SENSE TO ME!!
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/15 14:04:15 (permalink)
After editing, rendering and uploading, the crack team at FishUSA uploaded to YouTube a video of Commissioner Ed Mascharka's presentation at Wednesday's PA Steelhead Club meeting.
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/15 14:59:07 (permalink)
Great video. Thanks guys.
Sounds like his main concern to fix everything is to grind out channels and improve habitat in the creeks for fish to move up farther. Love the idea but what's the point if fish are not even coming in down low in the first place?
Love the guy who called him out on 4 mile.
Commissioner: "the fish passage is working"
Random guy: "no its not i live there and have seen 3 fish all year"
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/15 19:10:34 (permalink)
"80% of steelhead are caught and released"
I wonder where they stood to get that calculation at. I bet Walnut alone is 80% keep.
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/16 00:00:56 (permalink)
"80% of steelhead are caught and released"
I wonder where they stood to get that calculation at. I bet Walnut alone is 80% keep.

I could not agree more.
I think we all expected them to highlight the good things they do without addressing the issues.
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/16 07:09:12 (permalink)
Some people can sing, some people can dance and, from the presentation given I'd say Commissioner Ed Mascharka is talented.
Of course one, should "never judge a book by it's cover" but first impressions are, the Trout Guyz able to attend that meeting got to see a darned good "Song and Dance" show.
Free of charge too or, was it a 'play now pay later' deal?  I thought I heard something about a 'slight' fee increase?

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/16 09:33:15 (permalink)
ha ha, he said bucket fishermen....

I kinda like this guy. I like his plan for improving habitat and fish passage. That's all fine and dandy, but it won't increase fish return numbers. Right now, or at least until fish #s are up, opening up more land for public fishing needs to be a top priority. Especially the private water on Elk.

I'm all for a fish cannon connecting the stop sign hole to rt. 5 on Walnut
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/16 09:40:00 (permalink)
There's a sandwich shop near where we fish that's been making the same large size subs for 40 years! They still have a great business today. They never changed the size or cheapened up on the amount you get , still the same. The price has gone up but you still get exactly what you did 40 years ago !
Lesson of story......Most people don't mind paying more as long as it's the same and not cheapened up or cut back ! 
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/16 13:05:15 (permalink)
What shop is that Hook...Terasias?
Chris Johnson
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/16 15:35:53 (permalink)
Teresa's opened in 1987, shortly after the Sky-Way was torn down. Barbato's in Wesleyville maybe, but their subs aren't very big. Armand's was the place for subs back then, not big but the best tasting in the Erie area.

Did they say 85% of the steelhead fishermen come from outside Erie Co? Does the PFBC post their methodology of analysis?

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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/17 09:33:30 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby old dog 2016/01/17 09:43:56
Can't say this is where they got the present info, but a few years ago I was asked by a WCO to take a survey while fishing the tribe. It included questions about where I was from, how often I fished Erie, average number of fish I caught, average number of fish I kept, etc.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/17 21:53:35 (permalink)
Lock Stock & Barrel, Sharpsville Pa. near the Shenango River best subs around for over 40 years, with over 50 plus sandwiches too choose from. Just comparing that to Fish Commission changes in Trout stocking and limit policies a few years back. They surveyed if people would like to see more fish stocked, or lesser numbers but better size fish stocked. They said that the majority wanted lesser numbers but larger fish.  I don't know exactly how things are recently because I don't chase stockies too often, but from what I've seen and heard from others I know locally , it seems we lost again. Seems like lesser fish are stocked and size is still about average as compared to the past. Like I said most people don't mind an increase in prices as long as it maintains to be the same or improves .
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/01/17 21:57:37
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/18 18:34:43 (permalink)
Fish are smaller and there are way less in the sharpsville area. Pfbc is a joke. They cut a stocking a few years back from sharpsville and hacked the walleye program years ago. Fishing is not so hot there anymore.

As for lockstock.. Ya awesome food
post edited by Thedrift - 2016/01/20 00:04:08
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/18 19:27:41 (permalink)
What's the most important piece of equipment for Pa. Steelhead fishermen ? Drum roll please, ANSWER! A .99 yellow rope stringer. One reason I quite doing it.I'm releasing fish and the****clown next to me snags and keeps the same fish I let go. I'm not saying I never kept a 4-5 a year to smoke,I  don't know what some local guys do with all the fish they keep,I think they sell them. Years ago when there where runs,one local guy told me he kept over 150 fish.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2016/01/18 19:30:49
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/19 12:13:42 (permalink)
This may sound a little strange but stop and think about it for a sec before you jump on me. Years ago I was shooting skeet with some older guys who at the time I thought might have been crack pots but it has come true in my opinion. Their thought was the  so called upper crust or those with more money and so called education than they can handle just don't want to fish, hunt, golf, shoot trap or skeet with the regular people of this world. Example is the clubs or organizations that have taken over the streams and ranges across the country. 500 dollars to fish a section of posted stream, thousands to lease a hunting right, golf tee costs, I have no idea!
Call me Strange
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/19 21:49:53 (permalink)
To everyone involved in taking/editing/posting video of meeting THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Watched learned me a thing or 2 laughed at a few comments.
Glad to hear some habitat issues might be addressed it could really help the situation.
Walnut needs to be addressed so fish can spread out better upstream.
Still question stocking sizes and numbers of smolt recently both seem to have decreased in my opinion but not so says him.
He said they are trying to make it possible to spend stamp money on OTHER things for fishermen not fishing tribs -LIKE WHAT? Maybe I missed examples but seemed he did a verbal dance there.
As for License price increase I am all for it if it ends up benefiting fisherpeople.
I like the idea of separate stamps for walleye- steelies- trout -bass -whatever if I helps those individual fisheries get the needed attention.
Thanks again for posting video!
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