Helpful ReplyPA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking

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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/20 00:01:43 (permalink)
I Agree.
The commissioner "walks" the creeks and thinks that's enough to make judgement?
I fish every weekend up there. Give me the torch.
Regarding the falls at walnut. If people left the fish alone for more than 15 minutes they would get up it. I have seen fish above the falls many of times. Some of the feeder creeks in Erie get loaded with fish and the falls are way bigger than the falls at walnut. People sit at those falls and just hammer on the fish. Its one spot people always flock to. Taking some of it out would help them get up faster forsure so im all for it.
Last year was the first year I noticed a scary amount of smolt in elk. The previous years there were a lot. The runs should be good still, must be the warm weather and low water this year.
As for the future.. If they keep stocking like they did last year. Kiss it goodbye. I along with a ton of people will be heading over to Ohio.
post edited by Thedrift - 2016/01/20 00:05:56
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/20 08:16:32 (permalink)
For those of you supporting cutting out part of the falls, aren't you concerned about other undesirables getting upstream as well? It would definitely move steel upstream quicker and prevent the constant slaughtering of them in that one pool alone, however, a lot of other species could go upstream easier as well. From what I've observed over the past year, walnut is very low in gobies compared to other large creeks like Elk and I think that is at least in part due to how high of a gradient walnut is. There's fast riffles or tall waterfalls every several yards which is why I think the gobies are confined primarily to the mouth. I'm not sure how easily sea lamprey can climb the falls but the extra height certainly has to deter them. As much as carving out a larger channel for trout sounds like a good idea we need to prevent invasives from going up it as well and wreaking havoc on the upstream native resident fish like suckers, cyprinids, darters, and any trout that stay in the tribs for most of/all of the year.
post edited by Divemaster - 2016/01/20 08:18:32
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/23 00:38:15 (permalink)
I'm ready for more invasive fish in the mix. How about those Snakeheads instead of Steelhead ! Looks like they fight like hell on videos. Those Silver Asian Carp look like some crazy high jumpers plus they are silver will always look fresh in photos ! Nobody will care if they all get roped and smoked either ! Some Peacock Bass would be wild in Presque Isle Bay ! Those Arapaima would smoke your drags all the way to Canada ! Those big Red Tail Catfish look cool and should bust some lines and rods !
Yea , I'm ready for some invasive species......and they will only need stocked once or twice and nature will take over.........................LOL !
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/01/23 00:39:29
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/23 12:23:53 (permalink)
I'm ready for more invasive fish in the mix. How about those Snakeheads instead of Steelhead ! Looks like they fight like hell on videos. Those Silver Asian Carp look like some crazy high jumpers plus they are silver will always look fresh in photos ! Nobody will care if they all get roped and smoked either ! Some Peacock Bass would be wild in Presque Isle Bay ! Those Arapaima would smoke your drags all the way to Canada ! Those big Red Tail Catfish look cool and should bust some lines and rods ! Yea , I'm ready for some invasive species......and they will only need stocked once or twice and nature will take over.........................LOL !

And I'm ready to get the shotgun out at the first sign of any of those fish around here LOL
Ninja of the Steel
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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/25 10:19:20 (permalink)
The fish are there! They're just staying out in the lake because they're sick of hearing all the complaining and conspiracy theories! Seriously though, Early Fall low water levels are the problem, fish can't run if there's no water in the creeks. PFBC biologists will work it out, have faith.

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Re: PA Steelhead Club Meeting / PA F&BC Commissioner speaking 2016/01/25 10:53:05 (permalink)
Ninja of the Steel
They're just staying out in the lake because they're sick of hearing all the complaining and conspiracy theories!

Aliens are taking all the fish! Stake out at the mouth of walnut at night and you can see the UFOs come in and beam up the staging chromers.
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