hot tuna
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Ice 2016
Well, I have decided to revisit this thread for all things related to Ice fishing in New York.. Much have changed here and I hope to share related topics towards ice ,gear and tactics.. Feel free to share and indulge in your adventures.. Maybe even Rob S will join That said: I'm so stoked for this belated ice season,, Played with my gear and tuning things up this past weekend.. Ordered more stuff that I really don't need but will be grateful to have.. We all may or not know the new 7 device rule this year.. It means 7 tip-ups or any hand lines in combination.. Cant imagine I will run 7 traps or 7 sticks but depending on the water, maybe 6 traps and 1 jigging rod.. Other waters such as lakers, I see 3-5 traps and 1 rod in hand .. More gear: Decided I'm sick of tossing fragile jig rods into a soft case only to crush or break the tip's off.. Got me a new frabill hard case.. New to me so anyone with one please give likes, dislikes. The fish gripper: Humm.. Horror stories about boa-fish grippers and handling.. For open water, it may be true.. My thoughts is to be able to grip a sharp toothy fish by the mouth and pull it outta a hole.. I find it difficult to get any fish of weight out of a hole , especially thick ice , any real delicate way.. So why not try and "lip" em'and straight pull ? Thoughts welcomed.. Also it will be a dual purpose tool.. When I intend to keep a large fish , soft or hardwater, it has a scale.. Seems cool to me.. Lastly: The baitcasting rod/rig.. Going to try this out this season.. Jigging deep water for lake trout it only seems logical .. Abu Garcia reel and 36" casting rod with braid .. Direct contact to jig & fish... My first planned adventure is 1/29... we surly should have ice somewhere and no matter I have an adventure planned.. Hope to share pic's and stories.. If things lock up sooner, I will be there.. Enjoy the 2016 season and stop in to share the love of hardwater through your eyes : Peace & Tuna
post edited by hot tuna - 2015/12/29 20:22:18
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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I'm starting to worry that we'll get enough ice to prevent shore fishing,. but not enough for walking on!
hot tuna
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Well , 'I been out on the Ice for a few weeks now.. Trying to make the best of what little time and space available.. Honestly, my kids been fishing more then me.. They have been on Champlain and some small pike puddles near the VT border but I hit the holy grail yesterday with monster gills :) Heading to laker land this weekend, catch a great show Friday night in Schroon Lake then fish through the weekend up there .. Yea buddy !! Anyhow, those interested, here are just a few shots from the time afield: First trip into snow country.. All rat pike on tip-ups: My boy getting it done near VT:  MY great adventure to clear black ice yesterday.. Awesome to see schools of fish swim below my feet:  And there were plenty of PHAT Gills to fill my bucket :) YUMMY !!!
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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That ice looks awesome! All we ever get locally is snow covered or cloudy white, I don't think I've ever seen it so clear. Would be almost spooky to stand out over that! and those gills would make a great fish fry...
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I should like to; if I may, quote Fisherlady2, unquote. That certainly is some "fall on your butt without cleats" type ice I think the Bluegill might like something to say about the fish fry(lol) Congratulations to your boy on the Pike through the ice HT. Oh........ the geese in the one picture, might they be flying North?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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thanks folks .. With the boys being 30 on Thursday I'm going to catch some ice with both of them.. 30 years ago on the 28th, I drove the wife to hospital in a 1972 Dodge Charger @ 2am in a snow storm (we found out it was twins on New years eve.. I Sat there and watched the tragedy of Challenger around 11 am.. Our Twin boys born at 5:00 pm :) Gils tomorrow with my son Randy and lakers Sat with Rob.. Yea buddy, Feeling a little skeptic about that black clear ice tomorrow though.. Most of the puddles here had standing water today and some grey, guessing from light rain.. This 40+ deg stuff has to STOP !! lol We will tread lightly and spud often.. As ALWAYS use safety and caution.. Gear packed (light) 1.spud bar 2.throw rope 3.Ice picks 4.flotation throw 5.common sense If that lake proves un worthy , there is another local (dead sea) that has a solid base.. Hope to be sharing great adventures of Phat gills & slimy Lakers
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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I was up pacing the floor last night watching the temps (45 deg) until about 2am.. Fearing the worst we headed out this morning at 7:30 am.. My heart sank as we passed by waters that were frozen but now open.. Finally we arrived at our lake.. It was ice but not the clear black ice as sunday.. Out I went with spud bar .. YES !!!! Solid and it held , actually gained , to 6" of nice fishy ICE ... The Weather was GREAT, the time spent pre birthday was priceless and yes the fishing was good.. Only a few shots to upload but ,,,, oooo it's so goooood.. BTDT >> those geese have found a happy spot in open water behind us... Dang birds !!!
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Great haul there! And glad you had a good time with the boy, trips like those are hard to come by and the memories are priceless!
hot tuna
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Thanks fisherlady . It was and well worth being " sick " of the JOB today We got a nice batch of beer ( Busch ) battered fish fry for dinner , and two :) Next up , lake trout with the other boy :)))) You only live once
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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well the fishing with my birthday boys week was a huge success. From panfish on weds to lake trout yesterday, we caught !! Today was about chasing grandkids on the ice and they played... A few fish were caught on tip ups so flags flew.. I'm pretty beat down so long report but the Ice on my laker lake is here to stay .. Hoping for many more slimmer trout.. We put 12 on the ice , lost 7 jigging yesterday: Love the UN crowded waters :) 70 FOW Some bodies hit the ice: Fish gripper worked like a CHARM, even got weight.. 2.6oz More then fun as the bro-inlaw had the hot rod Crazy photo app from the dumb phone: Lastly : The boy had a few too but no pic's to share .. Maybe he will .. Wont be back out until the weekend and then the following week I have a 7 day straight ice run.. Winter is not over yet and many fish to catch: Peace & Tuna Ps. used a lot of gear that came from right here at fish usa.. Must say, PLEASED with everything. LOVE the casting rod for deep water jigging..
post edited by hot tuna - 2016/01/31 18:53:34
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Going to take a break from the ice this weekend. Some factors come into play 1. Temps - while I'm confident there is ice to fish , I'm just using caution 2. Rain - it rained hard in northern county. 1.75", that makes water on the ice . Not my idea of a fun day . 3. I will be doing a 7 day week long push starting on 2-13 . Temps seem great and Maybe the final run ? 4. Gives me time to get things done on the honey do list before the shoot really hits the fan and I'm gone every week . 5. It's super bowl weekend !! What better excuse . Friends and families will be out somewhere and I will try to update their adventures
post edited by hot tuna - 2016/02/04 19:32:02
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Good gosh Tuna I don't know how I missed your thread buddy, guess I was too busy peering wishfully through holes in the ice. Congratulations on the catching and some great pictures too. I and my buddy Bill fished the docks at Jamestown on Pymie today from 12:30 til 5:30 PM. Bill began catching some shad just before we gave up and called it a day. Few other fellas fishing the docks prior to my arrival reported zilch results and decided to relocate in hopes of locating hungry fish. Ice wise, things ain't lookin so good around Jamestown, few more warm days and I'm thinking open water from the boat launch to the dam. Incoming weather may slow the process but, c'mon spring!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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as I move into the final workday before the great Ice vacation and now have my computer back, here are some shots missed from family and friends this week.. I hope to share my adventures of next week .. The hot walleye bite sat & sun from bro in laws girl at deer camp  A big cat hit the ice too  She had the hot hole and snatched a giant fall fish: My super sunday fish fry of sweet gills: Yesterdays haul from the boy near Vermont: And tonight's clear sky and COLD quarter moon (pic stinks): Woodstove stoked and gear prepared.. Next post will most likely be in a week upon my return.. Fare Thee Well out there in this Polar Vortex :)
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Boy oh boy, what a fantastic week on the hardwater.. The temps went from -10 to plus 50 .. From snow to rain back to ice.. It was a GREAT ride !! Couldn't ask for a better place to stay in then the Maple Leaf on Schroon lake , NY.. The rooms are big, clean and owner is always friendly.. At a rate of $22.00 per angler (3) it's hands down my favorite motel.. Anyway, The fishing and time spent with friends and family was well worth burning a week of vacation :) Here are just a few shots from 4 days on the ice :  After the Rain :  WAY to CROWDED for me :)  Our tracks in the slush: Yesterday was one for the record books.. Put double digit trout on the ice jigging just 3 holes.. It was non stop action:     Again , Crowds suck:
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Great pictures Tuna and congratulations on those fish. Now can we have spring............ Please?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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This winter has been pretty kind as compared to the last 2. Givin there has been hardwater to fish , no complaints here. I'm almost ready, got to take the boat to get finished up mid March for the long troll. Going to be 50 here tomorrow but things are still tight . After next week for lakerland and a trip to big like water in the tug March -11, no snow and slow thaw then sunny - 70 weather would be fine :) No MUD people..
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Those crowded conditions would keep me away,how do you pick a spot to fish? LOL Good to see your getting the time in Rich,next month it's my turn out in Ohio for some Steel...I hope!
hot tuna
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Watching a fish react to a lure is the ultimate, imo. The electronics on ice are a game changer. Aside from ADK's fishing , ice fishing is my favorite love . It allows everyone a chance. Stripers out the back yard are second to none but an all to short season, river depending. No disrespect to the Great Lakes tribes but seeing only woods and water is pretty key
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Time is surly getting short on the hardwater.. We had a BLAST and played with many fish yesterday to a laker land all our own.. Today I invited friends and don't you know it was a complete 180 from yesterday.. Besides my friends , the Circus came to town.. Antics that resemble the salmon river.. Ah, we all had fun and good times .. Taking the polar plunge was not really a plunge but a refreshing willing dip :) Yesterdays action .. Once again , crowds SUCK !!   LOVE the fish gripper , aka boa grip:     Got a few photos of today that my friends took .. Hilarious stuff , maybe post at a later date..
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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The season has ended for me . Thanks to those who viewed and commented . Didn't seem like much interest so I will see if I revisit this thread next season . Enjoy the sprin, summer and fall , time to get the boat out .
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Did you cancel out on the Marina? I could not figure you eastern Dakers coming that far west, but....
hot tuna
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Yes we did cancel at last minute . 81 degs on weds and rain thurs , I just couldn't take the chance and sitting in a bar all weekend wasn't going to make the ice grow back. It is far to go that route to the western ADK's but BTDT . Anyway getting some house work done and playing on the boat this weekend was helpful . See y'all next season
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Somebody calling BTDT??????  ........... Sorry. Some great pictures and very nice fish HT, short but successful season, good for you. Myself, I'm sulking (and enjoying it) now that the ice is gone in my little piece of Penn's Woods I've been on the water just about every day and I still ain't catchin'. Stupid fish!!! I'll be looking forward to more ice stories next season, til then fish on!!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Great photos! You had a really good day HT!
hot tuna
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Thanks Peter and welcome to the forum . While it was a shortened season compared to the past , it was a much better fishing this year . The lack of snow really made the outings much easier and it seemed better on the fish as well. Hate to say it so soon but I can't wait until the ice returns :) , well after we put a smackdown on stripers and salmon on the boat
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Come on, warmth also has its advantages)
hot tuna
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So I'm putting my 2016-17 Ice gear list together.. hot item so far from fish usa tackle is :) Abu Garcia C3-4600 Retrieval Hand Right Jiggin lakers Cant wait
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Had a few frosty nights at deer camp last week . My gear is already tuned up and ready for this season . Summer's over folks , bring on the hardwater :)
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen