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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 01:41:18
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2015/12/14 17:53:34
FishinGuy "Way off, pain and simple. Sure lowering the limit would mean more fish in the streams.
you are saying I am way off but then admit there would be more fish in the streams. FishinGuy There's just not the same number of fish coming in. Could be just nature rejecting the unnatural steelhead we've been stocking where they don't belong.
If this were the case the runs would not of been strong and consistent for 20+ years FishinGuy There are massive numbers of walleye, Bass, and assorted trash fish all capable of gobbling dozens of smolts daily.
There are thousands of people a week keeping fish in the lake mouths and on charters before fish even get to run. Bait fish populations in the lake are plenty enough to keep those fish preoccupied. This is why so many smolts have made it in the past. ----------------------------------- I will agree with you on that fact that fish are not coming in. It's due to low water and odd fall weather. Nothing else. New York tribs had the same issue this year. I still believe as lots do on this forum that a 3 fish limit amongst thousands of people who actively fish the lake/creeks is just too much. Charters obliterate fish all summer that are down deep as well. Its not dead at all and never will be. It makes too much money. IF water levels rise and cold weather sets in the creeks will have fish and the circus will settle until spring.
post edited by Thedrift - 2015/12/14 01:46:52
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 07:29:23
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2015/12/14 14:28:53
Thedrift I will agree with you on that fact that fish are not coming in. It's due to low water and odd fall weather.
nope Not from my observations over the years anyway on west side Pa and Ohio tribs . I crossed the Pa line and started fishing Elk regular in the mid/ late '90s I was fortunate to be able to fish every week (and as often as not, twice a week) from Sept to May for 12-14 years. Fish start coming in in late August/early Sept ...I put the first fish on the bank every year the first week of Sept water conditions and temps had nothing to do with the runs . if there was enough water to enter the mouth, they came .... Their internal bio clock tells them when to roll.....period There were several drought years the years I was regular. and several unseasonably warm Falls . I recall swatting mosquitoes at Girard Boro park in late Oct over a bazilion fish in 60+ degree water i recall one drought year, unseasonably warm as well as dreadful low, no flow and gin clear . There was a tree down across the creek just below the rt 5 tubes couldn't move past. The whole month of the Sept the fish kept coming in and stacking. the creek water temp was SEVENTY + DEGREES!!!!but every week there were more and more fish stacking up Before a big rain came in early/mid Oct and moved the tree over, every small shallow depression or pocket deep enough to cover a dorsal fin from the tree to the mouth had fish stacked it. Dry Falls are more common than wet ones . The only thing different in the runs on wet falls are the bitty creeks like Raccoon get good runs . But no more or less fish run in Elk ..and no sooner or later either...they're just able to move up earlier and spread out is all I recall one wet Fall the girls here were complaining there weren't no feesh . But there was a billion ....It was simply due that most of the jamokes that fish Pa have have never fished anything but clear shallow ditches ...and if they can't SEE the fish...there ain't nun lastly, as mentioned, there's never been a lot of second time spawners in Erie. We could make it C&R only all season long and we'll maybe see 10-15% more fish next season at best .The vast majority of drop backs don't recover and die in the lake in the summer ..L.T.A.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 07:46:37
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2015/12/14 14:29:59
you are saying I am way off but then admit there would be more fish in the streams. If this were the case the runs would not of been strong and consistent for 20+ years
I don't want to speak for the guy, but i think he's saying there'd be more in the creeks to catch thru the season . Not more/larger runs every year as far as past runs being larger....nothing stays the same in the lake forever . Me personally, i think the record Walleye hatch was a major contributor to the decline . I'm not a biologist or a brain sturgeon....but one doesn't have to be to see the dramatic and undeniable drop happened 2-3 years after that record 'Eye hatch became big enough to to chew their own food to spell it out...those HUGE packs of hungry 'eyes munched smolts by the 100s of thousands that would of returned as mature 3-4 years old Steelies Thats MY story and I'm sticking to it... ..L.T.A.
post edited by genieman77 - 2015/12/14 08:04:26
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 08:06:51
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2015/12/14 23:52:50
Completely agree genie. While I have no proof that's is specifically the walleyes, there's gotta be more predation/death in the lakes, than fish getting put on stringers. Somebody should trow up one of those old pics of two full rows of a hundred guys in front of trout run. The were lots of fish in the creeks then, soooo.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 08:14:55
stock browns instead of steelhead they live longer, are more adaptable to the pollution that is becoming an issue in the lake and streams so, that's one....but here are other that would help enforce snagging laws limit of 1 fish (lake and stream) once you have one on a string you are done for the day come down hard on the eastern European snagging syndicates that snag the crap out of them, throw them in the bushes until the truck comes to pick up and then load and run
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 09:17:55
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2015/12/14 14:31:05
Like I said earlier where are the back up runs ? They ain't stuck in the lake ! The mouths have plenty of water with the high lake conditions this year. Those tributary mouths from Ohio to NY.are all holding good water. The creeks are all super low upstream. I agree with genie those fish migrate no matter what the temps, or water flow. They are coming on nature's time clock. Besides if Elk Creek was too low and fish couldn't get up into it I would think another good flowing creek would receive that amount of fish in time. Creeks like Conneaut or Cattaracus should be teaming with Pa. fish if that were the case. Hammer time ! No catch and release in these days ! 24/7 on the beach
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 12:11:10
I would like some truthful response from the PFBC concerning the contaminated hatchery water supply several years ago, and the euthanizing of a rumored 250,000 brown trout fingerlings. I read about this and have also heard rumors of fish showing up at Trout Run with the same disease.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 13:29:31
CAPTAIN HOOK Like I said earlier where are the back up runs ? They ain't stuck in the lake people have been doing very well this past week in the lake. Lots of chrome fish being caught. CAPTAIN HOOK Besides if Elk Creek was too low and fish couldn't get up into it I would think another good flowing creek would receive that amount of fish in time. We fished an ohio trib after the water came down about a week ago and did very well. The best time to fish will always be after a blowout. High water triggers fish to run. Go to trout run nursery and watch how fast the fish will swim out of it when the level drops. One day there will be 400 fish, go back two days later and you might see a dozen in there if its super low. Seen it multiple times up there this year. High water will bring in fish. That is steelhead 101.
post edited by Thedrift - 2015/12/14 13:49:05
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 14:41:07
Finally, some intelligent posts in this thread! Lowering limits, no kill zones, raising size limits etc., etc., are all BS. I've never seen so many folks coming long distances, only to get skunked after two or three days. The PFBC should do another creel survey, if they can find anyone on the creeks. Compare it to the one done about 10 years ago. Then, after they all swallow hard, try to figure out what the hell is going on..........unless they already know, and aren't saying. That couldn't happen, could it? Man, I have to stop watching House of Cards.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 17:04:34
FiveMilePete Finally, some intelligent posts in this thread! Lowering limits, no kill zones, raising size limits etc., etc., are all BS. I've never seen so many folks coming long distances, only to get skunked after two or three days.
Don't you think if more fish were released there would be more fish in the creeks for the people who make the drive? I find your post to be very illogical.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 17:52:29
☄ Helpfulby FishinGuy 2015/12/14 23:58:50
FiveMilePete Finally, some intelligent posts in this thread! Lowering limits, no kill zones, raising size limits etc., etc., are all BS. I've never seen so many folks coming long distances, only to get skunked after two or three days.
Don't you think if more fish were released there would be more fish in the creeks for the people who make the drive? I find your post to be very illogical.
I guess you don't understand it then. If fewer fish are coming in, what good are putting limits on them. I'm not talking a little fewer, but an order of magnitude fewer. Especially on the East side. Up until 7 or 8 years ago, there would be hundreds fishing 4, 7, 12, 16, and 20, and fish spread out throughout the creeks. For example on 12 mile there would be steelhead from the mouth right up to the falls. Folks fishing all the way up, and catching. This year, many days there wasn't even one person fishing at 12 mile. The PFBC has to figure out, if there are a million fish being stocked, where are they going. You can't put limits on fish that aren't there to begin with. That's illogical.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 19:33:45
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2015/12/14 23:55:31
Thedrift Don't you think if more fish were released there would be more fish in the creeks for the people who make the drive?
I don't know how far back you go, Drift but C&R has been the mantra from many WAY back when the creeks were literally black with steel C&R isn't the answer to the collapse that's happened. I don't want to sound all PETA like, but I'm not sure how ethical it is for the same 30 fish in the hole (that have NO PLACE to hide) to be hooked fair and foul hundreds of times by thousands of anglers . With these low numbers , most will be swimming away sideways 'fore too long and end up lifeless in the bottom of the hole or washed down stream. Most will be dead LONG before the ice over. I've said it before...these fish (in particular Pa fish where there's no place to go or hide) get pounded so hard the most "humane" thing to happen to them IS being clobbered and put on a rope. C&R isn't the answer ..that's a temporary thing just to feed our selfish desire to hook dozens of fish every outing with little to no effort ..L.T.A.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 20:28:55
So the smart fish are staying out in the lake until high water shows up ? Wonder how high it has to get ? Trout Run nursery is only 3 foot deep if that and they pack in ! So the dumb ones come in early and get caught and roped and off to Poor Richard's they go. I wonder why the Steelhead numbers are low up on most N.Y. creeks they have a one fish limit on Steelhead. Man this Steelhead fishing is confusing . Just curios what strain of Steelhead do we stock now days in Erie ? They were experimenting years ago with different strains to see which one would do best. I believe the Manistee is the main one stocked. The Skamania strain was tested in N.Y. as a Summer run Steelhead. They may still stock them. I caught a few they are long and slimmer and are out of the water more than in when hooked. Ohio was stocking those shorter fat strains years back they looked like footballs. I can't remember all the names of the different strains maybe somebody can help. I bet most fishermen didn't even know there are different strains of Steelhead ! Just maybe that may be a difference in the stocking program.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 20:47:26
CAPTAIN HOOK So the smart fish are staying out in the lake until high water shows up ? Wonder how high it has to get ? Trout Run nursery is only 3 foot deep if that and they pack in ! So the dumb ones come in early and get caught and roped and off to Poor Richard's they go. I wonder why the Steelhead numbers are low up on most N.Y. creeks they have a one fish limit on Steelhead. Man this Steelhead fishing is confusing . Just curios what strain of Steelhead do we stock now days in Erie ? They were experimenting years ago with different strains to see which one would do best. I believe the Manistee is the main one stocked. The Skamania strain was tested in N.Y. as a Summer run Steelhead. They may still stock them. I caught a few they are long and slimmer and are out of the water more than in when hooked. Ohio was stocking those shorter fat strains years back they looked like footballs. I can't remember all the names of the different strains maybe somebody can help. I bet most fishermen didn't even know there are different strains of Steelhead ! Just maybe that may be a difference in the stocking program.
my understanding, Capt, Pa's fish is a "mutt" strain .(Fall run) It's it's own thing now after years of milking their own eggs and raising their own fish Ohio stocks Manistee strain (Spring run) years ago they stocked Skamania too, but haven't stocked them in 20 years or better I'd guess Conny always got a decent number of stray Pa fish in the fall But since Pa started stocking Conny some years ago, it's a much better Fall fishery now But, as you noted, Ohio's numbers have dropped sharply too. same time Pa's did I know nothing about NY ..L.T.A.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/14 21:24:21
When I started fishing the tribs about 15 years ago there were Coho and Steelhead in the creeks. The Coho would start into the streams in early September on their spawning run. The Steelheads would be right with them to feast on the row that was supposed to come even though Steelhead spawn a lot later in the season. Whether the Coho dropped eggs or not was immaterial, the Steelhead were conditioned to follow salmon through genetics. When the last of the big Coho runs died off the Steelhead lost their reason to come into the tribs in huge numbers. Now the only thing keeping the Steelhead coming back is their own spawning instincts, which could have been reduced by inbreeding. The tribs, on their own, do not have enough natural food to support high numbers of predators. If the fish commission would stock even a modest supply of an early spawning salmon like Coho or Atlantic's I think the Steel runs would also increase to that of years past. I don't have any scientific data to back up my thoughts but I strongly believe 50,000 or so Atlantic salmon per year for the next 3 years would do a lot in improving our fishery in the future. I also agree 100% in spending the money needed to designate Elk as navigable. The creek's history supports the open usage designation and very healthy littering fines would go a long way in appeasing the stream side land owners.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/15 04:13:39
I would not consider it a complete fallout at all. There were hundreds of fish on upper elk last fall. The most I have seen in about 8 years. NY shops/reports are blaming the low water and unseasonable weather for low runs of salmon, steel, and browns. As mentioned in other threads the fish will leave trout run nursery if it gets to low and will come back in as soon as levels rise again. We have yet to have a full day blow out in the tribs. 10 hour blow outs sure. We will see what happens I guess.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/15 09:31:30
Trout Run is a foot deep ! They probably get sunburnt and have no choice if they want to live. Low water huh.... Niagara River is 90 ft. deep where are the Steelies and Browns ? The Lakers are there as usual .The mouth of Elk is plenty deep to hold hundreds of fish if they choose to run. Just like genie man said and I totally agree, doesn't make a difference come hell or high water those Steelhead are on Nature's time clock, they will show up regardless of temps and water flow. I think there are other issues but I guess we will wait and see what the future holds.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/15 09:33:32
mike55 There were hundreds of fish on upper elk last fall. The most I have seen in about 8 years.
I would imagine the extremely low conditions this fall to date should be a reason for a lack of fish if it were a one year thing but this has been going downhill for 5 years or so. In how long of a section of Elk did you see hundreds of fish last season? Some of the seasons I can remember seeing what seems like hundreds of fish in very short sections of the stream and all nice holes held fish. I feel the PFC must have some explanation but they just don't want to release the info so they don't bust their cash cow that goes on up there. If they don't have an explanation someone is not doing their job. Hopefully rain and cold are soon coming so I can make another trip up.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/15 10:47:10
"""The study found that roughly 88 percent of the adult steelhead in Cattaraugus Creek and almost 70 percent of those in its Chautauqua Creek were stocked somewhere besides those New York streams, and most typically they were Pennsylvania fish, likely from Twentymile, Murray said. Cattaraugus and Chautauqua are just 10 and 20 miles from the Pennsylvania border, respectively.""" Read more: Low flow years on the Eastside will exacerbate this problem. Even though the runs are declining and less fish are entering the streams you won't here any ****ing from me. Give me a couple miles of stream to walk a chance to put a few on the bank and I am golden. To be honest standing over a pod of 100 fish in a bathtub bores me very quickly. Would rather chase strays in the fast water and catch the fish many others have walked by.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/15 11:17:50
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2015/12/16 16:46:42
How about we dump a couple thousand gallons of pheromones from Salmon into the creeks to bring in all of the steelhead?
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/15 13:51:24
If I lived in the Erie County area I would think the current situation would be wonderful. Not near the crowds and still enough fish where you have a chance to catch fish. But. A lot of the people who are buying these licenses are driving for several hours to get there. I wonder how long the PFC can expect the influx of all these dollars if the results are what they are currently. Again I feel the current situation may not be all together a bad thing but feel there must be some known reasons for what is happening. I do remember they reduced stocking slightly around 6 years ago, and I think again when they decided to stock some browns (which I think is a wonderful idea).
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/16 09:25:06
There has been tons of people fishing this year davef. Too many people to the amount of fish. Captain i am not even going to argue about it. It has been said countless times people are doing well in the lake and mouths the fish are there. I will agree the clock causes them to run in the early season but those fish would rather be in the creek anyways. A trout will choose flowing water over stagnant any day. Its a trout. The lake is means of survival and why they go when the creeks warm up. Everyone knows high water brings fish in. Get with the times this is 100 year old knowledge. Its why people show up in the millions at walnut after it rains. Erie is a pi** trickle how can you expect fish to run with no water? It almost hurts my brain to even rebuttal about it. (correction on the word rebuttal) I spelled it rebuddle and a few Erie grammar police caught it for me. Of course this was a highlight for them and used it to their advantage because they had no valid points in the argument. LOL. Maybe you had too many of them shenango walleye they tell you not to eat back in your prime. Why are there no fish in Niagara? I don't know tell me why shenango has no fish left? I go down with my spinning rod and get skunked. I do think of all the pics you post of the hundreds of fish you kept there back in the day every time though so don't worry.
post edited by mike55 - 2015/12/17 00:56:59
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/16 10:28:24
There are runs right now in erie the last few days and i can assure you there are fish in Niagara...and plenty of them. Boated it recently and guides are posting tons of pics. If you'd get off the computer and fish you might catch a few. But keep the ****andmoan posts coming...keeps people home.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/16 13:32:01
That's right I fished Shenango River completely out , and I almost got Lake Erie emptied out as you can tell by the lower runs. I'm going to start fishing the Atlantic Ocean next year.... freezers are getting low ! I got to order another 55 gal. drum of Old Bay seasoning too ! Give me a frickin break !
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/16 14:32:35
We'll have to start calling you the devastater..... Stay the he11 away from the Allegehny I don't want that fished out too...
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/16 15:38:12
Sorry Bings.... I'm going to start here this Sat. and work my way down to Pittsburgh , I'm free all weekend to fish ! I'll toss back the small ones..........
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/16 17:02:59
☄ Helpfulby genieman77 2015/12/16 20:38:29
I hear it's wet... Hopefully it gets bad enough you'll quit making "the drive" and stay the he11 home. Then we won't have to listen to you whine about there not being enough fish for "YOU"...
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/16 20:37:59
mike55It almost hurts my brain to even rebuddle about it. It may hurt your brain, but the above comment made mine ASPLODE.  This thread has been won fellas. There's no topping that.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/16 23:48:09
Beat me to it. Mike wins the intranets. Most awesomest speller everz.
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Re: What would you like to see changed ?
2015/12/17 08:26:03
Had a nice pod to myself yesterday for an hour. Miles away from the mouth of elk. Some pretty fresh fish mixed with darker ones. One jumped at least six times. Amazing how those fish made it through the savages and trickles.
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