Gun season begins

Big Tuna
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2015/11/30 07:00:26 (permalink)

Gun season begins

 Well I have mixed feelings. I want to be in the woods but got lucky this year and tagged out in Pa.and Ohio. I'm usually in one state gun hunting but not the case this year. I still got up at 4:50 am and made my son a pancake breakfast and discussed his game plan for the day. He'll be hunting my favorite gun stand were we've both taking several nice bucks through the years. Well boys and girls,be safe,shoot straight,and have fun. I'm going to miss the first day of gun season. Looking out the window,daylight just about here, and that brings high expectations and hopes of a big buck walking up to a lucky hunter. Good luck to all.

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    Re: Gun season begins 2015/11/30 11:52:39 (permalink)
    HUNT--just make a deal with yourself that its gotta be a real BIGUN or no shots.
    Got a nice 8 here in ct in rifle and now am leaving tags unused to wait for black powder- only a bigger buck or nothing- its the hunting that counts.
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Gun season begins 2015/11/30 18:18:33 (permalink)
    R3g3,only allowed one buck in Pa.and Ohio. I want to kill bucks not does,that's why I spend thousands on dollars through the years, hunting,Pa.,WV.,NY.and Ohio. Yea it is the hunting that counts,I hunting 16 straight days to kill two with the bow in two states. My son shot his Pa.buck out of my stand at 8:05 today a pretty small spread 7pt. with longer tines. Called me I went to the woods to help him,heard 3 shots in over an hour,while taking pics and dragging it to the truck,saw 3 flatheads next to the truck. Not many guy's hunting northern Beaver Co. We drove around woods we have hunted in the present and past and saw very few vehicles parked. Seemed to be bunched up then miles of nobody. My prediction will be even less killed this year than last. To much HR in the past years,they need to build the herd up at least 20 to 30 percent. It's nice to see deer when deer hunting even if there does and fawns. Lack of deer equals lack of deer hunters equals lack of revenue. Just goes to show you how much shooting last year was doe hunters, I like to know how many does got shot to the number of buck on the first day last year,I know several hunters that are happy to take doe and not wait or hunt hard for a buck.
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    Re: Gun season begins 2015/11/30 18:45:17 (permalink)
    Had a fun day with my 12 year old son.  Much nicer with him being on the Jr. License than the mentored tag - having him carry his own gun, not having to be within arms reach, sending him up the ladder stand on our friend's property by himself and sitting at the base of the tree 'cause I HATE climbing into those things (just fine once I get up there, but up and down . . . no thanks).  
    Slow morning in 2B where we were.  Saw a few squirrels.  Some shooting, but not nearly what I've come to be used to in 2B over the past decade.  Seems that it's getting quieter and quieter every year on opening day.  
    Went a few miles up the road from the AM spot for a fun evening in a spot I haven't hunted in probably 10 years.  Walked in cold, just going where I used to go and see decent numbers of deer, and sat on a rock in the midst of a blowdown. We saw 6 antlerless (does and skippers) at different times close enough to induce some buck fever in the boy.  Almost had a shot at a BIG doe, but she moved through the shooting lane just a little too quickly.  Was glad that my son didn't force a bad shot.  Some good sign in that area.  Probably hit it again with him Wednesday evening.  
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    Re: Gun season begins 2015/11/30 19:08:20 (permalink)
    I didn't do it until 3:30  pm today, heck if the wind would of been a bit milder I would of gone fishing.  Tough enough on this old fool sitting in a highchair in my back yard and not seeing a legal buck to shoot.  I sure ain't going trekking over hill and dale looking for old Mr. Elusive and not be able to kill a buck with less than three points on an antler.  Don't have much worry about those sub-legals popping up in my haunt, many families living in this area have 10 kids running around, all between the age of 10 to 12, culling the area of those.
    Not a "record book horn hunter" just, prefer to shoot a buck over a doe.  I guess you could call me old school.
    But wait, second season archery  those sub-legals (if any remain) will most likely drop their antlers and then, I can use a antler-less license to kill and chill em.
    Thank-you and goodnight.
    PS. I'm not being bitter, just tired of the ,  regarding antler restrictions.
    PSS.  I feel better now, thanks for listening and, good luck to those still seeking a buck.  Stupid antler Restrictions!

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    Re: Gun season begins 2015/12/01 16:14:44 (permalink)
    Slow morning in 2B where we were.  Saw a few squirrels.  Some shooting, but not nearly what I've come to be used to in 2B over the past decade.  Seems that it's getting quieter and quieter every year on opening day.  

    rsquared- By chance, did you shoot at a 'yote where you were at yesterday AM?


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    Re: Gun season begins 2015/12/01 16:50:38 (permalink)
    Nope. Know they are around but haven't seen one in 10+ years while hunting in northern 2b and southern 2d.
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