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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/07 12:11:41
ummm....yeahhhhh.....alrighty there Dardys. Don't let the news get you down, there....sunshine.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/07 12:20:15
Well I managed to wrap up my season on a decent 8 point on Saturday. I had planned on setting up a little make-shift blind with the help of a friend for the evening hunt. While we were walking back the trail at about noon I notice a deer feeding about 150 yards away in the back of a goldenrod field and after another look realized it was a buck. After a quick chat with my buddy, I decided to make stalk on him and try to get into position for a shot. I crawled on my hands and knees to a little mound and eased my way up to the top of mound. I was able to get myself to about 75-80 yards and made the shot count. He took off and ran about 50 yards and was piled up just inside the tree line. He wasn't one of the big guys I was after in archery, but he was certainly big enough to make me happy. That was my first successful stalk and it was even better that my buddy got to witness the whole thing, so it was certainly a memorable hunt. Good luck to everyone still out there trying to fill their buck tag!
post edited by Esox_Hunter - 2015/12/07 19:01:32
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/07 15:01:49
eyesandgillz ummm....yeahhhhh.....alrighty there Dardys. Don't let the news get you down, there....sunshine.
And just what is that supposed to mean? This has zero effect on me, just letting folks know what is going on from credible sources. What parts do you have issues with? The PGC deciding to do whatever they want? That land owners who own thousands of acres and have managed them for decades for deer aren't going to stand idle while the PGC tries to do whatever they want? That one of the families business has revenues of $6 billion annually (I bet half the readers on this forum have made a contribution to that revenue this week. ) That Purdue research on CWD is incorrect? That PSU deer research is incorrect? That people that wealthy don't have great lawyers on retainer? That people that wealthy don't have political connections that may end careers? Or something else? And please don't call me sunshine.
post edited by DarDys - 2015/12/07 15:05:21
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/07 15:06:02
Great story there Esox Hunter .... Sometimes the memories are better the the hunt..... Congrats , glad you got to share it with your buddy , still looking myself had Dr app today ... Guess that it part of getting older ...😜. Son is taking off work Thursday & Friday looking forward to spending time with him..maybe doing afternoon hunts tomorrow & Wed .... Good luck to all this last week .... I must say I've had a great time this year in bow & rifle seasons but my body is wearing out ....
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/07 18:17:17
Congrats Essox! Hunted 2D this evening, right in the heart of what traditionally has been a very popular area in Butler County. Hundreds of acres timber broken by only a rural roads and houses along them. Did not see another vehicle parked in a 2-3 mile stretch where 10 years ago there would have been several on an evening like this when bucks and does are in. We heard a whopping 4 shots and didn't see anything. Deer are there for sure on the small slice of property we hunted. Just not moving much during hunting hours.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/07 19:27:59
DarDys,tell'm. I love your post. Same people get under your skin as mine.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/07 19:56:59
Dardy's don't be getting yourself in a tizzy over childish comments, just consider the source. Cancelled fishing at Pymatuning today so, I could hunt with a long time friend and neighbor. Explored some new area that turned out to be really productive. Over 9 shots in less than an hour, not from me or, my neighbor but, from the people we pushed deer to while we were stumbling around in the woods. This new area showed some real pluses regarding deer hunting so, I am positive we will see more deer relatively soon after, deer hunting is closed. All kidding aside we did jump a few deer today but, neither I or my buddy got a shot off. Still exciting to be able to see and hear, especially at my age, deer bounding through the woods. The big plus, we can clear trails, shooting lanes and, use ATVs during our hunting. The ATV part is a big deal for me because now, somebody can drive in and haul my tired dead butt back out of the woods at days end. Now that there is a relief, I don't care who ya are. Hoping to get back out tomorrow but, after fishing one day and hunting the next, I may have take a day off and relax. Still time, good luck to those still seeking, I need a vacation.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/07 22:58:49
Congrats Chris. Text me a pic when you get the chance,
sunshine, no, your processor is not a reliable source for this story.
Links to the studies please. Names of the families that control the deer herd in an entire township....please.
Cervids die of cwd all of the time. True, many in pa won't live long enough to get to that point due to our high harvests but that doesn't mean they are not a carrier....
Just another "pgc is stocking coyote" story to me until you provide some actual evidence.
Good luck hunting and hope you get a big one.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/08 09:09:57
Esox congratulations and great story. Eyesandgillz, you seem offended, and really defensive, by Dardy's comment regarding CWD; are you afraid that the CWD info provided by the PGC, may be proven to be based on bogus info? If in fact the CWD info provided by the PGC were found to be "hype" to benefit their deer reduction plan why; I would imagine that would be devastating, to the "kill for thrill boyz"? Can you, prove the information provided by the PGC is not just an attempt to "paint a grim picture" to coincide with the deer eradication program. After all, many acres of land have been posted in the south central part of PA. thereby, preventing access to the deer. You wouldn't suppose the "sudden outbreak" of CWD in that area would be just cause to have a Judge rule "No posting against deer hunting"? Or, maybe the PGC wants to stop PA. hunters from going out of state to hunt, maybe it's just those deer infected with CWD. Yeah I know, my comments are ridiculous but, they are based on reports and studies issued by the PGC which are, even more ridiculous. Last but not least, my original observation is based on facts that say, persons using condescending remarks are generally associated with low self esteem. Sorry, I don't have a link. Have a nice day.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
fishin coyote
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/08 10:00:55
Congrats Esox, It just goes to show how it all can turn around in a moment. As for the rest of you fine gentlemen please play nice so I don't have to hammer this thread and good luck with the rest of your season. Mike
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/08 10:57:58
HEY watch who ur callin a gentleman, I represent that remark! Thanks Mike, for the well wishes and, he started it!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/08 13:53:15
In my stand Saturday 20 feet from a huge bodied spike. Spikes at least 6 inches and not a glimmer of branching on either one. Judging by the size and thickness of this deer, I'm guessing he was 2 1/2. Don't know if he's ever going to be a legal shooter unless somebody takes him late season after shed.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/08 14:31:06
Not offended and not defensive in the least bit. Just stirring the pot as usual. I think you know a thing or two about that. Gets boring around here.... When these farcical claims are made by a "deer processor" with no factual information (links to studies) to back them up, yeah, I'm going to call him out on it. If he would have provided links, especially to the studies about the "three subspecies of deer and only one being susceptible to CWD," then I may have been a little more politically correct in my reply. Still trying to figure out how two families can control "most" of the land and deer in an entire township. Dardy's and I agree on most things politically but he should approach his arguments here in the hunting forums like he did in the Off Topic forum. With some facts/links/studies and not just hearsay.....just sayin'. Do you know there are studies now showing that the prions that cause CWD can be taken up by plants and then spread to animals? http://www.foodsafetynews...-disease/#.VmcoF7_prBo http://www.wisconsinacade...magazine/prions-plants http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24509640 (study that only tested wheat and showed that prions went to the roots but not the stems and leaves [good] but very limited study). What about sugar beets or other crops, especially ones that the deer eat the "roots"? http://www.outdoornews.co...an-take-up-CWD-prions/This is just one of the many vectors for the disease. What if links are found that plants can take up prions into their stems, leaves and other parts consumed by humans and then infect humans with CJD? If that happens, then I think you will see the wholesale slaughter of deer populations in CWD infected areas. That is scary. Scares me the most what researchers DON'T know about CWD and possible human infection (CJD) from ingesting a tainted animanl. As far as "killing off the deer," no, I don't agree with it. Wisconsin's experience with this approach has shown it won't do any good. CWD is here and will spread and there is nothing that will stop it. Current measures will only slow it down some. My only fear is if/when they say CWD can leap from deer to people and cause CJD through consumption of the meat. That, IMO will be the death nail for recreational hunting. Carry on....
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/08 18:37:37
No offense taken eyes.
Here's the deal -- the processor, who has done about 1,000 deer so far this year, provides DNA samples to PSU for their research. I trust his statements.
A very good friend of mine did his Master's at Purdue. The person in charge of the CWD research was his advisor. I trust his statements.
As for the landowners that own most of the ground in that township, this isn't the 'Burgh and often large tracks of land, in the thousands of acres, are family owned. I gave you a hint on one of them since I will not violate their privacy and outright name them. But I'll give you another hint -- when you pull into one of their nearly 500 stores to get gas, the canopy will be red and yellow.
On another note, same said processor had as of last Thursday, one 4.5 and one 3.5, everything else was younger. With CWD onset coming at a much more advanced age, there isn't much threat.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/08 19:41:18
Stirring the pot.........; MOI? WHY, I neverrrrrrrrrrr, welllllllll maybe once. I don't read links, studies, reports or any other information regarding most of the jargon issued by the PGC as to why they desire to annihilate the elusive PA. White-Tailed Deer. I don't, won't and, haven't wasted my time reading  related to the personnel agenda of a few select PGC officials or, self anointed outdoor writers. I only have time; the time I have lived, worked, hunted and, fished in my little area of Penn's Woods. That being the time before CWD, forest destruction, devastating deer/vehicle accidents, massive antlers and, what ever the hell else the select few of the PGC tries to blow up our donkeys. Sorry, CWD didn't just begin, always have and always will be car/deer related accidents (bet there's more alcohol/drug related accidents) and one only need see pictures of PA. during the age of iron furnaces to understand how a forest can regenerate. I am eager to see the results of the AR, even though, been 9 years since I've seen a legal buck that I can shoot during season but, ya just never know. Time might tell! As for disease and the spread there of, I have to guess the (  ) influenza has been killing people since the beginning of time. Don't forget your flu vaccination. Umm, which "pandemic" is slated for this year, anyone know? Take care Oops.... most forgot, three crop farmers, while not continuous, own/lease thousands of acres of land in my township and that is not uncommon in adjoining townships. To own/lease is to control and the farmers know; together they stand............
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/12/08 19:53:53
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/08 19:47:31
A thousand deer and only one 4 1/2 and one 3 1/2 ha. We got Burg biologists that see several 3 1/2 and older deer driving to and from work everyday and only kill 3 1/2 when they kill. You got to love the deer experts. I chuckle every time I read somebody's post. Talk about keeping it real. Good stuff DadDy's
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/08 23:39:12
Guess my eyes are better than yours tuna. Hey, I even got them on film....just sayin'. But, that is the advantage of living near and hunting in a sra county. 28 deer out in a field on my way home from work today, private, posted ground in westmoreland county. Not a buck to be seen though. There were over 50 deer between this field and the adjacent one last night...think there may have been a few 1.5 yr old bucks in the mix. WAY too many deer in this particular area but it is posted up tight.
So you are saying the deer I killed this year wasn't a 3.5 yr old? So what is your issue Tuna? No hugs lately?
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 08:18:30
I just saw a 5 1/2 old 8pts at 300 yards in a field driving by at high speeds,oh I know deer. At least a 140. I'm also a deer dentist and checked his teeth with a spotting scope as I drove by. I'm a expert in deer biologists.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 08:43:29
Even the PGC admits you can't determine a deer's age beyond 30 months without examining a cross section of it's tooth under a microscope.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 08:50:37
Somebody is still sounding a bit testy and there's those condescending remarks again. I'm just sayin.......  definitely showing signs of stress and low esteem. Perhaps I should follow this situation, write articles, produce journals, throw a spin on scientific data, generate bogus reports and, make it all available through internet links to a web sight on, how to "GET A LIFE". Good luck to those still seeking, including me, the elusive PA. White-tailed Deer. PS. Just trying to stir the pot......... but, just a little.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 09:41:35
Congrats ESOX! Never stalked one myself, but sounds like a lot of fun.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 10:05:49
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 12:07:13
S-10, agreed, to a point. Some deer are obviously older than 2.5 though.... Not many can get a certain amount of mass on them in only 2.5 yrs. Just not going to happen. Down here lack of food and harsh winters have minimal impact on the deer health so I think you can more accurately judge a deer's age by antlers but, you are not always going to be right. So, I will state that I try to shoot deer that appear to be 3.5 yrs old or older to me. Tuna, I do have super duper deer vision, and these things called brakes, you know, you apply them to the vehicle, slow down and then stop on the side of the road and observe the deer. Much to my amazement, there are roads that you can do this on....Even have these new-fangled things called binoculars that you can see the deer better with (although in these particular fields the deer can be only 5 yards to up 200 yards off the road edge, binocs not needed for simply counting).
Big Tuna
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 13:34:51
Right on S-10, I've aged quite a few deer from their tooth, and about all I can tell you, that it's a 1 1/2 year old deer or it's at least 2 1/2 year old deer. It's impossible to use the chart and even guess at without mic'n the tooth. Taking a guess a aging a live deer is like the old saying,Opinions are like (something) and everybody got one.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2015/12/09 18:54:40
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 22:01:40
Thanks fellas! I'm really looking forward to sleeping in later than 4 am on a Saturday for the first time in close to 2 months. Good luck to everyone this weekend. Just remember that it only takes a minute to change your season.
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 23:08:52
 [/URL] Well hit another spot today ... Tried 2F area and it finally happened , guess changes do pay off sometimes. Not a monster but I'll take it 6 pt ... ... 8 weeks of this was beating my body up and yes it will be nice to sleep in.. Good luck the last few days !!
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 23:23:01
 I want a deer.................. WAAAAAY to go Mopars!! Congratulations buddy!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 23:26:56
Thanks BTDT ..... It has been a Tough season...... Good Luck BUDDY!!
post edited by mopars0 - 2015/12/09 23:29:11
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 23:38:52
Thanks......... I'll be happy just to find my azz,  I left it dragging wayyyyyy behind today. I'd take a buck like your's any day but, it ain't legal here. Now get that boat outta storage and go get some walleye!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Gun hunting the "ELUSIVE PA. WHITE-TAILED DEER"-2015y
2015/12/09 23:49:28
Yeah wouldn't be legal where I been hunting either ....sucks... When ya can just go down the road a ways and it's legal ... Depends on which side of 322 you are on... Never will understand that crap. Boat is covered up for winter .... Thought about it but wife didn't seem real impressed so figured I better let that go .., guess maybe she missed my company the last couple months ... Besides that boat has my front porch furniture all tucked away in it .....😝
post edited by mopars0 - 2015/12/09 23:55:04