chili pepper
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Time for burbot
It's that time of year again. I'm nursing a bad wheel and can't make the walk to the end of the south pier but I would like to be. It is not too early for them to be there. Fishing for these things is the most underutilized fishery. Bigger than steelhead and waaay better eating. Can't reach them from the couch tho.
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/20 10:26:15
Hopefully I can get up for them sometime this year, I'd love to catch one! If nothing else, I'll be fishing them in deep water next summer.
post edited by Divemaster - 2015/11/20 10:27:35
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/20 10:48:46
How do you even get them I have no idea just curious
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/20 11:20:20
wanderer How do you even get them I have no idea just curious
From the channel walls, cast out some double rigs with big shiners or cut bait and 4 ounces of weight from what I've been reading. In deep water, find a wreck and fish some baits on it, might pick up one or two. The channel is much more reliable for catching them, though.
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/20 16:24:15
Thanks I've never done it and don't really know anyone who has
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/20 17:43:14
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/20 17:47:24
Chris Johnson
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/20 22:00:54
I think we should get a FishUSA crew together and head to the eelpout festival in Walker MN. More burpits than you can shake a stick at.
A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion, but doesn't. ~Tom Waits
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/21 07:40:28
Chris, been there a coupla times (eelpout festival) totally different world up there. every one should go at least once. going back this year. wire
Chris Johnson
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/21 10:35:05
I've heard stories. I'm not a ice fisherman, but I would give it a shot in this situation. I hope to get up there someday.
A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion, but doesn't. ~Tom Waits
chili pepper
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/21 12:15:49
That's about all it takes. Same setup as fishing for big catfish. No doughball tho. They like a big mouthful of fish. Live or dead.
Chris Johnson
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/21 13:40:40
How large are the ones caught in Erie?
A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion, but doesn't. ~Tom Waits
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/21 16:12:15
It is quite an experience. I have done it quite often. My son and I have caught quite a few. We caught five twice, however it took four of us to catch the five the second time. I never measured them in weight or length. Seems just guessing that a few were pushing eight lbs. I heard there was no official record kept for state record sized Burbot. The same person telling of lack of record in PA told of ten lb'ers being caught. They fight like an old shirt, however they are tasty. BTDT- That was a great video on filleting those slimmy critters. Thanks, it kind of makes me want to give them another round. One hint- Bundle up, its cold on that peer this time of year after dark. I always fished around Christmas- New Year, and on a non windy night (do to the cold).
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/21 17:07:45
Bourbot ? How about Bourbon and water instead ?
chili pepper
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/22 10:52:27
The biggest ones I've seen from the channel looked like they would go 12lb+ but I never weighed any. Big enough that you don't want to forget the long handled net. Cold fishing? You don't know cold. The end of that pier can be brutal. Gotta suffer to catch fish! Yuk yuk yuk.
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/23 06:39:50
few years back went out south pier and in 20 min. was extending landing net for an 18 pounder
chili pepper
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/24 18:27:20
Happened like that to me before too. They seem to be pretty aggressive. If they are there, they eat. Supposedly they are not chasers tho and like the easy meal.
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/25 04:38:01
Late 80's out of walnut deep drifting with bottom bouncers light wind slow troll caught my first burbot and didn't know what it was till we got back and looked at the fish ID pictures on the wall in PFBC building . I talked with Officer Bowser there and he told me all about them, Good dinner, it was'nt over 10 lbs. Have caught a couple in May also fishing for perch off the North Pier those were on the large side. Will try for one before the calendar year ends.
chili pepper
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/25 15:44:26
Bottom bouncing for burbot! I believe it. Caught a big bluegill on a bottom bounced willowleaf one time in 50fow off Shades. That lake has surprises. Right place right time and you could get anything.
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/28 08:57:13
kinda going random ... but the surprises can be really memorable. one year in May we were catfishing lower Elk creek crawlers and shiners gobbed on hooks the stream was high and muddy casting 2-3 oz. of weight to hold long enough for a hit. the catfish were really turned on and action was steady. then we all started catching jumbo perch 12- 14 inch go figure ?
chili pepper
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/28 09:58:14
Not to play "one up"😀 A school of northern pike in 20 mile. Only there for one day then gone. Amazing!
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/28 22:34:20
chili pepper Not to play "one up"😀 A school of northern pike in 20 mile. Only there for one day then gone. Amazing!
Wonder where they went? Maybe a nearshore troll off the mouth would answer that question :).
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/28 22:37:58
Yeah, all kinds of random catches pop up now and then.
My dad and his cousins always used to catch largemouth bass drift fishing in the main lake in 20-30 feet when they were kids, we'll occasionally catch one or two now but they apparently were more common than smallmouth back then.
You also see that random 20-30" musky get caught by someone trolling for walleye every now and then.
And probably the rarest catch we've had was a 5 pound Chinook Salmon I caught back in July off of Northeast marina.
chili pepper
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/29 22:29:37
Crappies too. Did we miss anything?
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/30 05:57:03
chili pepper
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/30 09:33:21
Burbot=eel pout=ling cod=ling A member of the cod family they look a bit like a catfish but prettier. One of the best eating fish there is.
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/11/30 13:59:16
I'm off this week " chili " wanna go to the south pier one of these days ?
chili pepper
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/12/04 10:02:34
I would love to do that but I am nursing a foot injury and not getting around well. Thanks for offering. There is nothing I like more than fishing with someone who loves to fish as much as I do. The perch are biting too. I will gladly take a rain check.😁
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/12/07 06:40:49
hope you heal up "Chili " We are good on Perch for the year,several trips out on the boat and have a nice amount put up. Tried PM but couldn't send you one ?
chili pepper
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Re: Time for burbot
2015/12/10 11:32:47
Fixed the PM. Perch fishing was weird this year but I'm retired so we just kept at it. Should have fished more for walleye and saved perching till Sept. Next summer. Back to the topic. This is the best weather for burbot fishing in years. North pier and south pier are both producing.