Remember when.......... ?

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Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/12/02 18:37:12 (permalink)
Yep I do. One on the wall at the WC Access. Pretty cool to see.


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Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/12/02 20:01:05 (permalink)
Anybody have any pictures of these palomino steelhead? I tried looking up some pictures but couldn't find any, they sound really cool looking though.
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Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/12/03 21:41:41 (permalink)
There was fish in the creeks and the creeks had water.
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Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/12/03 22:05:49 (permalink)
Here's one for the old timers...............
 Isaly's Chipped Chopped Ham on sale for $.99 a lb.
I worked at Isaly's in Franklin during the late sixties and I hated opening day of trout and deer season.  Everybody ate chipped chopped ham or so, it seemed.
Just for some chytz and giggles, I recently tried some  from a big box store deli.....  Blaaaaaaaah!!  Chipped Chopped Suet!!!

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/12/04 09:05:10 (permalink)
BTDT, remember the Sky Scraper ice cream cone from Isaly's ?
Those Palominos were just Palominos I believe. I don't know of a Palomino Steelhead. The were basically lake run trout once stocked in Erie. They don't get the darker coloration and appeared more silvery yellow. Brown Trout can also have a silvery coloration when fresh caught in the Great Lakes. I was fortunate to have caught a few at Trout Run years ago. My friend landed one that was close to 30" and he did have it mounted. I talked to a NY warden years back and he claimed that one was caught in the lower Niagara that was near 15lbs. ! The best part is they never stocked Palominos ever he told me so that had to be a PA. fish that was caught. Must of went over the Falls or more than likely through the canal. I believe it's still in their record books last time I checked.
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Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/12/06 16:03:18 (permalink)
I could get out of the sack and be on the water before sun-up   This guy kinda reminds me of somebody I've seen fishing around here............  nahhhhh, must just be the mustache. 

I wanted a sack couldn't afford it great read still laughing all brings back memories good topic


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Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/12/06 20:21:35 (permalink)
The lake had way more water than today.
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Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/12/24 08:40:41 (permalink)
                                                                                  Remember when.............
How much fun it is when it snows?
                                                     MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE
Remember........  all that have sacrificed keeping us safe.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/12/24 14:58:14 (permalink)
The good old Winter's on Elk Creek Access with the 8 ' high ice flows on my back ! Lot's of room for some reason ?

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Re: Remember when.......... ? 2016/01/10 20:49:38 (permalink)
Countless people on this forum said there was nothing wrong with fish numbers/returns.
Then the commissioner gave a half a** speech with terrible excuses and no solution on the matter.
Or is that in two days?
post edited by mike55 - 2016/01/10 21:07:38
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