Remember when.......... ?

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2015/11/14 17:49:46 (permalink)

Remember when.......... ?

Remember when ........the Erie limit on Steelhead was 8 fish !             (  Add more old memories )    good or bad !
........when you were allowed to clean fish on Erie shorelines and creeks !
........when you caught only Coho Salmon and Trout were a rare catch  !
........when people payed to fished in the Pig Pen ( Trout Run Marina )   !
........when you had to pay to park or enter Elk Creek access  (east side only) !

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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/14 18:10:15 (permalink)
    When you could pitch a tent on the beach at trout run or sleep in your vehicle.
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/14 18:21:48 (permalink)
    Mitchel 300's, Conolon rods, 14 pound test, and watching people dragging big orange KO wobblers on the shale flats not knowing that the water was only 4 inches deep.

    Doberman patrol on Manchester pool. Posted from Manchester to Rt5.


    steelhead sam
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/14 22:04:31 (permalink)
    Driving right back to Elk creek and camping there at what now is the cascade hole. you paid at a little booth
    in the middle of the road, like an old drive-in-theater and stayed as long as you wanted.
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/15 09:27:19 (permalink) could drive down to Follies Campground Rd. in Nov. and see only 2-3 cars parked !
    .......... when Velveeta cheese was a top bait for Trout !
    .......... the Banjo Minnow !
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/15 14:29:42 (permalink)
    First year that I fished the lake for eyes there was no limit. We trolled the beach 20-35 flow with homemade 2 oz lead pencil weights and willow leafs with crawlers. Steel line out of Con.Ohio with Bill Norams. The next year started the down rigger trench thing,was.among the first to do it all,dipsys,boards, jet divers,drop balls,steel of the boards,you name we did it. The three way swivel flutter spoon on top three foot lead,long A bomber five foot lead on the bottom,took so many eyes out of Barcelona NY flat lining. Try reeling in 15 lbs of eyes at one time. A lot of fun from the bay,tribs,and the big pond. There's still a pic of me in the PFC building at walnut with a 14 lb King salmon caught in the mid 80's one of two caught that year. No one new how they got there, I heard that a local sportsmen club played bucket biologist from kings taken from Ollcott NY.
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/15 17:49:36 (permalink)
    Remember when ........the Erie limit on Steelhead was 8 fish !             (  Add more old memories )    good or bad !
    ........when you were allowed to clean fish on Erie shorelines and creeks !
    ........when you caught only Coho Salmon and Trout were a rare catch  !
    ........when people payed to fished in the Pig Pen ( Trout Run Marina )   !
    ........when you had to pay to park or enter Elk Creek access  (east side only) !

    I don't go back that far.
    Don't think i crossed the Pa boarder til somewhere in the mid/late '80s .
    I "think"  Whittman's bridge area just below  the railroad trestle was where i caught my first Pa steelie
    it's funny, i had caught plenty Coho over the years..but never knew they were coho.
    I just thought they were odd skin color/complexion  steelies with 
    It wasn't til years latter I was fishing Da'Nut and landed a pretty decent  sized  fish (for Pa average size at the time)
    maybe 7 pounds or more
    the duud next to me said, "Wow, that's a nice Coho"
    "Oh, so that's a Coho?"
    seen more than a few Browns over the years too (before they started stocking)
    never new what they were either til i actually caught one of those 2 or 3  "reddish looking steelies" in a run with a dozen fish  .
    Didn't know what kind of trout it was  when i landed it, but knew it sure wuddn't a steelie  ...not so with the Coho..
    post edited by genieman77 - 2015/11/15 17:52:44
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/15 18:12:54 (permalink)
    I don't go back far enough to add anything to this, but it's fun to read yinzes stories!

    "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/15 18:35:27 (permalink)
    .......... the Banjo Minnow !

    I watched a guy absolutely  SLAY  'em in a gin clear, no flow, large  pool on Connie years ago.
    he'd cast, slow retrieve a couple/few  feet and let it sink...then kind of "hop it" a few feet at a time  across the bottom .
    Didn't matter where he casted were coming from 40-50  feet away  to crush it
    It was cool watching him work that Banjo
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/15 19:59:43 (permalink)
    My son mopped up one day on Elk..... Banjo Minnow ! I would have never believed it , if I didn't see it ! I don't think it ever happened again. 
    I've seen pictures years ago of some huge Walleye out of Barcelona.... real hogs !
    I seen a Lake Trout caught at Trout Run beach from shore (very rare ). Guy that caught it didn't even know what kind of fish it was .
    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2015/11/15 20:08:11
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/16 00:02:38 (permalink)
    I could get out of the sack and be on the water before sun-up
   This guy kinda reminds me of somebody I've seen fishing around here............  nahhhhh, must just be the mustache. 
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/11/16 00:09:30

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/16 01:20:15 (permalink)
    When there were so many fish even I could catch them
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/16 09:48:13 (permalink)
    When there were so many fish even I could catch them

    Yes it was unreal.....I named it Steelhead fantasyland back then...many fish and few people.
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/16 20:44:57 (permalink)
    Do you remember Porky's bait stand at the bottom of the hill near the dock on State Street?
    It was actually Erie Bait Co. but everyone called it Porky's. I used to work there after school and weekends around 1964. I'd get phone calls in the summer at 4 am : "Hey Freddie, the minnies are runn'in, were leaving in ten minutes !" I'd jump on my bike and be there just as their shoving off. Big old minnow boat heading out to beach 11. We would put out minnow nets that stretched out over fifty yards and hauled in literally thousands of minnows. It was a good job for a kid. plus I had to make sure all the sinkers and bobbers were polished nice and shiny, sweep the floor, scoop out dead minnies from the tanks and count worms and grubs. Job paid $10 a week!
    Good memories.
    post edited by FredT - 2015/11/16 20:49:17
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/16 21:10:55 (permalink)
    Got another one.....
    Anyone remember the hunting and fishing store just up from the CYS club on Holland ? 1950's ??? I used to know the lady who owned it after her husband died. She would let me and my buddies in there when ever we wanted anything. A bag full of hooks, bobbers and sinkers for 5 cents. I remember buying a couple of bamboo crappie rods for 50 cents. My own private little store. Then one day it was all gone. She had a sale where everything had to go. My dad bought a shotgun shell vest. I still have that thing today.
    Yep, memories.
    sniff, sniff
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/16 22:47:19 (permalink)
    Never been to any of those places but, reading your comments, I can sure see them in my minds eye.  Brings back plenty of memories of the places that were around my town, back in the day.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/17 09:32:48 (permalink)
    Those are some oldies but goodies ! I remember when people use to drink water out of the spigot with a glass, all bottles now !
    How about buying crawlers now days you get 10 in the container instead of 12 !
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/17 11:38:14 (permalink)
    Walcat, buddy.  The war is over.  We... well, we didn't exactly "win" but... never mind.  Charlie, on your six!
    Captain, remember when:
    - you had to use rotary phones?  phone booths?  PHONE BOOKS?!
    - when google maps was called "triple A" (with a bunch of printed maps and a sharpie)
    - when craigslist was called "newspaper want ads"
    - when your fish pictures had to be developed?
    Just sayin.  The good old days weren't ALL good.  
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/17 14:46:30 (permalink)
    Walcat, buddy.  The war is over.  We... well, we didn't exactly "win" but... never mind.  Charlie, on your six!
    Captain, remember when:
    - you had to use rotary phones?  phone booths?  PHONE BOOKS?!
    - when google maps was called "triple A" (with a bunch of printed maps and a sharpie)
    - when craigslist was called "newspaper want ads"
    - when your fish pictures had to be developed?
    Just sayin.  The good old days weren't ALL good.  

    Here now!!!!  What do these young punks know about the "Good Old Days"??
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/17 16:11:43 (permalink)
    Guys.  40+ is old.  Just because you are all REALLY OLD, doesn't make me young.  But thanks, I guess.  
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/17 16:43:57 (permalink)
    Phew I got 9 years till I'm old then.
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/17 20:44:24 (permalink)
    How about duck hunting on the south-east shore of the south pier? which is now Lampe Marina. Walk through the muck and set up d-coys. Also duck hunting off of the outlet stream of the waste water treatment plant. We used to call it "**it creek" Mallards loved to feed off of the vegitation that grew from the natural compost.
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/18 15:46:24 (permalink)
    OK... how about the gate at Walnut Access being a cable that you had to wait to be unlocked?


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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/19 00:00:29 (permalink)
    Oh that was a good flash back cbeagler  ! I do remember waiting in line on that. Walcat , I remember when they opened that Hooters there. They had those heavy topped girls standing on all 4 corners of that main intersection holding signs "Now Open". Lights were changing and nobody was moving but nobody was honking horns to get going ! I know there had to be a few fender benders too !  LMAO !
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/19 02:26:54 (permalink)
       The pond between Kelso Beach & the campground back in the 60's.
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/19 09:54:19 (permalink)
    Back before the hotel and convention center along the city side of the bay. And the original Smitty's bait shop. Lots of fun bank fishing around the public dock with many big fish caught when I was younger. 
    Chris Johnson
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/19 10:05:02 (permalink)
    You never saw a bobber on a fly rod.
    You had to put a deposit on beer bottles. The bottles had grind marks where they rubbed together while being washed.
    Returning soda bottles to Catrabone's (Cats) for a dime, and three bottles would equal half a bag of candy.
    GE traffic.
    Mooneye at Hammermill's discharge pipe.
    Bait shop at 6th and East Ave.

    Too old for me but, ... blue pike.

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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/19 11:14:35 (permalink)
    The gas station, now gone, at the intersection of RT 5 and Presque Isle that had a special we called the "Breakfast of Champions," two packages of Ho-Ho's and two Jolt colas for $3.00. Many a day started that way.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/11/19 11:41:53 (permalink)
    How about when we collected (60's )Topps baseball cards....10 cents a pack, stale hard gum included ! Now there's a hundred varieties of cards. 
    How about metal eyes on fishing rods ! Had to file the grooves out after so long so your line didn't ruin .
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    Re: Remember when.......... ? 2015/12/02 11:02:34 (permalink)
    Anyone remember "steelhead palominos" back in the 80's??  They were really cool looking stacked up in trout run...bright silver sides and ORANGE/yellow backs instead of grey/green.  They were awesome looking...
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