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2015/11/03 14:10:51 (permalink)


Anybody know if JBI is still in bussiness? Just bought a 10' noodle from poor richards. Got it all rigged up and the tip shattered from the slightest pressure. Took it back to Richards they said they can't do anything I need to send it back to jbi. I can't find any contact info for jbi on the web anywhere. And fishusa says there rods are discontinued. Anybody know anything? Please help.

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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/03 14:36:59 (permalink)
    Remind me to never deal with Poor Richards.......................
    Hobart, try this link, these guys carry Black Diamond blanks and have a help section where they will get back to you if they have an answer.
    I see JBI rods on Amazon, so I'm wondering if JBI is now exclusive to Amazon.  Don't know but, might be worth a shot-in-the-dark.
    Sucks about the rod tip but that, is a downfall with graphite rods.  I've wiped out my fair share of "Croixs" by bumping the tips straight into objects.

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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/03 14:53:29 (permalink)

    JBI rods are produced by the W.L. Baumler Company. The 10' L rod is still produced and warranty would be through them. Their phone number is 800-321-2501.
    Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
    Thank You!
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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/03 15:48:56 (permalink)
    Thanks for the insight
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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/03 17:24:48 (permalink)
    they've always treated me super.  as with any warranty work that i've had done, it was up to me to send the rod back.  where another of the old time sport shops up that way got greedy, poor richard's has stayed consistent and fair.
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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/03 18:36:36 (permalink)
    BTDT: Tell you a little story hoss. My wife and I were Gary & Dot's first customers. He bought the place from his grandfather. I told him that day if he treated his customers fairly and cut them a break now and then that they would beat his door down!! He did and they did. That was a lot of years ago. Gary and Dot are the two most honest people you'll ever meet. Gary and his people have helped hundreds of people over the years. Ask anyone!!!!!!! I don't think you will ever go wrong shopping at Poor Richards!


    Hoss????         I got your Hoss, ole timer!!      Do I look like I'm wearing spurs???       You best hope I ain't!!  
    Geez I must be having a bad day, I seem to be jumping to conclusions........... must be my meds.
    I wasn't there, and I based my opinion on the story of another, my bad!   
    If............ I'm ever at Poor Richards I'll be sure to tell them Walcat sent me.

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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/03 20:30:11 (permalink)
    Hobart, what a bummer man.  Don't doubt your story at all, but my JBI black diamond WAS my favorite rod I've ever had.  In fact, I never had another rod that I actually really liked as I usually buy lower end sticks.  That thing caught hundreds of steelhead, hundreds of pelletheads, panfish and quite a few bass too in the 6 or 7 years I had it.  
    Then I closed it in the car window one night a few years ago 
    Hope you get that taken care of and enjoy yours as much as I enjoyed mine.  I never thought to look at PR for another JBI as I bought the first one here from fishusa, but I certainly will be the next time I'm up!
    And I'll add another hearty endorsement for PR as well.  I go out of my way to give 'em my business when I'm in Erie, even when it'd be much more convenient to go see a few of the other folks around.  Service, selection and quality can't be beat in Erie.  FishUSA is a close second, but only because they don't have the stinky bait I like to chuck.  
    Unfortunately, the warranty deal seems to be the norm in the last several years with products I've purchased.  About the only exception I can think of that handles stuff like that is Sam's Club, which takes just about anything and everything back with a receipt.  From my son's baseball bat to my wife's kitchen appliances, warranty repairs, no matter how recent since purchase, are almost exclusively handled by the manufacturer.  
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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/03 20:48:03 (permalink)
    Walcat, I have no problem with poor richards. They seemed fair with priceing and such. Just stinks I got stuck with a rod I didn't even get to make one cast with.
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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/04 11:03:19 (permalink)

    Hahahahaha.  Now I can't decide if I'm going to call you "Whitey" or "Hoss."
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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/04 15:18:25 (permalink)
    You're complaining about warranty service on a $35 rod?  You get what you pay for...
    It was probably your fault it broke to begin with, if it was a manufacturers defect it would have broken long before you rigged up.
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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/04 19:48:59 (permalink)
     a $35 rod? 

    nuh-uuh ...fo-real??
    three bukz for a new guide/tip, Hobart
    glue it on and go fishing
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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/04 20:56:58 (permalink)
    Contrary to popular belief, it was nothing I did on my end that should have broken it. Now it could've been something that happened while it sat in the store.
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    Re: JBI BLACK DIAMOND 2015/11/04 21:34:14 (permalink)

    Hahahahaha.  Now I can't decide if I'm going to call you "Whitey" or "Hoss."

    Don't stir up no s#*t Sam !!!!!

          OMG I'm laughing so hard, I gotta sit on my hands to keep from clapping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
    PS.       Sorry to hear about "Li'l Pork"............  stupid catfish!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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