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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/01 10:49:12
r3g3 Guess its just me Been reading a bunch of pro reports and everything is just fine on the SR with GREAT fishing for most all species. Reminds me of 'back to the future' re runs.
MONEY!! that's what they are fishing for.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/01 11:14:10
Cant say as I blame them too much with the past 2 years being they way they are. Think if it keeps up there will be 'issues' for a lot of folks up there. The place -IMHO- has always been promoted poorly- as a place to get of a lot of biguns instead of one 'fish of a lifetime'. Expectations have been promoted as catching biguns all day every day and anything less is a bust for too many. That's changing lol
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/01 16:00:14
We watched 3 boats float past with no ropes hanging and 1 more with 1 little chrome.
Clint S
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/01 17:57:49
The OZ absolutely stunk today. Did not see one fish on. Talked to two old timers who fish every day and they said it is as bad as it gets. Fished it all, beads, sacs, worms, pink worms, jigs, spinners, rapella's.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/01 18:37:52
Not what I wanted to hear. I pulled a medium heavy spin rod off a rack this morning, thinking how many bass that thing pulled away from stumps and pads, and thinking it would do well from the wall in conjunction with my 10' handled net. I was thinking I'd take a trip there sometime with you, Clint. I hope this is only a temporary downturn.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/01 19:05:31
Fished IC just got home, some groady kings trying to make the falls, browns spawning in the potato hole, kings up along the wall, nothing biting. Spoke with one very experienced angler who has been to a lot of places lately and says everything is off, browns, domestics, only a couple of steelhead before the genny went off, and that is not what he caught, it was he witnessed being caught, he had caught a few small bows where he normally was getting dozens, and many over 20". This year he said one or two ~16". Something is fishy with all this! .
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/05 17:12:36
What to believe ??- one report says ON FIRE in town today with Browns Kings and Steel and DSR says poor fishing for days. Same thing happened last week on Steel with a different place doing the ON FIRE reports. Last week got kinda verified by one of our own via PM. Blowing through the low end at night ??
post edited by r3g3 - 2015/11/05 17:13:37
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/05 19:27:40
Not sure there hasn't been a good DSR report in I have no idea how long. Hasn't been too many people fishing on the web cam either. Only time will tell I'm 2 weeks out.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/06 15:03:44
We just got back and did not touch a fish in 2.5 hard days up, middle, and down. This is the worst run we've ever seen. There are dark male salmon all over the river, but very few active redds, and the steelhead are few and far between. Even Altmar is very slow, saw no hookups in the UE for 3 hrs today, only a couple of fish in the tail of Kiddie. The boats pulling into Pineville yesterday had no ropes dragging.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/06 15:06:52
So much for the recent ON FIRE reports.
Clint S
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/06 18:16:45
Worse I have ever seen. I am trying Oswego again this weekend
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
hot tuna
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/06 18:22:59
Thanks for the views . Hope the water and weather was fun Is there ice yet ?
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/06 19:07:10
It will be great next October...I look forward to seeing my forum buddies in the church hole or the Altmar hotel....
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/06 20:36:59
The weather here is a month late too-70s the past couple of days. 1st deer day last season mid Nov was 16 in the AM- long range says 38 this year. Hope for thin ice on the lake.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/06 21:19:56
I watch the snow pack reports and weather in general in the west, as it effects my spring trips in some form or fashion. I plan my trips into the Grand Canyon around what seasonal sources may be running from the collection of melt water from the rim, and hope when I go to fish the rivers in New Mexico they aren't blown from snow melt. As I lived in the now extremely drought ridden Sierra, I also monitor the situation there. So far, the predictions of a strong El Nino year are coming to pass with normal to above snowfall in the mountains and rains in the lower elevations of the Southwest. The ocean temps in the Pacific have been historically high this year creating absolutely bizarre conditions for giant sea creatures to congregate off the coast of Monterey. The cold Humboldt current that pushes down the coast from Alaska got diverted west by the swell of warm water from the south. Marine biologists from around the world congregated there in August to see the spectacle. What it should mean for us, if I read the NOAA reports right, is a somewhat warmer winter with perhaps normal to slightly above snow. We shouldn't experience the ridiculous polar vortex crap we had the last few winters as the Jet Stream should be running interference as it normally does, with the added bonus it'll be even a bit farther north. Ontario shouldn't freeze over again. Ice fishing may be marginal. but it may provide some restoration to all the fisheries the past few winters did damage to.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/06 22:18:04
Have read similar predictions- will likely take a cycle for full recovery-cant wait-
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/07 05:21:51
Great time. Great scenery. Great water. Great fishing. Terrible catching. Every oak decided it was time to dump its foliage on Fri. Tough to get a clean drift-swing for a few days I think. Getting ready to do it again next week.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/07 10:45:08
Keep at it twobob glad to hear you didn't test the water again like the last trip. Sooner or later they will be running. Good ol' work is getting in my way. One day off in the past month and that's when me and Fichy hit the river at least I made the best of my time off. Teally paying for that 2 week mandatory leave. Another two weeks and I'll be out there going after them or at least practicing my casting like you are.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/07 12:50:29
Sorry we missed you last time, Ufish. Maybe in 2 weeks.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/07 13:11:07
Yeah look like Monday Tuesday of thanksgiving week.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/13 09:06:58
Gonna be back up in a week or two to finish clearing the house for the Feb final sale- kinda nostalgic. Will fish for a day or two as well. Gotta say I really love Pulaski and the folks up there. Its been a great experience although I knew there was an 'end date' when I bought it. 300 mi. each way gets old on the old just to do chores every other week or so year round. Gonna be a full time POS outa stater again next year. No work= more fishing time. Will be there despite how many fish there are- that isnt the main reason I go. ( although it would be nice to catch freaking fish now and then)
post edited by r3g3 - 2015/11/13 09:08:50
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/13 12:05:48
From what I read here I did n't miss much as far as the catching goes but would have really liked to do the fishing....there's always next year.In the meantime I will be heading out to Ohio for the holiday feast and while there will be trying the Erie tribs for some trout.Reports to follow. By the way the DSR has reported some activity the last day or so.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/13 12:11:22
Glad to hear from you PA it's been a while. Me and Charlie were talking about you the other night. Hope all is well enjoy the time in OH.
hot tuna
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/13 12:11:44
You get your wheels back under ya Jack ? Your so right , the fishing wasn't so hot but the time spent with friends was worth it all. BTW , we fished weds, vets day , and I have still yet to put a fish on the shore in 2015
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/13 12:54:49
That DSR report was fish in the middle and slow up and down- likely just a small pod. Hope for more. Their first real fish report in about a week- slowwwwww Hate to be such a downer but that the hand we are being dealt.
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/13 15:56:34
hot tuna You get your wheels back under ya Jack ? Your so right , the fishing wasn't so hot but the time spent with friends was worth it all. BTW , we fished weds, vets day , and I have still yet to put a fish on the shore in 2015
Yes I've been driving for about two weeks and seem to have come through my stroke in decent shape,going to another specialist Monday for more tests but I feel fine. They finally got some rain on the Erie tribs and from what I read there are fish coming in so I'm looking forward to some screaming drags in a week or two
hot tuna
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/13 16:03:33
That's great news jack !!! I sure hope those fish give you all the rewards because they gave me the 1 finger peace sign this year . The fly zone is an absolute disgrace . Guys are mugging the fish and now even sitting in chairs IN the darn river while fishing or what ever they call it . 3 & me did the float thing and don't you know we stuck 1 fish right where you caught 2 with us back then. I guess it was just not meant to be for me on that river in 2015. You go get'em !!!!
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/13 18:19:08
Two Bob and I did the 3 day again, nothing the first day, I went 2 for 3 on Thursday and Bob had one crack him off, and he missed one this AM, and I didn't get bit today. We saw boats with ropes dragging today. There are fish around, but not like even last year. But I have not seen any doing the backstroke down river either. The fish are dropping into winter mode, one of mine was a zippy little 5 lber that jumped 5 times, but the bigger of the two that I landed, about 10 lbs, only got her head to the surface and did some running and boring up into heavy current, And 2B's fish in the AM never jumped. Season winds down for us now, its the acrobatics that make the drive worthwhile, and if it is a non airborne fight, we've got places closer to home. It will be interesting to see what the 14 ft seas out there in Mexico Bay did today, that should push anything that was near shore into the tribs. A big run might get me risking a lake effect home trip!
hot tuna
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/13 18:49:40
Glad you boys got to play with a few 😀👍 Thanks for the 13 sauce 😘😋
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: mid oct report
2015/11/14 10:22:04
Glad we got to meet up even if only briefly HT. Hoping next time 3fan isn't late for a meeting and can spend a little time also instead of having to load the boat on the trailer and fly. The fish I "missed" hit so light I thought it was a leaf and shook it off just as lucky says oh you're hooked up (he saw the fish flash ). Of course then it was a little late. Been a while since I fished glo bugs and am not used to having to feel the light take. I have a lot to relearn.