mid oct report

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2015/10/22 13:10:56 (permalink)

mid oct report

Got in Sat evening -snowing and 1/4 inch hail when I went to Topps for groceries- temps low 30s.
Sun- flurries and did wet leaves all day-temps low to mid 30s-
Mon- more of the same till late afternoon.
14 work hours on wet leaves-arugggggh.
Snowed 6 to 9 inches in nearby Mexico.
Mon nite- warmer temps- rained all night- of course - its Pulaski.
Tues -rain in Am so started late- worked mid river for hours - ZIP
That afternoon went up river -not the zone - hit great king action fishing behind a thin conga line up to their waists along a deep bank-I was bout knee deep with a nice wide 150 yard run all to myself with some nice pockets.
Tues night- rain -of course
Wed early AM -rain-went to the same area to many more fishermen- good news travels fast.
Hit some real good Steel action till about noon- more rain.
I bugged out.
Best fishing have had in a while- got some releasing done and played a few- tried breaking anything but fair hooks.
Even got to actually see some hits.
Might be back next week- considered myself to be very lucky to have hit a bunch in this generally poor year.
post edited by r3g3 - 2015/10/22 13:17:10

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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/22 16:58:21 (permalink)
    Good deal! Payback for all that leaf removal.  Doesn't sound poor at all.  What was your weapon of choice?
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/22 17:37:45 (permalink)
    Didn't know you got up here RG so here are a couple pics I took thinking of you


    Just in case you were still wondering about leaves falling.
    Might have to put away the poly tip and give up swinging for high sticking.
    PS   you had better luck than I've been having.
    Couple more kings today.
    Can't find a real fish to save my tuckess!
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/22 18:39:23 (permalink)
    Charlie the first day was Kings for the most part with the 11.5 ft Switch and 10 lb leader- kept breaking at the hook.
    Second day was mostly Steel, went with a 9 ft 10 wt Triple Fork and heavier leader-shoulda been doing it just the opposite but ya never know what species is gonna be there lol.-
    Using a #8 blue or purple fly with orange heads  and/or bodies and some sparkle in the hackle -have found that to be very effective on Kings as well as Steel and sometimes Hos. 
    Kind of an all round choice for me.
     Kings were a nice mix of fresh and older fish. Some were surprisingly aggressive considering the time of year and how far up they were. Think many may have made it up there with little harassment considering the limited  numbers of fisher folks around. Have rarely found them so cooperative. Some of the male Kings were real respectable fish.
    See PM
    Sent to you and 2BOB.
    post edited by r3g3 - 2015/10/22 18:45:13
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/22 19:01:43 (permalink)
    Thanks ,Trev. Great report.
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/22 20:32:47 (permalink)
    Bob- I was shocked at Kiddie with so few guys around- only drove by once with a dozen or so.
    Is it the fish or the time of year- Kind of always fish right through Nov and was under the impression of more guys that that being the norm.
    Heck- see more guys there in Feb.
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/23 03:55:22 (permalink)
    Cleared out this week RG.
    It has been a zoo till this point.
    Still the 0 dark got my spot for the day crowd.
    Been mostly farsing about and then starting around 9 myself.
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/24 10:38:12 (permalink)
    Goin nuts and gotta get back up very soon----
    Also startin to clear the house for the sale-
    Next year fewer trips but more fishing time, no chores when you are at motel and eating out   lol.
    IMHO there about 2 things now for kings--Deep holes full of line shy fish and folks casting away or a few here and there in transition requiring lots of jumping around to find them.
    Either way GOOD LUCK.
    Steel are where ya find them now and frankly didn't  notice any Hos last week -but hoping.
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/24 10:54:23 (permalink)
    Haven't seen a fresh coho since that early push.
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/24 11:11:47 (permalink)
    They did the same- for the post part- last year too.
    Used to find them into Nov up where I like to go but even in those couple of 'big run' years they seemed to stay low and then disappear. More cookies too.
    A few years back there were fresh dead Hos in Kiddie in February.
    The Lake conditions aint helping----
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/28 19:57:48 (permalink)
    Not worth  new thread-
    Got in Sun nite and fished much of Mon and Tues.
    Bugged out in a high wind and rain Wed AM.
    Never had a bite and saw very very very few who did.
    Even resorted to the Church Pool, stood in a dreaded Conga line for a long time.
    Felt and looked like Tressel.
    Heck ya can even stand up above and watch the show. Some fishing and most --------
    Some caught fish here and there but they found the very few places where the very few fish were and generally stayed put for hours casting.
    Never saw a fish on the move cept for some upriver dying kings drifting down.
    Saw one guy with a Steel on a stringer and a couple of Kings on others.
    Fella said his friend has a cleaning station and did SEVEN fish on Columbus Day.
    Guy staying at a popular established fishing Motel said THREE overnight fishing guests on Tuesday.
    IMHO this was  far worse than last season except for those who get out in the dark and sit on a few well established holds-after that its pure luck- and often some skill as well as a thousand casts - to find 'the one'.
    Predict big changes up there if this continues through next season.
    Sad commentary--
    I aint perfect but have been on the river over 30 years and can catch a fish now and then ( when luck holds)but this was  a lousy season.
    Felt that as bad as last season was this one is even 'worster'  than that.
    Hope  for a few mild winters with little lake ice.
    post edited by r3g3 - 2015/10/28 21:34:06
    hot tuna
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/28 20:29:08 (permalink)
    Thanks for the insight rg. I hope Fichy and uglyfish find that few willing.
    I'm not pointing fingers or disputing others views but I still stand by the things I have been saying all summer from my insight of the lake.
    If this is what has held true. Things will not change instantly, it will take time and seasons.
    It will not deter me from spending another season every week on the Great Lake Adventure, it will though change my fishing. I will target lakers more and try to establish a jigging program for them

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/28 20:39:06 (permalink)
    Sounds like Oswego for me on Monday for bows

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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/28 21:15:58 (permalink)
    We got alittle water logged but had a great time as always. We did find some players
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/28 21:37:26 (permalink)
    Nice to hear FISH- 10% guys like you and Charlie generally do- the rest of us--oh well        lol
    You fished  some lousy weather today- congrats on the players.
    Will be back in a couple of weeks to make  myself nuts again.
    Some of us will always be back- many will not.
    post edited by r3g3 - 2015/10/28 21:41:57
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/29 01:06:16 (permalink)
    Good to Ug.
    The weather had Lucky and I put the trip back by a day.
    Hope springs eternal!
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/29 04:16:36 (permalink)
    The rain broke a lot loose along the lake. Stopped at a small trib while running errands yesterday PM, got 2 browns, one about 12, one about 6, in about 20 minutes before the wind and rain picked up.  Based on being able to be on the river today and manana, I figure the big steel break out will be Saturday!
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/29 05:15:33 (permalink)
    Ours were coho numbers no steel players. Saw a steel landed but was foul hooked.
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/29 09:44:38 (permalink)
    A 12 lb. brown ?   Don't be bothering with the SR.  I'll assume it was inches or you would have elaborated a little more, Lucky. Good luck to you guys. The soup du jour, was leaf of oak and maple, with beech and ash. I'll never order it again. Wow, at points it was hard to break through  the surface. Lights out in Pulaski. There'd have been a lot of accidents a few weeks ago!  We heard a couple of big trees go down. More exciting than the leaf removal ritual that followed  nearly every cast. Great time with a friend and some feisty ho's  played with, but glad to be back home.  My advice to those make the soup, a little more trout, less vegetable.
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/31 09:35:30 (permalink)
    Why we didn't go on Wednesday, the forecast sounded like a time we walked to lower clay and then had Fred show up to tell us they were closing due to the winds.  I still have the pass he gave me, my legs cramp up every time I look at it.  Thurs started nice, there were some fish in town, but then we got an encore of Wednesday,  Cold blowing wind and heavy rain.  2bob was not satisfied that his outfit was sufficiently water proof, so he put it to the total immersion test, where it preformed admirably at hindering his resurrection from the baptismal waters, as it had been filled to overflowing!  This got us to Mike's early and limited 2bob's afternoon excursion to the wall, where boots are not absolutely necessary.  I went down and watched 2 or three hooked in the Unemployment, then about 1/2 hour later, a guy on the island that forms from the middle bridge support of the 52 bridge hit three in short order, another 1/2 hour and there were some hookups in the riffs and then about three o'clock the church hole lit up. Thy were mostly 7-8 lbers, with the occasional huge pig, and the wall was the wrong side of the river, although I did have one come up to a wet in the surface film, and slash but felt no take. A pod of maybe a hundred or so chromers, we were hoping this was the "first big wave" of fall 2015, but yesterday, there was not much around again.  Definitely an off year so far.
    The Browns are lbs, if you are at the mouths of the little streams at just the right time, they stack up, but this was the first time I timed it right in a few years, and I live within 5 miles, and got a phone call telling me they were there.  I would have brought the bigger one home, but I quit using eggs except in the finger lakes in the spring.
    The genny is blown right out again, so no prospecting this weekend.  But the forecast is shaping up to be great for end of the week, so Wed Thurs Fri, I'll be an Oswego County resident again
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/31 14:24:07 (permalink)
    Ah yes the town crier shout about my 100 yard backstroke time.
    Certainly refreshing after a long walk but once a trip is enough for me.
    I was never in trouble but a couple very nice guys stopped fishing to help me.
    More current than it feels like when it is just pushing on your legs.
    Now for the real report.
    We walked a lot.
    Sweated a lot.
    Fished hard a lot.
    Caught nothing a lot.
    I had a king, yawn.
    I cracked it off.
    I had a rainhead for ten seconds or so.
    We saw other people catch trout.
    I blame lucky for moving our trip back a day.
    Next week.
    3 days of killer fishing.
    Oh ya Lucky groans like a rusty gate and I can't get the sound of him saying ow oh ow out of my head. 
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/31 15:53:41 (permalink)
    Sometimes I get really f'in discouraged and doubt my abilities to fish; despite the decades of trial and error I've put in. And this is peculiar to the GL tribs, I have a goodly amount of confidence on other waters. Thanks for being honest and putting things in perspective. At least you were  "saved",  as Lucky did make mention of the baptismal waters. . Most get dunked in the summer or in a pool.  May count for more points at the gate.
    Me, I'd take the 30 pieces of silver, or chrome, as the case may be. 
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/31 16:37:36 (permalink)
    30 would be a good year, and we've got some of this water almost in our backyards.  I just need to start with one!
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/31 18:00:23 (permalink)
    I will be out and about Monday........
    Going to Oswego tomorrow to scope that out too.

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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/31 19:12:41 (permalink)
    We  oughta start a 'bumblestiltskin' club for those of us who take the  plunge. 
    Perhaps a patch and wet handshake too.
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/10/31 21:38:04 (permalink)
    Just tied 4 dozen sacs for Oswego. I took a slight dunking last year with Charlie. I think it was hovering right around 0

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    Re: mid oct report 2015/11/01 03:37:17 (permalink)
    I don't really go to fish anymore.
    I go to bob in the current.
    Another reason for my screen name now.
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/11/01 04:50:21 (permalink)
    Sometimes I get really f'in discouraged and doubt my abilities to fish; despite the decades of trial and error I've put in. 

    Fichy join the club.
    Feels like I have been doing this forever and every year I start thinking I have lost it........until the first real grab and fight.
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    Re: mid oct report 2015/11/01 07:40:46 (permalink)
    TB are you turning into a pinner?????  Literally.

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    Re: mid oct report 2015/11/01 08:09:47 (permalink)
    Guess its just me
    Been reading a bunch of pro reports and everything is just fine on the SR with GREAT fishing for most all species.
    Reminds me of  'back to the future' re runs.
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