THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!!

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2015/10/19 08:57:05 (permalink)

THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!!

                                                                                    WHAT DO I DO?????????
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/10/19 08:59:25

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!! 2015/10/19 10:58:19 (permalink)
    Ouch!!.. but, Good reference videos...
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    Re: THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!! 2015/10/19 11:15:03 (permalink)
    OMG  I couldn't even watch the second.  I got a size 6 hook stuck in my big toe once (don't ask), and the pain was intense. The barb was buried deep.  I had to go to ER to get it out.   I also got a size 12 stuck in my thumb on the creek, and cut the barb off with my clippers. Much blood. That was 14 years ago, and I carry two all-in-one tools ever since.
    Thanks.  I think. :-)
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    Re: THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!! 2015/10/19 11:30:10 (permalink)
    Worse I had was from my dad and I crossing lines while pike fishing the river. His 6 inch grandma stuck in my cheek by the back hook. The front left a really nice mark on my polarized glasses straight in front of my eye. Luckily the barb was flattened so I only had to give it a good yank with pliars.
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    Re: THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!! 2015/10/19 12:17:41 (permalink)
    ummm, BTDT got any videos about how to clean liquified stomach contents out of a 'puter keyboard?  
    Really good info to know though.  
    My son buried one point of a size 6 treble hook past the barb in his scalp this spring when he was yanking a spinner out of some pond side brush and it flipped up in the air.  Told him I could remove it, but he would probably hate me forever, or I could take him to the urgent care where they'd numb it first.  He chose the latter, and they got it out quickly and painlessly.  
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    Re: THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!! 2015/10/19 12:20:45 (permalink)
    There are only three reasons to not use a net.  
    1 - the fish is small enough to swing in the boat
    2 - you forgot the ****ed thing at home
    3 - you are an idiot
    As for hooking yourself, the worst self impalement I was involved in was in my living room unpackaging some three treble stick lures.  Protip: don't try to pull apart the plastic, just cut it with scissors.  And since I was too dumb to have scissors, I managed to hook my thumb pretty deep with the barb clear through.  Conventional dehooking wisdom says cut the barb with pliers and back it out, but that is REALLY hard to accomplish with a hook in your dominant thumb, and hardened stainless hook to boot.  Ended up using a razor to cut the meat and get the hook out.  Hurt like crazy, but it was easy to clean out and healed well.  
    Wally Cat
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    Re: THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!! 2015/10/19 13:47:24 (permalink)
    Buried two of three barbs from a large pike plug with the pike hanging from the other treble hook into the inside of my forearm. I had picked the pike up and was showing it to my wife when it slipped out of my hand, fell and hooked my arm with the fish attached. The two hooks buried deep into the tendon area a few inches behind the wrist. I released the fish, cut the hooks, went to shore with the boat then proceeded to the hospital where two doctors numbed it and proceeded to remove both hooks by pushing them back up through the flesh and cutting off the barbs. Two hours later I was back on PI Bay fishing for pike. Yes I did have a net on board(my bad for not using it).

    Enjoy Life, Be Happy, Go Fish - Often!

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    Author..... Wally Cat
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    Re: THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!! 2015/10/19 14:54:24 (permalink)
    Lets not forget my buddy learning this lesson last winter. Folks at the VA had a good laugh that day as did I.
    Single egg dead-smack middle of his upper lip.

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    Re: THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!! 2015/10/21 13:07:58 (permalink)
    well that certainly beats my story of burying a hook in my lip while re-rigging on north pier years ago when I was a kid.  can still see my father looking at me shaking his head.  he pulled it out and we kept fishing as I bled all over.  didn't need tetanus shots back in those days.  lol  
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    Re: THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!! 2015/10/21 22:52:38 (permalink)
    This crap has me so paranoid now, I removed all the hooks from fishing lures before I went fish today.
    Didn't really matter either, the fish weren't hitting anything I threw to them!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!! 2015/10/22 10:56:00 (permalink)
    Had a hook in my foot fer four days out on the Boundary Waters, unfortunately just put up with it since the nearest hospital was 200 miles away. 

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    Re: THAT'S..... gonna hurt!!! 2015/10/22 13:28:00 (permalink)
         That's a very good selfie shot!! What kind of camera you using?? 

    Your not very nice.........................

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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