Lake Arthur 10/8/15

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2015/10/09 00:27:16 (permalink)

Lake Arthur 10/8/15

Actually made it out tonight.  Thought I'd do an old school Arthur report.  So here we go:
Lake temp @5pm - 65 degrees   @9pm - 63 degrees
Location - 422 side 
Got to the bear run ramp at 5pm.  Lake was as flat as I've seen it this year.  Maybe a dozen trailers in the lot; launched without issues.  Tried some shallow water perch spots first.  The water has a solid coating of pea green sludge (floating algae) anywhere off the main body of the lake.  The weeds seem to have died back a little though.  Perch were not attacking minnows.  Caught a couple dinks off the bottom.  Moved to one of our wiper/catfish spots, caught a few decent crappie on minnows.  They also weren't very aggressive.  Then had a beast of a wiper chew one of my crappie rigs.  Managed to land him after a really nice fight.  More details and a pic later.  Fishing buddy caught a middling channel cat on a 6" gizzard shad that I netted.  Also caught a few bluegills and one bullhead.  Got off the lake at 9:15 or so, home by 10pm.  Pretty good short trip, had fun.  
So I'm going to lay out the exact details of the wiper I caught, as an illustration of the unpredictability of these fish.  Our spot isn't one of the high profile spots for wipers on Arthur.  In fact, we chose it as much for less boats/idiots as for wiper/bait counts.  But it is a solid area and I know we can catch fish there (mostly channels) if the wipers don't show.  
The rig I hooked up on is a 6'6" ml berkeley lighting rod shock and a cabellas 2000 guide spinner (generic 5 or 6 bearing reel) spooled with suffix 8lb camo monofilament.  Hook was a #6 trokar octopus tied directly to the line with a palomar knot.  BB sized split shot about 8" from the hook and a bobber 2.5' above that.  Bobber is a Thill weighted with the spring jobber.  Bait was a "large" fathead minnow hooked up through the lips.   Drag set pretty light and the rod was sitting on the floor of the boat (not in a rod holder) when the fish hit.  The bobber was in appx 5' of water at the time of the strike.  
The fish is a nice one, 25" or so and I'm guessing 6lbs.  I will get the real numbers tomorrow, didn't feel like getting fishy again tonight.  (see pic)
So what did we learn there?  Pretty much nothing.  The truth is that there is no substitute for time on the water.  Spend enough time on Arthur and eventually some nice fish will eat your bait regardless of your intended species.  The real takeaway here would be two things: 1 - set your drag appropriately (light!) and 2 - fathead minnows are your friend.  If you spend any amount of time soaking bait on Arthur chances are very high that a channel cat will eat your bait.  Doesn't really matter what bait it is, or where you are fishing.  And some of the cats in there are really big.  You can land a 15lb channel cat on your snoopy rod, but if you have the drag cranked down that thing will asplode in your hands.  A light drag is your friend.  And other than the two or three species of baitfish on Arthur, EVERY OTHER FISH in there will eat a fathead minnow.  That is a fact.  Is that my (or anyone else's) first choice for wiper bait?  No.  But here is a list of the fish I have personally caught at Arthur (or witnessed on my boat) on a fathead minnow:
Musky, hybrid striped bass, largemouth bass, northern pike, walleye, crappie, perch, bluegill, channel cat, bullhead, snapping turtle, red eared slider
And I'm probably forgetting something on that list.  And yes, two of those aren't even fish.  
Anyway, that's my report.  Wasn't a great night number wise, but we had a heck of a time in a short 4 hours.  Completely worth it to drag the boat out on a nice fall evening.  Oh, at 9pm there wasn't a boat left in the 422 lot.  I think I saw some lights down by the island but I can't be sure.  Ghost town.  Not even any bank fishermen.  


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    Re: Lake Arthur 10/8/15 2015/10/09 00:40:57 (permalink)
    HEYYYY Zelie great story, nice to hear from ya and, glad you had a good time.  
    Did ya get that carburetor thing worked out on your big motor or did ya just put it away this year?

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Lake Arthur 10/8/15 2015/10/09 08:37:28 (permalink)
    I think I know the problem.  The gasket on the lower carb leaks fuel and is letting the carb suck air.  Guessing that's the remaining problem (running seafoam and spraying carb cleaner into the carbs seems to have helped it some).  Had intended to take the boat down to Delaware or failing that Erie last week or the week before but got hurricaned.  I'm still going to sell the pontoon in the spring.  Selling it now would just cost me money.  I'm thinking I'll miss it... hard to beat fishing from a floating mancave.  
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    Re: Lake Arthur 10/8/15 2015/10/09 09:04:58 (permalink)
    Glad to hear your getting the bugs worked out of that motor.  I hear ya on the floating mancave;  my wife recommended I down size with my boat, geeeez nooooo-way, it's taken me this long to get everything organized.   Certainly is wise, if ya have room, to store the 'toon' til spring giving you more time to think about selling it.  The Delaware thing has to suck........... stupid hurricanes!
    Til next time, tight lines.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Lake Arthur 10/8/15 2015/10/09 09:19:48 (permalink)
    Nice catch on the wiper.  Go figure, I spent about 5 hours targeting them and ended up with one, 10" shorter...  Usually though, if you target them, and get one, you usually are rewarded with 2-3 more.  Sucks that the panfish haven't gotten the message about Fall being here yet.  I need to get the kids out, always much more fun when catching with them.
    Tough call on the toon.  As long as you can stand and walk around on the new boat, that is the key to comfort IMO.  Might not be able to stretch out as much, but you'll get used to it.  I can't get used to my 12'er.  It just irritates me to have to sit for more than an hour, and feel every time someone moves.  The wind is even more annoying then on a small boat.
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    Re: Lake Arthur 10/8/15 2015/10/11 19:36:10 (permalink)
    10/11 /15 update report
    Bullied the wife into fishing today.  Got on the water around noon and pulled at 5pm.  Water temp, pea soup, etc the same as above.  Fish still not aggressive.  Managed enough small stuff to stay entertained, plus two nice channels (4-5lb range) and also a pair of 11" perch.  Found those at the last spot of the day and I'd have stayed for another couple of hours to dig a few more out but I didn't fancy selling half of my stuff.  :(  After catching typical Arthur dinks those big perch look like monsters.  Love that.  
    Couldn't BUY a crappie.  If you have solid intel on fall Arthur crappie I'll trade you specifics on channels or perch.  Though if you can catch crappie on Arthur I'm guessing you wouldn't need help with either of those.  SIGH.  Going to hire Babe Winkleman to take me out one of these days.  I think he's still alive?  
    Anyway, might be the last trip of the year for me.  Getting pretty quickly into coats-n-boots weather.
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    Re: Lake Arthur 10/8/15 2015/10/11 20:28:08 (permalink)
      Son is going to take me panfishing tomorrow. Only been down fishing twice this yr. Once right after ice-out for Byrds & once this spring for crappie. If it's half as good as those 2 days catching it will be some time at the butcher block. Old lady said buddie stocked the bait tank this week while I was up Linesville. Hope to get out a few more times before Christmas.
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    Re: Lake Arthur 10/8/15 2015/10/12 08:14:36 (permalink)
    I made it out with the family on Saturday.  Only fished for about 2 hours.  Not enough to make a boat trip worth it.  In that time, 1 gill, 1 15" large mouth and 1 5" large mouth.  Lake temp was reading 67, which was up from Wednesday...  10 day forecast looks favorable.  Not sure if enough to get them moving by the weekend or not.  Going to give it a try.  Dry storage deadline is Saturday.  
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    Re: Lake Arthur 10/8/15 2015/10/13 20:39:28 (permalink)
    Didn't make it out 'till after 6:00 & the Steeler game made for a quick trip. Perch= slow 2 Jumbos, 12 Slabs, handfull ov gills & 'bout 7-10 smaller Crappie. Nice to get out with son & sit down while fishin' for a change.
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    Re: Lake Arthur 10/8/15 2015/10/30 10:20:40 (permalink)
    Anyone doing any good from land lately? For any species? My uncle and I are going to hit some creeks in the area this weekend for troot and after we each catch a few dozen (I hope!) or the bite dies down (more likely option) I plan on trying to drag him to Arthur if I can, which will be hard for a trout nut like him but he doesn't get to fish as often anymore so I think we'll make it a long day of fishing.

    Hoping to find some wipers or largemouth if we go there (musky rod and reel I'm getting isn't coming for another week or more of course!) and I might set out some bait for cats, perch, or crappie too.
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    Re: Lake Arthur 10/8/15 2015/10/30 10:30:47 (permalink)
    if you cast it, they will bite.

    Got Walleye???
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    Re: Lake Arthur 10/8/15 2015/10/30 10:40:16 (permalink)
    Pan fish and large mouth are fattening up for the Winter.  I'm sure the wipers are too, but not sure where.  My guess is not close to shore, but who knows.  Pan fish and large mouth are shallow, so should be fine from shore.  Find some weed beds and you should find some perch and gills.  Bass seem to be following them around, and occasional northern or channel in the same locations.  I got a 24.5" large mouth 2 weeks ago, a ton of smaller ones than that around.  The perch don't seem to bite hard, so calmer water seems to be better than a chop.  Always better if you put on the waders and open up a lot more spots than just the shoreline.  You don't need to go deep, more to get you around shoreline obstructions.
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