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Big Tuna
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/23 12:00:34 (permalink)
We took field pics with a digital camera and a I phone,will that work for posting pics. I did have my deer scored by a friend that does that ( he's an official scorer )and it scored 133 7/8. It's my second biggest buck I've ever taking. Although I thought about mounting it I'm still not sure, several things I don't like shorter G'2s,one beams longer not even,three points have small chips on the ends,but the most concerns are a handsize rubbed out spot on the top of his head that has no hair. I know it sounds like I'm knit picking but I have several deer mounted the are prettier looking in the 17 - 20 in spread range. Plus my wife's a little intimidated walking through the game room( she said it getting a little creepy with all those eyes, full body Turkey's and coyotes,flying geese and ducks). My son and I are into these skull mounts that she hates more so I'll probably do a that and make a floor pedestal wood display. My son and I make unbelievable wooden plaques. Hope it get pics up.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/23 12:55:53 (permalink)
Big Tuna
a handsize rubbed out spot on the top of his head that has no hair. 

9 pointer my son shot last year had a similar deal - kinda crusty looking.  Didn't think much of it - just thought he was a scrapper/aggressive with making rubs, until my buddy who was doing a Euro mount for him texted me and told me it had a small hole in its skull, likely from a .22 round from a poacher.  Localized infection right under the scalp.  
Congrats on a great sounding buck!  
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/23 13:46:12 (permalink)
I know a taxidermist that can take an old set of horns having never been mounted and use a cape from a doe.  So, I don't think the bald spot is an issue.  And no one but your taxidermist would know!  

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/23 16:36:52 (permalink)
                                                                              ssssStop that !

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Big Tuna
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/23 18:50:39 (permalink)
Seriously I don't think a doe cape would look right, this buck has a quite large in rut neck. I caped it out today and froze the head and hide,so I'll have some time to think about it. I may have to pick out a pose with him looking up and to the left. I have  quite a few mounts in just about every pose there is,but taxidermy has come a long way,my guy does assume work and big deer don't every year.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2015/11/23 18:54:43
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/23 19:47:51 (permalink)
BTDT......You know someone who covers Bald spots????
How about a full skull cap for me???
Although the brown may be a turn off for the wifey tho !!!
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/23 20:33:12 (permalink)
Wags..........  why do you think they call me BTDT.
Just make sure which end of the deer is caped, although people do tell me the tail, does make for a cute pony tail.

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/24 20:18:01 (permalink)
BTDT-----Speaking of TAIL
While bear hunting today, I found 3 pairs of used girls panties??
Anyone want to call ownership???
Sugar run road in New Florence.....
1-pink, 1-black, 1-leopard print.......
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/24 20:40:12 (permalink)
Ummmmm,  I'm thinkin.........  that's just a little more than, we needed to know!   Butttttttt, 'nibs' on the leopard print!!

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/25 09:18:40 (permalink)
Were they military undies-ya know -hash marks depicting rank.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/25 20:51:08 (permalink)
Never picked them up. There was a buck carcass 10 feet away. I did NOT want to find out which the odor was coming from....
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/25 21:10:12 (permalink)
Erased my last- I GOT IT---
A hunter was lost for days and had seen nothing to eat
He finally saw the buck and shot it
3 young women wearing nothing but those undies ran out of the woods to him
They each had a knowing twinkle in their eyes
The hunter said 'are you girls game' ??
In unison the all said YES
So-- he shot them too- ate his fill and left
post edited by r3g3 - 2015/11/25 21:27:48
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/26 09:26:13 (permalink)
r3g3 are yooooooooooou, by chance, celebrating the holidays a little early?  
Maybe a bit toooooooo much smoke (second hand of course), drink or possibly both?
If so........  good for you, enjoy yourself!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/11/26 09:30:06

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/28 19:32:26 (permalink)
I'm pretty sure God is teaching me a lesson in humility. 6 weeks hanging in a tree and I blew the one shot at this buck and now he is out walking around in the daylight.


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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/28 20:53:53 (permalink)
Great pictures SWR  and I know that feeling of humility but, consider yourself lucky ya ain't gotta deal with........ u-kno-who.[]

That is a dandy buck and while we're at it, exactly where were........... these pictures taken?
Thanks for showin em and good luck if yer heading out Monday.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/28 21:21:42 (permalink)
See what I'm saying SWR...........  He [] just won't let up!  But, since he [] mentioned it,  if by chance,  your not using your stand Monday......

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/29 08:24:43 (permalink)
I will let this much out of the's on a 100 piece of property I leased and I am I can hear the shooting on the goose management area at Pymatuning.  Now, if either of you find me, I will put you in a!!  Seriously, good luck!
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/29 18:00:17 (permalink)
Well ------I get "The Call" 1am this morning, Dad we are all fine BUT been in a crash.
He hit a deer, everyone is okay , the car made it home,3 miles, but has a good bit of damage.
Says it was a one of the biggest bucks he had ever seen. Route 51 Large hill in front of the new "Ultra" body shop.
That makes both my sons and wife have hit deer in the past 2 months....
...I hope to hit mine with 180 grains tomorrow......
Walleye jigs
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/29 18:50:54 (permalink)
Thank God one was hurt to bad about the car. It's going to be dangerous out there for the next few days.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/29 20:26:37 (permalink)
Glad to hear all is OK Wags, sucks about the car. Stupid deer!
Good luck tomorrow to all whom may venture forth in hopes of harvesting one of PA's elusive Antlered Stupid White-Tailed Deer.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/12/01 15:05:22 (permalink)
Well ------I get "The Call" 1am this morning, Dad we are all fine BUT been in a crash.
He hit a deer, everyone is okay , the car made it home,3 miles, but has a good bit of damage.
Says it was a one of the biggest bucks he had ever seen. Route 51 Large hill in front of the new "Ultra" body shop.
That makes both my sons and wife have hit deer in the past 2 months....
...I hope to hit mine with 180 grains tomorrow......

Glad everyone is ok.  Saw one of the biggest bucks of my life (on the hoof) crossing that side road (forget the name) that cuts through the hill there on Large hill (going up from the bridge on the right almost across from Ultra).  Just happened to look over to the left on my way down the hill on my way home from work and saw him cross that side road.  That steep, thick hillside must be a good haunt for them big boys.....

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/12/02 21:53:11 (permalink)
First day of Buck.
Saw my 1st deer at 9:50 am.... a nice 6 point @ 150 yards. Walking the ridge no background ----let him go.
Watched 4 then 2 doe moving along in the next hour.
After lunch took a walk. Buddy set up in a clearing near a large field.
I walked the edge of the field, and a nice buck stood up @ 20 feet. He tried to sneak away, BUT his rack hit the branches. He moved the edge back towards my buddy. I heard another move out into the field, later find out it was his beatch.
Waited 5 minutes then started to follow him. 20 yards then WHAM...........
Waited 1 minute called him "That you?"----"Yep"
After 150 yards there he laid.....
Had to drag 15 yards out of the nasty****thicket, but he weighed 550 prior to gutting him....
Only 10 yards to tractor.....Thank The Lord.....
90 minutes later.... Capped and quartered and in the fridge........
I got this manAttachments are not available: Download requirements not met a  buck in 2011 and now in 2015........sure hope he pays me back SOON........
OH I lied about the 550.......but I am out of shape....
post edited by BIG WAGS - 2015/12/02 21:54:12


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Re: Early season results?? 2015/12/02 21:59:48 (permalink)
Eyes and Gills.... Hunted that steep slope a few times +35 years ago. We drove it, and yes there are 3 benches they hide on...
MANY big boyz hung out on that hillside and also between 51 and West Elizabeth.

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/12/02 22:13:56 (permalink)
Way to go Wags 
Now whatta ya gonna do?????

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/12/02 23:13:06 (permalink)
The wrong way to get your buck................ 

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Big Tuna
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/12/03 03:21:38 (permalink)
What are buddies for,congrats on your buddies buck.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/12/03 21:04:50 (permalink)
BTDT-----My buddy shot the buck.I am still "in the hunt"
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/12/07 20:41:19 (permalink)
Well really should move this to big game not archery/ early season...
BUT headed up to Forbes State forest---Uniontown mountain---Elliotsville road onto Brethren Summit Road then all the way to the top...
My dad got his first buck there, after 30 years of hunting. (also his second one too the next year, Both huge tens).
Creeped down in prior to light. it was so quiet and peaceful. I love BIG woods.
Saw 2 tree rats, heard a turkey, +50 crows, and a hawk that was 24" tall........
Found ONE pile of deer pellets, one OLD scrape......THAT IS ALL
Did hear 14 shots by 11am...that's when I called it Quits.
NEXT YEAR....remind me to post where I will be hunting, so all yinz guyz know to go elsewhere....
Somewhat like a winter weather forecast....
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/12/07 21:14:57 (permalink)
Don't give up hope Wags, there's still time, look at me.  Well on second thought, forget that "look at me" part, it might give ya nightmares or sumthin.
I just checked out some new turf and I'm all kinds of excited.  I just know, the changes being made with the White-Tailed Deer eradication program, this new place could be polluted with deer in, say, five years.
Good luck, don't give up, ya just never know.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/12/08 09:05:10 (permalink)
Well my last morning in my ladder stand was a bust. ONE doe snuck in turned and left. Trail camera shows a little 5 point, not even above his ears. Also showed the 8 pt. is still on the prowl. He only went past once in the past 9 days. The other pictures are of doe.  The one pair of doe bedded in front of the camera @ 8:45pm and did not get up until 5am.
Really seemed odd 8 hours and at night.
       So with that my season is over.......well until Day after Christmas......
                                         (to bad my weapons don't any destruction to the deer herd, let alone mass destruction)
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