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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/13 16:44:12 (permalink)
Had the day off and made it out to the stand at 6:30 this morning to ride out the wind. Right around 7:30 I caught some movent coming from the north side of me quickly. Look, count 3 up on one side, and get ready for him to come in front of me. This guy was on a mission, nose to the ground. Thought he was going to head out about 30yds from me, but he turned and came in 15 yds out broadside. Let out a mouth grunt trying to get him to stop, and he paid no attention. Let out a second loud one ( might as well have yelled Hey Deer! ) and got him to stop. Let the bolt fly, and stuck him right behind the shoulder. As he walked away, my bolt was stuck in him with about 5" still sticking out, no pass thru. Watched him walk away 40 yds, then lost sight in a thicket of briars. Sat for the next hour in the stand worrying that maybe I hit him a little more high and forward than I thought, and hoping he went down. When I finally climbed down and checked the beginning of the blood trail I felt much better seeing the bubbles in the blood. Pulled out, called my father and my buddy josh, and waited. Picked up the trail when they got there, and didn't have to go far. Tracked it about 60 yds and found him piled up. Perfect double lung shot.

At 35 yrs old ( took a hiatus from hunting through my 20's ) this is the first buck I've ever shot. I'm unbelieveably excited and you couldn't slap the smile off my face, but I think my father was actually more pumped than I am. A great day hunting in nw pennsylvania. Good luck to all those still trying to fill a tag. Spent over 80 hrs in the stand this year, and 15 seconds changed everything.

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/13 16:57:15 (permalink)
Congrats great looking buck..... Always an exciting moment.... And very special !!!

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/13 18:18:00 (permalink)
I hit a giant yesterday. Looked all day today .. Shot was right above the front shoulder. Hit the back shoulder and arrow broke off 8" in. Blood everywhere for bout 50yards then trickle for another 50 then nothing. Backed out until the morning Rained over night and ended washing all remaining blood away and we never found the deer today. Can't believe it. Deer could barely walk
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/13 18:38:45 (permalink)
That stinks eman.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/13 18:45:42 (permalink)
I'm unbelieveably excited and you couldn't slap the smile off my face ~ Crappie_Slayer
That is one great story Crappie_Slayer; just beautiful!  
Congratulations on a dandy buck and for the picture of the smile.

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/13 19:00:32 (permalink)
I hit a giant yesterday. Looked all day today .. Shot was right above the front shoulder. Hit the back shoulder and arrow broke off 8" in. Blood everywhere for bout 50yards then trickle for another 50 then nothing. Backed out until the morning Rained over night and ended washing all remaining blood away and we never found the deer today. Can't believe it. Deer could barely walk

If ya haven't already tried Ed, start at the last known position (mark that spot) of the deer and begin making tight circles, returning back to the start point.  The more people making the circles at the same time the better. Don't overlook any possibility such as pile of rocks, brush pile or, even an "island" in an open field.  
Not trying to tell ya what to do, just hoping you can recover your deer and the circle method is by far the most successful search pattern.  Hanging strips of fluorescent orange marking your path will greatly enhance your search.
It may take a couple of days for that deer to die and you may just be pushing him in your hopes of finding him.  Stay with it, if he's hit as hard as you say, ya just never know.
Good luck.

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Big Tuna
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/13 19:02:09 (permalink)
Nice buck, Slayer way to hang in there,never give up. All it takes is a second.  Beautiful text book shot. When you hit them right they don't go far. Congrats.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/13 21:08:08 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby mr.crappie 2015/11/13 23:52:13
Tough luck Eman- that stuff happens if ya hunt long enough- never feels good and causes lost sleep.
Keep an eye out for buzzards and crows in that area- might at least be able to get a set of horns out of it.
They can clean up a Deer in a couple of days along with some Yotes.
Nothing goes to waste.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/14 10:39:48 (permalink)
Shouldn't this thread be changed to "Hail Mary Results?" 
Good to see all the pics from the successful hunters.  
Last few weeks chasing deer have been a bust for my son and I.  Lost one of our prime spots this year that I've been hunting for 12 years so we've been learning some new places to hunt.  We were seeing quite a few deer in mid-late October in a couple different spots, but other than a few does and a couple young bucks out in fields well out of range, we haven't seen anything in our last 4 or 5 hunts in 2D.  Might get out for a last ditch effort this evening for an hour or two.  
We have a couple places in 2B to hunt that we haven't hit up yet this year, so we may venture to one of those areas over the next few weeks.  But now that he finally turned 12 last week, more than deer are finally on the menu for us.  Hopefully spend a little time chasing small game and waterfowl.  
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/14 11:42:11 (permalink)
Yeah going to give it one last shot myself and hunting 2D too, all the shooters have been on my camera from 3am to 5:30 am ... Oh well been slow but had my chance a few weeks ago , totally on me I just messed up and got busted.... Anyhow at 64 I've had my share of good hunts and a few mess up's too ... So anytime i get to be out in the woods is a good day for me .....good Luck out there today guys ......

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/14 14:19:07 (permalink)
Geez, anybody sitting in their stand when the "Gales of November" came rippin thru just before sunset yesterday?  Man that gust of wind made the tree I had my highchair tied to bend so far over, the bottom of the ladder rails weren't touching the ground!   That ain't all, when the tree straightened, I was sitting on the other side! 
Okay, so, it wasn't quite that bad cause I was only two feet off the ground but, it coulda been!  
Actually, right after the blizzard followed by the torrential downpour the sky cleared and the wind died down which brought about hope of bedded down deer jumping up and heading to the feeding grounds.  Which probably did occur but, not past me. Stupid deer.
Gonna finish off this last evening, once again perched in my high chair, reminiscing about the good old days when I would be doing something else besides, sitting in a highchair waiting on a stupid deer.
In closing out this years archery season may I say, it has been a pleasure making the acquaintance of so many good [Walcat not included] people who have, been more than kind in putting up with my stupid comments and antics.
Deer or no deer, this season shall go into my archives as being one of my most enjoyable as far as, 'chytz and giggles' are concerned.
Thank-you and good luck to those still seeking the, ever elusive and, smart PA. White-Tailed Deer.
So long for now.
I gotta git ready for two weeks of gun season, then two more weeks of archery, happy days are here again.......

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/14 14:55:03 (permalink)
Geez, anybody sitting in their stand when the "Gales of November" came rippin thru just before sunset yesterday?  Man that gust of wind made the tree I had my highchair tied to bend so far over, the bottom of the ladder rails weren't touching the ground!   That ain't all, when the tree straightened, I was sitting on the other side! 

Not in a tree stand, but was in a ground blind when I thought a train was coming through the woods and across the field.  My son said, "Dad, look how bad those trees are bending over there!"  It was weird, that big gust stayed about 200 yards north of us and never hit our hideout.  But I was quickly formulating a plan on how to best escape a ground blind if one of the cherry trees along the field edge would have come crashing down.  
Good luck to you this evening BTDT.  I'll be in the blind with 3 boys here in about an hour - my 12 and 5 year old sons, and the oldest's best friend.  Should have a good story to tell about that one.  Warming up some outerwear that's been hanging outside in the dryer now.  
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/14 20:00:39 (permalink)
Walcat my wife says she'll let me have one real bullet to hunt with if I do well practicing with my squirtgun.  
rsquared, I hear ya on the emergency exit plan.  Night before last, I moved my ground blind in preparation for gun season.  I wasn't 20 yds. from the blind when I heard the wind coming across the field, never even felt the slightest breeze and my blind took off and became a new beaver hut.  Buddy, I'm glad I wasn't in that thing the way it ripped into the air and flew across the ground into the water.   And yes Walcat I had the stakes in the ground, point first. 
Hope things went well for you today (maybe see some pictures), sounds like you might have your hands full.
It's times like these, that make me wonder if all the time, effort and, money are worth hunting, any longer, then something like this happens right in my back yard.   Can't help but change my mind and say yes it is. Not all resident geese but, they'll lay over in the beaver pond for a while, many staying until freeze up.
Just finished putting some of my archery gear to rest, the blind still lays in a pile at the corner of my field, but I'm already looking forward to second season.  No deer (yet) and not real interested with bear as I haven't seen any new sign of my resident bruin.
Good news, The Boot Box is having a sale beginning Tuesday and their selling a ground blind for $40.00.  I gotta go see if the wife needs a new pair of slippers or something.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/14 20:02:17 (permalink)
Well no tags filled but it has been a fun year..... Have enjoyed it and all you guys posts .... Lol. A little excitement tonight... Sitting in my stand about 4:30 hear some crashing through the ticket. Have bow in hand, see these 2?doe just flying probably 50 yds from me. Now I just know I'm going to see the buck that I've been looking for following them ..... RIGHT !! ... NOT it was my cousin's dog chasing them... He followed them into thicket then back under my stand , had some doe scent hanging he got wind of that went and checked it out.... So at least I know it was working, I look and see her walking back up the field toward her house was going to **** at her but her would probably just laugh and say awwww it was almost dark ..... Ya right prime time !!! But it is their property so what ya going to do that is how my evening hunt went .....

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/14 20:54:29 (permalink)
Well . . . 1 fat guy and 3 boys piled into a 2 man blind was pretty fun.  We were set up on a field edge and right around 5:00, we had a doe followed by a young 'un that closed the distance from 65 yards as she stepped out of the woods to 42 yards in the field.  Just about 10 yards too far for my son to shoot, but it's always fun to see him get a case of buck fever.  I was pretty impressed with my crew that they all got still and quiet enough for a couple of minutes for her to calm down and close that distance.  She and her skipper turned and headed away from us.  Not alarmed or running, but just a change in direction.  Right before shooting time was over, could hear a deer in the woods close to us coming along a scrape line which would have brought it right in front of us at 25 yards had it stepped out, but it never did and I could hear it change direction as it stayed in the woods, just out of sight.  
Although we can hunt a few properties in 2B, I'm ready for a bit of a break from deer hunting, and I think my son is too.  I know for sure the 5 year old is.  He did great on 3 hunts with us this year.  A year makes a big difference.  Bribing him with a stop at Subway for dinner works well.  
Monday is looking good to me for the big boy to skip at least a morning of school, and maybe a whole day.  Have lost all of my local duck hunting puddles the last few years, but now that the season is in for the south zone, we may head to a public area for his first crack at wingshooting.  He's done pretty well on clay pigeons with the new 20 gauge he got for his birthday.  Or we might head to Erie for some steelhead fishing. 
BTDT, thanks for the heads up on the Boot Box Blind sale.  I was just thinking as we were packing up that we should buy a cheap blind or two and brush 'em in good and leave 'em set up on the property we hunted this evening and use our current one as the traveling blind.  
Enjoyed reading all the stories and experiences here, as I do every year.  Know a few of yinz hunt 2B and will have a few more weeks to get it done with the bow.  Good luck.  
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/14 21:19:12 (permalink)
Here's one that sort of gotta way. Local Police car got him on route 51 just south of the Elizabeth bridge.
PSGC tagged him. Meat was not wasted, found its way to the butcher.
LOVE seeing the pictures of all yinz kills.............
Ok 2B still hitting it Mon & Tues......


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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/15 12:50:34 (permalink)
I spent about 10 hours in a tree yesterday to see a grand total of 3 deer.  2 does out feeding with out a care in the world and a spike who  also seemed more interested in sucking down acorns than finding love.  
This has been some of the slowest hunting that I've ever experienced in November.  I'm not sure what the reason is as things seemed to be breaking loose around Halloween and then everything just seemed to go dead a few days later.  
I've got a few more days to get it done with the bow in 2B with the extended season.  I've never spent much time in the woods during the post-rut, so we'll see what happens.  
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/16 22:32:09 (permalink)
Well those stupid deer are still out there...............
Saw nada this morning.
Got to see a doe across the field this evening........
Even though this evening's weapon of choice was my Mossberg 9200.....
OH stupid turkey's too...................
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/16 23:16:24 (permalink)
Wags it sounds like your going from bad to worse,  say it ain't so!
Had a deer blast across the road in front of me on my way back from Pymatuning tonight.  Wasn't so close as to cause a "panic break" but sudden enough to cause me to pucker and impose a self inflicted wedgie. 

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/17 21:23:32 (permalink)
Well Xbow this morning, walking to my OLD spot, what the heck could be worse.
Well 50 feet from my driveway looky I see a gobbler roosted 50 yards from my tree stand.
He's got a +10" beard...........STUPID TURKEY
Climbed the mountain to my old spot, okay not a mountain but 1/4 mile up hill at my age a mountain it is.
Sat at the intersection of 2 fields. I saw over 150 crows fly by, yes I was counting WHY NOT no stupid deer around.
Headed back 8:30ish, wife has garbage waiting to be taken to the curb. I get to the curb turn around look to the woods and watch a deer bed down 30 feet from my tree stand. So grab the Xbow sneak to the tree climb in and there is 3 doe, 2 bedded and one feeding. Watched them for an hour then gave up...............
Hanging it up---archery season over for me.
OH chiropractor appt. at 3:30 on way home saw 5 deer in 3 different spots........
Let hope bear season goes better......BUT I DOUBT IT...........
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/17 22:43:21 (permalink)
Good luck with the bear Wags and better luck with the deer in gun season.
I hear ya on the mountain climbing buddy(lol) it's pretty much flat out to my stands but I swear it's straight-up.........  both ways.
If ya wanna get even with that turkey, I got a 3" mortar saved from the fourth that ya could light* off under his roost.  I had several but, I needed to get even with some duck hunters hunting with a bazooka.  At least I think it was duck hunters, hell for all I know, it may have been Troy "chooting" alligators in the swamp.
*Disclaimer: Not responsible for any resulting wild fires.
Enjoyed your rants, keep us informed on hunting bear.  {I am not, touching that one}

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/17 23:11:40 (permalink)
Any geese at pyma btdt? See any significant numbers? Seen about two hundred today in the national forest... No shooting
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/17 23:37:25 (permalink)
To be honest with ya Ed, I don't remember seeing any geese at all.  I was between the Jamestown launch and the dam and any geese that I have seen in the past has been more up towards Snodgrass, usually sitting in the residential yards.
Have ya tried watching recently harvested corn fields around any type of water at all?  I've got flocks of geese coming into my beaver ponds just before dark and leaving before sun up.  I hear shooting from the fields and usually see the flocks circling over head as they get busted from one field and relocate to another.  The Amish usually nail them the first couple of days they arrive.  Doesn't take the geese long to learn when they can and can't fly in safely.  Haven't had my cameras on the water since deer season started so I can't say if any birds remain on the ponds between sun up and sun down.  I put this up a few days ago but, I don't know if they are still hanging around as I have not been home in the evening.   And I sure don't get up before they leave in the morning!

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/20 08:57:06 (permalink)
Saw absolutely no ducks or geese on the bayou yesterday.  However, this morning I did see a flock of about 50 geese circling over the area.
Thinking they ain't using the ponds at night and probably have found a safe haven where they ain't being shot at with ten hundred gauge bazookas.
Great news regarding the elusive White-Tailed Deer, the last couple days.     Deer are moving through my hunting grounds once again, so far my field cams have captured  doe feeding in my field.  Since I have two cameras and each have a picture of a feeding deer would it be, safe to assume there [is/are] two deer remaining?  The cameras are spaced approximately 300 yd.s apart.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/20 12:46:06 (permalink)
Walcat you ain't over by Mt Lebo again are you? Hear tell that's where ALL the deer are.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/20 12:53:12 (permalink)
Had one of my best hunts of the year,and didn't even release a Rage. Set in my ground ground blind 6:00 am daylight comes slow,but soon after hear deer coming 4 bodies come out of the shadows,a beautiful double white patched doe,then two skippers,long looks at the blind,then a true tank doe. All four are feeding in the corn stubble from 5- 15 yards. I start thinking that big doe would really fill up the freezer,flip the safety turn on the lighted 3 dot sight,I put the 20 yard pin a inch lower in the kill zone,start squeezing the trigger and stop. It would have been beautiful broadside shot with her head in the chiseled corn but they it's the ruts. Ten minutes pass and they feed away. More rustling a doe is running my way followed by a more than respectable heavy horned high white racked huge body Ohio buck. It happened so fast it was over in a heartbeat. No shot moving fast and gone. I'm a little sick but thankful to witness such a wonderful sight. Time goes by more rustling, bb following mommy that the bucks running. More time,more rustling here come a fat big spike,yes Ohio has spikes too. It's over the deer woods turns into a Fox squirrel party and I have to get home to wait the the repairman to service the fridge. Hope he comes soon I'd like to be back on that buck this afternoon. A great hunt with no kill. But soon to come. Part two will be the kill story. I hope lol
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/20 22:43:22 (permalink)
Part two is complete. The two repairman come and want to talk hunting more than do their job.2:30 pm they leave, I quickly gather my stuff and speed away. Park at 3:25 in my blind by 3:35 pm. I settled down and time ticks away,no deer why the morning was just crazy now nothing. I'm watching the sun sinking down and was spectacular. At 5.15 I catch movement to my left coming down wind, their he is Mr. Bigs from this morning,he stops broadside at 25 I'm on him and send a  Rage to the cage,crack! I hear ribs snapping,he does a 180 dashes 30 yards stops and just stands there. He toppled over in less 5 seconds. Dowm,finished,stone dead. I've never seen a mature deer die that quick. Well I'm done in two states but may gun hunt week. Today is like a dream. he's a main frame. 10 with a sticker and a kicker,so he's a 12 pt with  a 19 inch spread. I got to post some pics.What a day
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/21 04:04:57 (permalink)
Sweet, congrats. The eight I got was the largest of 12 legal bucks I had under 20 yards throughout the season so I was feeling pretty good until archery bear. Now I have seen three that make mine look like a shrimp. I also couldn't find the bear that was around during deer archery. Maybe today.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/21 08:08:52 (permalink)
Congrats BT. Sounds like a great day
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/11/21 09:22:06 (permalink)
Congratulation BT, hope ya can get your pictures posted.
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Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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