Fall Erie perch - which launch?

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2015/09/22 12:18:46 (permalink)

Fall Erie perch - which launch?

Weather looks pretty good for this weekend on Erie.  Very light wind and low/mid 70s.  Anyone have the scuzzle on which launch the perch are closer to?  Been launching at the East launch but could easily go west.  Thanks.

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    Re: Fall Erie perch - which launch? 2015/09/22 13:52:17 (permalink)
    we made our last perch run for the season last friday.  we went out of walnut.  we got into them big with 3 limits but they didn't turn on til about 9:30 then a huge flurry at 11 o'clock.  the size of these fish was nothing to write home about.  might have been 3 or 4 jumbos total with most in the 8 to 10 inch range.  there were alot of smaller fish this trip.  we talked to a few boats and it seemed like an all or nothing kind of day.  some boats limiting, others reporting 9 or 10 total.  I posted a report so not spot burning here.  we went NW out of Walnut to 55 fow.  pretty good size pack for a weekday and this late in the season.  if you go east again let me know how you did.  just curious.
    Big Steve
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    Re: Fall Erie perch - which launch? 2015/09/22 19:58:40 (permalink)
    From PR FB feed, sounds identical to pp2's post

    Poor Richards Bait and Tackle
    22 hrs ·
    ... The last anybody knew the perch were in 50 to 60 foot of water and the walleyes were in 60 to 70 foot of water both west of walnut from trout to Elk creek. Good luck and happy fishing Jr.
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    Re: Fall Erie perch - which launch? 2015/09/24 15:06:55 (permalink)
    Depending on how far west you want to travel, we went out of Ashtabula yesterday and got three limits in two and a half hours. Lakeshore had plenty of bait too. Less than 4 miles out to the pack and it was non stop action.
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    Re: Fall Erie perch - which launch? 2015/09/24 16:06:20 (permalink)
    Don't have an ohio license, so I'm not likely to go that far west.  But despite the helpful advice it looks like this weekend is a scratch.  Going to haul the boat up to BDTD's back yard and run it wide open until I burn the crap out of my carbs.  If that fails I spend Sunday helping tear them down manually with my carb guy instead of drinking beer and watching felons tackle each other in tight pants.  
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    Re: Fall Erie perch - which launch? 2015/09/24 18:49:26 (permalink)
    Stop at Walmart and pick-up some "Sea Foam" or "Lucas Upper Cylinder Lubricant", both clean injectors and carburetors.  I add the "Lucas" every time I fuel..............  don't know if it works but, I add it.
    Seriously, you should try it, gives me a really good excuse to tell my better half I gotta run a tank of gas through the boat.  I asssume you are already running the "Sta-Bil Marine" 
    The garbage they sell at the gas stations today is just horrible on small engine carbs, (especially the older models) the alcohol just destroys any rubber parts. (ever wonder why your wiper blades don't last?(on your vehicle))  Also, have ya tried running the higher octane gasoline(s)?  Giddy-up-go!!!!!   Makes your windshield wipers go like he......
    As you know, I'm no expert when it comes to this type of thing but, I did reead the labels on the "Lucas" and "SeaFoam" bottles.
    Hope ya make it up this weekend; bring a gas mask and rubber suit (not yellow (please!)), toxic algae bloom.... don't-cha-know?
    Last but not least, I live about twenty minutes away and have a tow rope and the "Fish Hawk" is always ready so, call me if ya run into trouble.
    Good luck

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Fall Erie perch - which launch? 2015/09/24 19:44:27 (permalink)
    Yep... gonna run some fresh high octane full of seafoam through.  Then dose the under-the-floor tank liberally also.  Hope that does the trick.  
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    Re: Fall Erie perch - which launch? 2015/09/24 20:41:58 (permalink)
    Zelie speaking of that on board tank; do I remember correctly (for my age) you having trouble when you drew fuel from that tank in the past.
    Just wondering if the fuel line might be original, permanently connected and, still in use.  
    Also, has any oil and gas been mixed in that tank over the years??????
    Can and, has the pick-up tube been pulled from the tank and the screen been inspected for a build-up of sediment and other gooey, yucky, slop that develops from water and oil mixing?  If there's any sign of that sludge on the pick-up tube I'm pretty sure ya got more in the tank.  Nothing but steaming or replacing is gonna fix that problem.
    Just thinkin out loud as usual................
    Your friend and mine,

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Fall Erie perch - which launch? 2015/09/25 08:26:09 (permalink)
    Replaced the fuel line, ball and connector from****to elbow earlier in the year.  Could very well have gunk in it, but I won't know until I pull it out this winter.  If the in the floor tank is going to be a long term PITA, I might just rig the floor as a storage cubby and get long hoses for removable tanks.  But we'll see what happens.
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