AnsweredBaitcast Level wind SUCK!

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2015/09/17 16:00:03 (permalink)

Baitcast Level wind SUCK!

Title says it but it is mostly user-error as I've never cast one; until yesterday that is.
I got to the lake front and was ecstatic to finally have a little time to fish with my new Abu Garcia 6601HC Record round-baitcast reel. I had it loaded with about 50 yards of 10 lb mono and the main line is Power Pro 30 lb test with about a 3 ft 10lb fluro leader. Prior to my first cast, I through on a 1/3 oz little cleo spoon and set the brakes to the point where my lure would just slowly decend toward the ground. I then engaged the free spool, wound up and let her fly....Only to about 5 yards or so  accompanied by a braid birds nest that was pretty much ready to be cut off. But I calmed down, got the bird nest out and tried again; this time remembering to thumb the spool while line peeled off; to my surprise, the lure maybe went three yards this time and again, another nasty birds nest. At this point I'm already ****ed off. Thinking to myself, while feeling like a total****as other fisherman laugh and giggle to themselves, I undo yet another nest and tried again. But with the same outcome. If the rod/reel combo I put together didn't cost me $500+, I was at the point of throwing the whole outfit into Lake Erie. I am not sure what the heck I am doing wrong...
My checklist: Prior to making any purchases for this rig, I was sure to match both the rod (a Lamiglas rod rated for 10-15 lb test and lure weight range of 1/4-3/8oz) and the reel (listed above) together based on line/lure weight ratings. Every time I try to thumb the spool, it seems I am rewarded with another birds nest and terrible distances. Should I simply return the rod and reel and stick to good ol' fly fishing, or maybe buy yet another spinning reel. I am at a lost and hoping for any pointers and or suggestions. 
Thank you,
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Re: Baitcast Level wind SUCK! 2015/09/17 17:13:18 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby xXBeastFeesherManXx 2015/09/18 10:58:27
Take all the power pro off . I made the mistake putting it on myself was a nightmare. P -line or cheap old trilean lays down quick also .

Mercury jet, & Tohotsu prop.  Lowes boat, ST. Croix poles Shimano reels .
Big Steve
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Re: Baitcast Level wind SUCK! 2015/09/17 18:18:45 (permalink) ☼ Best Answerby xXBeastFeesherManXx 2015/09/18 10:57:50
BTDT made some great suggestions here:

Being your first time, I would start with something heavier than 1/3 oz and without hooks. Less chance of loosing it as you dig out a birds nest. Use a 1 oz sinker. I think I read (I could be wrong) that it has a centrifugal brake as well cast control. Turn on all six pins of the cb. As you become more accustomed, and are able to control the reel gradually turn them off.
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Re: Baitcast Level wind SUCK! 2015/09/17 19:20:31 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby xXBeastFeesherManXx 2015/09/18 10:57:55
Sounds like you are letting the spool go to late, cast side arm and try letting it go a little earlier.

"Fishermen are born honest, but they get over it." Ed Zern
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Re: Baitcast Level wind SUCK! 2015/09/17 20:58:17 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby xXBeastFeesherManXx 2015/09/18 10:57:59
I'd put the lure you want to use on. Set to free spool, as the lure drops tighten the break till it stops. Wind the lure back up and loosen the break a hair. Try and cast it feathering the spool with your thumb. If it's a good cast you can pull off an extra twenty feet of line and put a piece of scotch tape across the spool before you wind in, to cut down on the backlash. Hope this helps. Remember to adjust the break with each lure change and watch casting into the wind.
post edited by Bare - 2015/09/17 21:08:09
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Re: Baitcast Level wind SUCK! 2015/09/17 21:51:27 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby xXBeastFeesherManXx 2015/09/18 10:58:02
good advice from Big Steve.  all 6 of those pins should be in the "out" position as you learn to use this reel.  years ago I was told to think of a figure skater about to do her spin.  when her arms are out she's spinning slower, but as she brings her arms in, she picks up speed.  same with your reel.  when all the pins are out, the spool spins slower, all 6 in allows for a faster spin.  also, as you get better with this reel, adjust the pins 2 at a time and as if you were tightening lug nuts, push one in and then the one across from it.  you probably have a dial on the outside of the reel numbered 1-10.  you need to set that correctly too.  I love my bait casters and when I'm casting lures that's all I use.  Don't do much casting anymore but when I'm throwing for northerns it's with my Penn Sargus low profile.  Also good advice from Bare.  I keep my lures in their boxes so I know how much they weigh and this tells me if I have to readjust my reel or not.
post edited by pikepredator2 - 2015/09/17 21:58:15
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Re: Baitcast Level wind SUCK! 2015/09/17 22:05:16 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby xXBeastFeesherManXx 2015/09/18 10:57:14
worth watching if you're trying to figure out you're bait caster.
post edited by pikepredator2 - 2015/09/17 22:09:10
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Re: Baitcast Level wind SUCK! 2015/09/17 23:26:17 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby xXBeastFeesherManXx 2015/09/18 10:58:07
Pikepredator thems some sound advice vids.   
Big Steve I appreciate the "attaboy"...... thank-you.  Something tells me when "Big Steve" speaks; others pay attention as, I've read and found your post to be interesting and very informative.
BFM, only advice left for me to give; don't give up!  
Once you have mastered the reel set-up, work on properly loading the fishing rod.   Just like fly fishing and/or spin casting, it's important to "load the rod" and know when to release.  When casting try leaving the lure hang a foot or so below the rod tip and when overhand casting; try releasing when the rod tip is about 11:00 o'clock (as a starting point).  Remember the 'follow through' allowing the rod to drop, after release, until the rod tip (like your finger) is pointing to the target destination.  Ya almost want to follow the lure through it's flight path.  Press your thumb on the reel spool, stopping line payout before the bait lands on the water, tree tops, bushes or, another boat.
The idea is to have the lure in-line or just slightly higher than the rod tip at the time of release.
Start with slow easy swings and eventually you will be casting with the best of em!
Last but, not least, I enjoyed reading your post..................  Thanks for the memories 'cause BTDT!  (still do)
PS. Don't get caught-up with making a good cast and forget to turn the reel handle to lock the spool.  You ain't never gonna see a 'bird's nest' like your gonna see if ya try setting the hook on a fish without, the spool being locked.
Goodluck and let us know how ya make out. 
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/09/17 23:29:45

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Baitcast Level wind SUCK! 2015/09/18 10:56:58 (permalink)
Wow! Talk about some AWESOME feedback and suggestions! I applaud you all and will definitely try all of the mentioned propositions.
Sounds to me that I'm definitely not the first at the dreaded bird nest shenanigans. I have no plans of giving up any time soon! I will engage all brake pins, slow my cast and focus on thumbing the spool lightly, at or around the 11 o'clock mark; while remembering to follow through and stop the spool once lure stops. I'll follow up here and again, cheers to you all for your helpful insight!
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Re: Baitcast Level wind SUCK! 2015/09/18 11:06:34 (permalink)
A little off topic - A few years back bought the Okuma Bait runner reel and was fishing at a buddies camp on french creek with a big ol' bluegill.
Something started taking it and picking up speed.... I forgot all about the bait runner switch and went to set the hook with 110% power....
Cool sound of the reel speeding up and the biggest Line Afronest you'll ever see.
But with Baitcasters... the more weight when learning the better.
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Re: Baitcast Level wind SUCK! 2015/09/18 11:48:03 (permalink)
BTDT: As I said before "You da man."

OHhhhh Stttttttop...................  ya big silly!

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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