Thoughts on selling boats

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2015/09/01 12:13:23 (permalink)

Thoughts on selling boats

So I need to sell my pontoon boat.  But I have this dilemma.  The pontoon has a nice 15hp merc on it, and I need a 15-20hp for my Erie boat.  Which would make it an Erie + Arthur boat.  If I steal the motor off the toon and discount it the $1500 or so that motor is worth, I'm not sure anyone will buy it.  I know there are people out there who want pontoons with bigger engines on them, but I'm a fishing AND lake guy.  So I really don't know what those guys are looking for.  My choice boils down to this:  list the pontoon as-is for $4500-5k, or scab the motor and list it with no engine for $3k-3500.  
Thoughts/experiences?  At this late point in the season I realize I'm probably storing this boat for the winter either way and selling it come spring.  But I'll still have the same problem.  

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    Erie Mako
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    Re: Thoughts on selling boats 2015/09/02 08:04:32 (permalink)
    From my experience selling boats, most buyers want a "ready to run" boat.
    I think it would be harder to sell it in the spring without a motor...most people that get the bug to go boating want to go "now" and not have to rig an engine on their new toy.
    Also, a serious buyer might want to go for a test ride.
    Another option would be to locate another engine...say 50 horse or so...and let the buyer know that you can lay your hands on bigger power to put on it in short time.

    On the internet, EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion!
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    Re: Thoughts on selling boats 2015/09/03 15:15:40 (permalink)
    If you REALLY like that motor, I'd take it for your other boat but replace it with a used 20 hp of the same make (same controls) on the pontoon.  Might take some time to find it, esp. in western PA.  I would think you would have to expand your search to OH, NY and WV at the min. to locate decently priced used 20 hp. 
    But, I would think the better option would be to sell the toon the way it is and use the funds to buy a 9.9 kicker for your lake boat.
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    Re: Thoughts on selling boats 2015/09/08 20:18:17 (permalink)
    I agree with both of these guys.  You'll be able to sell your toon much sooner with a motor on it.  Without, I would imagine you'd get many window shoppers, taking up your weekends to show and not sell.  You figure that they would need to buy it, then look for a good deal on a nice motor.  Meanwhile looking at other full package toons.
    I'd say sell as a package and list for $500 more than you think you'd get.  If it sells for that price, put that in on a new (or gently used if you could find) 20HP.  If you have to knock that $500 off and an additional $500, then you are in the used 20HP market or 15 or 9.9.  Might as well shoot for what you want and see if that 20HP pushes you as fast as you want to go.  I doubt that it could be your only Erie motor, but might get you barging at 10mph on Artie, rather than barging at 7mph...  If 4 stroke and you get into trolling, you won't be sucking exhaust fumes.
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    Re: Thoughts on selling boats 2015/09/09 16:38:46 (permalink)
    When my 75 horse crapped out on me last year (7/2014) it was no easy task finding another larger horse outboard.  Tons of little ones out there. Very, very little when it came to substantial horse power; especially close to home.  Was seriously considering just buying another boat just for the motor.  Wouldn't even consider buying a boat without a motor just knowing what I went thru last year.
    Kerlly Buttler
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    Flagged as Spam (1)
    Re: Thoughts on selling boats 2020/07/16 04:34:29 (permalink)
    very informative 
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