top water dissapointing

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2015/08/16 10:53:50 (permalink)

top water dissapointing

Is it just me? I can not get bit on my topwater plugs no matter where I go. Normally I do very well on them all over,but this year   I am doing better on plastics.I am talking Bass & Northens. I much rather get hits on top. Fewest amount of fishermen this year than I ever recall,so it is hard to compare notes. Also we are all looking for more pictures. Do you hear that  E-man?  sam

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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/16 22:33:11 (permalink)
    My boy did very well last evening catching largemouth bass on Pop-R's. 
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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/17 12:34:47 (permalink)
    Did well on the Clarion with popper..


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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/17 22:25:55 (permalink)
    Was doing really well buzz baits in the evening at High Point. Also burning spinner baits high. Caught a few on x-raps and Husk Jerks. Nice Large mouths and quite a few pickerel. Haven't fished anywhere but there and the Yough Dam recently. Don't even try top waters there.
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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/18 21:16:59 (permalink)
    W ell, I guess it is me, I was out throwing plugs after the storm & only got 1 blow-up which I missed. I guess I will try somewhere different tomorrow.  sam
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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/18 22:09:14 (permalink)
    Don't worry about it Sam I miss a lot more than I catch.
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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/19 11:00:59 (permalink)
    I don't know if it could get any more exciting than watching a fish 'blow up' on a top water lure.  Be it musky, northern, bass, even crappy and gills crushing the bait as the water explodes.  
    I don't know if it could get any more disheartening than watching your top water lure sailing through the air as the fish dives back into the water.
    I don't know of anything funnier than the expression on a anglers face when they blurt out " AHH @%&!; did you see the size of that fish"!!!
    I've certainly BTDT many times then, one day as the sun was 'just startin' to climb up over the tree tops in the mornin'. 'It was going to be a beautiful day; that was plan to see and I had 'gone fishin' with my buddy Bill. (almost sounds like a song in there)
    Known Bill for a long time, better then thirty years I'd say, and when Bill made recommendations I would (still do) pay attention.  Doesn't matter the subject, be it equipment, fish, lures or, technique I pay attention.
    It was after several frustrating top water misses when I remembered a day I had 'gone fishin' with Bill and he was commenting about this very subject.  "You have to count to one" he said; before setting the hook on a top water strike, you need to count to one.
    Stands to reason; most anglers are taught to 'set the hook' at the first sign of a strike, be it a twitchin rod tip, tck on the line or, a submerging float.
    Not so, says Bill, on top water strikes you have to count to one or your gonna pull the bait right oughta the fishes mouth before it has time to close it's jaws.  This stands true be the strike; a water boiling explosive hit or, a subtle little sipping action, count to one before lifting the rod tip!
    Without further ado, may I introduce to you, my fishing mentor:
    Enjoy and tight lines.....
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/08/19 11:11:38

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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/19 13:35:49 (permalink)
    I've started throwing buzzbaits for the first time this year. Didn't think of the count down before setting the hook like with a frog. Maybe that's why I'm 0 for 3 with them.
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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/19 15:59:06 (permalink)
    I would think that with buzzers, when a fish stops it, it is already in it's mouth,so a pause isn't neccessary. With poppers or other top waters, sometimes a bass just misses or you move it just before he gets the lure. I don't miss too many because I expect to get a hit every time that I Pop it,therefore I am not usually surprised & jerk too soon. That is what usually happens.  sam
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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/19 17:44:09 (permalink)
    That's if it's still moving when it's hit. All 3 came on a pause and then swirl. I set the hook instantly and the buzzbait was out of the water.
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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/19 20:35:34 (permalink)
    btdt, Did you see the video where Jimmy Houston was talking with some kids & admitted that Bill sets up a lot of those bloopers? When Bill,Jimmy & Roland where in there prime & considering the crude (by to-days standard) equipment that they had to use they were phenomanal. Too bad that they are too old to compete on the circuit now,it would be fun to watch. BTW Bill's cameramen should get hazardous duty pay. I went to a couple of trips with guides that Roland reccomended & did well each time.  SON let's go fishing. lol  BTW I read that each of them got skin cancer from being in the sun so much. Hazard of the trade I guess.   sam
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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/19 23:37:33 (permalink)
    Jimmy Houston..............?  Jimmy Houston............?   Why, I'm shocked to hear somebody watches Jimmy Houston!  How could anybody believe a guy with a hair cut like his and he he hee's when he laughs?  
    Just kidding of course, Jimmy Houston is definitely one of the top notch anglers and has a place in the journals of fishing.
    No doubt some staging and acting is included with some of Bill's bloopers but, I think that is true with a lot of these guys.  Where do ya think I learned a lot of my BS from?
    One place I would never want to be a cameraman would be on Martins boat, about one minute of hearing "son", I'd be walking on water toward the dock.  Geez, when that guy hooks a fish he sounds like a broken record.............  SON........ oh son.... son!
    Have a good one Sam, it's always a pleasure...... he he hee...............  Son.

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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/20 11:31:29 (permalink)
    JIMINEE CHRISTMAS  I can't believe my eyes BTDT that borders on the edge of blaspheme.  BTW I still get some strange looks when I say SOOON!  Hank Parker gets on my last nerve when he giggles after every sentence also. They all have a hook to sperate them,like Babe Winkleman waving that empty coffee cup around. Seriously one of my favorites is Doug Stange of In-fisherman until he starts reminding everyone of how they are the leaders in T.V. But they are very informative & show you how to use new things & places.    sam
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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/20 11:51:13 (permalink)
    Hank when he first began, was in my book, top notch when it came to top water baits. Today, I don't care for his program. In-Fisherman was my true go to fishing program when the Lindners were involved. Not so much any more but, several of their books remain in my 'library'. Still watch Al on his new program, from time to time. Wid dat I must say, til next time, good fishing.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/21 12:28:32 (permalink)
    btdt, Did you see the video where Jimmy Houston was talking with some kids & admitted that Bill sets up a lot of those bloopers? When Bill,Jimmy & Roland where in there prime & considering the crude (by to-days standard) equipment that they had to use they were phenomanal. Too bad that they are too old to compete on the circuit now,it would be fun to watch. BTW Bill's cameramen should get hazardous duty pay. I went to a couple of trips with guides that Roland reccomended & did well each time.  SON let's go fishing. lol  BTW I read that each of them got skin cancer from being in the sun so much. Hazard of the trade I guess.   sam

    Plus he's fishing his own personal lakes, so my early suspicions about the bloopers quickly became convictions. When I was with Word FM I had a great time fishing on Lake Arthur filming a show (with the guys who produced "Bobber with a Brain") for which had its share of naturalhilarious bloopers!

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    Re: top water dissapointing 2015/08/25 15:47:32 (permalink)
    Well, It took a change of venue,but I finally got some bass to say aah. I will try some other place now that I know that the POP-R still works. Still few people out,I guess that they are resting up for slimers. BTW a couple of friends have been doing pretty well on Hybrids at Arthur the past 2 weeks during the day.  sam
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