Helpful ReplyErie perchin' 8/15/2015
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Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
Planning to hit Erie again Saturday for trip 2. Making a few tweaks to the boat and we have a 3 man crew (vs 2) this trip. Perch will be the goal, though I think my one buddy has plans to keep/try a couple sheepies. Has anyone tried using creek chubs up there? Assuming that's legal, since they are pretty much everywhere and native. Figured we might put a couple of those out on the bottom while we work for the perch. Then again, might be a waste of time if the walleye are a lot deeper. Will report back here after the trip. If the weather man lied, and it is super windy and wavy, we'll end up in BTDT's lake with out shirts off, bellies out and waving at the girls as we roar up and down the lake at full speed. :)
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/14 21:48:34
Filled up the gas tank today, filled up a big tub with water and tried to start the motor. Nothing. Starts right up on a 6 gal. Tear it all apart, the fricking hose or ball or something is screwed, replace with some part I had and some from the store, works like a champ. Also pulled out the old crappy fish finder and replaced with a Lowrance Elite 4 chirp GPS/finder unit. Boat ready to go, about to hit the sheets. 4am comes early!
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/14 22:23:02
python73 Planning to hit Erie again Saturday for trip 2. Making a few tweaks to the boat and we have a 3 man crew (vs 2) this trip. Perch will be the goal, though I think my one buddy has plans to keep/try a couple sheepies. Has anyone tried using creek chubs up there? Assuming that's legal, since they are pretty much everywhere and native. Figured we might put a couple of those out on the bottom while we work for the perch. Then again, might be a waste of time if the walleye are a lot deeper. Will report back here after the trip. If the weather man lied, and it is super windy and wavy, we'll end up in BTDT's lake with out shirts off, bellies out and waving at the girls as we roar up and down the lake at full speed. :)
That's just a whole lot more I need not know about............................ Good luck tomorrow Ziele, weatherman says partly sunny with mild winds in the morning becoming calm in the afternoon THANK GOODNESS!!!!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/15 19:50:08
It was a beautiful day on Erie. Launched around 8am, cloudy on shore but clear blue skies 1/4 mile out. Only got nicer from there. Lake wasn't flat, but it wasn't crazy choppy either . Steady low level washing machine all day. And... that's the best thing I can say. We didn't catch a single perch out in the lake. Tried everything from 40 out to 55. "Pack" of boats was sitting in that 55 and nobody was catching fish. Talked to some guys back at the dock and they managed 3 perch in 57/58 fow. They said you could barely feel them bite. We marked lots of fish but nothing was biting. Reports from the bait people and the head boats were dismal. On the other hand, the walleye guys were walking across fish. The captain chatter on the CB was about talking people out of perch trips into walleye trips. But I wouldn't know much about that action. We headed into PI bay to poke around and entertained ourselves by killing 3 or 4 dozen gobies and one idiot perch that was trying to grow up off the lake. Ah, we didn't kill the perch, just the gobies. Threw the perch back. Oh, and I hooked a nice smallie... in a couple weeks he'd have broken the 1" mark! SIGH. Worst thing about the day was that my stupid engine, despite much work and effort idles like a beaten dog. Or maybe like a dead dog. Need to have someone check out the low-whatever-jets or some such. Really thinking I should just trade that in on a nice new 20, and only fish Erie when the lake is glass. I could have caught PLENTY of perch on Arthur today, even if they would have been minnows. Eh whatever. The new Lowrance was the bee's knees though. Me like! PS - oh, there were two baby perch and a baby LMB in our bait today. Should have just fished the bait trailer.
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/15 23:26:57
Awwwwww don't give up Zelie, especially on that big motor and remember, nobody was catchin' perch today. I pondered, wondered and, thought before deciding not to try my lake today. Just weren't enough cloud cover for my likin' so I stayed home and played in the sun in my backyard. Got me a new, never been used before bow and, I just had to try it on for size. Dang hot outback but, I could head for the house and get cooled off before headin' back out for another dose of vitamin D3 while playing with my....... toy. Sure hope you have a Bimini top on your new toy, that would of been horrible (in my book), being out on the big lake today without some sort of protection. I would probably have OD-ed on vitamin D3 or, jumped in the water to cool off and got eaten by a giant Gobi or, sumthin'. Maybe even get run over by some old shirtless hairy guy, trying to get his big motor running right! Ya never know! Get that motor looked at and ask for a quote to make her run good. If the motor ain't worth the cost of repair, get yourself a new one just like it, you deserve it! If your gonna put a 20 horse on that 19 footer, ya might as well buy yourself a two man 'Yak'. At least ya would have an excuse for gettin' in every-bodies way. Besides shirtless old hairy guys need big loud motors to show off their.......... boat. Enjoyed your report, sorry ya didn't catch anything and wishin' ya better luck next time. Your friend, and mine. BTDT.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/16 04:46:12
Zelie, I don't know where you fished out of yesterday (Sat. 8/15) but we got into them straight out of Walnut in 48 fow. We watched alot of people in this pack jerking on and off all morning (notice how I worded that?). As I said in my report, nothing great about the size of these perch, but 3 of us left with 85. Actually there wasn't a jumbo in the bunch with alot of average sized 8 to 9 inchers but hey, at least we had fish to clean. And I feel for you with that motor. Mine kinda sh** the bed yesterday too. Had linkage problems heading out and could hardly give her any gas without stalling her coming in. 6 miles out and couldn't get her above 5.5 mph on the trip home.
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/16 09:42:58
Sounds like uice guz could use a good dose of "Sea Foam" or, maybe some "Geritol" or, sumpthin. I gotta get........... gettin nasty looks from the preacher.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/08/16 09:44:23
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/16 13:20:33
Hey Pike Actually heard on the radio that they were hitting off Walnut. Wasn't sure where that was from the East ramp without some google maps, and I'm not much for long boat rides. I toyed with going out to 75 fow and trying to drift into a walleye or two, but we really didn't prepare for that sort of thing. Bummer on the engine. I'd say yours was worse, since I could throttle up all I wanted (and more) after I got past idle. I've had that problem before on a previous boat, something about the throttle not moving freely forward. Never did get it 100% right. BTDT - my carb guy said maybe add a can of carb cleaner or whatever. I'll have to do that and then come buzz around Shenango with my shirt off. :)
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/16 13:27:34
Hmmm. Looks like Walnut is a good bit West of PI. It looks shallow as heck from the sat pics. Is there a bait shop closeby or between 79 and there? That one in the East launch lot is super convenient.
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/16 14:07:01
☄ Helpfulby ZelieSam 2015/08/16 15:44:57
python73 Hmmm. Looks like Walnut is a good bit West of PI. It looks shallow as heck from the sat pics. Is there a bait shop closeby or between 79 and there? That one in the East launch lot is super convenient.
Look up 'Poor Richard's' bait shop, pretty close to Walnut and they usually have minnows if they are available and haven't sold out.
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/16 15:59:01
Hey pikepredator2 , I still haven't given up on getting out with you. Just had way too many things popping up around here. I'm still trying to get out there......Al
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/16 18:26:48
Poor Richards bait and tackle is right down the road from Dutch Rd which will take you down to Walnut but I'm hearing Richards is getting real stingy with the minnies. My buddy lives in Harborcreek and stops at East Erie angler and gets goldens. If you're coming from the other direction, Manchester Rd takes you down to Walnut. Actually, Dutch and Manchester form one big U. Zelie, I don't know where you're coming from but you have to follow the fishing and learn the other marinas, Northeast, Shades, East Ave, Walnut. We could really use another launch in northwest Erie. And talk about deja vu all over again, went out on my buddy's 22 footer this morning. Beautiful day to be on the lake and son of a gun, his linkage goes as we were setting the first rod. He toyed with it for a while trying to get it and the idle right but we couldn't get it to stay running, so we just cranked up the idle and limped back into East Ave. I'm seeing some pics on the Facebook perch/walleye site where some really got into the eyes today (Sunday 8/16). Figures! OH, IMPORTANT. THE EXIT OFF 90 AND 98 (Fairview) IS STILL CLOSED FOR REPAIRS SO TAKE THAT INTO CONSIDERATION WHICHEVER WAY YOU'RE COMING FROM.
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/16 18:28:22
Thanks B.A., we had an unexpected family loss 2 weeks ago and I haven't been out myself until yesterday and today.
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Re: Erie perchin' 8/15/2015
2015/08/16 19:51:15
pikepredator2Zelie, I don't know where you're coming from Hint: Zelie is short for Zelienople. :) I come straight up 79 and I'm not attached to any particular marina. Not sure how I'd pick a marina based on fishing before I get there though. The guys at the ramps seem very nice and willing to share what they heard and how they did, including where, how deep and what bait. Heck even what rig and method if you chat long enough. But not so much here. I'm willing to launch closer to the fish as long as I'm still in PA. Sorry to hear about your loss.