AWWWW c'mon I'm just kidding............. I been waiting to use that emoji for a looooooong time!
Congratulations on your maiden voyage and catching some dandy perch.
Just for the record, I had people watchin' for ya and now I know why they didn't see your boat. They were looking for and old grumpy dude in a 19.5' STARCRAFT with a 80hp loud motor. Could of swore, somewhere, you said you bought a STARCRAFT with spongy floors...... silly me!
Hey if you're open for some suggestions for remodeling your boat this winter; put in a rear bench type seat across the back of the boat, great place to "safely" store life jackets.

(like using this one too)
Buddy of mine has a 20hp pushing a 19.5' Sylvan and he seems to be satisfied with the performance when he's on the limited horsepower lakes. Says it gives him the feeling of being in a "sailboat."
However, I would recommend holding onto the 80hp and hang a 20hp along side of it for the time being...... just in case you might need to return the tidal waves created by some idjut strutin his stuff towing screaming kids on an overloaded, rubber replica of the Loch Ness Monster between you and the shore.
There's always some old hairy guy looking for a big motor to show his junk off so, I wouldn't think you'd have trouble selling the 80 if you find your satisfied with a 20/30.
Last but not least, I appreciate the thought of an invite to fish Lake Erie with you and some of your friends and to show what kind of guy I am, I'd like you to have these co-ordinates for your GPS. Please feel free to use them anytime you're headed to the big lake, 41.620193, -80.169384...
No, there not the location for a hot spot on Lake Erie (you should know I don't spot burn!) but, they are the coordinates for Sheetz off of I-79 at Meadville, PA. (couldn't resist, honest, I just couldn't)
Truly happy to hear you had (almost) a trouble free maiden voyage and wish you many more. Enjoyed your story, especially about the jumbo Perch. Unfortunately, we both know, "It Don't Count If, There's No Pictures!" (uh boy, I bet I hear about that remark)
I gotta get...............

(this one also)