arthur wipers oh the struggle!

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2015/07/22 07:59:00 (permalink)

arthur wipers oh the struggle!

Went up to arthur sat night with a buddy to the shannon bay region for some wiper action from shore. Had what we thought where schools of alwives all around us hitting the surface. Now awlves from what i looked up are 6-18 inches long. But saw nothing catch a single fish any tips or tricks?

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    Re: arthur wipers oh the struggle! 2015/07/22 08:40:39 (permalink)
    Top water lures reeled in slooowly works if your not using live bait. 
    I've had luck with jitterbugs, bomber long a's and some other stick baits that float. 
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    Re: arthur wipers oh the struggle! 2015/07/22 11:05:47 (permalink)
    18" alewives?  They get about 9" long as full adults, and that's plenty big let me tell you.  Anything bigger than that is probably a gizzard shad (same ballpark but different shape and they get huge).
    As for tips... put in your time on the water.  If you were in the schools of bait you were in the right place.  The wipers don't always feed aggressively, it is a matter of right place + right time.  Sometimes they just aren't eating.
    Good luck out there.
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    Re: arthur wipers oh the struggle! 2015/07/22 12:27:47 (permalink)
    We tried jitter bugs infact using the ones for musky um 4 to 5 inch shad colored poppers buzz baits whopper ploppers top raiders spoons husky jerks berkley power pogs. Everything but live bait was wondering if we where to shallow thinking a shallow flat to a deep drop off might be best.
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    Re: arthur wipers oh the struggle! 2015/07/22 13:40:42 (permalink)
    18" alewives?  They get about 9" long as full adults, and that's plenty big let me tell you.  Anything bigger than that is probably a gizzard shad (same ballpark but different shape and they get huge).
    As for tips... put in your time on the water.  If you were in the schools of bait you were in the right place.  The wipers don't always feed aggressively, it is a matter of right place + right time.  Sometimes they just aren't eating.
    Good luck out there.

    Tell me about it........  Dragging live bait on Shenango yesterday, no 'wipers', no 'eyes', no 'nothing'.  Stupid fish anyway.
    Hey Zelie..........  when ya gonna bring that new Starcraft up and splash around Shenango?
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/07/22 13:50:44

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: arthur wipers oh the struggle! 2015/07/22 14:58:47 (permalink)
    Stripers don't care how shallow they have to go to eat.  If I saw them hitchhiking down 422 I wouldn't be shocked.  Which isn't to say they don't go/stay/eat deep also.  The thing I figured out about stripers this year, with some help mind you, is: yes.  Yes, they are doing or capable of doing whatever you might think up and ask.  But only the stripers know WHEN they'll be doing that.  Again... time on the water is the only answer.  You can take the best pattern from the best striper killer on this board and go fish in his favorite spot on a day and time he picks for you, and you shouldn't be shocked when you don't hook up.  Doesn't make any of his advice bad.  That's striper fishing.  
    BTDT - heading right past you Saturday to hit Erie.  Maiden voyage.  I'll probably be in your back yard before the year is over unless I buy a nice kicker.  
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    Re: arthur wipers oh the struggle! 2015/07/22 22:49:13 (permalink)
    I,ve caught inactive fish by blowing up a night crawler on a floating jighead . Just let them sit using a sliding sinker. Keep a close eye on your rod ...

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    Re: arthur wipers oh the struggle! 2015/07/24 19:05:14 (permalink)
    Long A bomber,shallow runner,long cast sloooow retrieve. 
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    Re: arthur wipers oh the struggle! 2015/07/27 08:14:58 (permalink)
    I personally don't target them at night much past 7/4, although many still do successfully.  The water is warm, and fish will be hanging out deep during the day.  Try focusing on some shore lines near deeper sections of the lake. 
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    Re: arthur wipers oh the struggle! 2015/07/29 10:10:38 (permalink)
    Pork town I had a feeling that tryng to find drop offs and channels is better. Shad and herring are pelagic so they are following them.
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    Re: arthur wipers oh the struggle! 2015/07/29 13:50:53 (permalink)
    Yep, although much of their food is at the surface.  They should be schooled up rather well during the day in the pelagic depths, often times though, they move to the surface to sip the plankton.  The wipers will usually be hanging pretty deep during the day, to be in their comfort zone.  80 degree + water is not where they want to be, unless there is a ton of food.  If you can find these schools of sipping alewives, often times the wipers will unleash on them.  Although, it usually only happens for a few seconds, and often I am 100+ yards away, and by the time I am able to get to them, it is done...  At this time of the year, I only target them from a boat, most times well beyond reach from shore.  Although, there are some shore spots that can reach them, if they happen to pass by.  I'd focus towards the deeper half of the lake and find some drop offs, channels or other man made structure that the alewives will follow.  Dusk and dawn seem the best, and often come out of the depths a little.
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