Helpful ReplyFirst Erie outing Saturday; launch advice?

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2015/07/20 10:32:55 (permalink)

First Erie outing Saturday; launch advice?

Hey all.  Going to head up to Erie this Saturday.  Figure we'll leave around 5am and get up there by 7am.  Looking for a launch with a bait store for shiners, or a launch with a bait store to hit close by.  Dragging a 19.5' starcraft, should be able to launch pretty much anywhere half decent.  Plan to run out a mile or two and bottom bounce for perch.  I'm assuming that on a nice weekend day there should be a "pack" wherever the perch are, which should get us into the right ballpark.  
Any launch advice is appreciated.  There aren't any recent threads about the available public launches.  We're coming up 79, fine with launching anywhere reasonable.  Thanks!
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Re: First Erie outing Saturday; launch advice? 2015/07/20 11:16:38 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Pie 2015/07/20 13:38:56
East Ave Launch has a bait shop right at the ramp
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Re: First Erie outing Saturday; launch advice? 2015/07/20 14:00:30 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby ZelieSam 2015/07/20 23:14:40
I agree, East ave. would be best. Not sure how familiar you are with the area but 79 turns into the Bayfront pkwy. Follow the Bayfront east until you get to Port access rd. Go straight at the light and you'll end up on East ave. Hang a left down the hill and follow the rd. The pack will probably be 4 miles or so out off of Presque Isle. Good luck.
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Re: First Erie outing Saturday; launch advice? 2015/07/20 23:15:14 (permalink)
Thanks fellas.  Seems like a good plan.  Will report back after our trip.
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Re: First Erie outing Saturday; launch advice? 2015/07/21 00:55:41 (permalink)
Hey Sam, have a ball and here's wishin' fair weather for ur fishin'.  Catch a bunch................
I'll be watchin' for ya, blow your horn when ya go by.
PS.  I hear they got some big azz sailboats on that lake and lot of "old hairy guys" with really, really loud motors!

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Re: First Erie outing Saturday; launch advice? 2015/07/21 06:48:03 (permalink)
That's my favorite place to launch and fish. Jus Sayin
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