Lake Arthur water conditions

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2015/06/18 12:55:19 (permalink)

Lake Arthur water conditions

I would like to get out on Arthur Friday. Can anyone tell me the water conditions - too high, lots of debris, very iffy? Etc. thanks.

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    Re: Lake Arthur water conditions 2015/06/18 13:57:29 (permalink)
    Arthur is not a flood control reservoir like Shenango, nor a large feeder river, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being too high.  I've never had issues with debris there either.  It is almost always stained, so expect it will be after the rains.  The amount of rain might have the fish acting differently, but they don't hold back the water in it to flood control like other reservoirs managed by the USACE.  It would take a substantial amount of rain to really effect Arthur.
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    Re: Lake Arthur water conditions 2015/06/18 15:19:13 (permalink)
    My son and I waded for wipers last night.  Water is definitely higher than normal, but boat traffic seemed to be pretty typical for a Wednesday night.  Lots of boats coming in around 10 PM at the 528 launch  - would imagine a bass tourney.  Normal amount of boat traffic otherwise in the couple spots we fished around the lake.  Other than ramps being a little deeper than normal, would guess you'll be just fine tomorrow based on what we saw.  
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    Re: Lake Arthur water conditions 2015/06/18 16:22:59 (permalink)
    YES.  It will be too high (but only by inches), and it will be iffy.  If "iffy" means all the fish are wondering when the F all the rain will stop.  Pork doesn't lie (most of the time) about the water clarity.  There's no such thing at Arthur.  Expect somewhere between light coffee and light soupy green.  But also keep in mind that is pretty much how it always is.  Arthur has clear water like 4 days per year.  The only debris would be garbage from jerks that can't be bothered with trash cans.  And kayaks, of course.  But those are more "flotsam" than debris.  
    We'll be out Friday evening.  Look for all the boats and dudes fishing right on top of each other.  That's where we WON'T be.  :)
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    Re: Lake Arthur water conditions 2015/06/19 11:28:56 (permalink)
    The only debris would be garbage from jerks that can't be bothered with trash cans.  And kayaks, of course. 

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    Re: Lake Arthur water conditions 2015/06/20 18:22:31 (permalink)
    Hey Pork, did you hit the lake this weekend?  YIKES!  The cement docks were barely above the water, and I mean barely.  That lake was a solid foot high.  The fish has no idea where they were supposed to be.  But at least it didn't fricking rain up there (yesterday).  Today... not so much.
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    Re: Lake Arthur water conditions 2015/06/27 12:16:17 (permalink)
    Fished Arthur twice this week. Both evenings we caught a boatload of walleyes under 10 inches. It was like fishing for bluegills. Should be a fun time in three or four years when that class is big enough to keep. Did get a few keepers but none over twenty inches. On a side note, if you use the porters cove launch watch the ditch along side the road. It's eroded a little where a pipe goes under it. I found the hole with my trailer tire which bottomed out my trailer, which somehow knocked off my motor toter which broke a big chunk of the casting off the side of it. So I got that going for me.
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    Re: Lake Arthur water conditions 2015/07/01 18:55:13 (permalink)
    Lake Arthur is the highest I have ever seen.  The old route 422 boat launch was flooded. Best estimate is one foot higher than normal.  Over the course of the day it looked like the water was going down.The 528 and Bear Run launch ramps still look usable.
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    Re: Lake Arthur water conditions 2015/08/01 21:47:25 (permalink)
    I think the lake is about normal for this time of year. Water is warm, around 81 degrees and bright green. Fishing was very slow today and earlier in the week. Fishing shallow and under lily pads and weeds just wasn't the answer for me.
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    Re: Lake Arthur water conditions 2015/08/03 21:03:54 (permalink)
    Was there last weekend water is hot but I like the lake now I know more bout it I'm going Wednesday all day hitting it hard .

    Mercury jet, & Tohotsu prop.  Lowes boat, ST. Croix poles Shimano reels .
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